add 38c3 fonts
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Copyright (c) 2019-2022, Anton Moglia <> & Jérémy Landes <>
with Reserved Font Name "Pilowlava".
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FONTLOG for Pilowlava
This file provides detailed information on the Pilowlava font software.
Basic Font Information
Pilowlava is a custom typeface designed by [Anton Moglia]( & [Jérémy Landes]( for [Cercle Magazine]( and released by [Velvetyne Type Foundry](
Information for Contributors
See the project website for the current trunk and the various branches:
When you make modifications, be sure to add a description of your changes,
following the format of the other entries, to the start of this section.
26 April 2019 (Anton Moglia / Jérémy Landes) Pilowlava v0.1
- Initial push of font "Pilowlava"
18 March 2022 (Maksym Kobuzan) Pilowlava v1.1
- Added support for Cyrillic
20 May 2024 (Anton Moglia) Pilowlava v1.2
- Added custom version walled "Atome" with perforations in the letters to imitate climbing holds.
When you make modifications, be sure to add your name (N), email (E),
web-address (W) and description (D). This list is sorted by last name in
alphabetical order.
N: Anton Moglia
D: Typeface designer
N: Jérémy Landes
D: Typeface designer
N: Maksym Kobuzan
D: Typeface designer for the Cyrillic
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@ -0,0 +1,106 @@
Copyright (c) 2019-2022, Anton Moglia <> & Jérémy Landes <>
with Reserved Font Name "Pilowlava".
This Font Software is licensed under the SIL Open Font License, Version 1.1.
This license is copied below, and is also available with a FAQ at:
SIL Open Font License v1.1
The goals of the Open Font License (OFL) are to stimulate worldwide
development of collaborative font projects, to support the font creation
efforts of academic and linguistic communities, and to provide a free and
open framework in which fonts may be shared and improved in partnership
with others.
The OFL allows the licensed fonts to be used, studied, modified and
redistributed freely as long as they are not sold by themselves. The
fonts, including any derivative works, can be bundled, embedded,
redistributed and/or sold with any software provided that any reserved
names are not used by derivative works. The fonts and derivatives,
however, cannot be released under any other type of license. The
requirement for fonts to remain under this license does not apply
to any document created using the fonts or their derivatives.
`"Font Software"` refers to the set of files released by the Copyright
Holder(s) under this license and clearly marked as such. This may
include source files, build scripts and documentation.
`"Reserved Font Name"` refers to any names specified as such after the
copyright statement(s).
`"Original Version"` refers to the collection of Font Software components as
distributed by the Copyright Holder(s).
`"Modified Version"` refers to any derivative made by adding to, deleting,
or substituting -- in part or in whole -- any of the components of the
Original Version, by changing formats or by porting the Font Software to a
new environment.
`"Author"` refers to any designer, engineer, programmer, technical
writer or other person who contributed to the Font Software.
Permission & Conditions
Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining
a copy of the Font Software, to use, study, copy, merge, embed, modify,
redistribute, and sell modified and unmodified copies of the Font
Software, subject to the following conditions:
1. Neither the Font Software nor any of its individual components,
in Original or Modified Versions, may be sold by itself.
2. Original or Modified Versions of the Font Software may be bundled,
redistributed and/or sold with any software, provided that each copy
contains the above copyright notice and this license. These can be
included either as stand-alone text files, human-readable headers or
in the appropriate machine-readable metadata fields within text or
binary files as long as those fields can be easily viewed by the user.
3. No Modified Version of the Font Software may use the Reserved Font
Name(s) unless explicit written permission is granted by the corresponding
Copyright Holder. This restriction only applies to the primary font name as
presented to the users.
4. The name(s) of the Copyright Holder(s) or the Author(s) of the Font
Software shall not be used to promote, endorse or advertise any
Modified Version, except to acknowledge the contribution(s) of the
Copyright Holder(s) and the Author(s) or with their explicit written
5. The Font Software, modified or unmodified, in part or in whole,
must be distributed entirely under this license, and must not be
distributed under any other license. The requirement for fonts to
remain under this license does not apply to any document created
using the Font Software.
This license becomes null and void if any of the above conditions are
not met.
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unified font repository version: "0.2"
unified font repository url:
typeface family:
name: Pilowlava
- cursive
- decorative
- caps
repository url:
project url:
project status: prublished
- Glyphs
similar fonts:
sample text:
- en_us: The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog
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# Pilowlava (V1.2)
Pilowlava is a custom typeface designed by [Anton Moglia]( & [Jérémy Landes]( for [Cercle Magazine]( and released by [Velvetyne Type Foundry]( in 2019.
Support for Cyrillic was added in 2022 by [Maksym Kobuzan](
In 2024, [Anton Moglia]( introduced "Pilowlava Atome", a custom version with interior perforations in the letters to imitate climbing holds, developed for the climbing gym [Atome]( in Annecy. The idea for this version came from a poster designed by graphic designer [Gabriel Robert](
Pilowlava (sic) was born as an intuitive, fast-paced creative feedback loop in which its creators tried to amaze one another. The result is a typeface that recalls cooled lava flows drawn with a compass. Striving to please both its parents, Pilowlava seeks a balance between viscous energy and controlled geometry. The structures of its glyphs are mostly derived from hand-written dynamics, that feed from both calligraphic and graffiti references. All these sweet inconsistencies produce a vacillating, fluctuating typographic colour, delayed (?) by the almost-mathematical tension of its curves. Under a hardened crust, Pilowlava awaits the smallest heat rise to recover its viscosity. The alternate shapes of certains letters play out these thermic accidents and raise the temperature of the text.
It takes its name from pillow lavas, a natural phenomenon that is produced when lava is expelled by an underwater volcano. In contact with water, the lava flow is so hot that it's coated in a glass film. Not being totally cooled down, it transforms into smooth pillows that continue to grow slowly. This way, lava creates tubes and viscous balls that pile up and shape one another, and then they aggregate in puffy clusters that can measure several meters. Pilowlava is available at Velvetyne from today on. It's cost free, and can be freely used, modified and distributed for all of your burning needs.
Contribute or download it on [Velvetyne Type Foundry](
## Specimen




## License
Pilowlava is licensed under the SIL Open Font License, Version 1.1.
This license is copied below, and is also available with a FAQ at
## Repository Layout
This font repository follows the Unified Font Repository v2.0,
a standard way to organize font project source files. Learn more at
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Pilowlava is a trademark of Velvetyne Type Foundry.
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After Width: | Height: | Size: 344 KiB |
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# automatic
@All = [ A Aacute Abreve Acaron Acircumflex Adieresis Agrave Amacron Aogonek Aring Atilde AE B C Cacute Ccaron Ccedilla Cdotaccent D Eth Dcaron Dcroat E Eacute Ecaron Ecircumflex Edieresis Edotaccent Egrave Emacron Eogonek F G Gbreve Gcommaaccent Gdotaccent H Hbar I Iacute Icircumflex Idieresis Idotaccent Igrave Imacron J K Kcommaaccent L Lacute Lcaron Lslash M N Nacute Ncaron Ncommaaccent Eng Ntilde O Oacute Ocircumflex Odieresis Ograve Ohungarumlaut Omacron Oslash Otilde OE P Thorn Q R Racute Rcaron Rcommaaccent S Sacute Scaron Scedilla Scommaaccent T Tbar Tcaron Tcedilla Tcommaaccent U Uacute Ucircumflex Udieresis Ugrave Uhungarumlaut Umacron Uogonek Uring V W Wacute Wcircumflex Wdieresis Wgrave X Y Yacute Ycircumflex Ydieresis Ygrave Z Zacute Zcaron Zdotaccent O.2 O.3 O.4 Oacute.2 Oacute.3 Oacute.4 Ocircumflex.2 Ocircumflex.3 Ocircumflex.4 Odieresis.2 Odieresis.3 Odieresis.4 Ograve.2 Ograve.3 Ograve.4 Ohungarumlaut.2 Ohungarumlaut.3 Ohungarumlaut.4 Omacron.2 Omacron.3 Omacron.4 Otilde.2 Otilde.3 Otilde.4 B.ss01 C.ss01 Cacute.ss01 Ccaron.ss01 Ccedilla.ss01 D.ss01 E.ss01 Eacute.ss01 Ecaron.ss01 Ecircumflex.ss01 Edieresis.ss01 Edotaccent.ss01 Egrave.ss01 Emacron.ss01 Eogonek.ss01 H.ss01 K.ss01 Kcommaaccent.ss01 M.ss01 N.ss01 Nacute.ss01 Ncaron.ss01 Ncommaaccent.ss01 Ntilde.ss01 S.ss01 Sacute.ss01 Scaron.ss01 Scedilla.ss01 T.ss01 Tbar.ss01 Tcaron.ss01 Tcedilla.ss01 U.ss01 Uacute.ss01 Ucircumflex.ss01 Udieresis.ss01 Ugrave.ss01 Uhungarumlaut.ss01 Umacron.ss01 Uogonek.ss01 Uring.ss01 V.ss01 X.ss01 A.ss02 Aacute.ss02 Abreve.ss02 Acircumflex.ss02 Adieresis.ss02 Agrave.ss02 Amacron.ss02 Aogonek.ss02 Aring.ss02 Atilde.ss02 V.ss02 A.ss03 Aacute.ss03 Abreve.ss03 Acircumflex.ss03 Adieresis.ss03 Agrave.ss03 Amacron.ss03 Aogonek.ss03 Aring.ss03 Atilde.ss03 E.ss03 Eacute.ss03 Ecaron.ss03 Ecircumflex.ss03 Edieresis.ss03 Edotaccent.ss03 Egrave.ss03 Emacron.ss03 Eogonek.ss03 G.ss03 J.ss03 M.ss03 S.ss03 T.ss03 U.ss03 Uacute.ss03 Ucircumflex.ss03 Udieresis.ss03 Ugrave.ss03 W.ss03 Wacute.ss03 Wcircumflex.ss03 Wdieresis.ss03 Wgrave.ss03 A.ss04 S.ss04 V.ss04 W.ss04 germandbls ordmasculine A-cy Be-cy Ve-cy Ge-cy Gje-cy Gheupturn-cy De-cy Ie-cy Iegrave-cy Io-cy Zhe-cy Ze-cy Ii-cy Iishort-cy Iigrave-cy Ka-cy Kje-cy El-cy Em-cy En-cy O-cy Pe-cy Er-cy Es-cy Te-cy U-cy Ushort-cy Ef-cy Ha-cy Che-cy Tse-cy Sha-cy Shcha-cy Dzhe-cy Softsign-cy Hardsign-cy Yeru-cy Lje-cy Nje-cy Dze-cy E-cy Ereversed-cy I-cy Yi-cy Je-cy Tshe-cy Iu-cy Ia-cy Dje-cy O-cy.2 O-cy.3 O-cy.4 De-cy.loclBGR El-cy.loclBGR Ef-cy.loclBGR Ve-cy.ss01 Ie-cy.ss01 Iegrave-cy.ss01 Io-cy.ss01 Zhe-cy.ss01 Ze-cy.ss01 Ii-cy.ss01 Iishort-cy.ss01 Iigrave-cy.ss01 Ka-cy.ss01 Kje-cy.ss01 Em-cy.ss01 En-cy.ss01 Pe-cy.ss01 Es-cy.ss01 Te-cy.ss01 Ef-cy.ss01 Ha-cy.ss01 Dzhe-cy.ss01 Dze-cy.ss01 E-cy.ss01 Ereversed-cy.ss01 Iu-cy.ss01 Ef-cy.loclBGR.ss01 A-cy.ss02 De-cy.ss02 El-cy.ss02 A-cy.ss03 Ie-cy.ss03 Iegrave-cy.ss03 Io-cy.ss03 Ze-cy.ss03 Ii-cy.ss03 Iishort-cy.ss03 Iigrave-cy.ss03 Em-cy.ss03 Te-cy.ss03 Sha-cy.ss03 Shcha-cy.ss03 Dze-cy.ss03 E-cy.ss03 Ereversed-cy.ss03 Je-cy.ss03 Tshe-cy.ss03 Iu-cy.ss03 Dje-cy.ss03 A-cy.ss04 El-cy.ss04 Dze-cy.ss04 Sha-cy.ss05 Shcha-cy.ss05 tse-cy sha-cy shcha-cy zero one two three four five six seven eight nine period comma colon semicolon ellipsis exclam exclamdown question questiondown periodcentered bullet asterisk numbersign slash backslash question.ss01 parenleft parenright braceleft braceright bracketleft bracketright hyphen endash emdash underscore quotesinglbase quotedblbase quotedblleft quotedblright quoteleft quoteright guillemetleft guillemetright guilsinglleft guilsinglright quotedbl quotesingle space dollar euro sterling equal asciicircum percent at ampersand degree numero ampersand.ss03 ampersand.ss04 apostrophemod dieresiscomb dotaccentcomb gravecomb acutecomb hungarumlautcomb circumflexcomb caroncomb brevecomb ringcomb tildecomb macroncomb commaaccentcomb cedillacomb ogonekcomb dieresis dotaccent grave acute hungarumlaut circumflex caron breve ring tilde macron cedilla brevecomb-cy lava VTF ];
@ss01 = [ ];
@ss02 = [ ];
@ss03 = [ ];
@ss04 = [ ];
@alt1from = [ O Oacute Ocircumflex Odieresis Ograve Ohungarumlaut Omacron Otilde B E Eacute Ecaron Ecircumflex Edieresis Edotaccent Egrave Emacron Eogonek H K Kcommaaccent M N Nacute Ncaron Ncommaaccent S Sacute Scaron Scedilla T Tbar Tcaron Tcedilla U Uacute Ucircumflex Udieresis Ugrave Uhungarumlaut Umacron Uogonek Uring V X O-cy Ve-cy Ie-cy Iegrave-cy Io-cy Zhe-cy Ze-cy Ii-cy Iishort-cy Iigrave-cy Ka-cy Kje-cy Em-cy En-cy Pe-cy Es-cy Te-cy Ef-cy Ha-cy Dzhe-cy Dze-cy E-cy Ereversed-cy Iu-cy Ef-cy.loclBGR ];
@alt1to = [ O.2 Oacute.2 Ocircumflex.2 Odieresis.2 Ograve.2 Ohungarumlaut.2 Omacron.2 Otilde.2 B.ss01 E.ss01 Eacute.ss01 Ecaron.ss01 Ecircumflex.ss01 Edieresis.ss01 Edotaccent.ss01 Egrave.ss01 Emacron.ss01 Eogonek.ss01 H.ss01 K.ss01 Kcommaaccent.ss01 M.ss01 N.ss01 Nacute.ss01 Ncaron.ss01 Ncommaaccent.ss01 S.ss01 Sacute.ss01 Scaron.ss01 Scedilla.ss01 T.ss01 Tbar.ss01 Tcaron.ss01 Tcedilla.ss01 U.ss01 Uacute.ss01 Ucircumflex.ss01 Udieresis.ss01 Ugrave.ss01 Uhungarumlaut.ss01 Umacron.ss01 Uogonek.ss01 Uring.ss01 V.ss01 X O-cy.2 Ve-cy.ss01 Ie-cy.ss01 Iegrave-cy.ss01 Io-cy.ss01 Zhe-cy.ss01 Ze-cy.ss01 Ii-cy.ss01 Iishort-cy.ss01 Iigrave-cy.ss01 Ka-cy.ss01 Kje-cy.ss01 Em-cy.ss01 En-cy.ss01 Pe-cy.ss01 Es-cy.ss01 Te-cy.ss01 Ef-cy.ss01 Ha-cy.ss01 Dzhe-cy.ss01 Dze-cy.ss01 E-cy.ss01 Ereversed-cy.ss01 Iu-cy.ss01 Ef-cy.loclBGR.ss01 ];
@basiques = [ A Aacute Acircumflex Adieresis Agrave Aring Atilde AE B C Ccedilla D Eth E Eacute Ecircumflex Edieresis Egrave F G H I Iacute Icircumflex Idieresis Igrave J K L M N Ntilde O Oacute Ocircumflex Odieresis Ograve Oslash OE P Thorn Q R S T U Uacute Ucircumflex Udieresis Ugrave V W Wacute Wcircumflex Wdieresis Wgrave X Y Yacute Ycircumflex Ydieresis Ygrave Z A-cy Be-cy Ve-cy Ge-cy Gje-cy Gheupturn-cy De-cy Ie-cy Iegrave-cy Io-cy Zhe-cy Ze-cy Ii-cy Iishort-cy Iigrave-cy Ka-cy Kje-cy El-cy Em-cy En-cy O-cy Pe-cy Er-cy Es-cy Te-cy U-cy Ushort-cy Ef-cy Ha-cy Che-cy Tse-cy Sha-cy Shcha-cy Dzhe-cy Softsign-cy Hardsign-cy Yeru-cy Lje-cy Nje-cy Dze-cy E-cy Ereversed-cy I-cy Yi-cy Je-cy Tshe-cy Iu-cy Ia-cy Dje-cy ];
# Prefix: Languagesystems
# automatic
languagesystem DFLT dflt;
languagesystem latn dflt;
languagesystem latn ROM;
languagesystem latn MOL;
languagesystem cyrl dflt;
languagesystem cyrl BGR;
feature aalt {
# automatic
feature locl;
feature ordn;
feature salt;
feature ss01;
feature ss02;
feature ss03;
feature ss04;
feature calt;
feature ss05;
} aalt;
feature locl {
# automatic
lookup locl_latn_0 {
script latn;
language ROM;
language MOL;
sub Scedilla by Scommaaccent;
sub Tcedilla by Tcommaaccent;
} locl_latn_0;
lookup locl_cyrl_0 {
script cyrl;
language BGR;
sub De-cy by De-cy.loclBGR;
sub El-cy by El-cy.loclBGR;
sub Ef-cy by Ef-cy.loclBGR;
} locl_cyrl_0;
} locl;
feature ordn {
# automatic
sub [zero one two three four five six seven eight nine] [O]' by ordmasculine;
} ordn;
feature salt {
# automatic
sub B by B.ss01;
sub C by C.ss01;
sub Cacute by Cacute.ss01;
sub Ccaron by Ccaron.ss01;
sub Ccedilla by Ccedilla.ss01;
sub D by D.ss01;
sub E by E.ss01;
sub Eacute by Eacute.ss01;
sub Ecaron by Ecaron.ss01;
sub Ecircumflex by Ecircumflex.ss01;
sub Edieresis by Edieresis.ss01;
sub Edotaccent by Edotaccent.ss01;
sub Egrave by Egrave.ss01;
sub Emacron by Emacron.ss01;
sub Eogonek by Eogonek.ss01;
sub H by H.ss01;
sub K by K.ss01;
sub Kcommaaccent by Kcommaaccent.ss01;
sub M by M.ss01;
sub N by N.ss01;
sub Nacute by Nacute.ss01;
sub Ncaron by Ncaron.ss01;
sub Ncommaaccent by Ncommaaccent.ss01;
sub Ntilde by Ntilde.ss01;
sub S by S.ss01;
sub Sacute by Sacute.ss01;
sub Scaron by Scaron.ss01;
sub Scedilla by Scedilla.ss01;
sub T by T.ss01;
sub Tbar by Tbar.ss01;
sub Tcaron by Tcaron.ss01;
sub Tcedilla by Tcedilla.ss01;
sub U by U.ss01;
sub Uacute by Uacute.ss01;
sub Ucircumflex by Ucircumflex.ss01;
sub Udieresis by Udieresis.ss01;
sub Ugrave by Ugrave.ss01;
sub Uhungarumlaut by Uhungarumlaut.ss01;
sub Umacron by Umacron.ss01;
sub Uogonek by Uogonek.ss01;
sub Uring by Uring.ss01;
sub V by V.ss01;
sub X by X.ss01;
sub Ve-cy by Ve-cy.ss01;
sub Ie-cy by Ie-cy.ss01;
sub Iegrave-cy by Iegrave-cy.ss01;
sub Io-cy by Io-cy.ss01;
sub Zhe-cy by Zhe-cy.ss01;
sub Ze-cy by Ze-cy.ss01;
sub Ii-cy by Ii-cy.ss01;
sub Iishort-cy by Iishort-cy.ss01;
sub Iigrave-cy by Iigrave-cy.ss01;
sub Ka-cy by Ka-cy.ss01;
sub Kje-cy by Kje-cy.ss01;
sub Em-cy by Em-cy.ss01;
sub En-cy by En-cy.ss01;
sub Pe-cy by Pe-cy.ss01;
sub Es-cy by Es-cy.ss01;
sub Te-cy by Te-cy.ss01;
sub Ef-cy by Ef-cy.ss01;
sub Ha-cy by Ha-cy.ss01;
sub Dzhe-cy by Dzhe-cy.ss01;
sub Dze-cy by Dze-cy.ss01;
sub E-cy by E-cy.ss01;
sub Ereversed-cy by Ereversed-cy.ss01;
sub Iu-cy by Iu-cy.ss01;
sub Ef-cy.loclBGR by Ef-cy.loclBGR.ss01;
sub question by question.ss01;
} salt;
feature ss01 {
# automatic
sub B by B.ss01;
sub C by C.ss01;
sub Cacute by Cacute.ss01;
sub Ccaron by Ccaron.ss01;
sub Ccedilla by Ccedilla.ss01;
sub D by D.ss01;
sub E by E.ss01;
sub Eacute by Eacute.ss01;
sub Ecaron by Ecaron.ss01;
sub Ecircumflex by Ecircumflex.ss01;
sub Edieresis by Edieresis.ss01;
sub Edotaccent by Edotaccent.ss01;
sub Egrave by Egrave.ss01;
sub Emacron by Emacron.ss01;
sub Eogonek by Eogonek.ss01;
sub H by H.ss01;
sub K by K.ss01;
sub Kcommaaccent by Kcommaaccent.ss01;
sub M by M.ss01;
sub N by N.ss01;
sub Nacute by Nacute.ss01;
sub Ncaron by Ncaron.ss01;
sub Ncommaaccent by Ncommaaccent.ss01;
sub Ntilde by Ntilde.ss01;
sub S by S.ss01;
sub Sacute by Sacute.ss01;
sub Scaron by Scaron.ss01;
sub Scedilla by Scedilla.ss01;
sub T by T.ss01;
sub Tbar by Tbar.ss01;
sub Tcaron by Tcaron.ss01;
sub Tcedilla by Tcedilla.ss01;
sub U by U.ss01;
sub Uacute by Uacute.ss01;
sub Ucircumflex by Ucircumflex.ss01;
sub Udieresis by Udieresis.ss01;
sub Ugrave by Ugrave.ss01;
sub Uhungarumlaut by Uhungarumlaut.ss01;
sub Umacron by Umacron.ss01;
sub Uogonek by Uogonek.ss01;
sub Uring by Uring.ss01;
sub V by V.ss01;
sub X by X.ss01;
sub Ve-cy by Ve-cy.ss01;
sub Ie-cy by Ie-cy.ss01;
sub Iegrave-cy by Iegrave-cy.ss01;
sub Io-cy by Io-cy.ss01;
sub Zhe-cy by Zhe-cy.ss01;
sub Ze-cy by Ze-cy.ss01;
sub Ii-cy by Ii-cy.ss01;
sub Iishort-cy by Iishort-cy.ss01;
sub Iigrave-cy by Iigrave-cy.ss01;
sub Ka-cy by Ka-cy.ss01;
sub Kje-cy by Kje-cy.ss01;
sub Em-cy by Em-cy.ss01;
sub En-cy by En-cy.ss01;
sub Pe-cy by Pe-cy.ss01;
sub Es-cy by Es-cy.ss01;
sub Te-cy by Te-cy.ss01;
sub Ef-cy by Ef-cy.ss01;
sub Ha-cy by Ha-cy.ss01;
sub Dzhe-cy by Dzhe-cy.ss01;
sub Dze-cy by Dze-cy.ss01;
sub E-cy by E-cy.ss01;
sub Ereversed-cy by Ereversed-cy.ss01;
sub Iu-cy by Iu-cy.ss01;
sub Ef-cy.loclBGR by Ef-cy.loclBGR.ss01;
sub question by question.ss01;
} ss01;
feature ss02 {
# automatic
sub A by A.ss02;
sub Aacute by Aacute.ss02;
sub Abreve by Abreve.ss02;
sub Acircumflex by Acircumflex.ss02;
sub Adieresis by Adieresis.ss02;
sub Agrave by Agrave.ss02;
sub Amacron by Amacron.ss02;
sub Aogonek by Aogonek.ss02;
sub Aring by Aring.ss02;
sub Atilde by Atilde.ss02;
sub V by V.ss02;
sub A-cy by A-cy.ss02;
sub De-cy by De-cy.ss02;
sub El-cy by El-cy.ss02;
} ss02;
feature ss03 {
# automatic
sub A by A.ss03;
sub Aacute by Aacute.ss03;
sub Abreve by Abreve.ss03;
sub Acircumflex by Acircumflex.ss03;
sub Adieresis by Adieresis.ss03;
sub Agrave by Agrave.ss03;
sub Amacron by Amacron.ss03;
sub Aogonek by Aogonek.ss03;
sub Aring by Aring.ss03;
sub Atilde by Atilde.ss03;
sub E by E.ss03;
sub Eacute by Eacute.ss03;
sub Ecaron by Ecaron.ss03;
sub Ecircumflex by Ecircumflex.ss03;
sub Edieresis by Edieresis.ss03;
sub Edotaccent by Edotaccent.ss03;
sub Egrave by Egrave.ss03;
sub Emacron by Emacron.ss03;
sub Eogonek by Eogonek.ss03;
sub G by G.ss03;
sub J by J.ss03;
sub M by M.ss03;
sub S by S.ss03;
sub T by T.ss03;
sub U by U.ss03;
sub Uacute by Uacute.ss03;
sub Ucircumflex by Ucircumflex.ss03;
sub Udieresis by Udieresis.ss03;
sub Ugrave by Ugrave.ss03;
sub W by W.ss03;
sub Wacute by Wacute.ss03;
sub Wcircumflex by Wcircumflex.ss03;
sub Wdieresis by Wdieresis.ss03;
sub Wgrave by Wgrave.ss03;
sub A-cy by A-cy.ss03;
sub Ie-cy by Ie-cy.ss03;
sub Iegrave-cy by Iegrave-cy.ss03;
sub Io-cy by Io-cy.ss03;
sub Ze-cy by Ze-cy.ss03;
sub Ii-cy by Ii-cy.ss03;
sub Iishort-cy by Iishort-cy.ss03;
sub Iigrave-cy by Iigrave-cy.ss03;
sub Em-cy by Em-cy.ss03;
sub Te-cy by Te-cy.ss03;
sub Sha-cy by Sha-cy.ss03;
sub Shcha-cy by Shcha-cy.ss03;
sub Dze-cy by Dze-cy.ss03;
sub E-cy by E-cy.ss03;
sub Ereversed-cy by Ereversed-cy.ss03;
sub Je-cy by Je-cy.ss03;
sub Tshe-cy by Tshe-cy.ss03;
sub Iu-cy by Iu-cy.ss03;
sub Dje-cy by Dje-cy.ss03;
sub ampersand by ampersand.ss03;
} ss03;
feature ss04 {
# automatic
sub A by A.ss04;
sub S by S.ss04;
sub V by V.ss04;
sub W by W.ss04;
sub A-cy by A-cy.ss04;
sub El-cy by El-cy.ss04;
sub Dze-cy by Dze-cy.ss04;
sub ampersand by ampersand.ss04;
} ss04;
feature calt {
sub @alt1from @alt1from' by @alt1to;
sub O.2 O.2' by O.3;
sub O.3 O.3' by O.4;
sub O.4 O.4' by O;
sub O-cy.2 O-cy.2' by O-cy.3;
sub O-cy.3 O-cy.3' by O-cy.4;
sub O-cy.4 O-cy.4' by O-cy;
sub @alt1from [A Aacute Acircumflex Adieresis Agrave Aring Atilde AE B C Ccedilla D Eth E Eacute Ecircumflex Edieresis Egrave F G H I Iacute Icircumflex Idieresis Igrave J K L M N Ntilde OE P Thorn Q R S T U Uacute Ucircumflex Udieresis Ugrave V W Wacute Wcircumflex Wdieresis Wgrave X Y Yacute Ycircumflex Ydieresis Ygrave Z B.ss01 C.ss01 D.ss01 E.ss01 H.ss01 K.ss01 M.ss01 N.ss01 S.ss01 T.ss01 U.ss01 V.ss01 X.ss01 A.ss02 V.ss02 A.ss03 E.ss03 G.ss03 J.ss03 M.ss03 S.ss03 T.ss03 U.ss03 W.ss03 A.ss04 S.ss04 V.ss04 W.ss04 zero one two three four five six seven eight nine period comma colon semicolon exclam question bullet slash question.ss01 parenleft parenright braceleft braceright hyphen endash emdash underscore quotesinglbase quotedblbase quotedblleft quotedblright quoteleft quoteright guillemetleft guillemetright guilsinglleft guilsinglright quotesingle space dollar euro sterling ampersand ampersand.ss03 ampersand.ss04 dieresiscomb dotaccentcomb gravecomb acutecomb circumflexcomb ringcomb tildecomb cedillacomb lava VTF A-cy Be-cy Ve-cy Ge-cy Gje-cy Gheupturn-cy De-cy Ie-cy Iegrave-cy Io-cy Zhe-cy Ze-cy Ii-cy Iishort-cy Iigrave-cy Ka-cy Kje-cy El-cy Em-cy En-cy Pe-cy Er-cy Es-cy Te-cy U-cy Ushort-cy Ef-cy Ha-cy Che-cy Tse-cy Sha-cy Shcha-cy Dzhe-cy Softsign-cy Hardsign-cy Yeru-cy Lje-cy Nje-cy Dze-cy E-cy Ereversed-cy I-cy Yi-cy Je-cy Tshe-cy Iu-cy Ia-cy Dje-cy De-cy.loclBGR El-cy.loclBGR Ef-cy.loclBGR Ve-cy.ss01 Ie-cy.ss01 Iegrave-cy.ss01 Io-cy.ss01 Zhe-cy.ss01 Ze-cy.ss01 Ii-cy.ss01 Iishort-cy.ss01 Iigrave-cy.ss01 Ka-cy.ss01 Kje-cy.ss01 Em-cy.ss01 En-cy.ss01 Pe-cy.ss01 Es-cy.ss01 Te-cy.ss01 Ef-cy.ss01 Ha-cy.ss01 Dzhe-cy.ss01 Dze-cy.ss01 E-cy.ss01 Ereversed-cy.ss01 Iu-cy.ss01 Ef-cy.loclBGR.ss01 A-cy.ss02 De-cy.ss02 El-cy.ss02 A-cy.ss03 Ie-cy.ss03 Iegrave-cy.ss03 Io-cy.ss03 Ze-cy.ss03 Ii-cy.ss03 Iishort-cy.ss03 Iigrave-cy.ss03 Em-cy.ss03 Te-cy.ss03 Sha-cy.ss03 Shcha-cy.ss03 Dze-cy.ss03 E-cy.ss03 Ereversed-cy.ss03 Je-cy.ss03 Tshe-cy.ss03 Iu-cy.ss03 Dje-cy.ss03 A-cy.ss04 El-cy.ss04 Dze-cy.ss04 Sha-cy.ss05 Shcha-cy.ss05 tse-cy sha-cy shcha-cy] @alt1from' by @alt1to;
sub O.2 [A Aacute Acircumflex Adieresis Agrave Aring Atilde AE B C Ccedilla D Eth E Eacute Ecircumflex Edieresis Egrave F G H I Iacute Icircumflex Idieresis Igrave J K L M N Ntilde OE P Thorn Q R S T U Uacute Ucircumflex Udieresis Ugrave V W Wacute Wcircumflex Wdieresis Wgrave X Y Yacute Ycircumflex Ydieresis Ygrave Z B.ss01 C.ss01 D.ss01 E.ss01 H.ss01 K.ss01 M.ss01 N.ss01 S.ss01 T.ss01 U.ss01 V.ss01 X.ss01 A.ss02 V.ss02 A.ss03 E.ss03 G.ss03 J.ss03 M.ss03 S.ss03 T.ss03 U.ss03 W.ss03 A.ss04 S.ss04 V.ss04 W.ss04 zero one two three four five six seven eight nine period comma colon semicolon exclam question bullet slash question.ss01 parenleft parenright braceleft braceright hyphen endash emdash underscore quotesinglbase quotedblbase quotedblleft quotedblright quoteleft quoteright guillemetleft guillemetright guilsinglleft guilsinglright quotesingle space dollar euro sterling ampersand ampersand.ss03 ampersand.ss04 dieresiscomb dotaccentcomb gravecomb acutecomb circumflexcomb ringcomb tildecomb cedillacomb lava VTF] O.2' by O.3;
sub O.3 [A Aacute Acircumflex Adieresis Agrave Aring Atilde AE B C Ccedilla D Eth E Eacute Ecircumflex Edieresis Egrave F G H I Iacute Icircumflex Idieresis Igrave J K L M N Ntilde OE P Thorn Q R S T U Uacute Ucircumflex Udieresis Ugrave V W Wacute Wcircumflex Wdieresis Wgrave X Y Yacute Ycircumflex Ydieresis Ygrave Z B.ss01 C.ss01 D.ss01 E.ss01 H.ss01 K.ss01 M.ss01 N.ss01 S.ss01 T.ss01 U.ss01 V.ss01 X.ss01 A.ss02 V.ss02 A.ss03 E.ss03 G.ss03 J.ss03 M.ss03 S.ss03 T.ss03 U.ss03 W.ss03 A.ss04 S.ss04 V.ss04 W.ss04 zero one two three four five six seven eight nine period comma colon semicolon exclam question bullet slash question.ss01 parenleft parenright braceleft braceright hyphen endash emdash underscore quotesinglbase quotedblbase quotedblleft quotedblright quoteleft quoteright guillemetleft guillemetright guilsinglleft guilsinglright quotesingle space dollar euro sterling ampersand ampersand.ss03 ampersand.ss04 dieresiscomb dotaccentcomb gravecomb acutecomb circumflexcomb ringcomb tildecomb cedillacomb lava VTF] O.3' by O.4;
sub O.4 [A Aacute Acircumflex Adieresis Agrave Aring Atilde AE B C Ccedilla D Eth E Eacute Ecircumflex Edieresis Egrave F G H I Iacute Icircumflex Idieresis Igrave J K L M N Ntilde OE P Thorn Q R S T U Uacute Ucircumflex Udieresis Ugrave V W Wacute Wcircumflex Wdieresis Wgrave X Y Yacute Ycircumflex Ydieresis Ygrave Z B.ss01 C.ss01 D.ss01 E.ss01 H.ss01 K.ss01 M.ss01 N.ss01 S.ss01 T.ss01 U.ss01 V.ss01 X.ss01 A.ss02 V.ss02 A.ss03 E.ss03 G.ss03 J.ss03 M.ss03 S.ss03 T.ss03 U.ss03 W.ss03 A.ss04 S.ss04 V.ss04 W.ss04 zero one two three four five six seven eight nine period comma colon semicolon exclam question bullet slash question.ss01 parenleft parenright braceleft braceright hyphen endash emdash underscore quotesinglbase quotedblbase quotedblleft quotedblright quoteleft quoteright guillemetleft guillemetright guilsinglleft guilsinglright quotesingle space dollar euro sterling ampersand ampersand.ss03 ampersand.ss04 dieresiscomb dotaccentcomb gravecomb acutecomb circumflexcomb ringcomb tildecomb cedillacomb lava VTF] O.4' by O;
sub O-cy.2 [A-cy Be-cy Ve-cy Ge-cy Gje-cy Gheupturn-cy De-cy Ie-cy Iegrave-cy Io-cy Zhe-cy Ze-cy Ii-cy Iishort-cy Iigrave-cy Ka-cy Kje-cy El-cy Em-cy En-cy Pe-cy Er-cy Es-cy Te-cy U-cy Ushort-cy Ef-cy Ha-cy Che-cy Tse-cy Sha-cy Shcha-cy Dzhe-cy Softsign-cy Hardsign-cy Yeru-cy Lje-cy Nje-cy Dze-cy E-cy Ereversed-cy I-cy Yi-cy Je-cy Tshe-cy Iu-cy Ia-cy Dje-cy De-cy.loclBGR El-cy.loclBGR Ef-cy.loclBGR Ve-cy.ss01 Ie-cy.ss01 Iegrave-cy.ss01 Io-cy.ss01 Zhe-cy.ss01 Ze-cy.ss01 Ii-cy.ss01 Iishort-cy.ss01 Iigrave-cy.ss01 Ka-cy.ss01 Kje-cy.ss01 Em-cy.ss01 En-cy.ss01 Pe-cy.ss01 Es-cy.ss01 Te-cy.ss01 Ef-cy.ss01 Ha-cy.ss01 Dzhe-cy.ss01 Dze-cy.ss01 E-cy.ss01 Ereversed-cy.ss01 Iu-cy.ss01 Ef-cy.loclBGR.ss01 A-cy.ss02 De-cy.ss02 El-cy.ss02 A-cy.ss03 Ie-cy.ss03 Iegrave-cy.ss03 Io-cy.ss03 Ze-cy.ss03 Ii-cy.ss03 Iishort-cy.ss03 Iigrave-cy.ss03 Em-cy.ss03 Te-cy.ss03 Sha-cy.ss03 Shcha-cy.ss03 Dze-cy.ss03 E-cy.ss03 Ereversed-cy.ss03 Je-cy.ss03 Tshe-cy.ss03 Iu-cy.ss03 Dje-cy.ss03 A-cy.ss04 El-cy.ss04 Dze-cy.ss04 Sha-cy.ss05 Shcha-cy.ss05 tse-cy sha-cy shcha-cy] O-cy.2' by O-cy.3;
sub O-cy.3 [A-cy Be-cy Ve-cy Ge-cy Gje-cy Gheupturn-cy De-cy Ie-cy Iegrave-cy Io-cy Zhe-cy Ze-cy Ii-cy Iishort-cy Iigrave-cy Ka-cy Kje-cy El-cy Em-cy En-cy Pe-cy Er-cy Es-cy Te-cy U-cy Ushort-cy Ef-cy Ha-cy Che-cy Tse-cy Sha-cy Shcha-cy Dzhe-cy Softsign-cy Hardsign-cy Yeru-cy Lje-cy Nje-cy Dze-cy E-cy Ereversed-cy I-cy Yi-cy Je-cy Tshe-cy Iu-cy Ia-cy Dje-cy De-cy.loclBGR El-cy.loclBGR Ef-cy.loclBGR Ve-cy.ss01 Ie-cy.ss01 Iegrave-cy.ss01 Io-cy.ss01 Zhe-cy.ss01 Ze-cy.ss01 Ii-cy.ss01 Iishort-cy.ss01 Iigrave-cy.ss01 Ka-cy.ss01 Kje-cy.ss01 Em-cy.ss01 En-cy.ss01 Pe-cy.ss01 Es-cy.ss01 Te-cy.ss01 Ef-cy.ss01 Ha-cy.ss01 Dzhe-cy.ss01 Dze-cy.ss01 E-cy.ss01 Ereversed-cy.ss01 Iu-cy.ss01 Ef-cy.loclBGR.ss01 A-cy.ss02 De-cy.ss02 El-cy.ss02 A-cy.ss03 Ie-cy.ss03 Iegrave-cy.ss03 Io-cy.ss03 Ze-cy.ss03 Ii-cy.ss03 Iishort-cy.ss03 Iigrave-cy.ss03 Em-cy.ss03 Te-cy.ss03 Sha-cy.ss03 Shcha-cy.ss03 Dze-cy.ss03 E-cy.ss03 Ereversed-cy.ss03 Je-cy.ss03 Tshe-cy.ss03 Iu-cy.ss03 Dje-cy.ss03 A-cy.ss04 El-cy.ss04 Dze-cy.ss04 Sha-cy.ss05 Shcha-cy.ss05 tse-cy sha-cy shcha-cy] O-cy.3' by O-cy.4;
sub O-cy.4 [A-cy Be-cy Ve-cy Ge-cy Gje-cy Gheupturn-cy De-cy Ie-cy Iegrave-cy Io-cy Zhe-cy Ze-cy Ii-cy Iishort-cy Iigrave-cy Ka-cy Kje-cy El-cy Em-cy En-cy Pe-cy Er-cy Es-cy Te-cy U-cy Ushort-cy Ef-cy Ha-cy Che-cy Tse-cy Sha-cy Shcha-cy Dzhe-cy Softsign-cy Hardsign-cy Yeru-cy Lje-cy Nje-cy Dze-cy E-cy Ereversed-cy I-cy Yi-cy Je-cy Tshe-cy Iu-cy Ia-cy Dje-cy De-cy.loclBGR El-cy.loclBGR Ef-cy.loclBGR Ve-cy.ss01 Ie-cy.ss01 Iegrave-cy.ss01 Io-cy.ss01 Zhe-cy.ss01 Ze-cy.ss01 Ii-cy.ss01 Iishort-cy.ss01 Iigrave-cy.ss01 Ka-cy.ss01 Kje-cy.ss01 Em-cy.ss01 En-cy.ss01 Pe-cy.ss01 Es-cy.ss01 Te-cy.ss01 Ef-cy.ss01 Ha-cy.ss01 Dzhe-cy.ss01 Dze-cy.ss01 E-cy.ss01 Ereversed-cy.ss01 Iu-cy.ss01 Ef-cy.loclBGR.ss01 A-cy.ss02 De-cy.ss02 El-cy.ss02 A-cy.ss03 Ie-cy.ss03 Iegrave-cy.ss03 Io-cy.ss03 Ze-cy.ss03 Ii-cy.ss03 Iishort-cy.ss03 Iigrave-cy.ss03 Em-cy.ss03 Te-cy.ss03 Sha-cy.ss03 Shcha-cy.ss03 Dze-cy.ss03 E-cy.ss03 Ereversed-cy.ss03 Je-cy.ss03 Tshe-cy.ss03 Iu-cy.ss03 Dje-cy.ss03 A-cy.ss04 El-cy.ss04 Dze-cy.ss04 Sha-cy.ss05 Shcha-cy.ss05 tse-cy sha-cy shcha-cy] O-cy.4' by O-cy;
sub @alt1from @All [A Aacute Acircumflex Adieresis Agrave Aring Atilde AE B C Ccedilla D Eth E Eacute Ecircumflex Edieresis Egrave F G H I Iacute Icircumflex Idieresis Igrave J K L M N Ntilde OE P Thorn Q R S T U Uacute Ucircumflex Udieresis Ugrave V W Wacute Wcircumflex Wdieresis Wgrave X Y Yacute Ycircumflex Ydieresis Ygrave Z B.ss01 C.ss01 D.ss01 E.ss01 H.ss01 K.ss01 M.ss01 N.ss01 S.ss01 T.ss01 U.ss01 V.ss01 X.ss01 A.ss02 V.ss02 A.ss03 E.ss03 G.ss03 J.ss03 M.ss03 S.ss03 T.ss03 U.ss03 W.ss03 A.ss04 S.ss04 V.ss04 W.ss04 zero one two three four five six seven eight nine period comma colon semicolon exclam question bullet slash question.ss01 parenleft parenright braceleft braceright hyphen endash emdash underscore quotesinglbase quotedblbase quotedblleft quotedblright quoteleft quoteright guillemetleft guillemetright guilsinglleft guilsinglright quotesingle space dollar euro sterling ampersand ampersand.ss03 ampersand.ss04 dieresiscomb dotaccentcomb gravecomb acutecomb circumflexcomb ringcomb tildecomb cedillacomb lava VTF A-cy Be-cy Ve-cy Ge-cy Gje-cy Gheupturn-cy De-cy Ie-cy Iegrave-cy Io-cy Zhe-cy Ze-cy Ii-cy Iishort-cy Iigrave-cy Ka-cy Kje-cy El-cy Em-cy En-cy Pe-cy Er-cy Es-cy Te-cy U-cy Ushort-cy Ef-cy Ha-cy Che-cy Tse-cy Sha-cy Shcha-cy Dzhe-cy Softsign-cy Hardsign-cy Yeru-cy Lje-cy Nje-cy Dze-cy E-cy Ereversed-cy I-cy Yi-cy Je-cy Tshe-cy Iu-cy Ia-cy Dje-cy De-cy.loclBGR El-cy.loclBGR Ef-cy.loclBGR Ve-cy.ss01 Ie-cy.ss01 Iegrave-cy.ss01 Io-cy.ss01 Zhe-cy.ss01 Ze-cy.ss01 Ii-cy.ss01 Iishort-cy.ss01 Iigrave-cy.ss01 Ka-cy.ss01 Kje-cy.ss01 Em-cy.ss01 En-cy.ss01 Pe-cy.ss01 Es-cy.ss01 Te-cy.ss01 Ef-cy.ss01 Ha-cy.ss01 Dzhe-cy.ss01 Dze-cy.ss01 E-cy.ss01 Ereversed-cy.ss01 Iu-cy.ss01 Ef-cy.loclBGR.ss01 A-cy.ss02 De-cy.ss02 El-cy.ss02 A-cy.ss03 Ie-cy.ss03 Iegrave-cy.ss03 Io-cy.ss03 Ze-cy.ss03 Ii-cy.ss03 Iishort-cy.ss03 Iigrave-cy.ss03 Em-cy.ss03 Te-cy.ss03 Sha-cy.ss03 Shcha-cy.ss03 Dze-cy.ss03 E-cy.ss03 Ereversed-cy.ss03 Je-cy.ss03 Tshe-cy.ss03 Iu-cy.ss03 Dje-cy.ss03 A-cy.ss04 El-cy.ss04 Dze-cy.ss04 Sha-cy.ss05 Shcha-cy.ss05 tse-cy sha-cy shcha-cy ] @alt1from' by @alt1to;
sub O.2 @All [A Aacute Acircumflex Adieresis Agrave Aring Atilde AE B C Ccedilla D Eth E Eacute Ecircumflex Edieresis Egrave F G H I Iacute Icircumflex Idieresis Igrave J K L M N Ntilde OE P Thorn Q R S T U Uacute Ucircumflex Udieresis Ugrave V W Wacute Wcircumflex Wdieresis Wgrave X Y Yacute Ycircumflex Ydieresis Ygrave Z B.ss01 C.ss01 D.ss01 E.ss01 H.ss01 K.ss01 M.ss01 N.ss01 S.ss01 T.ss01 U.ss01 V.ss01 X.ss01 A.ss02 V.ss02 A.ss03 E.ss03 G.ss03 J.ss03 M.ss03 S.ss03 T.ss03 U.ss03 W.ss03 A.ss04 S.ss04 V.ss04 W.ss04 zero one two three four five six seven eight nine period comma colon semicolon exclam question bullet slash question.ss01 parenleft parenright braceleft braceright hyphen endash emdash underscore quotesinglbase quotedblbase quotedblleft quotedblright quoteleft quoteright guillemetleft guillemetright guilsinglleft guilsinglright quotesingle space dollar euro sterling ampersand ampersand.ss03 ampersand.ss04 dieresiscomb dotaccentcomb gravecomb acutecomb circumflexcomb ringcomb tildecomb cedillacomb lava VTF] O.2' by O.3;
sub O.3 @All [A Aacute Acircumflex Adieresis Agrave Aring Atilde AE B C Ccedilla D Eth E Eacute Ecircumflex Edieresis Egrave F G H I Iacute Icircumflex Idieresis Igrave J K L M N Ntilde OE P Thorn Q R S T U Uacute Ucircumflex Udieresis Ugrave V W Wacute Wcircumflex Wdieresis Wgrave X Y Yacute Ycircumflex Ydieresis Ygrave Z B.ss01 C.ss01 D.ss01 E.ss01 H.ss01 K.ss01 M.ss01 N.ss01 S.ss01 T.ss01 U.ss01 V.ss01 X.ss01 A.ss02 V.ss02 A.ss03 E.ss03 G.ss03 J.ss03 M.ss03 S.ss03 T.ss03 U.ss03 W.ss03 A.ss04 S.ss04 V.ss04 W.ss04 zero one two three four five six seven eight nine period comma colon semicolon exclam question bullet slash question.ss01 parenleft parenright braceleft braceright hyphen endash emdash underscore quotesinglbase quotedblbase quotedblleft quotedblright quoteleft quoteright guillemetleft guillemetright guilsinglleft guilsinglright quotesingle space dollar euro sterling ampersand ampersand.ss03 ampersand.ss04 dieresiscomb dotaccentcomb gravecomb acutecomb circumflexcomb ringcomb tildecomb cedillacomb lava VTF] O.3' by O.4;
sub O.4 @All [A Aacute Acircumflex Adieresis Agrave Aring Atilde AE B C Ccedilla D Eth E Eacute Ecircumflex Edieresis Egrave F G H I Iacute Icircumflex Idieresis Igrave J K L M N Ntilde OE P Thorn Q R S T U Uacute Ucircumflex Udieresis Ugrave V W Wacute Wcircumflex Wdieresis Wgrave X Y Yacute Ycircumflex Ydieresis Ygrave Z B.ss01 C.ss01 D.ss01 E.ss01 H.ss01 K.ss01 M.ss01 N.ss01 S.ss01 T.ss01 U.ss01 V.ss01 X.ss01 A.ss02 V.ss02 A.ss03 E.ss03 G.ss03 J.ss03 M.ss03 S.ss03 T.ss03 U.ss03 W.ss03 A.ss04 S.ss04 V.ss04 W.ss04 zero one two three four five six seven eight nine period comma colon semicolon exclam question bullet slash question.ss01 parenleft parenright braceleft braceright hyphen endash emdash underscore quotesinglbase quotedblbase quotedblleft quotedblright quoteleft quoteright guillemetleft guillemetright guilsinglleft guilsinglright quotesingle space dollar euro sterling ampersand ampersand.ss03 ampersand.ss04 dieresiscomb dotaccentcomb gravecomb acutecomb circumflexcomb ringcomb tildecomb cedillacomb lava VTF] O.4' by O;
sub O-cy.2 @All [A-cy Be-cy Ve-cy Ge-cy Gje-cy Gheupturn-cy De-cy Ie-cy Iegrave-cy Io-cy Zhe-cy Ze-cy Ii-cy Iishort-cy Iigrave-cy Ka-cy Kje-cy El-cy Em-cy En-cy Pe-cy Er-cy Es-cy Te-cy U-cy Ushort-cy Ef-cy Ha-cy Che-cy Tse-cy Sha-cy Shcha-cy Dzhe-cy Softsign-cy Hardsign-cy Yeru-cy Lje-cy Nje-cy Dze-cy E-cy Ereversed-cy I-cy Yi-cy Je-cy Tshe-cy Iu-cy Ia-cy Dje-cy De-cy.loclBGR El-cy.loclBGR Ef-cy.loclBGR Ve-cy.ss01 Ie-cy.ss01 Iegrave-cy.ss01 Io-cy.ss01 Zhe-cy.ss01 Ze-cy.ss01 Ii-cy.ss01 Iishort-cy.ss01 Iigrave-cy.ss01 Ka-cy.ss01 Kje-cy.ss01 Em-cy.ss01 En-cy.ss01 Pe-cy.ss01 Es-cy.ss01 Te-cy.ss01 Ef-cy.ss01 Ha-cy.ss01 Dzhe-cy.ss01 Dze-cy.ss01 E-cy.ss01 Ereversed-cy.ss01 Iu-cy.ss01 Ef-cy.loclBGR.ss01 A-cy.ss02 De-cy.ss02 El-cy.ss02 A-cy.ss03 Ie-cy.ss03 Iegrave-cy.ss03 Io-cy.ss03 Ze-cy.ss03 Ii-cy.ss03 Iishort-cy.ss03 Iigrave-cy.ss03 Em-cy.ss03 Te-cy.ss03 Sha-cy.ss03 Shcha-cy.ss03 Dze-cy.ss03 E-cy.ss03 Ereversed-cy.ss03 Je-cy.ss03 Tshe-cy.ss03 Iu-cy.ss03 Dje-cy.ss03 A-cy.ss04 El-cy.ss04 Dze-cy.ss04 Sha-cy.ss05 Shcha-cy.ss05 tse-cy sha-cy shcha-cy] O-cy.2' by O-cy.3;
sub O-cy.3 @All [A-cy Be-cy Ve-cy Ge-cy Gje-cy Gheupturn-cy De-cy Ie-cy Iegrave-cy Io-cy Zhe-cy Ze-cy Ii-cy Iishort-cy Iigrave-cy Ka-cy Kje-cy El-cy Em-cy En-cy Pe-cy Er-cy Es-cy Te-cy U-cy Ushort-cy Ef-cy Ha-cy Che-cy Tse-cy Sha-cy Shcha-cy Dzhe-cy Softsign-cy Hardsign-cy Yeru-cy Lje-cy Nje-cy Dze-cy E-cy Ereversed-cy I-cy Yi-cy Je-cy Tshe-cy Iu-cy Ia-cy Dje-cy De-cy.loclBGR El-cy.loclBGR Ef-cy.loclBGR Ve-cy.ss01 Ie-cy.ss01 Iegrave-cy.ss01 Io-cy.ss01 Zhe-cy.ss01 Ze-cy.ss01 Ii-cy.ss01 Iishort-cy.ss01 Iigrave-cy.ss01 Ka-cy.ss01 Kje-cy.ss01 Em-cy.ss01 En-cy.ss01 Pe-cy.ss01 Es-cy.ss01 Te-cy.ss01 Ef-cy.ss01 Ha-cy.ss01 Dzhe-cy.ss01 Dze-cy.ss01 E-cy.ss01 Ereversed-cy.ss01 Iu-cy.ss01 Ef-cy.loclBGR.ss01 A-cy.ss02 De-cy.ss02 El-cy.ss02 A-cy.ss03 Ie-cy.ss03 Iegrave-cy.ss03 Io-cy.ss03 Ze-cy.ss03 Ii-cy.ss03 Iishort-cy.ss03 Iigrave-cy.ss03 Em-cy.ss03 Te-cy.ss03 Sha-cy.ss03 Shcha-cy.ss03 Dze-cy.ss03 E-cy.ss03 Ereversed-cy.ss03 Je-cy.ss03 Tshe-cy.ss03 Iu-cy.ss03 Dje-cy.ss03 A-cy.ss04 El-cy.ss04 Dze-cy.ss04 Sha-cy.ss05 Shcha-cy.ss05 tse-cy sha-cy shcha-cy] O-cy.3' by O-cy.4;
sub O-cy.4 @All [A-cy Be-cy Ve-cy Ge-cy Gje-cy Gheupturn-cy De-cy Ie-cy Iegrave-cy Io-cy Zhe-cy Ze-cy Ii-cy Iishort-cy Iigrave-cy Ka-cy Kje-cy El-cy Em-cy En-cy Pe-cy Er-cy Es-cy Te-cy U-cy Ushort-cy Ef-cy Ha-cy Che-cy Tse-cy Sha-cy Shcha-cy Dzhe-cy Softsign-cy Hardsign-cy Yeru-cy Lje-cy Nje-cy Dze-cy E-cy Ereversed-cy I-cy Yi-cy Je-cy Tshe-cy Iu-cy Ia-cy Dje-cy De-cy.loclBGR El-cy.loclBGR Ef-cy.loclBGR Ve-cy.ss01 Ie-cy.ss01 Iegrave-cy.ss01 Io-cy.ss01 Zhe-cy.ss01 Ze-cy.ss01 Ii-cy.ss01 Iishort-cy.ss01 Iigrave-cy.ss01 Ka-cy.ss01 Kje-cy.ss01 Em-cy.ss01 En-cy.ss01 Pe-cy.ss01 Es-cy.ss01 Te-cy.ss01 Ef-cy.ss01 Ha-cy.ss01 Dzhe-cy.ss01 Dze-cy.ss01 E-cy.ss01 Ereversed-cy.ss01 Iu-cy.ss01 Ef-cy.loclBGR.ss01 A-cy.ss02 De-cy.ss02 El-cy.ss02 A-cy.ss03 Ie-cy.ss03 Iegrave-cy.ss03 Io-cy.ss03 Ze-cy.ss03 Ii-cy.ss03 Iishort-cy.ss03 Iigrave-cy.ss03 Em-cy.ss03 Te-cy.ss03 Sha-cy.ss03 Shcha-cy.ss03 Dze-cy.ss03 E-cy.ss03 Ereversed-cy.ss03 Je-cy.ss03 Tshe-cy.ss03 Iu-cy.ss03 Dje-cy.ss03 A-cy.ss04 El-cy.ss04 Dze-cy.ss04 Sha-cy.ss05 Shcha-cy.ss05 tse-cy sha-cy shcha-cy] O-cy.4' by O-cy;
sub @alt1from @All @All @All @alt1from' by @alt1to;
sub O.2 @All @All @All O.2' by O.3;
sub O.3 @All @All @All O.3' by O.4;
sub O.4 @All @All @All O.4' by O;
sub O-cy.2 @All @All @All O-cy.2' by O-cy.3;
sub O-cy.3 @All @All @All O-cy.3' by O-cy.4;
sub O-cy.4 @All @All @All O-cy.4' by O-cy;
sub @alt1from @All @All @All @All @alt1from' by @alt1to;
sub O.2 @All @All @All @All O.2' by O.3;
sub O.3 @All @All @All @All O.3' by O.4;
sub O.4 @All @All @All @All O.4' by O;
sub O-cy.2 @All @All @All @All O-cy.2' by O-cy.3;
sub O-cy.3 @All @All @All @All O-cy.3' by O-cy.4;
sub O-cy.4 @All @All @All @All O-cy.4' by O-cy;
} calt;
feature ss05 {
# automatic
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<string>Anton Moglia, Jérémy Landes, Velvetyne Type Foundry</string>
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