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2023-11-26 17:32:02 +00:00
// AUTO-GENERATED: do not modify this file directly.
// If you need to make changes, modify generate-fp.ts (if necessary), then open a terminal in types/lodash/scripts, and do:
// npm install && npm run generate
import lodash = require("./index");
export = _;
declare const _: _.LoDashFp;
declare namespace _ {
interface LodashAdd {
(augend: number): LodashAdd1x1;
(augend: lodash.__, addend: number): LodashAdd1x2;
(augend: number, addend: number): number;
type LodashAdd1x1 = (addend: number) => number;
type LodashAdd1x2 = (augend: number) => number;
interface LodashAfter {
<TFunc extends (...args: any[]) => any>(func: TFunc): LodashAfter1x1<TFunc>;
(func: lodash.__, n: number): LodashAfter1x2;
<TFunc extends (...args: any[]) => any>(func: TFunc, n: number): TFunc;
type LodashAfter1x1<TFunc extends (...args: any[]) => any> = (n: number) => TFunc;
type LodashAfter1x2 = <TFunc extends (...args: any[]) => any>(func: TFunc) => TFunc;
interface LodashEvery {
<T>(predicate: lodash.ValueIterateeCustom<T, boolean>): LodashEvery1x1<T>;
<T>(predicate: lodash.__, collection: lodash.List<T> | null | undefined): LodashEvery1x2<T>;
<T>(predicate: lodash.ValueIterateeCustom<T, boolean>, collection: lodash.List<T> | null | undefined): boolean;
<T extends object>(predicate: lodash.__, collection: T | null | undefined): LodashEvery2x2<T>;
<T extends object>(predicate: lodash.ValueIterateeCustom<T[keyof T], boolean>, collection: T | null | undefined): boolean;
type LodashEvery1x1<T> = (collection: lodash.List<T> | object | null | undefined) => boolean;
type LodashEvery1x2<T> = (predicate: lodash.ValueIterateeCustom<T, boolean>) => boolean;
type LodashEvery2x2<T> = (predicate: lodash.ValueIterateeCustom<T[keyof T], boolean>) => boolean;
type LodashOverEvery = <T>(predicates: lodash.Many<(...args: T[]) => boolean>) => (...args: T[]) => boolean;
type LodashConstant = <T>(value: T) => () => T;
interface LodashSome {
<T>(predicate: lodash.ValueIterateeCustom<T, boolean>): LodashSome1x1<T>;
<T>(predicate: lodash.__, collection: lodash.List<T> | null | undefined): LodashSome1x2<T>;
<T>(predicate: lodash.ValueIterateeCustom<T, boolean>, collection: lodash.List<T> | null | undefined): boolean;
<T extends object>(predicate: lodash.__, collection: T | null | undefined): LodashSome2x2<T>;
<T extends object>(predicate: lodash.ValueIterateeCustom<T[keyof T], boolean>, collection: T | null | undefined): boolean;
type LodashSome1x1<T> = (collection: lodash.List<T> | object | null | undefined) => boolean;
type LodashSome1x2<T> = (predicate: lodash.ValueIterateeCustom<T, boolean>) => boolean;
type LodashSome2x2<T> = (predicate: lodash.ValueIterateeCustom<T[keyof T], boolean>) => boolean;
type LodashOverSome = <T>(predicates: lodash.Many<(...args: T[]) => boolean>) => (...args: T[]) => boolean;
type LodashApply = <TResult>(func: (...args: any[]) => TResult) => (...args: any[]) => TResult;
interface LodashAry {
(n: number): LodashAry1x1;
(n: lodash.__, func: (...args: any[]) => any): LodashAry1x2;
(n: number, func: (...args: any[]) => any): (...args: any[]) => any;
type LodashAry1x1 = (func: (...args: any[]) => any) => (...args: any[]) => any;
type LodashAry1x2 = (n: number) => (...args: any[]) => any;
interface LodashAssign {
<TObject>(object: TObject): LodashAssign1x1<TObject>;
<TSource>(object: lodash.__, source: TSource): LodashAssign1x2<TSource>;
<TObject, TSource>(object: TObject, source: TSource): TObject & TSource;
type LodashAssign1x1<TObject> = <TSource>(source: TSource) => TObject & TSource;
type LodashAssign1x2<TSource> = <TObject>(object: TObject) => TObject & TSource;
interface LodashAssignAll {
<TObject, TSource>(object: [TObject, TSource]): TObject & TSource;
<TObject, TSource1, TSource2>(object: [TObject, TSource1, TSource2]): TObject & TSource1 & TSource2;
<TObject, TSource1, TSource2, TSource3>(object: [TObject, TSource1, TSource2, TSource3]): TObject & TSource1 & TSource2 & TSource3;
<TObject, TSource1, TSource2, TSource3, TSource4>(object: [TObject, TSource1, TSource2, TSource3, TSource4]): TObject & TSource1 & TSource2 & TSource3 & TSource4;
<TObject>(object: [TObject]): TObject;
(object: readonly any[]): any;
interface LodashAssignAllWith {
(customizer: lodash.AssignCustomizer): LodashAssignAllWith1x1;
(customizer: lodash.__, args: readonly any[]): LodashAssignAllWith1x2;
(customizer: lodash.AssignCustomizer, args: readonly any[]): any;
type LodashAssignAllWith1x1 = (args: readonly any[]) => any;
type LodashAssignAllWith1x2 = (customizer: lodash.AssignCustomizer) => any;
interface LodashAssignIn {
<TObject>(object: TObject): LodashAssignIn1x1<TObject>;
<TSource>(object: lodash.__, source: TSource): LodashAssignIn1x2<TSource>;
<TObject, TSource>(object: TObject, source: TSource): TObject & TSource;
type LodashAssignIn1x1<TObject> = <TSource>(source: TSource) => TObject & TSource;
type LodashAssignIn1x2<TSource> = <TObject>(object: TObject) => TObject & TSource;
interface LodashAssignInAll {
<TObject, TSource>(object: [TObject, TSource]): TObject & TSource;
<TObject, TSource1, TSource2>(object: [TObject, TSource1, TSource2]): TObject & TSource1 & TSource2;
<TObject, TSource1, TSource2, TSource3>(object: [TObject, TSource1, TSource2, TSource3]): TObject & TSource1 & TSource2 & TSource3;
<TObject, TSource1, TSource2, TSource3, TSource4>(object: [TObject, TSource1, TSource2, TSource3, TSource4]): TObject & TSource1 & TSource2 & TSource3 & TSource4;
<TObject>(object: [TObject]): TObject;
<TResult>(object: readonly any[]): TResult;
interface LodashAssignInAllWith {
(customizer: lodash.AssignCustomizer): LodashAssignInAllWith1x1;
(customizer: lodash.__, args: readonly any[]): LodashAssignInAllWith1x2;
(customizer: lodash.AssignCustomizer, args: readonly any[]): any;
type LodashAssignInAllWith1x1 = (args: readonly any[]) => any;
type LodashAssignInAllWith1x2 = (customizer: lodash.AssignCustomizer) => any;
interface LodashAssignInWith {
(customizer: lodash.AssignCustomizer): LodashAssignInWith1x1;
<TObject>(customizer: lodash.__, object: TObject): LodashAssignInWith1x2<TObject>;
<TObject>(customizer: lodash.AssignCustomizer, object: TObject): LodashAssignInWith1x3<TObject>;
<TSource>(customizer: lodash.__, object: lodash.__, source: TSource): LodashAssignInWith1x4<TSource>;
<TSource>(customizer: lodash.AssignCustomizer, object: lodash.__, source: TSource): LodashAssignInWith1x5<TSource>;
<TObject, TSource>(customizer: lodash.__, object: TObject, source: TSource): LodashAssignInWith1x6<TObject, TSource>;
<TObject, TSource>(customizer: lodash.AssignCustomizer, object: TObject, source: TSource): TObject & TSource;
interface LodashAssignInWith1x1 {
<TObject>(object: TObject): LodashAssignInWith1x3<TObject>;
<TSource>(object: lodash.__, source: TSource): LodashAssignInWith1x5<TSource>;
<TObject, TSource>(object: TObject, source: TSource): TObject & TSource;
interface LodashAssignInWith1x2<TObject> {
(customizer: lodash.AssignCustomizer): LodashAssignInWith1x3<TObject>;
<TSource>(customizer: lodash.__, source: TSource): LodashAssignInWith1x6<TObject, TSource>;
<TSource>(customizer: lodash.AssignCustomizer, source: TSource): TObject & TSource;
type LodashAssignInWith1x3<TObject> = <TSource>(source: TSource) => TObject & TSource;
interface LodashAssignInWith1x4<TSource> {
(customizer: lodash.AssignCustomizer): LodashAssignInWith1x5<TSource>;
<TObject>(customizer: lodash.__, object: TObject): LodashAssignInWith1x6<TObject, TSource>;
<TObject>(customizer: lodash.AssignCustomizer, object: TObject): TObject & TSource;
type LodashAssignInWith1x5<TSource> = <TObject>(object: TObject) => TObject & TSource;
type LodashAssignInWith1x6<TObject, TSource> = (customizer: lodash.AssignCustomizer) => TObject & TSource;
interface LodashAssignWith {
(customizer: lodash.AssignCustomizer): LodashAssignWith1x1;
<TObject>(customizer: lodash.__, object: TObject): LodashAssignWith1x2<TObject>;
<TObject>(customizer: lodash.AssignCustomizer, object: TObject): LodashAssignWith1x3<TObject>;
<TSource>(customizer: lodash.__, object: lodash.__, source: TSource): LodashAssignWith1x4<TSource>;
<TSource>(customizer: lodash.AssignCustomizer, object: lodash.__, source: TSource): LodashAssignWith1x5<TSource>;
<TObject, TSource>(customizer: lodash.__, object: TObject, source: TSource): LodashAssignWith1x6<TObject, TSource>;
<TObject, TSource>(customizer: lodash.AssignCustomizer, object: TObject, source: TSource): TObject & TSource;
interface LodashAssignWith1x1 {
<TObject>(object: TObject): LodashAssignWith1x3<TObject>;
<TSource>(object: lodash.__, source: TSource): LodashAssignWith1x5<TSource>;
<TObject, TSource>(object: TObject, source: TSource): TObject & TSource;
interface LodashAssignWith1x2<TObject> {
(customizer: lodash.AssignCustomizer): LodashAssignWith1x3<TObject>;
<TSource>(customizer: lodash.__, source: TSource): LodashAssignWith1x6<TObject, TSource>;
<TSource>(customizer: lodash.AssignCustomizer, source: TSource): TObject & TSource;
type LodashAssignWith1x3<TObject> = <TSource>(source: TSource) => TObject & TSource;
interface LodashAssignWith1x4<TSource> {
(customizer: lodash.AssignCustomizer): LodashAssignWith1x5<TSource>;
<TObject>(customizer: lodash.__, object: TObject): LodashAssignWith1x6<TObject, TSource>;
<TObject>(customizer: lodash.AssignCustomizer, object: TObject): TObject & TSource;
type LodashAssignWith1x5<TSource> = <TObject>(object: TObject) => TObject & TSource;
type LodashAssignWith1x6<TObject, TSource> = (customizer: lodash.AssignCustomizer) => TObject & TSource;
interface LodashSet {
(path: lodash.PropertyPath): LodashSet1x1;
(path: lodash.__, value: any): LodashSet1x2;
(path: lodash.PropertyPath, value: any): LodashSet1x3;
<T extends object>(path: lodash.__, value: lodash.__, object: T): LodashSet1x4<T>;
<T extends object>(path: lodash.PropertyPath, value: lodash.__, object: T): LodashSet1x5<T>;
<T extends object>(path: lodash.__, value: any, object: T): LodashSet1x6<T>;
<T extends object>(path: lodash.PropertyPath, value: any, object: T): T;
(path: lodash.__, value: lodash.__, object: object): LodashSet2x4;
(path: lodash.PropertyPath, value: lodash.__, object: object): LodashSet2x5;
(path: lodash.__, value: any, object: object): LodashSet2x6;
<TResult>(path: lodash.PropertyPath, value: any, object: object): TResult;
interface LodashSet1x1 {
(value: any): LodashSet1x3;
<T extends object>(value: lodash.__, object: T): LodashSet1x5<T>;
<T extends object>(value: any, object: T): T;
(value: lodash.__, object: object): LodashSet2x5;
<TResult>(value: any, object: object): TResult;
interface LodashSet1x2 {
(path: lodash.PropertyPath): LodashSet1x3;
<T extends object>(path: lodash.__, object: T): LodashSet1x6<T>;
<T extends object>(path: lodash.PropertyPath, object: T): T;
(path: lodash.__, object: object): LodashSet2x6;
<TResult>(path: lodash.PropertyPath, object: object): TResult;
interface LodashSet1x3 {
<T extends object>(object: T): T;
<TResult>(object: object): TResult;
interface LodashSet1x4<T> {
(path: lodash.PropertyPath): LodashSet1x5<T>;
(path: lodash.__, value: any): LodashSet1x6<T>;
(path: lodash.PropertyPath, value: any): T;
type LodashSet1x5<T> = (value: any) => T;
type LodashSet1x6<T> = (path: lodash.PropertyPath) => T;
interface LodashSet2x4 {
(path: lodash.PropertyPath): LodashSet2x5;
(path: lodash.__, value: any): LodashSet2x6;
<TResult>(path: lodash.PropertyPath, value: any): TResult;
type LodashSet2x5 = <TResult>(value: any) => TResult;
type LodashSet2x6 = <TResult>(path: lodash.PropertyPath) => TResult;
interface LodashAt {
(props: lodash.PropertyPath): LodashAt1x1;
<T>(props: lodash.__, object: lodash.Dictionary<T> | lodash.NumericDictionary<T> | null | undefined): LodashAt1x2<T>;
<T>(props: lodash.PropertyPath, object: lodash.Dictionary<T> | lodash.NumericDictionary<T> | null | undefined): T[];
<T extends object>(props: lodash.Many<keyof T>): LodashAt2x1<T>;
<T extends object>(props: lodash.__, object: T | null | undefined): LodashAt2x2<T>;
<T extends object>(props: lodash.Many<keyof T>, object: T | null | undefined): Array<T[keyof T]>;
type LodashAt1x1 = <T>(object: lodash.Dictionary<T> | lodash.NumericDictionary<T> | null | undefined) => T[];
type LodashAt1x2<T> = (props: lodash.PropertyPath) => T[];
type LodashAt2x1<T> = (object: T | null | undefined) => Array<T[keyof T]>;
type LodashAt2x2<T> = (props: lodash.Many<keyof T>) => Array<T[keyof T]>;
type LodashAttempt = <TResult>(func: (...args: any[]) => TResult) => TResult | Error;
interface LodashBefore {
<TFunc extends (...args: any[]) => any>(func: TFunc): LodashBefore1x1<TFunc>;
(func: lodash.__, n: number): LodashBefore1x2;
<TFunc extends (...args: any[]) => any>(func: TFunc, n: number): TFunc;
type LodashBefore1x1<TFunc extends (...args: any[]) => any> = (n: number) => TFunc;
type LodashBefore1x2 = <TFunc extends (...args: any[]) => any>(func: TFunc) => TFunc;
interface LodashBind {
(func: (...args: any[]) => any): LodashBind1x1;
(func: lodash.__, thisArg: any): LodashBind1x2;
(func: (...args: any[]) => any, thisArg: any): (...args: any[]) => any;
placeholder: lodash.__;
type LodashBind1x1 = (thisArg: any) => (...args: any[]) => any;
type LodashBind1x2 = (func: (...args: any[]) => any) => (...args: any[]) => any;
interface LodashBindAll {
(methodNames: lodash.Many<string>): LodashBindAll1x1;
<T>(methodNames: lodash.__, object: T): LodashBindAll1x2<T>;
<T>(methodNames: lodash.Many<string>, object: T): T;
type LodashBindAll1x1 = <T>(object: T) => T;
type LodashBindAll1x2<T> = (methodNames: lodash.Many<string>) => T;
interface LodashBindKey {
(object: object): LodashBindKey1x1;
(object: lodash.__, key: string): LodashBindKey1x2;
(object: object, key: string): (...args: any[]) => any;
placeholder: lodash.__;
type LodashBindKey1x1 = (key: string) => (...args: any[]) => any;
type LodashBindKey1x2 = (object: object) => (...args: any[]) => any;
type LodashCamelCase = (string: string) => string;
type LodashCapitalize = (string: string) => string;
type LodashCastArray = <T>(value: lodash.Many<T>) => T[];
type LodashCeil = (n: number) => number;
interface LodashChunk {
(size: number): LodashChunk1x1;
<T>(size: lodash.__, array: lodash.List<T> | null | undefined): LodashChunk1x2<T>;
<T>(size: number, array: lodash.List<T> | null | undefined): T[][];
type LodashChunk1x1 = <T>(array: lodash.List<T> | null | undefined) => T[][];
type LodashChunk1x2<T> = (size: number) => T[][];
interface LodashClamp {
(lower: number): LodashClamp1x1;
(lower: lodash.__, upper: number): LodashClamp1x2;
(lower: number, upper: number): LodashClamp1x3;
(lower: lodash.__, upper: lodash.__, number: number): LodashClamp1x4;
(lower: number, upper: lodash.__, number: number): LodashClamp1x5;
(lower: lodash.__, upper: number, number: number): LodashClamp1x6;
(lower: number, upper: number, number: number): number;
interface LodashClamp1x1 {
(upper: number): LodashClamp1x3;
(upper: lodash.__, number: number): LodashClamp1x5;
(upper: number, number: number): number;
interface LodashClamp1x2 {
(lower: number): LodashClamp1x3;
(lower: lodash.__, number: number): LodashClamp1x6;
(lower: number, number: number): number;
type LodashClamp1x3 = (number: number) => number;
interface LodashClamp1x4 {
(lower: number): LodashClamp1x5;
(lower: lodash.__, upper: number): LodashClamp1x6;
(lower: number, upper: number): number;
type LodashClamp1x5 = (upper: number) => number;
type LodashClamp1x6 = (lower: number) => number;
type LodashClone = <T>(value: T) => T;
type LodashCloneDeep = <T>(value: T) => T;
interface LodashCloneDeepWith {
<T>(customizer: lodash.CloneDeepWithCustomizer<T>): LodashCloneDeepWith1x1<T>;
<T>(customizer: lodash.__, value: T): LodashCloneDeepWith1x2<T>;
<T>(customizer: lodash.CloneDeepWithCustomizer<T>, value: T): any;
type LodashCloneDeepWith1x1<T> = (value: T) => any;
type LodashCloneDeepWith1x2<T> = (customizer: lodash.CloneDeepWithCustomizer<T>) => any;
interface LodashCloneWith {
<T, TResult extends object | string | number | boolean | null>(customizer: lodash.CloneWithCustomizer<T, TResult>): LodashCloneWith1x1<T, TResult>;
<T>(customizer: lodash.__, value: T): LodashCloneWith1x2<T>;
<T, TResult extends object | string | number | boolean | null>(customizer: lodash.CloneWithCustomizer<T, TResult>, value: T): TResult;
<T, TResult>(customizer: lodash.CloneWithCustomizer<T, TResult | undefined>): LodashCloneWith2x1<T, TResult>;
<T, TResult>(customizer: lodash.CloneWithCustomizer<T, TResult | undefined>, value: T): TResult | T;
type LodashCloneWith1x1<T, TResult> = (value: T) => TResult;
interface LodashCloneWith1x2<T> {
<TResult extends object | string | number | boolean | null>(customizer: lodash.CloneWithCustomizer<T, TResult>): TResult;
<TResult>(customizer: lodash.CloneWithCustomizer<T, TResult | undefined>): TResult | T;
type LodashCloneWith2x1<T, TResult> = (value: T) => TResult | T;
type LodashCompact = <T>(array: lodash.List<T> | null | undefined) => Array<Exclude<T, lodash.Falsey>>;
type LodashNegate = <T extends any[]>(predicate: (...args: T) => any) => (...args: T) => boolean;
interface LodashFlowRight {
<A extends any[], R1, R2, R3, R4, R5, R6, R7>(f7: (a: R6) => R7, f6: (a: R5) => R6, f5: (a: R4) => R5, f4: (a: R3) => R4, f3: (a: R2) => R3, f2: (a: R1) => R2, f1: (...args: A) => R1): (...args: A) => R7;
<A extends any[], R1, R2, R3, R4, R5, R6>(f6: (a: R5) => R6, f5: (a: R4) => R5, f4: (a: R3) => R4, f3: (a: R2) => R3, f2: (a: R1) => R2, f1: (...args: A) => R1): (...args: A) => R6;
<A extends any[], R1, R2, R3, R4, R5>(f5: (a: R4) => R5, f4: (a: R3) => R4, f3: (a: R2) => R3, f2: (a: R1) => R2, f1: (...args: A) => R1): (...args: A) => R5;
<A extends any[], R1, R2, R3, R4>(f4: (a: R3) => R4, f3: (a: R2) => R3, f2: (a: R1) => R2, f1: (...args: A) => R1): (...args: A) => R4;
<A extends any[], R1, R2, R3>(f3: (a: R2) => R3, f2: (a: R1) => R2, f1: (...args: A) => R1): (...args: A) => R3;
<A extends any[], R1, R2>(f2: (a: R1) => R2, f1: (...args: A) => R1): (...args: A) => R2;
(...func: Array<lodash.Many<(...args: any[]) => any>>): (...args: any[]) => any;
interface LodashConcat {
<T>(array: lodash.Many<T>): LodashConcat1x1<T>;
<T>(array: lodash.__, values: lodash.Many<T>): LodashConcat1x2<T>;
<T>(array: lodash.Many<T>, values: lodash.Many<T>): T[];
type LodashConcat1x1<T> = (values: lodash.Many<T>) => T[];
type LodashConcat1x2<T> = (array: lodash.Many<T>) => T[];
interface LodashCond {
<R>(pairs: Array<lodash.CondPairNullary<R>>): () => R;
<T, R>(pairs: Array<lodash.CondPairUnary<T, R>>): (Target: T) => R;
interface LodashConformsTo {
<T>(source: lodash.ConformsPredicateObject<T>): LodashConformsTo1x1<T>;
<T>(source: lodash.__, object: T): LodashConformsTo1x2<T>;
<T>(source: lodash.ConformsPredicateObject<T>, object: T): boolean;
type LodashConformsTo1x1<T> = (object: T) => boolean;
type LodashConformsTo1x2<T> = (source: lodash.ConformsPredicateObject<T>) => boolean;
interface LodashContains {
<T>(target: T): LodashContains1x1<T>;
<T>(target: lodash.__, collection: lodash.Dictionary<T> | lodash.NumericDictionary<T> | null | undefined): LodashContains1x2<T>;
<T>(target: T, collection: lodash.Dictionary<T> | lodash.NumericDictionary<T> | null | undefined): boolean;
type LodashContains1x1<T> = (collection: lodash.Dictionary<T> | lodash.NumericDictionary<T> | null | undefined) => boolean;
type LodashContains1x2<T> = (target: T) => boolean;
interface LodashCountBy {
<T>(iteratee: lodash.ValueIteratee<T>): LodashCountBy1x1<T>;
<T>(iteratee: lodash.__, collection: lodash.List<T> | null | undefined): LodashCountBy1x2<T>;
<T>(iteratee: lodash.ValueIteratee<T>, collection: lodash.List<T> | null | undefined): lodash.Dictionary<number>;
<T extends object>(iteratee: lodash.__, collection: T | null | undefined): LodashCountBy2x2<T>;
<T extends object>(iteratee: lodash.ValueIteratee<T[keyof T]>, collection: T | null | undefined): lodash.Dictionary<number>;
type LodashCountBy1x1<T> = (collection: lodash.List<T> | object | null | undefined) => lodash.Dictionary<number>;
type LodashCountBy1x2<T> = (iteratee: lodash.ValueIteratee<T>) => lodash.Dictionary<number>;
type LodashCountBy2x2<T> = (iteratee: lodash.ValueIteratee<T[keyof T]>) => lodash.Dictionary<number>;
type LodashCreate = <T extends object, U extends object>(prototype: T) => T & U;
interface LodashCurry {
<T1, R>(func: (t1: T1) => R): lodash.CurriedFunction1<T1, R>;
<T1, T2, R>(func: (t1: T1, t2: T2) => R): lodash.CurriedFunction2<T1, T2, R>;
<T1, T2, T3, R>(func: (t1: T1, t2: T2, t3: T3) => R): lodash.CurriedFunction3<T1, T2, T3, R>;
<T1, T2, T3, T4, R>(func: (t1: T1, t2: T2, t3: T3, t4: T4) => R): lodash.CurriedFunction4<T1, T2, T3, T4, R>;
<T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, R>(func: (t1: T1, t2: T2, t3: T3, t4: T4, t5: T5) => R): lodash.CurriedFunction5<T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, R>;
(func: (...args: any[]) => any): (...args: any[]) => any;
placeholder: lodash.__;
interface LodashCurryN {
(arity: number): LodashCurryN1x1;
<T1, R>(arity: lodash.__, func: (t1: T1) => R): LodashCurryN1x2<T1, R>;
<T1, R>(arity: number, func: (t1: T1) => R): lodash.CurriedFunction1<T1, R>;
<T1, T2, R>(arity: lodash.__, func: (t1: T1, t2: T2) => R): LodashCurryN2x2<T1, T2, R>;
<T1, T2, R>(arity: number, func: (t1: T1, t2: T2) => R): lodash.CurriedFunction2<T1, T2, R>;
<T1, T2, T3, R>(arity: lodash.__, func: (t1: T1, t2: T2, t3: T3) => R): LodashCurryN3x2<T1, T2, T3, R>;
<T1, T2, T3, R>(arity: number, func: (t1: T1, t2: T2, t3: T3) => R): lodash.CurriedFunction3<T1, T2, T3, R>;
<T1, T2, T3, T4, R>(arity: lodash.__, func: (t1: T1, t2: T2, t3: T3, t4: T4) => R): LodashCurryN4x2<T1, T2, T3, T4, R>;
<T1, T2, T3, T4, R>(arity: number, func: (t1: T1, t2: T2, t3: T3, t4: T4) => R): lodash.CurriedFunction4<T1, T2, T3, T4, R>;
<T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, R>(arity: lodash.__, func: (t1: T1, t2: T2, t3: T3, t4: T4, t5: T5) => R): LodashCurryN5x2<T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, R>;
<T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, R>(arity: number, func: (t1: T1, t2: T2, t3: T3, t4: T4, t5: T5) => R): lodash.CurriedFunction5<T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, R>;
(arity: lodash.__, func: (...args: any[]) => any): LodashCurryN6x2;
(arity: number, func: (...args: any[]) => any): (...args: any[]) => any;
placeholder: lodash.__;
interface LodashCurryN1x1 {
<T1, R>(func: (t1: T1) => R): lodash.CurriedFunction1<T1, R>;
<T1, T2, R>(func: (t1: T1, t2: T2) => R): lodash.CurriedFunction2<T1, T2, R>;
<T1, T2, T3, R>(func: (t1: T1, t2: T2, t3: T3) => R): lodash.CurriedFunction3<T1, T2, T3, R>;
<T1, T2, T3, T4, R>(func: (t1: T1, t2: T2, t3: T3, t4: T4) => R): lodash.CurriedFunction4<T1, T2, T3, T4, R>;
<T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, R>(func: (t1: T1, t2: T2, t3: T3, t4: T4, t5: T5) => R): lodash.CurriedFunction5<T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, R>;
(func: (...args: any[]) => any): (...args: any[]) => any;
type LodashCurryN1x2<T1, R> = (arity: number) => lodash.CurriedFunction1<T1, R>;
type LodashCurryN2x2<T1, T2, R> = (arity: number) => lodash.CurriedFunction2<T1, T2, R>;
type LodashCurryN3x2<T1, T2, T3, R> = (arity: number) => lodash.CurriedFunction3<T1, T2, T3, R>;
type LodashCurryN4x2<T1, T2, T3, T4, R> = (arity: number) => lodash.CurriedFunction4<T1, T2, T3, T4, R>;
type LodashCurryN5x2<T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, R> = (arity: number) => lodash.CurriedFunction5<T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, R>;
type LodashCurryN6x2 = (arity: number) => (...args: any[]) => any;
interface LodashCurryRight {
<T1, R>(func: (t1: T1) => R): lodash.RightCurriedFunction1<T1, R>;
<T1, T2, R>(func: (t1: T1, t2: T2) => R): lodash.RightCurriedFunction2<T1, T2, R>;
<T1, T2, T3, R>(func: (t1: T1, t2: T2, t3: T3) => R): lodash.RightCurriedFunction3<T1, T2, T3, R>;
<T1, T2, T3, T4, R>(func: (t1: T1, t2: T2, t3: T3, t4: T4) => R): lodash.RightCurriedFunction4<T1, T2, T3, T4, R>;
<T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, R>(func: (t1: T1, t2: T2, t3: T3, t4: T4, t5: T5) => R): lodash.RightCurriedFunction5<T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, R>;
(func: (...args: any[]) => any): (...args: any[]) => any;
placeholder: lodash.__;
interface LodashCurryRightN {
(arity: number): LodashCurryRightN1x1;
<T1, R>(arity: lodash.__, func: (t1: T1) => R): LodashCurryRightN1x2<T1, R>;
<T1, R>(arity: number, func: (t1: T1) => R): lodash.RightCurriedFunction1<T1, R>;
<T1, T2, R>(arity: lodash.__, func: (t1: T1, t2: T2) => R): LodashCurryRightN2x2<T1, T2, R>;
<T1, T2, R>(arity: number, func: (t1: T1, t2: T2) => R): lodash.RightCurriedFunction2<T1, T2, R>;
<T1, T2, T3, R>(arity: lodash.__, func: (t1: T1, t2: T2, t3: T3) => R): LodashCurryRightN3x2<T1, T2, T3, R>;
<T1, T2, T3, R>(arity: number, func: (t1: T1, t2: T2, t3: T3) => R): lodash.RightCurriedFunction3<T1, T2, T3, R>;
<T1, T2, T3, T4, R>(arity: lodash.__, func: (t1: T1, t2: T2, t3: T3, t4: T4) => R): LodashCurryRightN4x2<T1, T2, T3, T4, R>;
<T1, T2, T3, T4, R>(arity: number, func: (t1: T1, t2: T2, t3: T3, t4: T4) => R): lodash.RightCurriedFunction4<T1, T2, T3, T4, R>;
<T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, R>(arity: lodash.__, func: (t1: T1, t2: T2, t3: T3, t4: T4, t5: T5) => R): LodashCurryRightN5x2<T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, R>;
<T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, R>(arity: number, func: (t1: T1, t2: T2, t3: T3, t4: T4, t5: T5) => R): lodash.RightCurriedFunction5<T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, R>;
(arity: lodash.__, func: (...args: any[]) => any): LodashCurryRightN6x2;
(arity: number, func: (...args: any[]) => any): (...args: any[]) => any;
placeholder: lodash.__;
interface LodashCurryRightN1x1 {
<T1, R>(func: (t1: T1) => R): lodash.RightCurriedFunction1<T1, R>;
<T1, T2, R>(func: (t1: T1, t2: T2) => R): lodash.RightCurriedFunction2<T1, T2, R>;
<T1, T2, T3, R>(func: (t1: T1, t2: T2, t3: T3) => R): lodash.RightCurriedFunction3<T1, T2, T3, R>;
<T1, T2, T3, T4, R>(func: (t1: T1, t2: T2, t3: T3, t4: T4) => R): lodash.RightCurriedFunction4<T1, T2, T3, T4, R>;
<T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, R>(func: (t1: T1, t2: T2, t3: T3, t4: T4, t5: T5) => R): lodash.RightCurriedFunction5<T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, R>;
(func: (...args: any[]) => any): (...args: any[]) => any;
type LodashCurryRightN1x2<T1, R> = (arity: number) => lodash.RightCurriedFunction1<T1, R>;
type LodashCurryRightN2x2<T1, T2, R> = (arity: number) => lodash.RightCurriedFunction2<T1, T2, R>;
type LodashCurryRightN3x2<T1, T2, T3, R> = (arity: number) => lodash.RightCurriedFunction3<T1, T2, T3, R>;
type LodashCurryRightN4x2<T1, T2, T3, T4, R> = (arity: number) => lodash.RightCurriedFunction4<T1, T2, T3, T4, R>;
type LodashCurryRightN5x2<T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, R> = (arity: number) => lodash.RightCurriedFunction5<T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, R>;
type LodashCurryRightN6x2 = (arity: number) => (...args: any[]) => any;
interface LodashDebounce {
(wait: number): LodashDebounce1x1;
<T extends (...args: any) => any>(wait: lodash.__, func: T): LodashDebounce1x2<T>;
<T extends (...args: any) => any>(wait: number, func: T): lodash.DebouncedFunc<T>;
type LodashDebounce1x1 = <T extends (...args: any) => any>(func: T) => lodash.DebouncedFunc<T>;
type LodashDebounce1x2<T extends (...args: any) => any> = (wait: number) => lodash.DebouncedFunc<T>;
type LodashDeburr = (string: string) => string;
interface LodashDefaults {
<TSource>(source: TSource): LodashDefaults1x1<TSource>;
<TObject>(source: lodash.__, object: TObject): LodashDefaults1x2<TObject>;
<TObject, TSource>(source: TSource, object: TObject): TSource & TObject;
type LodashDefaults1x1<TSource> = <TObject>(object: TObject) => TSource & TObject;
type LodashDefaults1x2<TObject> = <TSource>(source: TSource) => TSource & TObject;
interface LodashDefaultsAll {
<TObject, TSource>(object: [TObject, TSource]): TSource & TObject;
<TObject, TSource1, TSource2>(object: [TObject, TSource1, TSource2]): TSource2 & TSource1 & TObject;
<TObject, TSource1, TSource2, TSource3>(object: [TObject, TSource1, TSource2, TSource3]): TSource3 & TSource2 & TSource1 & TObject;
<TObject, TSource1, TSource2, TSource3, TSource4>(object: [TObject, TSource1, TSource2, TSource3, TSource4]): TSource4 & TSource3 & TSource2 & TSource1 & TObject;
<TObject>(object: [TObject]): TObject;
(object: readonly any[]): any;
interface LodashDefaultsDeep {
(sources: any): LodashDefaultsDeep1x1;
(sources: lodash.__, object: any): LodashDefaultsDeep1x2;
(sources: any, object: any): any;
type LodashDefaultsDeep1x1 = (object: any) => any;
type LodashDefaultsDeep1x2 = (sources: any) => any;
type LodashDefaultsDeepAll = (object: readonly any[]) => any;
interface LodashDefaultTo {
<T>(defaultValue: T): LodashDefaultTo1x1<T>;
<T>(defaultValue: lodash.__, value: T | null | undefined): LodashDefaultTo1x2<T>;
<T>(defaultValue: T, value: T | null | undefined): T;
<TDefault>(defaultValue: TDefault): LodashDefaultTo2x1<TDefault>;
<T, TDefault>(defaultValue: TDefault, value: T | null | undefined): T | TDefault;
type LodashDefaultTo1x1<T> = (value: T | null | undefined) => T;
interface LodashDefaultTo1x2<T> {
(defaultValue: T): T;
<TDefault>(defaultValue: TDefault): T | TDefault;
type LodashDefaultTo2x1<TDefault> = <T>(value: T | null | undefined) => T | TDefault;
type LodashDefer = (func: (...args: any[]) => any, ...args: any[]) => number;
interface LodashDelay {
(wait: number): LodashDelay1x1;
(wait: lodash.__, func: (...args: any[]) => any): LodashDelay1x2;
(wait: number, func: (...args: any[]) => any): number;
type LodashDelay1x1 = (func: (...args: any[]) => any) => number;
type LodashDelay1x2 = (wait: number) => number;
interface LodashDifference {
<T>(array: lodash.List<T> | null | undefined): LodashDifference1x1<T>;
<T>(array: lodash.__, values: lodash.List<T>): LodashDifference1x2<T>;
<T>(array: lodash.List<T> | null | undefined, values: lodash.List<T>): T[];
type LodashDifference1x1<T> = (values: lodash.List<T>) => T[];
type LodashDifference1x2<T> = (array: lodash.List<T> | null | undefined) => T[];
interface LodashDifferenceBy {
<T1, T2>(iteratee: lodash.ValueIteratee<T1 | T2>): LodashDifferenceBy1x1<T1, T2>;
<T1>(iteratee: lodash.__, array: lodash.List<T1> | null | undefined): LodashDifferenceBy1x2<T1>;
<T1, T2>(iteratee: lodash.ValueIteratee<T1 | T2>, array: lodash.List<T1> | null | undefined): LodashDifferenceBy1x3<T1, T2>;
<T2>(iteratee: lodash.__, array: lodash.__, values: lodash.List<T2>): LodashDifferenceBy1x4<T2>;
<T1, T2>(iteratee: lodash.ValueIteratee<T1 | T2>, array: lodash.__, values: lodash.List<T2>): LodashDifferenceBy1x5<T1>;
<T1, T2>(iteratee: lodash.__, array: lodash.List<T1> | null | undefined, values: lodash.List<T2>): LodashDifferenceBy1x6<T1, T2>;
<T1, T2>(iteratee: lodash.ValueIteratee<T1 | T2>, array: lodash.List<T1> | null | undefined, values: lodash.List<T2>): T1[];
interface LodashDifferenceBy1x1<T1, T2> {
(array: lodash.List<T1> | null | undefined): LodashDifferenceBy1x3<T1, T2>;
(array: lodash.__, values: lodash.List<T2>): LodashDifferenceBy1x5<T1>;
(array: lodash.List<T1> | null | undefined, values: lodash.List<T2>): T1[];
interface LodashDifferenceBy1x2<T1> {
<T2>(iteratee: lodash.ValueIteratee<T1 | T2>): LodashDifferenceBy1x3<T1, T2>;
<T2>(iteratee: lodash.__, values: lodash.List<T2>): LodashDifferenceBy1x6<T1, T2>;
<T2>(iteratee: lodash.ValueIteratee<T1 | T2>, values: lodash.List<T2>): T1[];
type LodashDifferenceBy1x3<T1, T2> = (values: lodash.List<T2>) => T1[];
interface LodashDifferenceBy1x4<T2> {
<T1>(iteratee: lodash.ValueIteratee<T1 | T2>): LodashDifferenceBy1x5<T1>;
<T1>(iteratee: lodash.__, array: lodash.List<T1> | null | undefined): LodashDifferenceBy1x6<T1, T2>;
<T1>(iteratee: lodash.ValueIteratee<T1 | T2>, array: lodash.List<T1> | null | undefined): T1[];
type LodashDifferenceBy1x5<T1> = (array: lodash.List<T1> | null | undefined) => T1[];
type LodashDifferenceBy1x6<T1, T2> = (iteratee: lodash.ValueIteratee<T1 | T2>) => T1[];
interface LodashDifferenceWith {
<T1, T2>(comparator: lodash.Comparator2<T1, T2>): LodashDifferenceWith1x1<T1, T2>;
<T1>(comparator: lodash.__, array: lodash.List<T1> | null | undefined): LodashDifferenceWith1x2<T1>;
<T1, T2>(comparator: lodash.Comparator2<T1, T2>, array: lodash.List<T1> | null | undefined): LodashDifferenceWith1x3<T1, T2>;
<T2>(comparator: lodash.__, array: lodash.__, values: lodash.List<T2>): LodashDifferenceWith1x4<T2>;
<T1, T2>(comparator: lodash.Comparator2<T1, T2>, array: lodash.__, values: lodash.List<T2>): LodashDifferenceWith1x5<T1>;
<T1, T2>(comparator: lodash.__, array: lodash.List<T1> | null | undefined, values: lodash.List<T2>): LodashDifferenceWith1x6<T1, T2>;
<T1, T2>(comparator: lodash.Comparator2<T1, T2>, array: lodash.List<T1> | null | undefined, values: lodash.List<T2>): T1[];
interface LodashDifferenceWith1x1<T1, T2> {
(array: lodash.List<T1> | null | undefined): LodashDifferenceWith1x3<T1, T2>;
(array: lodash.__, values: lodash.List<T2>): LodashDifferenceWith1x5<T1>;
(array: lodash.List<T1> | null | undefined, values: lodash.List<T2>): T1[];
interface LodashDifferenceWith1x2<T1> {
<T2>(comparator: lodash.Comparator2<T1, T2>): LodashDifferenceWith1x3<T1, T2>;
<T2>(comparator: lodash.__, values: lodash.List<T2>): LodashDifferenceWith1x6<T1, T2>;
<T2>(comparator: lodash.Comparator2<T1, T2>, values: lodash.List<T2>): T1[];
type LodashDifferenceWith1x3<T1, T2> = (values: lodash.List<T2>) => T1[];
interface LodashDifferenceWith1x4<T2> {
<T1>(comparator: lodash.Comparator2<T1, T2>): LodashDifferenceWith1x5<T1>;
<T1>(comparator: lodash.__, array: lodash.List<T1> | null | undefined): LodashDifferenceWith1x6<T1, T2>;
<T1>(comparator: lodash.Comparator2<T1, T2>, array: lodash.List<T1> | null | undefined): T1[];
type LodashDifferenceWith1x5<T1> = (array: lodash.List<T1> | null | undefined) => T1[];
type LodashDifferenceWith1x6<T1, T2> = (comparator: lodash.Comparator2<T1, T2>) => T1[];
interface LodashUnset {
(path: lodash.PropertyPath): LodashUnset1x1;
<T>(path: lodash.__, object: T): LodashUnset1x2<T>;
<T>(path: lodash.PropertyPath, object: T): T;
type LodashUnset1x1 = <T>(object: T) => T;
type LodashUnset1x2<T> = (path: lodash.PropertyPath) => T;
interface LodashDivide {
(dividend: number): LodashDivide1x1;
(dividend: lodash.__, divisor: number): LodashDivide1x2;
(dividend: number, divisor: number): number;
type LodashDivide1x1 = (divisor: number) => number;
type LodashDivide1x2 = (dividend: number) => number;
interface LodashDrop {
(n: number): LodashDrop1x1;
<T>(n: lodash.__, array: lodash.List<T> | null | undefined): LodashDrop1x2<T>;
<T>(n: number, array: lodash.List<T> | null | undefined): T[];
type LodashDrop1x1 = <T>(array: lodash.List<T> | null | undefined) => T[];
type LodashDrop1x2<T> = (n: number) => T[];
interface LodashDropRight {
(n: number): LodashDropRight1x1;
<T>(n: lodash.__, array: lodash.List<T> | null | undefined): LodashDropRight1x2<T>;
<T>(n: number, array: lodash.List<T> | null | undefined): T[];
type LodashDropRight1x1 = <T>(array: lodash.List<T> | null | undefined) => T[];
type LodashDropRight1x2<T> = (n: number) => T[];
interface LodashDropRightWhile {
<T>(predicate: lodash.ValueIteratee<T>): LodashDropRightWhile1x1<T>;
<T>(predicate: lodash.__, array: lodash.List<T> | null | undefined): LodashDropRightWhile1x2<T>;
<T>(predicate: lodash.ValueIteratee<T>, array: lodash.List<T> | null | undefined): T[];
type LodashDropRightWhile1x1<T> = (array: lodash.List<T> | null | undefined) => T[];
type LodashDropRightWhile1x2<T> = (predicate: lodash.ValueIteratee<T>) => T[];
interface LodashDropWhile {
<T>(predicate: lodash.ValueIteratee<T>): LodashDropWhile1x1<T>;
<T>(predicate: lodash.__, array: lodash.List<T> | null | undefined): LodashDropWhile1x2<T>;
<T>(predicate: lodash.ValueIteratee<T>, array: lodash.List<T> | null | undefined): T[];
type LodashDropWhile1x1<T> = (array: lodash.List<T> | null | undefined) => T[];
type LodashDropWhile1x2<T> = (predicate: lodash.ValueIteratee<T>) => T[];
interface LodashForEach {
<T>(iteratee: (value: T) => any): LodashForEach1x1<T>;
<T>(iteratee: lodash.__, collection: readonly T[]): LodashForEach1x2<T>;
<T>(iteratee: (value: T) => any, collection: readonly T[]): T[];
<T>(iteratee: lodash.__, collection: lodash.List<T>): LodashForEach2x2<T>;
<T>(iteratee: (value: T) => any, collection: lodash.List<T>): lodash.List<T>;
<T extends object>(iteratee: lodash.__, collection: T): LodashForEach3x2<T>;
<T extends object>(iteratee: (value: T[keyof T]) => any, collection: T): T;
<T, TArray extends T[] | null | undefined>(iteratee: lodash.__, collection: TArray & (T[] | null | undefined)): LodashForEach4x2<T, TArray>;
<T, TArray extends T[] | null | undefined>(iteratee: (value: T) => any, collection: TArray & (T[] | null | undefined)): TArray;
<T, TList extends lodash.List<T> | null | undefined>(iteratee: lodash.__, collection: TList & (lodash.List<T> | null | undefined)): LodashForEach5x2<T, TList>;
<T, TList extends lodash.List<T> | null | undefined>(iteratee: (value: T) => any, collection: TList & (lodash.List<T> | null | undefined)): TList;
<T extends object>(iteratee: lodash.__, collection: T | null | undefined): LodashForEach6x2<T>;
<T extends object>(iteratee: (value: T[keyof T]) => any, collection: T | null | undefined): T | null | undefined;
interface LodashForEach1x1<T> {
(collection: readonly T[]): T[];
(collection: lodash.List<T>): lodash.List<T>;
<T1 extends object>(collection: T1): T1;
<TArray extends T[] | null | undefined>(collection: TArray & (T[] | null | undefined)): TArray;
<TList extends lodash.List<T> | null | undefined>(collection: TList & (lodash.List<T> | null | undefined)): TList;
<T1 extends object>(collection: T1 | null | undefined): T1 | null | undefined;
type LodashForEach1x2<T> = (iteratee: (value: T) => any) => T[];
type LodashForEach2x2<T> = (iteratee: (value: T) => any) => lodash.List<T>;
type LodashForEach3x2<T> = (iteratee: (value: T[keyof T]) => any) => T;
type LodashForEach4x2<T, TArray> = (iteratee: (value: T) => any) => TArray;
type LodashForEach5x2<T, TList> = (iteratee: (value: T) => any) => TList;
type LodashForEach6x2<T> = (iteratee: (value: T[keyof T]) => any) => T | null | undefined;
interface LodashForEachRight {
<T>(iteratee: (value: T) => any): LodashForEachRight1x1<T>;
<T>(iteratee: lodash.__, collection: readonly T[]): LodashForEachRight1x2<T>;
<T>(iteratee: (value: T) => any, collection: readonly T[]): T[];
<T>(iteratee: lodash.__, collection: lodash.List<T>): LodashForEachRight2x2<T>;
<T>(iteratee: (value: T) => any, collection: lodash.List<T>): lodash.List<T>;
<T extends object>(iteratee: lodash.__, collection: T): LodashForEachRight3x2<T>;
<T extends object>(iteratee: (value: T[keyof T]) => any, collection: T): T;
<T, TArray extends T[] | null | undefined>(iteratee: lodash.__, collection: TArray & (T[] | null | undefined)): LodashForEachRight4x2<T, TArray>;
<T, TArray extends T[] | null | undefined>(iteratee: (value: T) => any, collection: TArray & (T[] | null | undefined)): TArray;
<T, TList extends lodash.List<T> | null | undefined>(iteratee: lodash.__, collection: TList & (lodash.List<T> | null | undefined)): LodashForEachRight5x2<T, TList>;
<T, TList extends lodash.List<T> | null | undefined>(iteratee: (value: T) => any, collection: TList & (lodash.List<T> | null | undefined)): TList;
<T extends object>(iteratee: lodash.__, collection: T | null | undefined): LodashForEachRight6x2<T>;
<T extends object>(iteratee: (value: T[keyof T]) => any, collection: T | null | undefined): T | null | undefined;
interface LodashForEachRight1x1<T> {
(collection: readonly T[]): T[];
(collection: lodash.List<T>): lodash.List<T>;
<T1 extends object>(collection: T1): T1;
<TArray extends T[] | null | undefined>(collection: TArray & (T[] | null | undefined)): TArray;
<TList extends lodash.List<T> | null | undefined>(collection: TList & (lodash.List<T> | null | undefined)): TList;
<T1 extends object>(collection: T1 | null | undefined): T1 | null | undefined;
type LodashForEachRight1x2<T> = (iteratee: (value: T) => any) => T[];
type LodashForEachRight2x2<T> = (iteratee: (value: T) => any) => lodash.List<T>;
type LodashForEachRight3x2<T> = (iteratee: (value: T[keyof T]) => any) => T;
type LodashForEachRight4x2<T, TArray> = (iteratee: (value: T) => any) => TArray;
type LodashForEachRight5x2<T, TList> = (iteratee: (value: T) => any) => TList;
type LodashForEachRight6x2<T> = (iteratee: (value: T[keyof T]) => any) => T | null | undefined;
interface LodashEndsWith {
(target: string): LodashEndsWith1x1;
(target: lodash.__, string: string): LodashEndsWith1x2;
(target: string, string: string): boolean;
type LodashEndsWith1x1 = (string: string) => boolean;
type LodashEndsWith1x2 = (target: string) => boolean;
interface LodashToPairs {
<T>(object: lodash.Dictionary<T> | lodash.NumericDictionary<T>): Array<[string, T]>;
(object: object): Array<[string, any]>;
interface LodashToPairsIn {
<T>(object: lodash.Dictionary<T> | lodash.NumericDictionary<T>): Array<[string, T]>;
(object: object): Array<[string, any]>;
interface LodashEq {
(value: any): LodashEq1x1;
(value: lodash.__, other: any): LodashEq1x2;
(value: any, other: any): boolean;
type LodashEq1x1 = (other: any) => boolean;
type LodashEq1x2 = (value: any) => boolean;
interface LodashIsEqual {
(value: any): LodashIsEqual1x1;
(value: lodash.__, other: any): LodashIsEqual1x2;
(value: any, other: any): boolean;
type LodashIsEqual1x1 = (other: any) => boolean;
type LodashIsEqual1x2 = (value: any) => boolean;
type LodashEscape = (string: string) => string;
type LodashEscapeRegExp = (string: string) => string;
interface LodashExtend {
<TObject>(object: TObject): LodashExtend1x1<TObject>;
<TSource>(object: lodash.__, source: TSource): LodashExtend1x2<TSource>;
<TObject, TSource>(object: TObject, source: TSource): TObject & TSource;
type LodashExtend1x1<TObject> = <TSource>(source: TSource) => TObject & TSource;
type LodashExtend1x2<TSource> = <TObject>(object: TObject) => TObject & TSource;
interface LodashExtendAll {
<TObject, TSource>(object: [TObject, TSource]): TObject & TSource;
<TObject, TSource1, TSource2>(object: [TObject, TSource1, TSource2]): TObject & TSource1 & TSource2;
<TObject, TSource1, TSource2, TSource3>(object: [TObject, TSource1, TSource2, TSource3]): TObject & TSource1 & TSource2 & TSource3;
<TObject, TSource1, TSource2, TSource3, TSource4>(object: [TObject, TSource1, TSource2, TSource3, TSource4]): TObject & TSource1 & TSource2 & TSource3 & TSource4;
<TObject>(object: [TObject]): TObject;
<TResult>(object: readonly any[]): TResult;
interface LodashExtendAllWith {
(customizer: lodash.AssignCustomizer): LodashExtendAllWith1x1;
(customizer: lodash.__, args: readonly any[]): LodashExtendAllWith1x2;
(customizer: lodash.AssignCustomizer, args: readonly any[]): any;
type LodashExtendAllWith1x1 = (args: readonly any[]) => any;
type LodashExtendAllWith1x2 = (customizer: lodash.AssignCustomizer) => any;
interface LodashExtendWith {
(customizer: lodash.AssignCustomizer): LodashExtendWith1x1;
<TObject>(customizer: lodash.__, object: TObject): LodashExtendWith1x2<TObject>;
<TObject>(customizer: lodash.AssignCustomizer, object: TObject): LodashExtendWith1x3<TObject>;
<TSource>(customizer: lodash.__, object: lodash.__, source: TSource): LodashExtendWith1x4<TSource>;
<TSource>(customizer: lodash.AssignCustomizer, object: lodash.__, source: TSource): LodashExtendWith1x5<TSource>;
<TObject, TSource>(customizer: lodash.__, object: TObject, source: TSource): LodashExtendWith1x6<TObject, TSource>;
<TObject, TSource>(customizer: lodash.AssignCustomizer, object: TObject, source: TSource): TObject & TSource;
interface LodashExtendWith1x1 {
<TObject>(object: TObject): LodashExtendWith1x3<TObject>;
<TSource>(object: lodash.__, source: TSource): LodashExtendWith1x5<TSource>;
<TObject, TSource>(object: TObject, source: TSource): TObject & TSource;
interface LodashExtendWith1x2<TObject> {
(customizer: lodash.AssignCustomizer): LodashExtendWith1x3<TObject>;
<TSource>(customizer: lodash.__, source: TSource): LodashExtendWith1x6<TObject, TSource>;
<TSource>(customizer: lodash.AssignCustomizer, source: TSource): TObject & TSource;
type LodashExtendWith1x3<TObject> = <TSource>(source: TSource) => TObject & TSource;
interface LodashExtendWith1x4<TSource> {
(customizer: lodash.AssignCustomizer): LodashExtendWith1x5<TSource>;
<TObject>(customizer: lodash.__, object: TObject): LodashExtendWith1x6<TObject, TSource>;
<TObject>(customizer: lodash.AssignCustomizer, object: TObject): TObject & TSource;
type LodashExtendWith1x5<TSource> = <TObject>(object: TObject) => TObject & TSource;
type LodashExtendWith1x6<TObject, TSource> = (customizer: lodash.AssignCustomizer) => TObject & TSource;
type LodashStubFalse = () => false;
interface LodashFill {
(start: number): LodashFill1x1;
(start: lodash.__, end: number): LodashFill1x2;
(start: number, end: number): LodashFill1x3;
<T>(start: lodash.__, end: lodash.__, value: T): LodashFill1x4<T>;
<T>(start: number, end: lodash.__, value: T): LodashFill1x5<T>;
<T>(start: lodash.__, end: number, value: T): LodashFill1x6<T>;
<T>(start: number, end: number, value: T): LodashFill1x7<T>;
<U>(start: lodash.__, end: lodash.__, value: lodash.__, array: U[] | null | undefined): LodashFill1x8<U>;
<U>(start: number, end: lodash.__, value: lodash.__, array: U[] | null | undefined): LodashFill1x9<U>;
<U>(start: lodash.__, end: number, value: lodash.__, array: U[] | null | undefined): LodashFill1x10<U>;
<U>(start: number, end: number, value: lodash.__, array: U[] | null | undefined): LodashFill1x11<U>;
<T, U>(start: lodash.__, end: lodash.__, value: T, array: U[] | null | undefined): LodashFill1x12<T, U>;
<T, U>(start: number, end: lodash.__, value: T, array: U[] | null | undefined): LodashFill1x13<T, U>;
<T, U>(start: lodash.__, end: number, value: T, array: U[] | null | undefined): LodashFill1x14<T, U>;
<T, U>(start: number, end: number, value: T, array: U[] | null | undefined): Array<T | U>;
<U>(start: lodash.__, end: lodash.__, value: lodash.__, array: lodash.List<U> | null | undefined): LodashFill2x8<U>;
<U>(start: number, end: lodash.__, value: lodash.__, array: lodash.List<U> | null | undefined): LodashFill2x9<U>;
<U>(start: lodash.__, end: number, value: lodash.__, array: lodash.List<U> | null | undefined): LodashFill2x10<U>;
<U>(start: number, end: number, value: lodash.__, array: lodash.List<U> | null | undefined): LodashFill2x11<U>;
<T, U>(start: lodash.__, end: lodash.__, value: T, array: lodash.List<U> | null | undefined): LodashFill2x12<T, U>;
<T, U>(start: number, end: lodash.__, value: T, array: lodash.List<U> | null | undefined): LodashFill2x13<T, U>;
<T, U>(start: lodash.__, end: number, value: T, array: lodash.List<U> | null | undefined): LodashFill2x14<T, U>;
<T, U>(start: number, end: number, value: T, array: lodash.List<U> | null | undefined): lodash.List<T | U>;
interface LodashFill1x1 {
(end: number): LodashFill1x3;
<T>(end: lodash.__, value: T): LodashFill1x5<T>;
<T>(end: number, value: T): LodashFill1x7<T>;
<U>(end: lodash.__, value: lodash.__, array: U[] | null | undefined): LodashFill1x9<U>;
<U>(end: number, value: lodash.__, array: U[] | null | undefined): LodashFill1x11<U>;
<T, U>(end: lodash.__, value: T, array: U[] | null | undefined): LodashFill1x13<T, U>;
<T, U>(end: number, value: T, array: U[] | null | undefined): Array<T | U>;
<U>(end: lodash.__, value: lodash.__, array: lodash.List<U> | null | undefined): LodashFill2x9<U>;
<U>(end: number, value: lodash.__, array: lodash.List<U> | null | undefined): LodashFill2x11<U>;
<T, U>(end: lodash.__, value: T, array: lodash.List<U> | null | undefined): LodashFill2x13<T, U>;
<T, U>(end: number, value: T, array: lodash.List<U> | null | undefined): lodash.List<T | U>;
interface LodashFill1x2 {
(start: number): LodashFill1x3;
<T>(start: lodash.__, value: T): LodashFill1x6<T>;
<T>(start: number, value: T): LodashFill1x7<T>;
<U>(start: lodash.__, value: lodash.__, array: U[] | null | undefined): LodashFill1x10<U>;
<U>(start: number, value: lodash.__, array: U[] | null | undefined): LodashFill1x11<U>;
<T, U>(start: lodash.__, value: T, array: U[] | null | undefined): LodashFill1x14<T, U>;
<T, U>(start: number, value: T, array: U[] | null | undefined): Array<T | U>;
<U>(start: lodash.__, value: lodash.__, array: lodash.List<U> | null | undefined): LodashFill2x10<U>;
<U>(start: number, value: lodash.__, array: lodash.List<U> | null | undefined): LodashFill2x11<U>;
<T, U>(start: lodash.__, value: T, array: lodash.List<U> | null | undefined): LodashFill2x14<T, U>;
<T, U>(start: number, value: T, array: lodash.List<U> | null | undefined): lodash.List<T | U>;
interface LodashFill1x3 {
<T>(value: T): LodashFill1x7<T>;
<U>(value: lodash.__, array: U[] | null | undefined): LodashFill1x11<U>;
<T, U>(value: T, array: U[] | null | undefined): Array<T | U>;
<U>(value: lodash.__, array: lodash.List<U> | null | undefined): LodashFill2x11<U>;
<T, U>(value: T, array: lodash.List<U> | null | undefined): lodash.List<T | U>;
interface LodashFill1x4<T> {
(start: number): LodashFill1x5<T>;
(start: lodash.__, end: number): LodashFill1x6<T>;
(start: number, end: number): LodashFill1x7<T>;
<U>(start: lodash.__, end: lodash.__, array: U[] | null | undefined): LodashFill1x12<T, U>;
<U>(start: number, end: lodash.__, array: U[] | null | undefined): LodashFill1x13<T, U>;
<U>(start: lodash.__, end: number, array: U[] | null | undefined): LodashFill1x14<T, U>;
<U>(start: number, end: number, array: U[] | null | undefined): Array<T | U>;
<U>(start: lodash.__, end: lodash.__, array: lodash.List<U> | null | undefined): LodashFill2x12<T, U>;
<U>(start: number, end: lodash.__, array: lodash.List<U> | null | undefined): LodashFill2x13<T, U>;
<U>(start: lodash.__, end: number, array: lodash.List<U> | null | undefined): LodashFill2x14<T, U>;
<U>(start: number, end: number, array: lodash.List<U> | null | undefined): lodash.List<T | U>;
interface LodashFill1x5<T> {
(end: number): LodashFill1x7<T>;
<U>(end: lodash.__, array: U[] | null | undefined): LodashFill1x13<T, U>;
<U>(end: number, array: U[] | null | undefined): Array<T | U>;
<U>(end: lodash.__, array: lodash.List<U> | null | undefined): LodashFill2x13<T, U>;
<U>(end: number, array: lodash.List<U> | null | undefined): lodash.List<T | U>;
interface LodashFill1x6<T> {
(start: number): LodashFill1x7<T>;
<U>(start: lodash.__, array: U[] | null | undefined): LodashFill1x14<T, U>;
<U>(start: number, array: U[] | null | undefined): Array<T | U>;
<U>(start: lodash.__, array: lodash.List<U> | null | undefined): LodashFill2x14<T, U>;
<U>(start: number, array: lodash.List<U> | null | undefined): lodash.List<T | U>;
interface LodashFill1x7<T> {
<U>(array: U[] | null | undefined): Array<T | U>;
<U>(array: lodash.List<U> | null | undefined): lodash.List<T | U>;
interface LodashFill1x8<U> {
(start: number): LodashFill1x9<U>;
(start: lodash.__, end: number): LodashFill1x10<U>;
(start: number, end: number): LodashFill1x11<U>;
<T>(start: lodash.__, end: lodash.__, value: T): LodashFill1x12<T, U>;
<T>(start: number, end: lodash.__, value: T): LodashFill1x13<T, U>;
<T>(start: lodash.__, end: number, value: T): LodashFill1x14<T, U>;
<T>(start: number, end: number, value: T): Array<T | U>;
interface LodashFill1x9<U> {
(end: number): LodashFill1x11<U>;
<T>(end: lodash.__, value: T): LodashFill1x13<T, U>;
<T>(end: number, value: T): Array<T | U>;
interface LodashFill1x10<U> {
(start: number): LodashFill1x11<U>;
<T>(start: lodash.__, value: T): LodashFill1x14<T, U>;
<T>(start: number, value: T): Array<T | U>;
type LodashFill1x11<U> = <T>(value: T) => Array<T | U>;
interface LodashFill1x12<T, U> {
(start: number): LodashFill1x13<T, U>;
(start: lodash.__, end: number): LodashFill1x14<T, U>;
(start: number, end: number): Array<T | U>;
type LodashFill1x13<T, U> = (end: number) => Array<T | U>;
type LodashFill1x14<T, U> = (start: number) => Array<T | U>;
interface LodashFill2x8<U> {
(start: number): LodashFill2x9<U>;
(start: lodash.__, end: number): LodashFill2x10<U>;
(start: number, end: number): LodashFill2x11<U>;
<T>(start: lodash.__, end: lodash.__, value: T): LodashFill2x12<T, U>;
<T>(start: number, end: lodash.__, value: T): LodashFill2x13<T, U>;
<T>(start: lodash.__, end: number, value: T): LodashFill2x14<T, U>;
<T>(start: number, end: number, value: T): lodash.List<T | U>;
interface LodashFill2x9<U> {
(end: number): LodashFill2x11<U>;
<T>(end: lodash.__, value: T): LodashFill2x13<T, U>;
<T>(end: number, value: T): lodash.List<T | U>;
interface LodashFill2x10<U> {
(start: number): LodashFill2x11<U>;
<T>(start: lodash.__, value: T): LodashFill2x14<T, U>;
<T>(start: number, value: T): lodash.List<T | U>;
type LodashFill2x11<U> = <T>(value: T) => lodash.List<T | U>;
interface LodashFill2x12<T, U> {
(start: number): LodashFill2x13<T, U>;
(start: lodash.__, end: number): LodashFill2x14<T, U>;
(start: number, end: number): lodash.List<T | U>;
type LodashFill2x13<T, U> = (end: number) => lodash.List<T | U>;
type LodashFill2x14<T, U> = (start: number) => lodash.List<T | U>;
interface LodashFilter {
<T, S extends T>(predicate: lodash.ValueIteratorTypeGuard<T, S>): LodashFilter1x1<T, S>;
<T>(predicate: lodash.__, collection: lodash.List<T> | null | undefined): LodashFilter1x2<T>;
<T, S extends T>(predicate: lodash.ValueIteratorTypeGuard<T, S>, collection: lodash.List<T> | null | undefined): S[];
<T>(predicate: lodash.ValueIterateeCustom<T, boolean>): LodashFilter2x1<T>;
<T>(predicate: lodash.ValueIterateeCustom<T, boolean>, collection: lodash.List<T> | null | undefined): T[];
<T extends object, S extends T[keyof T]>(predicate: lodash.ValueIteratorTypeGuard<T[keyof T], S>): LodashFilter3x1<T, S>;
<T extends object>(predicate: lodash.__, collection: T | null | undefined): LodashFilter3x2<T>;
<T extends object, S extends T[keyof T]>(predicate: lodash.ValueIteratorTypeGuard<T[keyof T], S>, collection: T | null | undefined): S[];
<T extends object>(predicate: lodash.ValueIterateeCustom<T[keyof T], boolean>, collection: T | null | undefined): Array<T[keyof T]>;
type LodashFilter1x1<T, S> = (collection: lodash.List<T> | null | undefined) => S[];
interface LodashFilter1x2<T> {
<S extends T>(predicate: lodash.ValueIteratorTypeGuard<T, S>): S[];
(predicate: lodash.ValueIterateeCustom<T, boolean>): T[];
type LodashFilter2x1<T> = (collection: lodash.List<T> | object | null | undefined) => T[];
type LodashFilter3x1<T, S> = (collection: T | null | undefined) => S[];
interface LodashFilter3x2<T> {
<S extends T[keyof T]>(predicate: lodash.ValueIteratorTypeGuard<T[keyof T], S>): S[];
(predicate: lodash.ValueIterateeCustom<T[keyof T], boolean>): Array<T[keyof T]>;
interface LodashFind {
<T, S extends T>(predicate: lodash.ValueIteratorTypeGuard<T, S>): LodashFind1x1<T, S>;
<T>(predicate: lodash.__, collection: lodash.List<T> | null | undefined): LodashFind1x2<T>;
<T, S extends T>(predicate: lodash.ValueIteratorTypeGuard<T, S>, collection: lodash.List<T> | null | undefined): S|undefined;
<T>(predicate: lodash.ValueIterateeCustom<T, boolean>): LodashFind2x1<T>;
<T>(predicate: lodash.ValueIterateeCustom<T, boolean>, collection: lodash.List<T> | null | undefined): T|undefined;
<T extends object, S extends T[keyof T]>(predicate: lodash.ValueIteratorTypeGuard<T[keyof T], S>): LodashFind3x1<T, S>;
<T extends object>(predicate: lodash.__, collection: T | null | undefined): LodashFind3x2<T>;
<T extends object, S extends T[keyof T]>(predicate: lodash.ValueIteratorTypeGuard<T[keyof T], S>, collection: T | null | undefined): S|undefined;
<T extends object>(predicate: lodash.ValueIterateeCustom<T[keyof T], boolean>, collection: T | null | undefined): T[keyof T]|undefined;
type LodashFind1x1<T, S> = (collection: lodash.List<T> | null | undefined) => S|undefined;
interface LodashFind1x2<T> {
<S extends T>(predicate: lodash.ValueIteratorTypeGuard<T, S>): S|undefined;
(predicate: lodash.ValueIterateeCustom<T, boolean>): T|undefined;
type LodashFind2x1<T> = (collection: lodash.List<T> | object | null | undefined) => T|undefined;
type LodashFind3x1<T, S> = (collection: T | null | undefined) => S|undefined;
interface LodashFind3x2<T> {
<S extends T[keyof T]>(predicate: lodash.ValueIteratorTypeGuard<T[keyof T], S>): S|undefined;
(predicate: lodash.ValueIterateeCustom<T[keyof T], boolean>): T[keyof T]|undefined;
interface LodashFindFrom {
<T, S extends T>(predicate: lodash.ValueIteratorTypeGuard<T, S>): LodashFindFrom1x1<T, S>;
(predicate: lodash.__, fromIndex: number): LodashFindFrom1x2;
<T, S extends T>(predicate: lodash.ValueIteratorTypeGuard<T, S>, fromIndex: number): LodashFindFrom1x3<T, S>;
<T>(predicate: lodash.__, fromIndex: lodash.__, collection: lodash.List<T> | null | undefined): LodashFindFrom1x4<T>;
<T, S extends T>(predicate: lodash.ValueIteratorTypeGuard<T, S>, fromIndex: lodash.__, collection: lodash.List<T> | null | undefined): LodashFindFrom1x5<S>;
<T>(predicate: lodash.__, fromIndex: number, collection: lodash.List<T> | null | undefined): LodashFindFrom1x6<T>;
<T, S extends T>(predicate: lodash.ValueIteratorTypeGuard<T, S>, fromIndex: number, collection: lodash.List<T> | null | undefined): S|undefined;
<T>(predicate: lodash.ValueIterateeCustom<T, boolean>): LodashFindFrom2x1<T>;
<T>(predicate: lodash.ValueIterateeCustom<T, boolean>, fromIndex: number): LodashFindFrom2x3<T>;
<T>(predicate: lodash.ValueIterateeCustom<T, boolean>, fromIndex: lodash.__, collection: lodash.List<T> | null | undefined): LodashFindFrom2x5<T>;
<T>(predicate: lodash.ValueIterateeCustom<T, boolean>, fromIndex: number, collection: lodash.List<T> | null | undefined): T|undefined;
<T extends object, S extends T[keyof T]>(predicate: lodash.ValueIteratorTypeGuard<T[keyof T], S>): LodashFindFrom3x1<T, S>;
<T extends object, S extends T[keyof T]>(predicate: lodash.ValueIteratorTypeGuard<T[keyof T], S>, fromIndex: number): LodashFindFrom3x3<T, S>;
<T extends object>(predicate: lodash.__, fromIndex: lodash.__, collection: T | null | undefined): LodashFindFrom3x4<T>;
<T extends object, S extends T[keyof T]>(predicate: lodash.ValueIteratorTypeGuard<T[keyof T], S>, fromIndex: lodash.__, collection: T | null | undefined): LodashFindFrom3x5<S>;
<T extends object>(predicate: lodash.__, fromIndex: number, collection: T | null | undefined): LodashFindFrom3x6<T>;
<T extends object, S extends T[keyof T]>(predicate: lodash.ValueIteratorTypeGuard<T[keyof T], S>, fromIndex: number, collection: T | null | undefined): S|undefined;
<T extends object>(predicate: lodash.ValueIterateeCustom<T[keyof T], boolean>, fromIndex: lodash.__, collection: T | null | undefined): LodashFindFrom4x5<T>;
<T extends object>(predicate: lodash.ValueIterateeCustom<T[keyof T], boolean>, fromIndex: number, collection: T | null | undefined): T[keyof T]|undefined;
interface LodashFindFrom1x1<T, S> {
(fromIndex: number): LodashFindFrom1x3<T, S>;
(fromIndex: lodash.__, collection: lodash.List<T> | null | undefined): LodashFindFrom1x5<S>;
(fromIndex: number, collection: lodash.List<T> | null | undefined): S|undefined;
interface LodashFindFrom1x2 {
<T, S extends T>(predicate: lodash.ValueIteratorTypeGuard<T, S>): LodashFindFrom1x3<T, S>;
<T>(predicate: lodash.__, collection: lodash.List<T> | null | undefined): LodashFindFrom1x6<T>;
<T, S extends T>(predicate: lodash.ValueIteratorTypeGuard<T, S>, collection: lodash.List<T> | null | undefined): S|undefined;
<T>(predicate: lodash.ValueIterateeCustom<T, boolean>): LodashFindFrom2x3<T>;
<T>(predicate: lodash.ValueIterateeCustom<T, boolean>, collection: lodash.List<T> | null | undefined): T|undefined;
<T extends object, S extends T[keyof T]>(predicate: lodash.ValueIteratorTypeGuard<T[keyof T], S>): LodashFindFrom3x3<T, S>;
<T extends object>(predicate: lodash.__, collection: T | null | undefined): LodashFindFrom3x6<T>;
<T extends object, S extends T[keyof T]>(predicate: lodash.ValueIteratorTypeGuard<T[keyof T], S>, collection: T | null | undefined): S|undefined;
<T extends object>(predicate: lodash.ValueIterateeCustom<T[keyof T], boolean>, collection: T | null | undefined): T[keyof T]|undefined;
type LodashFindFrom1x3<T, S> = (collection: lodash.List<T> | null | undefined) => S|undefined;
interface LodashFindFrom1x4<T> {
<S extends T>(predicate: lodash.ValueIteratorTypeGuard<T, S>): LodashFindFrom1x5<S>;
(predicate: lodash.__, fromIndex: number): LodashFindFrom1x6<T>;
<S extends T>(predicate: lodash.ValueIteratorTypeGuard<T, S>, fromIndex: number): S|undefined;
(predicate: lodash.ValueIterateeCustom<T, boolean>): LodashFindFrom2x5<T>;
(predicate: lodash.ValueIterateeCustom<T, boolean>, fromIndex: number): T|undefined;
type LodashFindFrom1x5<S> = (fromIndex: number) => S|undefined;
interface LodashFindFrom1x6<T> {
<S extends T>(predicate: lodash.ValueIteratorTypeGuard<T, S>): S|undefined;
(predicate: lodash.ValueIterateeCustom<T, boolean>): T|undefined;
interface LodashFindFrom2x1<T> {
(fromIndex: number): LodashFindFrom2x3<T>;
(fromIndex: lodash.__, collection: lodash.List<T> | null | undefined): LodashFindFrom2x5<T>;
(fromIndex: number, collection: lodash.List<T> | object | null | undefined): T|undefined;
<T1 extends object>(fromIndex: lodash.__, collection: T1 | null | undefined): LodashFindFrom4x5<T>;
interface LodashFindFrom2x3<T> {
(collection: lodash.List<T> | null | undefined): T|undefined;
(collection: object | null | undefined): object|undefined;
type LodashFindFrom2x5<T> = (fromIndex: number) => T|undefined;
interface LodashFindFrom3x1<T, S> {
(fromIndex: number): LodashFindFrom3x3<T, S>;
(fromIndex: lodash.__, collection: T | null | undefined): LodashFindFrom3x5<S>;
(fromIndex: number, collection: T | null | undefined): S|undefined;
type LodashFindFrom3x3<T, S> = (collection: T | null | undefined) => S|undefined;
interface LodashFindFrom3x4<T> {
<S extends T[keyof T]>(predicate: lodash.ValueIteratorTypeGuard<T[keyof T], S>): LodashFindFrom3x5<S>;
(predicate: lodash.__, fromIndex: number): LodashFindFrom3x6<T>;
<S extends T[keyof T]>(predicate: lodash.ValueIteratorTypeGuard<T[keyof T], S>, fromIndex: number): S|undefined;
(predicate: lodash.ValueIterateeCustom<T[keyof T], boolean>): LodashFindFrom4x5<T>;
(predicate: lodash.ValueIterateeCustom<T[keyof T], boolean>, fromIndex: number): T[keyof T]|undefined;
type LodashFindFrom3x5<S> = (fromIndex: number) => S|undefined;
interface LodashFindFrom3x6<T> {
<S extends T[keyof T]>(predicate: lodash.ValueIteratorTypeGuard<T[keyof T], S>): S|undefined;
(predicate: lodash.ValueIterateeCustom<T[keyof T], boolean>): T[keyof T]|undefined;
type LodashFindFrom4x5<T> = (fromIndex: number) => T[keyof T]|undefined;
interface LodashFindIndex {
<T>(predicate: lodash.ValueIterateeCustom<T, boolean>): LodashFindIndex1x1<T>;
<T>(predicate: lodash.__, array: lodash.List<T> | null | undefined): LodashFindIndex1x2<T>;
<T>(predicate: lodash.ValueIterateeCustom<T, boolean>, array: lodash.List<T> | null | undefined): number;
type LodashFindIndex1x1<T> = (array: lodash.List<T> | null | undefined) => number;
type LodashFindIndex1x2<T> = (predicate: lodash.ValueIterateeCustom<T, boolean>) => number;
interface LodashFindIndexFrom {
<T>(predicate: lodash.ValueIterateeCustom<T, boolean>): LodashFindIndexFrom1x1<T>;
(predicate: lodash.__, fromIndex: number): LodashFindIndexFrom1x2;
<T>(predicate: lodash.ValueIterateeCustom<T, boolean>, fromIndex: number): LodashFindIndexFrom1x3<T>;
<T>(predicate: lodash.__, fromIndex: lodash.__, array: lodash.List<T> | null | undefined): LodashFindIndexFrom1x4<T>;
<T>(predicate: lodash.ValueIterateeCustom<T, boolean>, fromIndex: lodash.__, array: lodash.List<T> | null | undefined): LodashFindIndexFrom1x5;
<T>(predicate: lodash.__, fromIndex: number, array: lodash.List<T> | null | undefined): LodashFindIndexFrom1x6<T>;
<T>(predicate: lodash.ValueIterateeCustom<T, boolean>, fromIndex: number, array: lodash.List<T> | null | undefined): number;
interface LodashFindIndexFrom1x1<T> {
(fromIndex: number): LodashFindIndexFrom1x3<T>;
(fromIndex: lodash.__, array: lodash.List<T> | null | undefined): LodashFindIndexFrom1x5;
(fromIndex: number, array: lodash.List<T> | null | undefined): number;
interface LodashFindIndexFrom1x2 {
<T>(predicate: lodash.ValueIterateeCustom<T, boolean>): LodashFindIndexFrom1x3<T>;
<T>(predicate: lodash.__, array: lodash.List<T> | null | undefined): LodashFindIndexFrom1x6<T>;
<T>(predicate: lodash.ValueIterateeCustom<T, boolean>, array: lodash.List<T> | null | undefined): number;
type LodashFindIndexFrom1x3<T> = (array: lodash.List<T> | null | undefined) => number;
interface LodashFindIndexFrom1x4<T> {
(predicate: lodash.ValueIterateeCustom<T, boolean>): LodashFindIndexFrom1x5;
(predicate: lodash.__, fromIndex: number): LodashFindIndexFrom1x6<T>;
(predicate: lodash.ValueIterateeCustom<T, boolean>, fromIndex: number): number;
type LodashFindIndexFrom1x5 = (fromIndex: number) => number;
type LodashFindIndexFrom1x6<T> = (predicate: lodash.ValueIterateeCustom<T, boolean>) => number;
interface LodashFindKey {
<T>(predicate: lodash.ValueIteratee<T>): LodashFindKey1x1<T>;
<T>(predicate: lodash.__, object: T | null | undefined): LodashFindKey1x2<T>;
<T>(predicate: lodash.ValueIteratee<T[keyof T]>, object: T | null | undefined): string | undefined;
type LodashFindKey1x1<T> = (object: object | null | undefined) => string | undefined;
type LodashFindKey1x2<T> = (predicate: lodash.ValueIteratee<T[keyof T]>) => string | undefined;
interface LodashFindLast {
<T, S extends T>(predicate: lodash.ValueIteratorTypeGuard<T, S>): LodashFindLast1x1<T, S>;
<T>(predicate: lodash.__, collection: lodash.List<T> | null | undefined): LodashFindLast1x2<T>;
<T, S extends T>(predicate: lodash.ValueIteratorTypeGuard<T, S>, collection: lodash.List<T> | null | undefined): S|undefined;
<T>(predicate: lodash.ValueIterateeCustom<T, boolean>): LodashFindLast2x1<T>;
<T>(predicate: lodash.ValueIterateeCustom<T, boolean>, collection: lodash.List<T> | null | undefined): T|undefined;
<T extends object, S extends T[keyof T]>(predicate: lodash.ValueIteratorTypeGuard<T[keyof T], S>): LodashFindLast3x1<T, S>;
<T extends object>(predicate: lodash.__, collection: T | null | undefined): LodashFindLast3x2<T>;
<T extends object, S extends T[keyof T]>(predicate: lodash.ValueIteratorTypeGuard<T[keyof T], S>, collection: T | null | undefined): S|undefined;
<T extends object>(predicate: lodash.ValueIterateeCustom<T[keyof T], boolean>, collection: T | null | undefined): T[keyof T]|undefined;
type LodashFindLast1x1<T, S> = (collection: lodash.List<T> | null | undefined) => S|undefined;
interface LodashFindLast1x2<T> {
<S extends T>(predicate: lodash.ValueIteratorTypeGuard<T, S>): S|undefined;
(predicate: lodash.ValueIterateeCustom<T, boolean>): T|undefined;
type LodashFindLast2x1<T> = (collection: lodash.List<T> | object | null | undefined) => T|undefined;
type LodashFindLast3x1<T, S> = (collection: T | null | undefined) => S|undefined;
interface LodashFindLast3x2<T> {
<S extends T[keyof T]>(predicate: lodash.ValueIteratorTypeGuard<T[keyof T], S>): S|undefined;
(predicate: lodash.ValueIterateeCustom<T[keyof T], boolean>): T[keyof T]|undefined;
interface LodashFindLastFrom {
<T, S extends T>(predicate: lodash.ValueIteratorTypeGuard<T, S>): LodashFindLastFrom1x1<T, S>;
(predicate: lodash.__, fromIndex: number): LodashFindLastFrom1x2;
<T, S extends T>(predicate: lodash.ValueIteratorTypeGuard<T, S>, fromIndex: number): LodashFindLastFrom1x3<T, S>;
<T>(predicate: lodash.__, fromIndex: lodash.__, collection: lodash.List<T> | null | undefined): LodashFindLastFrom1x4<T>;
<T, S extends T>(predicate: lodash.ValueIteratorTypeGuard<T, S>, fromIndex: lodash.__, collection: lodash.List<T> | null | undefined): LodashFindLastFrom1x5<S>;
<T>(predicate: lodash.__, fromIndex: number, collection: lodash.List<T> | null | undefined): LodashFindLastFrom1x6<T>;
<T, S extends T>(predicate: lodash.ValueIteratorTypeGuard<T, S>, fromIndex: number, collection: lodash.List<T> | null | undefined): S|undefined;
<T>(predicate: lodash.ValueIterateeCustom<T, boolean>): LodashFindLastFrom2x1<T>;
<T>(predicate: lodash.ValueIterateeCustom<T, boolean>, fromIndex: number): LodashFindLastFrom2x3<T>;
<T>(predicate: lodash.ValueIterateeCustom<T, boolean>, fromIndex: lodash.__, collection: lodash.List<T> | null | undefined): LodashFindLastFrom2x5<T>;
<T>(predicate: lodash.ValueIterateeCustom<T, boolean>, fromIndex: number, collection: lodash.List<T> | null | undefined): T|undefined;
<T extends object, S extends T[keyof T]>(predicate: lodash.ValueIteratorTypeGuard<T[keyof T], S>): LodashFindLastFrom3x1<T, S>;
<T extends object, S extends T[keyof T]>(predicate: lodash.ValueIteratorTypeGuard<T[keyof T], S>, fromIndex: number): LodashFindLastFrom3x3<T, S>;
<T extends object>(predicate: lodash.__, fromIndex: lodash.__, collection: T | null | undefined): LodashFindLastFrom3x4<T>;
<T extends object, S extends T[keyof T]>(predicate: lodash.ValueIteratorTypeGuard<T[keyof T], S>, fromIndex: lodash.__, collection: T | null | undefined): LodashFindLastFrom3x5<S>;
<T extends object>(predicate: lodash.__, fromIndex: number, collection: T | null | undefined): LodashFindLastFrom3x6<T>;
<T extends object, S extends T[keyof T]>(predicate: lodash.ValueIteratorTypeGuard<T[keyof T], S>, fromIndex: number, collection: T | null | undefined): S|undefined;
<T extends object>(predicate: lodash.ValueIterateeCustom<T[keyof T], boolean>, fromIndex: lodash.__, collection: T | null | undefined): LodashFindLastFrom4x5<T>;
<T extends object>(predicate: lodash.ValueIterateeCustom<T[keyof T], boolean>, fromIndex: number, collection: T | null | undefined): T[keyof T]|undefined;
interface LodashFindLastFrom1x1<T, S> {
(fromIndex: number): LodashFindLastFrom1x3<T, S>;
(fromIndex: lodash.__, collection: lodash.List<T> | null | undefined): LodashFindLastFrom1x5<S>;
(fromIndex: number, collection: lodash.List<T> | null | undefined): S|undefined;
interface LodashFindLastFrom1x2 {
<T, S extends T>(predicate: lodash.ValueIteratorTypeGuard<T, S>): LodashFindLastFrom1x3<T, S>;
<T>(predicate: lodash.__, collection: lodash.List<T> | null | undefined): LodashFindLastFrom1x6<T>;
<T, S extends T>(predicate: lodash.ValueIteratorTypeGuard<T, S>, collection: lodash.List<T> | null | undefined): S|undefined;
<T>(predicate: lodash.ValueIterateeCustom<T, boolean>): LodashFindLastFrom2x3<T>;
<T>(predicate: lodash.ValueIterateeCustom<T, boolean>, collection: lodash.List<T> | null | undefined): T|undefined;
<T extends object, S extends T[keyof T]>(predicate: lodash.ValueIteratorTypeGuard<T[keyof T], S>): LodashFindLastFrom3x3<T, S>;
<T extends object>(predicate: lodash.__, collection: T | null | undefined): LodashFindLastFrom3x6<T>;
<T extends object, S extends T[keyof T]>(predicate: lodash.ValueIteratorTypeGuard<T[keyof T], S>, collection: T | null | undefined): S|undefined;
<T extends object>(predicate: lodash.ValueIterateeCustom<T[keyof T], boolean>, collection: T | null | undefined): T[keyof T]|undefined;
type LodashFindLastFrom1x3<T, S> = (collection: lodash.List<T> | null | undefined) => S|undefined;
interface LodashFindLastFrom1x4<T> {
<S extends T>(predicate: lodash.ValueIteratorTypeGuard<T, S>): LodashFindLastFrom1x5<S>;
(predicate: lodash.__, fromIndex: number): LodashFindLastFrom1x6<T>;
<S extends T>(predicate: lodash.ValueIteratorTypeGuard<T, S>, fromIndex: number): S|undefined;
(predicate: lodash.ValueIterateeCustom<T, boolean>): LodashFindLastFrom2x5<T>;
(predicate: lodash.ValueIterateeCustom<T, boolean>, fromIndex: number): T|undefined;
type LodashFindLastFrom1x5<S> = (fromIndex: number) => S|undefined;
interface LodashFindLastFrom1x6<T> {
<S extends T>(predicate: lodash.ValueIteratorTypeGuard<T, S>): S|undefined;
(predicate: lodash.ValueIterateeCustom<T, boolean>): T|undefined;
interface LodashFindLastFrom2x1<T> {
(fromIndex: number): LodashFindLastFrom2x3<T>;
(fromIndex: lodash.__, collection: lodash.List<T> | null | undefined): LodashFindLastFrom2x5<T>;
(fromIndex: number, collection: lodash.List<T> | object | null | undefined): T|undefined;
<T1 extends object>(fromIndex: lodash.__, collection: T1 | null | undefined): LodashFindLastFrom4x5<T>;
interface LodashFindLastFrom2x3<T> {
(collection: lodash.List<T> | null | undefined): T|undefined;
(collection: object | null | undefined): object|undefined;
type LodashFindLastFrom2x5<T> = (fromIndex: number) => T|undefined;
interface LodashFindLastFrom3x1<T, S> {
(fromIndex: number): LodashFindLastFrom3x3<T, S>;
(fromIndex: lodash.__, collection: T | null | undefined): LodashFindLastFrom3x5<S>;
(fromIndex: number, collection: T | null | undefined): S|undefined;
type LodashFindLastFrom3x3<T, S> = (collection: T | null | undefined) => S|undefined;
interface LodashFindLastFrom3x4<T> {
<S extends T[keyof T]>(predicate: lodash.ValueIteratorTypeGuard<T[keyof T], S>): LodashFindLastFrom3x5<S>;
(predicate: lodash.__, fromIndex: number): LodashFindLastFrom3x6<T>;
<S extends T[keyof T]>(predicate: lodash.ValueIteratorTypeGuard<T[keyof T], S>, fromIndex: number): S|undefined;
(predicate: lodash.ValueIterateeCustom<T[keyof T], boolean>): LodashFindLastFrom4x5<T>;
(predicate: lodash.ValueIterateeCustom<T[keyof T], boolean>, fromIndex: number): T[keyof T]|undefined;
type LodashFindLastFrom3x5<S> = (fromIndex: number) => S|undefined;
interface LodashFindLastFrom3x6<T> {
<S extends T[keyof T]>(predicate: lodash.ValueIteratorTypeGuard<T[keyof T], S>): S|undefined;
(predicate: lodash.ValueIterateeCustom<T[keyof T], boolean>): T[keyof T]|undefined;
type LodashFindLastFrom4x5<T> = (fromIndex: number) => T[keyof T]|undefined;
interface LodashFindLastIndex {
<T>(predicate: lodash.ValueIterateeCustom<T, boolean>): LodashFindLastIndex1x1<T>;
<T>(predicate: lodash.__, array: lodash.List<T> | null | undefined): LodashFindLastIndex1x2<T>;
<T>(predicate: lodash.ValueIterateeCustom<T, boolean>, array: lodash.List<T> | null | undefined): number;
type LodashFindLastIndex1x1<T> = (array: lodash.List<T> | null | undefined) => number;
type LodashFindLastIndex1x2<T> = (predicate: lodash.ValueIterateeCustom<T, boolean>) => number;
interface LodashFindLastIndexFrom {
<T>(predicate: lodash.ValueIterateeCustom<T, boolean>): LodashFindLastIndexFrom1x1<T>;
(predicate: lodash.__, fromIndex: number): LodashFindLastIndexFrom1x2;
<T>(predicate: lodash.ValueIterateeCustom<T, boolean>, fromIndex: number): LodashFindLastIndexFrom1x3<T>;
<T>(predicate: lodash.__, fromIndex: lodash.__, array: lodash.List<T> | null | undefined): LodashFindLastIndexFrom1x4<T>;
<T>(predicate: lodash.ValueIterateeCustom<T, boolean>, fromIndex: lodash.__, array: lodash.List<T> | null | undefined): LodashFindLastIndexFrom1x5;
<T>(predicate: lodash.__, fromIndex: number, array: lodash.List<T> | null | undefined): LodashFindLastIndexFrom1x6<T>;
<T>(predicate: lodash.ValueIterateeCustom<T, boolean>, fromIndex: number, array: lodash.List<T> | null | undefined): number;
interface LodashFindLastIndexFrom1x1<T> {
(fromIndex: number): LodashFindLastIndexFrom1x3<T>;
(fromIndex: lodash.__, array: lodash.List<T> | null | undefined): LodashFindLastIndexFrom1x5;
(fromIndex: number, array: lodash.List<T> | null | undefined): number;
interface LodashFindLastIndexFrom1x2 {
<T>(predicate: lodash.ValueIterateeCustom<T, boolean>): LodashFindLastIndexFrom1x3<T>;
<T>(predicate: lodash.__, array: lodash.List<T> | null | undefined): LodashFindLastIndexFrom1x6<T>;
<T>(predicate: lodash.ValueIterateeCustom<T, boolean>, array: lodash.List<T> | null | undefined): number;
type LodashFindLastIndexFrom1x3<T> = (array: lodash.List<T> | null | undefined) => number;
interface LodashFindLastIndexFrom1x4<T> {
(predicate: lodash.ValueIterateeCustom<T, boolean>): LodashFindLastIndexFrom1x5;
(predicate: lodash.__, fromIndex: number): LodashFindLastIndexFrom1x6<T>;
(predicate: lodash.ValueIterateeCustom<T, boolean>, fromIndex: number): number;
type LodashFindLastIndexFrom1x5 = (fromIndex: number) => number;
type LodashFindLastIndexFrom1x6<T> = (predicate: lodash.ValueIterateeCustom<T, boolean>) => number;
interface LodashFindLastKey {
<T>(predicate: lodash.ValueIteratee<T>): LodashFindLastKey1x1<T>;
<T>(predicate: lodash.__, object: T | null | undefined): LodashFindLastKey1x2<T>;
<T>(predicate: lodash.ValueIteratee<T[keyof T]>, object: T | null | undefined): string | undefined;
type LodashFindLastKey1x1<T> = (object: object | null | undefined) => string | undefined;
type LodashFindLastKey1x2<T> = (predicate: lodash.ValueIteratee<T[keyof T]>) => string | undefined;
type LodashHead = <T>(array: lodash.List<T> | null | undefined) => T | undefined;
interface LodashFlatMap {
<T, TResult>(iteratee: (value: T) => lodash.Many<TResult>): LodashFlatMap1x1<T, TResult>;
<T>(iteratee: lodash.__, collection: lodash.List<T> | null | undefined): LodashFlatMap1x2<T>;
<T, TResult>(iteratee: (value: T) => lodash.Many<TResult>, collection: lodash.List<T> | null | undefined): TResult[];
<T extends object, TResult>(iteratee: (value: T[keyof T]) => lodash.Many<TResult>): LodashFlatMap2x1<T, TResult>;
<T extends object>(iteratee: lodash.__, collection: T | null | undefined): LodashFlatMap2x2<T>;
<T extends object, TResult>(iteratee: (value: T[keyof T]) => lodash.Many<TResult>, collection: T | null | undefined): TResult[];
(iteratee: string): LodashFlatMap3x1;
(iteratee: lodash.__, collection: object | null | undefined): LodashFlatMap3x2;
(iteratee: string, collection: object | null | undefined): any[];
(iteratee: object): LodashFlatMap4x1;
(iteratee: object, collection: object | null | undefined): boolean[];
type LodashFlatMap1x1<T, TResult> = (collection: lodash.List<T> | null | undefined) => TResult[];
type LodashFlatMap1x2<T> = <TResult>(iteratee: (value: T) => lodash.Many<TResult>) => TResult[];
type LodashFlatMap2x1<T, TResult> = (collection: T | null | undefined) => TResult[];
type LodashFlatMap2x2<T> = <TResult>(iteratee: (value: T[keyof T]) => lodash.Many<TResult>) => TResult[];
type LodashFlatMap3x1 = (collection: object | null | undefined) => any[];
interface LodashFlatMap3x2 {
(iteratee: string): any[];
(iteratee: object): boolean[];
type LodashFlatMap4x1 = (collection: object | null | undefined) => boolean[];
interface LodashFlatMapDeep {
<T, TResult>(iteratee: (value: T) => lodash.ListOfRecursiveArraysOrValues<TResult> | TResult): LodashFlatMapDeep1x1<T, TResult>;
<T>(iteratee: lodash.__, collection: lodash.List<T> | null | undefined): LodashFlatMapDeep1x2<T>;
<T, TResult>(iteratee: (value: T) => lodash.ListOfRecursiveArraysOrValues<TResult> | TResult, collection: lodash.List<T> | null | undefined): TResult[];
<T extends object, TResult>(iteratee: (value: T[keyof T]) => lodash.ListOfRecursiveArraysOrValues<TResult> | TResult): LodashFlatMapDeep2x1<T, TResult>;
<T extends object>(iteratee: lodash.__, collection: T | null | undefined): LodashFlatMapDeep2x2<T>;
<T extends object, TResult>(iteratee: (value: T[keyof T]) => lodash.ListOfRecursiveArraysOrValues<TResult> | TResult, collection: T | null | undefined): TResult[];
(iteratee: string): LodashFlatMapDeep3x1;
(iteratee: lodash.__, collection: object | null | undefined): LodashFlatMapDeep3x2;
(iteratee: string, collection: object | null | undefined): any[];
(iteratee: object): LodashFlatMapDeep4x1;
(iteratee: object, collection: object | null | undefined): boolean[];
type LodashFlatMapDeep1x1<T, TResult> = (collection: lodash.List<T> | null | undefined) => TResult[];
type LodashFlatMapDeep1x2<T> = <TResult>(iteratee: (value: T) => lodash.ListOfRecursiveArraysOrValues<TResult> | TResult) => TResult[];
type LodashFlatMapDeep2x1<T, TResult> = (collection: T | null | undefined) => TResult[];
type LodashFlatMapDeep2x2<T> = <TResult>(iteratee: (value: T[keyof T]) => lodash.ListOfRecursiveArraysOrValues<TResult> | TResult) => TResult[];
type LodashFlatMapDeep3x1 = (collection: object | null | undefined) => any[];
interface LodashFlatMapDeep3x2 {
(iteratee: string): any[];
(iteratee: object): boolean[];
type LodashFlatMapDeep4x1 = (collection: object | null | undefined) => boolean[];
interface LodashFlatMapDepth {
<T, TResult>(iteratee: (value: T) => lodash.ListOfRecursiveArraysOrValues<TResult> | TResult): LodashFlatMapDepth1x1<T, TResult>;
(iteratee: lodash.__, depth: number): LodashFlatMapDepth1x2;
<T, TResult>(iteratee: (value: T) => lodash.ListOfRecursiveArraysOrValues<TResult> | TResult, depth: number): LodashFlatMapDepth1x3<T, TResult>;
<T>(iteratee: lodash.__, depth: lodash.__, collection: lodash.List<T> | null | undefined): LodashFlatMapDepth1x4<T>;
<T, TResult>(iteratee: (value: T) => lodash.ListOfRecursiveArraysOrValues<TResult> | TResult, depth: lodash.__, collection: lodash.List<T> | null | undefined): LodashFlatMapDepth1x5<TResult>;
<T>(iteratee: lodash.__, depth: number, collection: lodash.List<T> | null | undefined): LodashFlatMapDepth1x6<T>;
<T, TResult>(iteratee: (value: T) => lodash.ListOfRecursiveArraysOrValues<TResult> | TResult, depth: number, collection: lodash.List<T> | null | undefined): TResult[];
<T extends object, TResult>(iteratee: (value: T[keyof T]) => lodash.ListOfRecursiveArraysOrValues<TResult> | TResult): LodashFlatMapDepth2x1<T, TResult>;
<T extends object, TResult>(iteratee: (value: T[keyof T]) => lodash.ListOfRecursiveArraysOrValues<TResult> | TResult, depth: number): LodashFlatMapDepth2x3<T, TResult>;
<T extends object>(iteratee: lodash.__, depth: lodash.__, collection: T | null | undefined): LodashFlatMapDepth2x4<T>;
<T extends object, TResult>(iteratee: (value: T[keyof T]) => lodash.ListOfRecursiveArraysOrValues<TResult> | TResult, depth: lodash.__, collection: T | null | undefined): LodashFlatMapDepth2x5<TResult>;
<T extends object>(iteratee: lodash.__, depth: number, collection: T | null | undefined): LodashFlatMapDepth2x6<T>;
<T extends object, TResult>(iteratee: (value: T[keyof T]) => lodash.ListOfRecursiveArraysOrValues<TResult> | TResult, depth: number, collection: T | null | undefined): TResult[];
(iteratee: string): LodashFlatMapDepth3x1;
(iteratee: string, depth: number): LodashFlatMapDepth3x3;
(iteratee: lodash.__, depth: lodash.__, collection: object | null | undefined): LodashFlatMapDepth3x4;
(iteratee: string, depth: lodash.__, collection: object | null | undefined): LodashFlatMapDepth3x5;
(iteratee: lodash.__, depth: number, collection: object | null | undefined): LodashFlatMapDepth3x6;
(iteratee: string, depth: number, collection: object | null | undefined): any[];
(iteratee: object): LodashFlatMapDepth4x1;
(iteratee: object, depth: number): LodashFlatMapDepth4x3;
(iteratee: object, depth: lodash.__, collection: object | null | undefined): LodashFlatMapDepth4x5;
(iteratee: object, depth: number, collection: object | null | undefined): boolean[];
interface LodashFlatMapDepth1x1<T, TResult> {
(depth: number): LodashFlatMapDepth1x3<T, TResult>;
(depth: lodash.__, collection: lodash.List<T> | null | undefined): LodashFlatMapDepth1x5<TResult>;
(depth: number, collection: lodash.List<T> | null | undefined): TResult[];
interface LodashFlatMapDepth1x2 {
<T, TResult>(iteratee: (value: T) => lodash.ListOfRecursiveArraysOrValues<TResult> | TResult): LodashFlatMapDepth1x3<T, TResult>;
<T>(iteratee: lodash.__, collection: lodash.List<T> | null | undefined): LodashFlatMapDepth1x6<T>;
<T, TResult>(iteratee: (value: T) => lodash.ListOfRecursiveArraysOrValues<TResult> | TResult, collection: lodash.List<T> | null | undefined): TResult[];
<T extends object, TResult>(iteratee: (value: T[keyof T]) => lodash.ListOfRecursiveArraysOrValues<TResult> | TResult): LodashFlatMapDepth2x3<T, TResult>;
<T extends object>(iteratee: lodash.__, collection: T | null | undefined): LodashFlatMapDepth2x6<T>;
<T extends object, TResult>(iteratee: (value: T[keyof T]) => lodash.ListOfRecursiveArraysOrValues<TResult> | TResult, collection: T | null | undefined): TResult[];
(iteratee: string): LodashFlatMapDepth3x3;
(iteratee: lodash.__, collection: object | null | undefined): LodashFlatMapDepth3x6;
(iteratee: string, collection: object | null | undefined): any[];
(iteratee: object): LodashFlatMapDepth4x3;
(iteratee: object, collection: object | null | undefined): boolean[];
type LodashFlatMapDepth1x3<T, TResult> = (collection: lodash.List<T> | null | undefined) => TResult[];
interface LodashFlatMapDepth1x4<T> {
<TResult>(iteratee: (value: T) => lodash.ListOfRecursiveArraysOrValues<TResult> | TResult): LodashFlatMapDepth1x5<TResult>;
(iteratee: lodash.__, depth: number): LodashFlatMapDepth1x6<T>;
<TResult>(iteratee: (value: T) => lodash.ListOfRecursiveArraysOrValues<TResult> | TResult, depth: number): TResult[];
type LodashFlatMapDepth1x5<TResult> = (depth: number) => TResult[];
type LodashFlatMapDepth1x6<T> = <TResult>(iteratee: (value: T) => lodash.ListOfRecursiveArraysOrValues<TResult> | TResult) => TResult[];
interface LodashFlatMapDepth2x1<T, TResult> {
(depth: number): LodashFlatMapDepth2x3<T, TResult>;
(depth: lodash.__, collection: T | null | undefined): LodashFlatMapDepth2x5<TResult>;
(depth: number, collection: T | null | undefined): TResult[];
type LodashFlatMapDepth2x3<T, TResult> = (collection: T | null | undefined) => TResult[];
interface LodashFlatMapDepth2x4<T> {
<TResult>(iteratee: (value: T[keyof T]) => lodash.ListOfRecursiveArraysOrValues<TResult> | TResult): LodashFlatMapDepth2x5<TResult>;
(iteratee: lodash.__, depth: number): LodashFlatMapDepth2x6<T>;
<TResult>(iteratee: (value: T[keyof T]) => lodash.ListOfRecursiveArraysOrValues<TResult> | TResult, depth: number): TResult[];
type LodashFlatMapDepth2x5<TResult> = (depth: number) => TResult[];
type LodashFlatMapDepth2x6<T> = <TResult>(iteratee: (value: T[keyof T]) => lodash.ListOfRecursiveArraysOrValues<TResult> | TResult) => TResult[];
interface LodashFlatMapDepth3x1 {
(depth: number): LodashFlatMapDepth3x3;
(depth: lodash.__, collection: object | null | undefined): LodashFlatMapDepth3x5;
(depth: number, collection: object | null | undefined): any[];
type LodashFlatMapDepth3x3 = (collection: object | null | undefined) => any[];
interface LodashFlatMapDepth3x4 {
(iteratee: string): LodashFlatMapDepth3x5;
(iteratee: lodash.__, depth: number): LodashFlatMapDepth3x6;
(iteratee: string, depth: number): any[];
(iteratee: object): LodashFlatMapDepth4x5;
(iteratee: object, depth: number): boolean[];
type LodashFlatMapDepth3x5 = (depth: number) => any[];
interface LodashFlatMapDepth3x6 {
(iteratee: string): any[];
(iteratee: object): boolean[];
interface LodashFlatMapDepth4x1 {
(depth: number): LodashFlatMapDepth4x3;
(depth: lodash.__, collection: object | null | undefined): LodashFlatMapDepth4x5;
(depth: number, collection: object | null | undefined): boolean[];
type LodashFlatMapDepth4x3 = (collection: object | null | undefined) => boolean[];
type LodashFlatMapDepth4x5 = (depth: number) => boolean[];
type LodashFlatten = <T>(array: lodash.List<lodash.Many<T>> | null | undefined) => T[];
type LodashFlattenDeep = <T>(array: lodash.ListOfRecursiveArraysOrValues<T> | null | undefined) => T[];
interface LodashFlattenDepth {
(depth: number): LodashFlattenDepth1x1;
<T>(depth: lodash.__, array: lodash.ListOfRecursiveArraysOrValues<T> | null | undefined): LodashFlattenDepth1x2<T>;
<T>(depth: number, array: lodash.ListOfRecursiveArraysOrValues<T> | null | undefined): T[];
type LodashFlattenDepth1x1 = <T>(array: lodash.ListOfRecursiveArraysOrValues<T> | null | undefined) => T[];
type LodashFlattenDepth1x2<T> = (depth: number) => T[];
type LodashFlip = <T extends (...args: any) => any>(func: T) => T;
type LodashFloor = (n: number) => number;
interface LodashFlow {
<A extends any[], R1, R2, R3, R4, R5, R6, R7>(f1: (...args: A) => R1, f2: (a: R1) => R2, f3: (a: R2) => R3, f4: (a: R3) => R4, f5: (a: R4) => R5, f6: (a: R5) => R6, f7: (a: R6) => R7): (...args: A) => R7;
<A extends any[], R1, R2, R3, R4, R5, R6, R7>(f1: (...args: A) => R1, f2: (a: R1) => R2, f3: (a: R2) => R3, f4: (a: R3) => R4, f5: (a: R4) => R5, f6: (a: R5) => R6, f7: (a: R6) => R7, ...func: Array<lodash.Many<(a: any) => any>>): (...args: A) => any;
<A extends any[], R1, R2, R3, R4, R5, R6>(f1: (...args: A) => R1, f2: (a: R1) => R2, f3: (a: R2) => R3, f4: (a: R3) => R4, f5: (a: R4) => R5, f6: (a: R5) => R6): (...args: A) => R6;
<A extends any[], R1, R2, R3, R4, R5>(f1: (...args: A) => R1, f2: (a: R1) => R2, f3: (a: R2) => R3, f4: (a: R3) => R4, f5: (a: R4) => R5): (...args: A) => R5;
<A extends any[], R1, R2, R3, R4>(f1: (...args: A) => R1, f2: (a: R1) => R2, f3: (a: R2) => R3, f4: (a: R3) => R4): (...args: A) => R4;
<A extends any[], R1, R2, R3>(f1: (...args: A) => R1, f2: (a: R1) => R2, f3: (a: R2) => R3): (...args: A) => R3;
<A extends any[], R1, R2>(f1: (...args: A) => R1, f2: (a: R1) => R2): (...args: A) => R2;
(...func: Array<lodash.Many<(...args: any[]) => any>>): (...args: any[]) => any;
interface LodashForIn {
<T>(iteratee: (value: T) => any): LodashForIn1x1<T>;
<T>(iteratee: lodash.__, object: T): LodashForIn1x2<T>;
<T>(iteratee: (value: T[keyof T]) => any, object: T): T;
<T>(iteratee: lodash.__, object: T | null | undefined): LodashForIn2x2<T>;
<T>(iteratee: (value: T[keyof T]) => any, object: T | null | undefined): T | null | undefined;
interface LodashForIn1x1<T> {
<T1 extends object>(object: T1): T1;
<T1 extends object>(object: T1 | null | undefined): T1 | null | undefined;
type LodashForIn1x2<T> = (iteratee: (value: T[keyof T]) => any) => T;
type LodashForIn2x2<T> = (iteratee: (value: T[keyof T]) => any) => T | null | undefined;
interface LodashForInRight {
<T>(iteratee: (value: T) => any): LodashForInRight1x1<T>;
<T>(iteratee: lodash.__, object: T): LodashForInRight1x2<T>;
<T>(iteratee: (value: T[keyof T]) => any, object: T): T;
<T>(iteratee: lodash.__, object: T | null | undefined): LodashForInRight2x2<T>;
<T>(iteratee: (value: T[keyof T]) => any, object: T | null | undefined): T | null | undefined;
interface LodashForInRight1x1<T> {
<T1 extends object>(object: T1): T1;
<T1 extends object>(object: T1 | null | undefined): T1 | null | undefined;
type LodashForInRight1x2<T> = (iteratee: (value: T[keyof T]) => any) => T;
type LodashForInRight2x2<T> = (iteratee: (value: T[keyof T]) => any) => T | null | undefined;
interface LodashForOwn {
<T>(iteratee: (value: T) => any): LodashForOwn1x1<T>;
<T>(iteratee: lodash.__, object: T): LodashForOwn1x2<T>;
<T>(iteratee: (value: T[keyof T]) => any, object: T): T;
<T>(iteratee: lodash.__, object: T | null | undefined): LodashForOwn2x2<T>;
<T>(iteratee: (value: T[keyof T]) => any, object: T | null | undefined): T | null | undefined;
interface LodashForOwn1x1<T> {
<T1 extends object>(object: T1): T1;
<T1 extends object>(object: T1 | null | undefined): T1 | null | undefined;
type LodashForOwn1x2<T> = (iteratee: (value: T[keyof T]) => any) => T;
type LodashForOwn2x2<T> = (iteratee: (value: T[keyof T]) => any) => T | null | undefined;
interface LodashForOwnRight {
<T>(iteratee: (value: T) => any): LodashForOwnRight1x1<T>;
<T>(iteratee: lodash.__, object: T): LodashForOwnRight1x2<T>;
<T>(iteratee: (value: T[keyof T]) => any, object: T): T;
<T>(iteratee: lodash.__, object: T | null | undefined): LodashForOwnRight2x2<T>;
<T>(iteratee: (value: T[keyof T]) => any, object: T | null | undefined): T | null | undefined;
interface LodashForOwnRight1x1<T> {
<T1 extends object>(object: T1): T1;
<T1 extends object>(object: T1 | null | undefined): T1 | null | undefined;
type LodashForOwnRight1x2<T> = (iteratee: (value: T[keyof T]) => any) => T;
type LodashForOwnRight2x2<T> = (iteratee: (value: T[keyof T]) => any) => T | null | undefined;
interface LodashFromPairs {
<T>(pairs: lodash.List<[lodash.PropertyName, T]> | null | undefined): lodash.Dictionary<T>;
(pairs: lodash.List<any[]> | null | undefined): lodash.Dictionary<any>;
type LodashFunctions = (object: any) => string[];
type LodashFunctionsIn = (object: any) => string[];
interface LodashGet {
<TObject extends object, TKey extends keyof TObject>(path: TKey | [TKey]): LodashGet1x1<TObject, TKey>;
<TObject extends object>(path: lodash.__, object: TObject): LodashGet1x2<TObject>;
<TObject extends object, TKey extends keyof TObject>(path: TKey | [TKey], object: TObject): TObject[TKey];
<TObject extends object>(path: lodash.__, object: TObject | null | undefined): LodashGet2x2<TObject>;
<TObject extends object, TKey extends keyof TObject>(path: TKey | [TKey], object: TObject | null | undefined): TObject[TKey] | undefined;
<TObject extends object, TKey1 extends keyof TObject, TKey2 extends keyof TObject[TKey1]>(path: [TKey1, TKey2]): LodashGet3x1<TObject, TKey1, TKey2>;
<TObject extends object, TKey1 extends keyof TObject, TKey2 extends keyof TObject[TKey1]>(path: [TKey1, TKey2], object: TObject): TObject[TKey1][TKey2];
<TObject extends object, TKey1 extends keyof TObject, TKey2 extends keyof TObject[TKey1]>(path: [TKey1, TKey2], object: TObject | null | undefined): TObject[TKey1][TKey2] | undefined;
<TObject extends object, TKey1 extends keyof TObject, TKey2 extends keyof TObject[TKey1], TKey3 extends keyof TObject[TKey1][TKey2]>(path: [TKey1, TKey2, TKey3]): LodashGet5x1<TObject, TKey1, TKey2, TKey3>;
<TObject extends object, TKey1 extends keyof TObject, TKey2 extends keyof TObject[TKey1], TKey3 extends keyof TObject[TKey1][TKey2]>(path: [TKey1, TKey2, TKey3], object: TObject): TObject[TKey1][TKey2][TKey3];
<TObject extends object, TKey1 extends keyof TObject, TKey2 extends keyof TObject[TKey1], TKey3 extends keyof TObject[TKey1][TKey2]>(path: [TKey1, TKey2, TKey3], object: TObject | null | undefined): TObject[TKey1][TKey2][TKey3] | undefined;
<TObject extends object, TKey1 extends keyof TObject, TKey2 extends keyof TObject[TKey1], TKey3 extends keyof TObject[TKey1][TKey2], TKey4 extends keyof TObject[TKey1][TKey2][TKey3]>(path: [TKey1, TKey2, TKey3, TKey4]): LodashGet7x1<TObject, TKey1, TKey2, TKey3, TKey4>;
<TObject extends object, TKey1 extends keyof TObject, TKey2 extends keyof TObject[TKey1], TKey3 extends keyof TObject[TKey1][TKey2], TKey4 extends keyof TObject[TKey1][TKey2][TKey3]>(path: [TKey1, TKey2, TKey3, TKey4], object: TObject): TObject[TKey1][TKey2][TKey3][TKey4];
<TObject extends object, TKey1 extends keyof TObject, TKey2 extends keyof TObject[TKey1], TKey3 extends keyof TObject[TKey1][TKey2], TKey4 extends keyof TObject[TKey1][TKey2][TKey3]>(path: [TKey1, TKey2, TKey3, TKey4], object: TObject | null | undefined): TObject[TKey1][TKey2][TKey3][TKey4] | undefined;
(path: number): LodashGet9x1;
<T>(path: lodash.__, object: lodash.NumericDictionary<T>): LodashGet9x2<T>;
<T>(path: number, object: lodash.NumericDictionary<T>): T;
<T>(path: lodash.__, object: lodash.NumericDictionary<T> | null | undefined): LodashGet10x2<T>;
<T>(path: number, object: lodash.NumericDictionary<T> | null | undefined): T | undefined;
(path: lodash.PropertyPath): LodashGet11x1;
(path: lodash.__, object: null | undefined): LodashGet11x2;
(path: lodash.PropertyPath, object: null | undefined): undefined;
(path: lodash.__, object: any): LodashGet12x2;
(path: lodash.PropertyPath, object: any): any;
interface LodashGet1x1<TObject, TKey extends keyof TObject> {
(object: TObject): TObject[TKey];
(object: TObject | null | undefined): TObject[TKey] | undefined;
interface LodashGet1x2<TObject> {
<TKey extends keyof TObject>(path: TKey | [TKey]): TObject[TKey];
<TKey1 extends keyof TObject, TKey2 extends keyof TObject[TKey1]>(path: [TKey1, TKey2]): TObject[TKey1][TKey2];
<TKey1 extends keyof TObject, TKey2 extends keyof TObject[TKey1], TKey3 extends keyof TObject[TKey1][TKey2]>(path: [TKey1, TKey2, TKey3]): TObject[TKey1][TKey2][TKey3];
<TKey1 extends keyof TObject, TKey2 extends keyof TObject[TKey1], TKey3 extends keyof TObject[TKey1][TKey2], TKey4 extends keyof TObject[TKey1][TKey2][TKey3]>(path: [TKey1, TKey2, TKey3, TKey4]): TObject[TKey1][TKey2][TKey3][TKey4];
interface LodashGet2x2<TObject> {
<TKey extends keyof TObject>(path: TKey | [TKey]): TObject[TKey] | undefined;
<TKey1 extends keyof TObject, TKey2 extends keyof TObject[TKey1]>(path: [TKey1, TKey2]): TObject[TKey1][TKey2] | undefined;
<TKey1 extends keyof TObject, TKey2 extends keyof TObject[TKey1], TKey3 extends keyof TObject[TKey1][TKey2]>(path: [TKey1, TKey2, TKey3]): TObject[TKey1][TKey2][TKey3] | undefined;
<TKey1 extends keyof TObject, TKey2 extends keyof TObject[TKey1], TKey3 extends keyof TObject[TKey1][TKey2], TKey4 extends keyof TObject[TKey1][TKey2][TKey3]>(path: [TKey1, TKey2, TKey3, TKey4]): TObject[TKey1][TKey2][TKey3][TKey4] | undefined;
interface LodashGet3x1<TObject, TKey1 extends keyof TObject, TKey2 extends keyof TObject[TKey1]> {
(object: TObject): TObject[TKey1][TKey2];
(object: TObject | null | undefined): TObject[TKey1][TKey2] | undefined;
interface LodashGet5x1<TObject, TKey1 extends keyof TObject, TKey2 extends keyof TObject[TKey1], TKey3 extends keyof TObject[TKey1][TKey2]> {
(object: TObject): TObject[TKey1][TKey2][TKey3];
(object: TObject | null | undefined): TObject[TKey1][TKey2][TKey3] | undefined;
interface LodashGet7x1<TObject, TKey1 extends keyof TObject, TKey2 extends keyof TObject[TKey1], TKey3 extends keyof TObject[TKey1][TKey2], TKey4 extends keyof TObject[TKey1][TKey2][TKey3]> {
(object: TObject): TObject[TKey1][TKey2][TKey3][TKey4];
(object: TObject | null | undefined): TObject[TKey1][TKey2][TKey3][TKey4] | undefined;
interface LodashGet9x1 {
<T>(object: lodash.NumericDictionary<T>): T;
<T>(object: lodash.NumericDictionary<T> | null | undefined): T | undefined;
type LodashGet9x2<T> = (path: number) => T;
type LodashGet10x2<T> = (path: number) => T | undefined;
interface LodashGet11x1 {
(object: null | undefined): undefined;
(object: any): any;
type LodashGet11x2 = (path: lodash.PropertyPath) => undefined;
type LodashGet12x2 = (path: lodash.PropertyPath) => any;
interface LodashGetOr {
<TDefault>(defaultValue: TDefault): LodashGetOr1x1<TDefault>;
<TObject extends object, TKey extends keyof TObject>(defaultValue: lodash.__, path: TKey | [TKey]): LodashGetOr1x2<TObject, TKey>;
<TObject extends object, TKey extends keyof TObject, TDefault>(defaultValue: TDefault, path: TKey | [TKey]): LodashGetOr1x3<TObject, TKey, TDefault>;
<TObject extends object>(defaultValue: lodash.__, path: lodash.__, object: TObject | null | undefined): LodashGetOr1x4<TObject>;
<TObject extends object, TDefault>(defaultValue: TDefault, path: lodash.__, object: TObject | null | undefined): LodashGetOr1x5<TObject, TDefault>;
<TObject extends object, TKey extends keyof TObject>(defaultValue: lodash.__, path: TKey | [TKey], object: TObject | null | undefined): LodashGetOr1x6<TObject, TKey>;
<TObject extends object, TKey extends keyof TObject, TDefault>(defaultValue: TDefault, path: TKey | [TKey], object: TObject | null | undefined): Exclude<TObject[TKey], undefined> | TDefault;
<TObject extends object, TKey1 extends keyof TObject, TKey2 extends keyof TObject[TKey1]>(defaultValue: lodash.__, path: [TKey1, TKey2]): LodashGetOr2x2<TObject, TKey1, TKey2>;
<TObject extends object, TKey1 extends keyof TObject, TKey2 extends keyof TObject[TKey1], TDefault>(defaultValue: TDefault, path: [TKey1, TKey2]): LodashGetOr2x3<TObject, TKey1, TKey2, TDefault>;
<TObject extends object, TKey1 extends keyof TObject, TKey2 extends keyof TObject[TKey1]>(defaultValue: lodash.__, path: [TKey1, TKey2], object: TObject | null | undefined): LodashGetOr2x6<TObject, TKey1, TKey2>;
<TObject extends object, TKey1 extends keyof TObject, TKey2 extends keyof TObject[TKey1], TDefault>(defaultValue: TDefault, path: [TKey1, TKey2], object: TObject | null | undefined): Exclude<TObject[TKey1][TKey2], undefined> | TDefault;
<TObject extends object, TKey1 extends keyof TObject, TKey2 extends keyof TObject[TKey1], TKey3 extends keyof TObject[TKey1][TKey2]>(defaultValue: lodash.__, path: [TKey1, TKey2, TKey3]): LodashGetOr3x2<TObject, TKey1, TKey2, TKey3>;
<TObject extends object, TKey1 extends keyof TObject, TKey2 extends keyof TObject[TKey1], TKey3 extends keyof TObject[TKey1][TKey2], TDefault>(defaultValue: TDefault, path: [TKey1, TKey2, TKey3]): LodashGetOr3x3<TObject, TKey1, TKey2, TKey3, TDefault>;
<TObject extends object, TKey1 extends keyof TObject, TKey2 extends keyof TObject[TKey1], TKey3 extends keyof TObject[TKey1][TKey2]>(defaultValue: lodash.__, path: [TKey1, TKey2, TKey3], object: TObject | null | undefined): LodashGetOr3x6<TObject, TKey1, TKey2, TKey3>;
<TObject extends object, TKey1 extends keyof TObject, TKey2 extends keyof TObject[TKey1], TKey3 extends keyof TObject[TKey1][TKey2], TDefault>(defaultValue: TDefault, path: [TKey1, TKey2, TKey3], object: TObject | null | undefined): Exclude<TObject[TKey1][TKey2][TKey3], undefined> | TDefault;
<TObject extends object, TKey1 extends keyof TObject, TKey2 extends keyof TObject[TKey1], TKey3 extends keyof TObject[TKey1][TKey2], TKey4 extends keyof TObject[TKey1][TKey2][TKey3]>(defaultValue: lodash.__, path: [TKey1, TKey2, TKey3, TKey4]): LodashGetOr4x2<TObject, TKey1, TKey2, TKey3, TKey4>;
<TObject extends object, TKey1 extends keyof TObject, TKey2 extends keyof TObject[TKey1], TKey3 extends keyof TObject[TKey1][TKey2], TKey4 extends keyof TObject[TKey1][TKey2][TKey3], TDefault>(defaultValue: TDefault, path: [TKey1, TKey2, TKey3, TKey4]): LodashGetOr4x3<TObject, TKey1, TKey2, TKey3, TKey4, TDefault>;
<TObject extends object, TKey1 extends keyof TObject, TKey2 extends keyof TObject[TKey1], TKey3 extends keyof TObject[TKey1][TKey2], TKey4 extends keyof TObject[TKey1][TKey2][TKey3]>(defaultValue: lodash.__, path: [TKey1, TKey2, TKey3, TKey4], object: TObject | null | undefined): LodashGetOr4x6<TObject, TKey1, TKey2, TKey3, TKey4>;
<TObject extends object, TKey1 extends keyof TObject, TKey2 extends keyof TObject[TKey1], TKey3 extends keyof TObject[TKey1][TKey2], TKey4 extends keyof TObject[TKey1][TKey2][TKey3], TDefault>(defaultValue: TDefault, path: [TKey1, TKey2, TKey3, TKey4], object: TObject | null | undefined): Exclude<TObject[TKey1][TKey2][TKey3][TKey4], undefined> | TDefault;
(defaultValue: lodash.__, path: number): LodashGetOr5x2;
<TDefault>(defaultValue: TDefault, path: number): LodashGetOr5x3<TDefault>;
<T>(defaultValue: lodash.__, path: lodash.__, object: lodash.NumericDictionary<T> | null | undefined): LodashGetOr5x4<T>;
<T, TDefault>(defaultValue: TDefault, path: lodash.__, object: lodash.NumericDictionary<T> | null | undefined): LodashGetOr5x5<T, TDefault>;
<T>(defaultValue: lodash.__, path: number, object: lodash.NumericDictionary<T> | null | undefined): LodashGetOr5x6<T>;
<T, TDefault>(defaultValue: TDefault, path: number, object: lodash.NumericDictionary<T> | null | undefined): T | TDefault;
(defaultValue: lodash.__, path: lodash.PropertyPath): LodashGetOr6x2;
<TDefault>(defaultValue: TDefault, path: lodash.PropertyPath): LodashGetOr6x3<TDefault>;
(defaultValue: lodash.__, path: lodash.__, object: null | undefined): LodashGetOr6x4;
<TDefault>(defaultValue: TDefault, path: lodash.__, object: null | undefined): LodashGetOr6x5<TDefault>;
(defaultValue: lodash.__, path: lodash.PropertyPath, object: null | undefined): LodashGetOr6x6;
<TDefault>(defaultValue: TDefault, path: lodash.PropertyPath, object: null | undefined): TDefault;
(defaultValue: any): LodashGetOr7x1;
(defaultValue: any, path: lodash.PropertyPath): LodashGetOr7x3;
(defaultValue: lodash.__, path: lodash.__, object: any): LodashGetOr7x4;
(defaultValue: any, path: lodash.__, object: any): LodashGetOr7x5;
(defaultValue: lodash.__, path: lodash.PropertyPath, object: any): LodashGetOr7x6;
(defaultValue: any, path: lodash.PropertyPath, object: any): any;
interface LodashGetOr1x1<TDefault> {
<TObject extends object, TKey extends keyof TObject>(path: TKey | [TKey]): LodashGetOr1x3<TObject, TKey, TDefault>;
<TObject extends object>(path: lodash.__, object: TObject | null | undefined): LodashGetOr1x5<TObject, TDefault>;
<TObject extends object, TKey extends keyof TObject>(path: TKey | [TKey], object: TObject | null | undefined): Exclude<TObject[TKey], undefined> | TDefault;
<TObject extends object, TKey1 extends keyof TObject, TKey2 extends keyof TObject[TKey1]>(path: [TKey1, TKey2]): LodashGetOr2x3<TObject, TKey1, TKey2, TDefault>;
<TObject extends object, TKey1 extends keyof TObject, TKey2 extends keyof TObject[TKey1]>(path: [TKey1, TKey2], object: TObject | null | undefined): Exclude<TObject[TKey1][TKey2], undefined> | TDefault;
<TObject extends object, TKey1 extends keyof TObject, TKey2 extends keyof TObject[TKey1], TKey3 extends keyof TObject[TKey1][TKey2]>(path: [TKey1, TKey2, TKey3]): LodashGetOr3x3<TObject, TKey1, TKey2, TKey3, TDefault>;
<TObject extends object, TKey1 extends keyof TObject, TKey2 extends keyof TObject[TKey1], TKey3 extends keyof TObject[TKey1][TKey2]>(path: [TKey1, TKey2, TKey3], object: TObject | null | undefined): Exclude<TObject[TKey1][TKey2][TKey3], undefined> | TDefault;
<TObject extends object, TKey1 extends keyof TObject, TKey2 extends keyof TObject[TKey1], TKey3 extends keyof TObject[TKey1][TKey2], TKey4 extends keyof TObject[TKey1][TKey2][TKey3]>(path: [TKey1, TKey2, TKey3, TKey4]): LodashGetOr4x3<TObject, TKey1, TKey2, TKey3, TKey4, TDefault>;
<TObject extends object, TKey1 extends keyof TObject, TKey2 extends keyof TObject[TKey1], TKey3 extends keyof TObject[TKey1][TKey2], TKey4 extends keyof TObject[TKey1][TKey2][TKey3]>(path: [TKey1, TKey2, TKey3, TKey4], object: TObject | null | undefined): Exclude<TObject[TKey1][TKey2][TKey3][TKey4], undefined> | TDefault;
(path: number): LodashGetOr5x3<TDefault>;
<T>(path: lodash.__, object: lodash.NumericDictionary<T> | null | undefined): LodashGetOr5x5<T, TDefault>;
<T>(path: number, object: lodash.NumericDictionary<T> | null | undefined): T | TDefault;
(path: lodash.PropertyPath): LodashGetOr6x3<TDefault>;
(path: lodash.__, object: null | undefined): LodashGetOr6x5<TDefault>;
(path: lodash.PropertyPath, object: null | undefined): TDefault;
interface LodashGetOr1x2<TObject, TKey extends keyof TObject> {
<TDefault>(defaultValue: TDefault): LodashGetOr1x3<TObject, TKey, TDefault>;
(defaultValue: lodash.__, object: TObject | null | undefined): LodashGetOr1x6<TObject, TKey>;
<TDefault>(defaultValue: TDefault, object: TObject | null | undefined): Exclude<TObject[TKey], undefined> | TDefault;
type LodashGetOr1x3<TObject, TKey extends keyof TObject, TDefault> = (object: TObject | null | undefined) => Exclude<TObject[TKey], undefined> | TDefault;
interface LodashGetOr1x4<TObject> {
<TDefault>(defaultValue: TDefault): LodashGetOr1x5<TObject, TDefault>;
<TKey extends keyof TObject>(defaultValue: lodash.__, path: TKey | [TKey]): LodashGetOr1x6<TObject, TKey>;
<TKey extends keyof TObject, TDefault>(defaultValue: TDefault, path: TKey | [TKey]): Exclude<TObject[TKey], undefined> | TDefault;
<TKey1 extends keyof TObject, TKey2 extends keyof TObject[TKey1]>(defaultValue: lodash.__, path: [TKey1, TKey2]): LodashGetOr2x6<TObject, TKey1, TKey2>;
<TKey1 extends keyof TObject, TKey2 extends keyof TObject[TKey1], TDefault>(defaultValue: TDefault, path: [TKey1, TKey2]): Exclude<TObject[TKey1][TKey2], undefined> | TDefault;
<TKey1 extends keyof TObject, TKey2 extends keyof TObject[TKey1], TKey3 extends keyof TObject[TKey1][TKey2]>(defaultValue: lodash.__, path: [TKey1, TKey2, TKey3]): LodashGetOr3x6<TObject, TKey1, TKey2, TKey3>;
<TKey1 extends keyof TObject, TKey2 extends keyof TObject[TKey1], TKey3 extends keyof TObject[TKey1][TKey2], TDefault>(defaultValue: TDefault, path: [TKey1, TKey2, TKey3]): Exclude<TObject[TKey1][TKey2][TKey3], undefined> | TDefault;
<TKey1 extends keyof TObject, TKey2 extends keyof TObject[TKey1], TKey3 extends keyof TObject[TKey1][TKey2], TKey4 extends keyof TObject[TKey1][TKey2][TKey3]>(defaultValue: lodash.__, path: [TKey1, TKey2, TKey3, TKey4]): LodashGetOr4x6<TObject, TKey1, TKey2, TKey3, TKey4>;
<TKey1 extends keyof TObject, TKey2 extends keyof TObject[TKey1], TKey3 extends keyof TObject[TKey1][TKey2], TKey4 extends keyof TObject[TKey1][TKey2][TKey3], TDefault>(defaultValue: TDefault, path: [TKey1, TKey2, TKey3, TKey4]): Exclude<TObject[TKey1][TKey2][TKey3][TKey4], undefined> | TDefault;
interface LodashGetOr1x5<TObject, TDefault> {
<TKey extends keyof TObject>(path: TKey | [TKey]): Exclude<TObject[TKey], undefined> | TDefault;
<TKey1 extends keyof TObject, TKey2 extends keyof TObject[TKey1]>(path: [TKey1, TKey2]): Exclude<TObject[TKey1][TKey2], undefined> | TDefault;
<TKey1 extends keyof TObject, TKey2 extends keyof TObject[TKey1], TKey3 extends keyof TObject[TKey1][TKey2]>(path: [TKey1, TKey2, TKey3]): Exclude<TObject[TKey1][TKey2][TKey3], undefined> | TDefault;
<TKey1 extends keyof TObject, TKey2 extends keyof TObject[TKey1], TKey3 extends keyof TObject[TKey1][TKey2], TKey4 extends keyof TObject[TKey1][TKey2][TKey3]>(path: [TKey1, TKey2, TKey3, TKey4]): Exclude<TObject[TKey1][TKey2][TKey3][TKey4], undefined> | TDefault;
type LodashGetOr1x6<TObject, TKey extends keyof TObject> = <TDefault>(defaultValue: TDefault) => Exclude<TObject[TKey], undefined> | TDefault;
interface LodashGetOr2x2<TObject, TKey1 extends keyof TObject, TKey2 extends keyof TObject[TKey1]> {
<TDefault>(defaultValue: TDefault): LodashGetOr2x3<TObject, TKey1, TKey2, TDefault>;
(defaultValue: lodash.__, object: TObject | null | undefined): LodashGetOr2x6<TObject, TKey1, TKey2>;
<TDefault>(defaultValue: TDefault, object: TObject | null | undefined): Exclude<TObject[TKey1][TKey2], undefined> | TDefault;
type LodashGetOr2x3<TObject, TKey1 extends keyof TObject, TKey2 extends keyof TObject[TKey1], TDefault> = (object: TObject | null | undefined) => Exclude<TObject[TKey1][TKey2], undefined> | TDefault;
type LodashGetOr2x6<TObject, TKey1 extends keyof TObject, TKey2 extends keyof TObject[TKey1]> = <TDefault>(defaultValue: TDefault) => Exclude<TObject[TKey1][TKey2], undefined> | TDefault;
interface LodashGetOr3x2<TObject, TKey1 extends keyof TObject, TKey2 extends keyof TObject[TKey1], TKey3 extends keyof TObject[TKey1][TKey2]> {
<TDefault>(defaultValue: TDefault): LodashGetOr3x3<TObject, TKey1, TKey2, TKey3, TDefault>;
(defaultValue: lodash.__, object: TObject | null | undefined): LodashGetOr3x6<TObject, TKey1, TKey2, TKey3>;
<TDefault>(defaultValue: TDefault, object: TObject | null | undefined): Exclude<TObject[TKey1][TKey2][TKey3], undefined> | TDefault;
type LodashGetOr3x3<TObject, TKey1 extends keyof TObject, TKey2 extends keyof TObject[TKey1], TKey3 extends keyof TObject[TKey1][TKey2], TDefault> = (object: TObject | null | undefined) => Exclude<TObject[TKey1][TKey2][TKey3], undefined> | TDefault;
type LodashGetOr3x6<TObject, TKey1 extends keyof TObject, TKey2 extends keyof TObject[TKey1], TKey3 extends keyof TObject[TKey1][TKey2]> = <TDefault>(defaultValue: TDefault) => Exclude<TObject[TKey1][TKey2][TKey3], undefined> | TDefault;
interface LodashGetOr4x2<TObject, TKey1 extends keyof TObject, TKey2 extends keyof TObject[TKey1], TKey3 extends keyof TObject[TKey1][TKey2], TKey4 extends keyof TObject[TKey1][TKey2][TKey3]> {
<TDefault>(defaultValue: TDefault): LodashGetOr4x3<TObject, TKey1, TKey2, TKey3, TKey4, TDefault>;
(defaultValue: lodash.__, object: TObject | null | undefined): LodashGetOr4x6<TObject, TKey1, TKey2, TKey3, TKey4>;
<TDefault>(defaultValue: TDefault, object: TObject | null | undefined): Exclude<TObject[TKey1][TKey2][TKey3][TKey4], undefined> | TDefault;
type LodashGetOr4x3<TObject, TKey1 extends keyof TObject, TKey2 extends keyof TObject[TKey1], TKey3 extends keyof TObject[TKey1][TKey2], TKey4 extends keyof TObject[TKey1][TKey2][TKey3], TDefault> = (object: TObject | null | undefined) => Exclude<TObject[TKey1][TKey2][TKey3][TKey4], undefined> | TDefault;
type LodashGetOr4x6<TObject, TKey1 extends keyof TObject, TKey2 extends keyof TObject[TKey1], TKey3 extends keyof TObject[TKey1][TKey2], TKey4 extends keyof TObject[TKey1][TKey2][TKey3]> = <TDefault>(defaultValue: TDefault) => Exclude<TObject[TKey1][TKey2][TKey3][TKey4], undefined> | TDefault;
interface LodashGetOr5x2 {
<TDefault>(defaultValue: TDefault): LodashGetOr5x3<TDefault>;
<T>(defaultValue: lodash.__, object: lodash.NumericDictionary<T> | null | undefined): LodashGetOr5x6<T>;
<T, TDefault>(defaultValue: TDefault, object: lodash.NumericDictionary<T> | null | undefined): T | TDefault;
type LodashGetOr5x3<TDefault> = <T>(object: lodash.NumericDictionary<T> | null | undefined) => T | TDefault;
interface LodashGetOr5x4<T> {
<TDefault>(defaultValue: TDefault): LodashGetOr5x5<T, TDefault>;
(defaultValue: lodash.__, path: number): LodashGetOr5x6<T>;
<TDefault>(defaultValue: TDefault, path: number): T | TDefault;
type LodashGetOr5x5<T, TDefault> = (path: number) => T | TDefault;
type LodashGetOr5x6<T> = <TDefault>(defaultValue: TDefault) => T | TDefault;
interface LodashGetOr6x2 {
<TDefault>(defaultValue: TDefault): LodashGetOr6x3<TDefault>;
(defaultValue: lodash.__, object: null | undefined): LodashGetOr6x6;
<TDefault>(defaultValue: TDefault, object: null | undefined): TDefault;
(defaultValue: any): LodashGetOr7x3;
(defaultValue: lodash.__, object: any): LodashGetOr7x6;
(defaultValue: any, object: any): any;
type LodashGetOr6x3<TDefault> = (object: null | undefined) => TDefault;
interface LodashGetOr6x4 {
<TDefault>(defaultValue: TDefault): LodashGetOr6x5<TDefault>;
(defaultValue: lodash.__, path: lodash.PropertyPath): LodashGetOr6x6;
<TDefault>(defaultValue: TDefault, path: lodash.PropertyPath): TDefault;
type LodashGetOr6x5<TDefault> = (path: lodash.PropertyPath) => TDefault;
type LodashGetOr6x6 = <TDefault>(defaultValue: TDefault) => TDefault;
interface LodashGetOr7x1 {
(path: lodash.PropertyPath): LodashGetOr7x3;
(path: lodash.__, object: any): LodashGetOr7x5;
(path: lodash.PropertyPath, object: any): any;
type LodashGetOr7x3 = (object: any) => any;
interface LodashGetOr7x4 {
(defaultValue: any): LodashGetOr7x5;
(defaultValue: lodash.__, path: lodash.PropertyPath): LodashGetOr7x6;
(defaultValue: any, path: lodash.PropertyPath): any;
type LodashGetOr7x5 = (path: lodash.PropertyPath) => any;
type LodashGetOr7x6 = (defaultValue: any) => any;
interface LodashGroupBy {
<T>(iteratee: lodash.ValueIteratee<T>): LodashGroupBy1x1<T>;
<T>(iteratee: lodash.__, collection: lodash.List<T> | null | undefined): LodashGroupBy1x2<T>;
<T>(iteratee: lodash.ValueIteratee<T>, collection: lodash.List<T> | null | undefined): lodash.Dictionary<T[]>;
<T extends object>(iteratee: lodash.__, collection: T | null | undefined): LodashGroupBy2x2<T>;
<T extends object>(iteratee: lodash.ValueIteratee<T[keyof T]>, collection: T | null | undefined): lodash.Dictionary<Array<T[keyof T]>>;
type LodashGroupBy1x1<T> = (collection: lodash.List<T> | object | null | undefined) => lodash.Dictionary<T[]>;
type LodashGroupBy1x2<T> = (iteratee: lodash.ValueIteratee<T>) => lodash.Dictionary<T[]>;
type LodashGroupBy2x2<T> = (iteratee: lodash.ValueIteratee<T[keyof T]>) => lodash.Dictionary<Array<T[keyof T]>>;
interface LodashGt {
(value: any): LodashGt1x1;
(value: lodash.__, other: any): LodashGt1x2;
(value: any, other: any): boolean;
type LodashGt1x1 = (other: any) => boolean;
type LodashGt1x2 = (value: any) => boolean;
interface LodashGte {
(value: any): LodashGte1x1;
(value: lodash.__, other: any): LodashGte1x2;
(value: any, other: any): boolean;
type LodashGte1x1 = (other: any) => boolean;
type LodashGte1x2 = (value: any) => boolean;
interface LodashHas {
(path: lodash.PropertyPath): LodashHas1x1;
<T>(path: lodash.__, object: T): LodashHas1x2;
<T>(path: lodash.PropertyPath, object: T): boolean;
type LodashHas1x1 = <T>(object: T) => boolean;
type LodashHas1x2 = (path: lodash.PropertyPath) => boolean;
interface LodashHasIn {
(path: lodash.PropertyPath): LodashHasIn1x1;
<T>(path: lodash.__, object: T): LodashHasIn1x2;
<T>(path: lodash.PropertyPath, object: T): boolean;
type LodashHasIn1x1 = <T>(object: T) => boolean;
type LodashHasIn1x2 = (path: lodash.PropertyPath) => boolean;
interface LodashIdentity {
<T>(value: T): T;
(): undefined;
interface LodashIncludes {
<T>(target: T): LodashIncludes1x1<T>;
<T>(target: lodash.__, collection: lodash.Dictionary<T> | lodash.NumericDictionary<T> | null | undefined): LodashIncludes1x2<T>;
<T>(target: T, collection: lodash.Dictionary<T> | lodash.NumericDictionary<T> | null | undefined): boolean;
type LodashIncludes1x1<T> = (collection: lodash.Dictionary<T> | lodash.NumericDictionary<T> | null | undefined) => boolean;
type LodashIncludes1x2<T> = (target: T) => boolean;
interface LodashIncludesFrom {
<T>(target: T): LodashIncludesFrom1x1<T>;
(target: lodash.__, fromIndex: number): LodashIncludesFrom1x2;
<T>(target: T, fromIndex: number): LodashIncludesFrom1x3<T>;
<T>(target: lodash.__, fromIndex: lodash.__, collection: lodash.Dictionary<T> | lodash.NumericDictionary<T> | null | undefined): LodashIncludesFrom1x4<T>;
<T>(target: T, fromIndex: lodash.__, collection: lodash.Dictionary<T> | lodash.NumericDictionary<T> | null | undefined): LodashIncludesFrom1x5;
<T>(target: lodash.__, fromIndex: number, collection: lodash.Dictionary<T> | lodash.NumericDictionary<T> | null | undefined): LodashIncludesFrom1x6<T>;
<T>(target: T, fromIndex: number, collection: lodash.Dictionary<T> | lodash.NumericDictionary<T> | null | undefined): boolean;
interface LodashIncludesFrom1x1<T> {
(fromIndex: number): LodashIncludesFrom1x3<T>;
(fromIndex: lodash.__, collection: lodash.Dictionary<T> | lodash.NumericDictionary<T> | null | undefined): LodashIncludesFrom1x5;
(fromIndex: number, collection: lodash.Dictionary<T> | lodash.NumericDictionary<T> | null | undefined): boolean;
interface LodashIncludesFrom1x2 {
<T>(target: T): LodashIncludesFrom1x3<T>;
<T>(target: lodash.__, collection: lodash.Dictionary<T> | lodash.NumericDictionary<T> | null | undefined): LodashIncludesFrom1x6<T>;
<T>(target: T, collection: lodash.Dictionary<T> | lodash.NumericDictionary<T> | null | undefined): boolean;
type LodashIncludesFrom1x3<T> = (collection: lodash.Dictionary<T> | lodash.NumericDictionary<T> | null | undefined) => boolean;
interface LodashIncludesFrom1x4<T> {
(target: T): LodashIncludesFrom1x5;
(target: lodash.__, fromIndex: number): LodashIncludesFrom1x6<T>;
(target: T, fromIndex: number): boolean;
type LodashIncludesFrom1x5 = (fromIndex: number) => boolean;
type LodashIncludesFrom1x6<T> = (target: T) => boolean;
interface LodashKeyBy {
<T>(iteratee: lodash.ValueIterateeCustom<T, lodash.PropertyName>): LodashKeyBy1x1<T>;
<T>(iteratee: lodash.__, collection: lodash.List<T> | null | undefined): LodashKeyBy1x2<T>;
<T>(iteratee: lodash.ValueIterateeCustom<T, lodash.PropertyName>, collection: lodash.List<T> | null | undefined): lodash.Dictionary<T>;
<T extends object>(iteratee: lodash.__, collection: T | null | undefined): LodashKeyBy2x2<T>;
<T extends object>(iteratee: lodash.ValueIterateeCustom<T[keyof T], lodash.PropertyName>, collection: T | null | undefined): lodash.Dictionary<T[keyof T]>;
type LodashKeyBy1x1<T> = (collection: lodash.List<T> | object | null | undefined) => lodash.Dictionary<T>;
type LodashKeyBy1x2<T> = (iteratee: lodash.ValueIterateeCustom<T, lodash.PropertyName>) => lodash.Dictionary<T>;
type LodashKeyBy2x2<T> = (iteratee: lodash.ValueIterateeCustom<T[keyof T], lodash.PropertyName>) => lodash.Dictionary<T[keyof T]>;
interface LodashIndexOf {
<T>(value: T): LodashIndexOf1x1<T>;
<T>(value: lodash.__, array: lodash.List<T> | null | undefined): LodashIndexOf1x2<T>;
<T>(value: T, array: lodash.List<T> | null | undefined): number;
type LodashIndexOf1x1<T> = (array: lodash.List<T> | null | undefined) => number;
type LodashIndexOf1x2<T> = (value: T) => number;
interface LodashIndexOfFrom {
<T>(value: T): LodashIndexOfFrom1x1<T>;
(value: lodash.__, fromIndex: number): LodashIndexOfFrom1x2;
<T>(value: T, fromIndex: number): LodashIndexOfFrom1x3<T>;
<T>(value: lodash.__, fromIndex: lodash.__, array: lodash.List<T> | null | undefined): LodashIndexOfFrom1x4<T>;
<T>(value: T, fromIndex: lodash.__, array: lodash.List<T> | null | undefined): LodashIndexOfFrom1x5;
<T>(value: lodash.__, fromIndex: number, array: lodash.List<T> | null | undefined): LodashIndexOfFrom1x6<T>;
<T>(value: T, fromIndex: number, array: lodash.List<T> | null | undefined): number;
interface LodashIndexOfFrom1x1<T> {
(fromIndex: number): LodashIndexOfFrom1x3<T>;
(fromIndex: lodash.__, array: lodash.List<T> | null | undefined): LodashIndexOfFrom1x5;
(fromIndex: number, array: lodash.List<T> | null | undefined): number;
interface LodashIndexOfFrom1x2 {
<T>(value: T): LodashIndexOfFrom1x3<T>;
<T>(value: lodash.__, array: lodash.List<T> | null | undefined): LodashIndexOfFrom1x6<T>;
<T>(value: T, array: lodash.List<T> | null | undefined): number;
type LodashIndexOfFrom1x3<T> = (array: lodash.List<T> | null | undefined) => number;
interface LodashIndexOfFrom1x4<T> {
(value: T): LodashIndexOfFrom1x5;
(value: lodash.__, fromIndex: number): LodashIndexOfFrom1x6<T>;
(value: T, fromIndex: number): number;
type LodashIndexOfFrom1x5 = (fromIndex: number) => number;
type LodashIndexOfFrom1x6<T> = (value: T) => number;
type LodashInitial = <T>(array: lodash.List<T> | null | undefined) => T[];
interface LodashInRange {
(start: number): LodashInRange1x1;
(start: lodash.__, end: number): LodashInRange1x2;
(start: number, end: number): LodashInRange1x3;
(start: lodash.__, end: lodash.__, n: number): LodashInRange1x4;
(start: number, end: lodash.__, n: number): LodashInRange1x5;
(start: lodash.__, end: number, n: number): LodashInRange1x6;
(start: number, end: number, n: number): boolean;
interface LodashInRange1x1 {
(end: number): LodashInRange1x3;
(end: lodash.__, n: number): LodashInRange1x5;
(end: number, n: number): boolean;
interface LodashInRange1x2 {
(start: number): LodashInRange1x3;
(start: lodash.__, n: number): LodashInRange1x6;
(start: number, n: number): boolean;
type LodashInRange1x3 = (n: number) => boolean;
interface LodashInRange1x4 {
(start: number): LodashInRange1x5;
(start: lodash.__, end: number): LodashInRange1x6;
(start: number, end: number): boolean;
type LodashInRange1x5 = (end: number) => boolean;
type LodashInRange1x6 = (start: number) => boolean;
interface LodashIntersection {
<T>(arrays2: lodash.List<T> | null | undefined): LodashIntersection1x1<T>;
<T>(arrays2: lodash.__, arrays: lodash.List<T> | null | undefined): LodashIntersection1x2<T>;
<T>(arrays2: lodash.List<T> | null | undefined, arrays: lodash.List<T> | null | undefined): T[];
type LodashIntersection1x1<T> = (arrays: lodash.List<T> | null | undefined) => T[];
type LodashIntersection1x2<T> = (arrays2: lodash.List<T> | null | undefined) => T[];
interface LodashIntersectionBy {
<T1, T2>(iteratee: lodash.ValueIteratee<T1 | T2>): LodashIntersectionBy1x1<T1, T2>;
<T1>(iteratee: lodash.__, array: lodash.List<T1> | null): LodashIntersectionBy1x2<T1>;
<T1, T2>(iteratee: lodash.ValueIteratee<T1 | T2>, array: lodash.List<T1> | null): LodashIntersectionBy1x3<T1, T2>;
<T2>(iteratee: lodash.__, array: lodash.__, values: lodash.List<T2>): LodashIntersectionBy1x4<T2>;
<T1, T2>(iteratee: lodash.ValueIteratee<T1 | T2>, array: lodash.__, values: lodash.List<T2>): LodashIntersectionBy1x5<T1>;
<T1, T2>(iteratee: lodash.__, array: lodash.List<T1> | null, values: lodash.List<T2>): LodashIntersectionBy1x6<T1, T2>;
<T1, T2>(iteratee: lodash.ValueIteratee<T1 | T2>, array: lodash.List<T1> | null, values: lodash.List<T2>): T1[];
interface LodashIntersectionBy1x1<T1, T2> {
(array: lodash.List<T1> | null): LodashIntersectionBy1x3<T1, T2>;
(array: lodash.__, values: lodash.List<T2>): LodashIntersectionBy1x5<T1>;
(array: lodash.List<T1> | null, values: lodash.List<T2>): T1[];
interface LodashIntersectionBy1x2<T1> {
<T2>(iteratee: lodash.ValueIteratee<T1 | T2>): LodashIntersectionBy1x3<T1, T2>;
<T2>(iteratee: lodash.__, values: lodash.List<T2>): LodashIntersectionBy1x6<T1, T2>;
<T2>(iteratee: lodash.ValueIteratee<T1 | T2>, values: lodash.List<T2>): T1[];
type LodashIntersectionBy1x3<T1, T2> = (values: lodash.List<T2>) => T1[];
interface LodashIntersectionBy1x4<T2> {
<T1>(iteratee: lodash.ValueIteratee<T1 | T2>): LodashIntersectionBy1x5<T1>;
<T1>(iteratee: lodash.__, array: lodash.List<T1> | null): LodashIntersectionBy1x6<T1, T2>;
<T1>(iteratee: lodash.ValueIteratee<T1 | T2>, array: lodash.List<T1> | null): T1[];
type LodashIntersectionBy1x5<T1> = (array: lodash.List<T1> | null) => T1[];
type LodashIntersectionBy1x6<T1, T2> = (iteratee: lodash.ValueIteratee<T1 | T2>) => T1[];
interface LodashIntersectionWith {
<T1, T2>(comparator: lodash.Comparator2<T1, T2>): LodashIntersectionWith1x1<T1, T2>;
<T1>(comparator: lodash.__, array: lodash.List<T1> | null | undefined): LodashIntersectionWith1x2<T1>;
<T1, T2>(comparator: lodash.Comparator2<T1, T2>, array: lodash.List<T1> | null | undefined): LodashIntersectionWith1x3<T1, T2>;
<T2>(comparator: lodash.__, array: lodash.__, values: lodash.List<T2>): LodashIntersectionWith1x4<T2>;
<T1, T2>(comparator: lodash.Comparator2<T1, T2>, array: lodash.__, values: lodash.List<T2>): LodashIntersectionWith1x5<T1>;
<T1, T2>(comparator: lodash.__, array: lodash.List<T1> | null | undefined, values: lodash.List<T2>): LodashIntersectionWith1x6<T1, T2>;
<T1, T2>(comparator: lodash.Comparator2<T1, T2>, array: lodash.List<T1> | null | undefined, values: lodash.List<T2>): T1[];
interface LodashIntersectionWith1x1<T1, T2> {
(array: lodash.List<T1> | null | undefined): LodashIntersectionWith1x3<T1, T2>;
(array: lodash.__, values: lodash.List<T2>): LodashIntersectionWith1x5<T1>;
(array: lodash.List<T1> | null | undefined, values: lodash.List<T2>): T1[];
interface LodashIntersectionWith1x2<T1> {
<T2>(comparator: lodash.Comparator2<T1, T2>): LodashIntersectionWith1x3<T1, T2>;
<T2>(comparator: lodash.__, values: lodash.List<T2>): LodashIntersectionWith1x6<T1, T2>;
<T2>(comparator: lodash.Comparator2<T1, T2>, values: lodash.List<T2>): T1[];
type LodashIntersectionWith1x3<T1, T2> = (values: lodash.List<T2>) => T1[];
interface LodashIntersectionWith1x4<T2> {
<T1>(comparator: lodash.Comparator2<T1, T2>): LodashIntersectionWith1x5<T1>;
<T1>(comparator: lodash.__, array: lodash.List<T1> | null | undefined): LodashIntersectionWith1x6<T1, T2>;
<T1>(comparator: lodash.Comparator2<T1, T2>, array: lodash.List<T1> | null | undefined): T1[];
type LodashIntersectionWith1x5<T1> = (array: lodash.List<T1> | null | undefined) => T1[];
type LodashIntersectionWith1x6<T1, T2> = (comparator: lodash.Comparator2<T1, T2>) => T1[];
type LodashInvert = (object: object) => lodash.Dictionary<string>;
interface LodashInvertBy {
<T>(interatee: lodash.ValueIteratee<T>): LodashInvertBy1x1<T>;
<T>(interatee: lodash.__, object: lodash.Dictionary<T> | lodash.NumericDictionary<T> | null | undefined): LodashInvertBy1x2<T>;
<T>(interatee: lodash.ValueIteratee<T>, object: lodash.Dictionary<T> | lodash.NumericDictionary<T> | null | undefined): lodash.Dictionary<string[]>;
<T extends object>(interatee: lodash.__, object: T | null | undefined): LodashInvertBy2x2<T>;
<T extends object>(interatee: lodash.ValueIteratee<T[keyof T]>, object: T | null | undefined): lodash.Dictionary<string[]>;
type LodashInvertBy1x1<T> = (object: lodash.Dictionary<T> | lodash.NumericDictionary<T> | object | null | undefined) => lodash.Dictionary<string[]>;
type LodashInvertBy1x2<T> = (interatee: lodash.ValueIteratee<T>) => lodash.Dictionary<string[]>;
type LodashInvertBy2x2<T> = (interatee: lodash.ValueIteratee<T[keyof T]>) => lodash.Dictionary<string[]>;
interface LodashInvoke {
(path: lodash.PropertyPath): LodashInvoke1x1;
(path: lodash.__, object: any): LodashInvoke1x2;
(path: lodash.PropertyPath, object: any): any;
type LodashInvoke1x1 = (object: any) => any;
type LodashInvoke1x2 = (path: lodash.PropertyPath) => any;
interface LodashInvokeArgs {
(path: lodash.PropertyPath): LodashInvokeArgs1x1;
(path: lodash.__, args: readonly any[]): LodashInvokeArgs1x2;
(path: lodash.PropertyPath, args: readonly any[]): LodashInvokeArgs1x3;
(path: lodash.__, args: lodash.__, object: any): LodashInvokeArgs1x4;
(path: lodash.PropertyPath, args: lodash.__, object: any): LodashInvokeArgs1x5;
(path: lodash.__, args: readonly any[], object: any): LodashInvokeArgs1x6;
(path: lodash.PropertyPath, args: readonly any[], object: any): any;
interface LodashInvokeArgs1x1 {
(args: readonly any[]): LodashInvokeArgs1x3;
(args: lodash.__, object: any): LodashInvokeArgs1x5;
(args: readonly any[], object: any): any;
interface LodashInvokeArgs1x2 {
(path: lodash.PropertyPath): LodashInvokeArgs1x3;
(path: lodash.__, object: any): LodashInvokeArgs1x6;
(path: lodash.PropertyPath, object: any): any;
type LodashInvokeArgs1x3 = (object: any) => any;
interface LodashInvokeArgs1x4 {
(path: lodash.PropertyPath): LodashInvokeArgs1x5;
(path: lodash.__, args: readonly any[]): LodashInvokeArgs1x6;
(path: lodash.PropertyPath, args: readonly any[]): any;
type LodashInvokeArgs1x5 = (args: readonly any[]) => any;
type LodashInvokeArgs1x6 = (path: lodash.PropertyPath) => any;
interface LodashInvokeArgsMap {
(methodName: string): LodashInvokeArgsMap1x1;
(methodNameOrMethod: lodash.__, args: readonly any[]): LodashInvokeArgsMap1x2;
(methodName: string, args: readonly any[]): LodashInvokeArgsMap1x3;
(methodNameOrMethod: lodash.__, args: lodash.__, collection: object | null | undefined): LodashInvokeArgsMap1x4;
(methodName: string, args: lodash.__, collection: object | null | undefined): LodashInvokeArgsMap1x5;
(methodNameOrMethod: lodash.__, args: readonly any[], collection: object | null | undefined): LodashInvokeArgsMap1x6;
(methodName: string, args: readonly any[], collection: object | null | undefined): any[];
<TResult>(method: (...args: any[]) => TResult): LodashInvokeArgsMap2x1<TResult>;
<TResult>(method: (...args: any[]) => TResult, args: readonly any[]): LodashInvokeArgsMap2x3<TResult>;
<TResult>(method: (...args: any[]) => TResult, args: lodash.__, collection: object | null | undefined): LodashInvokeArgsMap2x5<TResult>;
<TResult>(method: (...args: any[]) => TResult, args: readonly any[], collection: object | null | undefined): TResult[];
interface LodashInvokeArgsMap1x1 {
(args: readonly any[]): LodashInvokeArgsMap1x3;
(args: lodash.__, collection: object | null | undefined): LodashInvokeArgsMap1x5;
(args: readonly any[], collection: object | null | undefined): any[];
interface LodashInvokeArgsMap1x2 {
(methodName: string): LodashInvokeArgsMap1x3;
(methodNameOrMethod: lodash.__, collection: object | null | undefined): LodashInvokeArgsMap1x6;
(methodName: string, collection: object | null | undefined): any[];
<TResult>(method: (...args: any[]) => TResult): LodashInvokeArgsMap2x3<TResult>;
<TResult>(method: (...args: any[]) => TResult, collection: object | null | undefined): TResult[];
type LodashInvokeArgsMap1x3 = (collection: object | null | undefined) => any[];
interface LodashInvokeArgsMap1x4 {
(methodName: string): LodashInvokeArgsMap1x5;
(methodNameOrMethod: lodash.__, args: readonly any[]): LodashInvokeArgsMap1x6;
(methodName: string, args: readonly any[]): any[];
<TResult>(method: (...args: any[]) => TResult): LodashInvokeArgsMap2x5<TResult>;
<TResult>(method: (...args: any[]) => TResult, args: readonly any[]): TResult[];
type LodashInvokeArgsMap1x5 = (args: readonly any[]) => any[];
interface LodashInvokeArgsMap1x6 {
(methodName: string): any[];
<TResult>(method: (...args: any[]) => TResult): TResult[];
interface LodashInvokeArgsMap2x1<TResult> {
(args: readonly any[]): LodashInvokeArgsMap2x3<TResult>;
(args: lodash.__, collection: object | null | undefined): LodashInvokeArgsMap2x5<TResult>;
(args: readonly any[], collection: object | null | undefined): TResult[];
type LodashInvokeArgsMap2x3<TResult> = (collection: object | null | undefined) => TResult[];
type LodashInvokeArgsMap2x5<TResult> = (args: readonly any[]) => TResult[];
interface LodashInvokeMap {
(methodName: string): LodashInvokeMap1x1;
(methodNameOrMethod: lodash.__, collection: object | null | undefined): LodashInvokeMap1x2;
(methodName: string, collection: object | null | undefined): any[];
<TResult>(method: (...args: any[]) => TResult): LodashInvokeMap2x1<TResult>;
<TResult>(method: (...args: any[]) => TResult, collection: object | null | undefined): TResult[];
type LodashInvokeMap1x1 = (collection: object | null | undefined) => any[];
interface LodashInvokeMap1x2 {
(methodName: string): any[];
<TResult>(method: (...args: any[]) => TResult): TResult[];
type LodashInvokeMap2x1<TResult> = (collection: object | null | undefined) => TResult[];
type LodashIsArguments = (value: any) => value is IArguments;
type LodashIsArray = (value: any) => value is any[];
type LodashIsArrayBuffer = (value: any) => value is ArrayBuffer;
interface LodashIsArrayLike {
<T extends { __lodashAnyHack: any }>(t: T): boolean;
(value: ((...args: any[]) => any) | null | undefined): value is never;
(value: any): value is { length: number };
interface LodashIsArrayLikeObject {
<T extends { __lodashAnyHack: any }>(value: T): boolean;
(value: ((...args: any[]) => any) | lodash.FunctionBase | string | boolean | number | null | undefined): value is never;
(value: any): value is object & { length: number };
type LodashIsBoolean = (value: any) => value is boolean;
type LodashIsBuffer = (value: any) => boolean;
type LodashIsDate = (value: any) => value is Date;
type LodashIsElement = (value: any) => boolean;
interface LodashIsEmpty {
<T extends { __trapAny: any }>(value: T): boolean;
(value: string | null | undefined): value is '' | null | undefined;
(value: any[] | null | undefined): boolean;
(value: readonly any[] | null | undefined): value is Readonly<[]> | null | undefined;
(value: Map<any, any> | Set<any> | lodash.List<any> | null | undefined): boolean;
<T extends object>(value: T | null | undefined): value is lodash.EmptyObjectOf<T> | null | undefined;
(value?: any): boolean;
interface LodashIsEqualWith {
(customizer: lodash.IsEqualCustomizer): LodashIsEqualWith1x1;
(customizer: lodash.__, value: any): LodashIsEqualWith1x2;
(customizer: lodash.IsEqualCustomizer, value: any): LodashIsEqualWith1x3;
(customizer: lodash.__, value: lodash.__, other: any): LodashIsEqualWith1x4;
(customizer: lodash.IsEqualCustomizer, value: lodash.__, other: any): LodashIsEqualWith1x5;
(customizer: lodash.__, value: any, other: any): LodashIsEqualWith1x6;
(customizer: lodash.IsEqualCustomizer, value: any, other: any): boolean;
interface LodashIsEqualWith1x1 {
(value: any): LodashIsEqualWith1x3;
(value: lodash.__, other: any): LodashIsEqualWith1x5;
(value: any, other: any): boolean;
interface LodashIsEqualWith1x2 {
(customizer: lodash.IsEqualCustomizer): LodashIsEqualWith1x3;
(customizer: lodash.__, other: any): LodashIsEqualWith1x6;
(customizer: lodash.IsEqualCustomizer, other: any): boolean;
type LodashIsEqualWith1x3 = (other: any) => boolean;
interface LodashIsEqualWith1x4 {
(customizer: lodash.IsEqualCustomizer): LodashIsEqualWith1x5;
(customizer: lodash.__, value: any): LodashIsEqualWith1x6;
(customizer: lodash.IsEqualCustomizer, value: any): boolean;
type LodashIsEqualWith1x5 = (value: any) => boolean;
type LodashIsEqualWith1x6 = (customizer: lodash.IsEqualCustomizer) => boolean;
type LodashIsError = (value: any) => value is Error;
type LodashIsFinite = (value: any) => boolean;
type LodashIsFunction = (value: any) => value is (...args: any[]) => any;
type LodashIsInteger = (value: any) => boolean;
type LodashIsLength = (value: any) => boolean;
type LodashIsMap = (value: any) => value is Map<any, any>;
interface LodashIsMatch {
(source: object): LodashIsMatch1x1;
(source: lodash.__, object: object): LodashIsMatch1x2;
(source: object, object: object): boolean;
type LodashIsMatch1x1 = (object: object) => boolean;
type LodashIsMatch1x2 = (source: object) => boolean;
interface LodashIsMatchWith {
(customizer: lodash.isMatchWithCustomizer): LodashIsMatchWith1x1;
(customizer: lodash.__, source: object): LodashIsMatchWith1x2;
(customizer: lodash.isMatchWithCustomizer, source: object): LodashIsMatchWith1x3;
(customizer: lodash.__, source: lodash.__, object: object): LodashIsMatchWith1x4;
(customizer: lodash.isMatchWithCustomizer, source: lodash.__, object: object): LodashIsMatchWith1x5;
(customizer: lodash.__, source: object, object: object): LodashIsMatchWith1x6;
(customizer: lodash.isMatchWithCustomizer, source: object, object: object): boolean;
interface LodashIsMatchWith1x1 {
(source: object): LodashIsMatchWith1x3;
(source: lodash.__, object: object): LodashIsMatchWith1x5;
(source: object, object: object): boolean;
interface LodashIsMatchWith1x2 {
(customizer: lodash.isMatchWithCustomizer): LodashIsMatchWith1x3;
(customizer: lodash.__, object: object): LodashIsMatchWith1x6;
(customizer: lodash.isMatchWithCustomizer, object: object): boolean;
type LodashIsMatchWith1x3 = (object: object) => boolean;
interface LodashIsMatchWith1x4 {
(customizer: lodash.isMatchWithCustomizer): LodashIsMatchWith1x5;
(customizer: lodash.__, source: object): LodashIsMatchWith1x6;
(customizer: lodash.isMatchWithCustomizer, source: object): boolean;
type LodashIsMatchWith1x5 = (source: object) => boolean;
type LodashIsMatchWith1x6 = (customizer: lodash.isMatchWithCustomizer) => boolean;
type LodashIsNaN = (value: any) => boolean;
type LodashIsNative = (value: any) => value is (...args: any[]) => any;
type LodashIsNil = (value: any) => value is null | undefined;
type LodashIsNull = (value: any) => value is null;
type LodashIsNumber = (value: any) => value is number;
type LodashIsObject = (value: any) => value is object;
type LodashIsObjectLike = (value: any) => boolean;
type LodashIsPlainObject = (value: any) => boolean;
type LodashIsRegExp = (value: any) => value is RegExp;
type LodashIsSafeInteger = (value: any) => boolean;
type LodashIsSet = (value: any) => value is Set<any>;
type LodashIsString = (value: any) => value is string;
type LodashIsSymbol = (value: any) => value is symbol;
type LodashIsTypedArray = (value: any) => boolean;
type LodashIsUndefined = (value: any) => value is undefined;
type LodashIsWeakMap = (value: any) => value is WeakMap<object, any>;
type LodashIsWeakSet = (value: any) => value is WeakSet<object>;
interface LodashIteratee {
<TFunction extends (...args: any[]) => any>(func: TFunction): TFunction;
(func: string | object): (...args: any[]) => any;
interface LodashJoin {
(separator: string): LodashJoin1x1;
(separator: lodash.__, array: lodash.List<any> | null | undefined): LodashJoin1x2;
(separator: string, array: lodash.List<any> | null | undefined): string;
type LodashJoin1x1 = (array: lodash.List<any> | null | undefined) => string;
type LodashJoin1x2 = (separator: string) => string;
type LodashOver = <TResult>(iteratees: lodash.Many<(...args: any[]) => TResult>) => (...args: any[]) => TResult[];
type LodashKebabCase = (string: string) => string;
type LodashKeys = (object: any) => string[];
type LodashKeysIn = (object: any) => string[];
type LodashLast = <T>(array: lodash.List<T> | null | undefined) => T | undefined;
interface LodashLastIndexOf {
<T>(value: T): LodashLastIndexOf1x1<T>;
<T>(value: lodash.__, array: lodash.List<T> | null | undefined): LodashLastIndexOf1x2<T>;
<T>(value: T, array: lodash.List<T> | null | undefined): number;
type LodashLastIndexOf1x1<T> = (array: lodash.List<T> | null | undefined) => number;
type LodashLastIndexOf1x2<T> = (value: T) => number;
interface LodashLastIndexOfFrom {
<T>(value: T): LodashLastIndexOfFrom1x1<T>;
(value: lodash.__, fromIndex: true|number): LodashLastIndexOfFrom1x2;
<T>(value: T, fromIndex: true|number): LodashLastIndexOfFrom1x3<T>;
<T>(value: lodash.__, fromIndex: lodash.__, array: lodash.List<T> | null | undefined): LodashLastIndexOfFrom1x4<T>;
<T>(value: T, fromIndex: lodash.__, array: lodash.List<T> | null | undefined): LodashLastIndexOfFrom1x5;
<T>(value: lodash.__, fromIndex: true|number, array: lodash.List<T> | null | undefined): LodashLastIndexOfFrom1x6<T>;
<T>(value: T, fromIndex: true|number, array: lodash.List<T> | null | undefined): number;
interface LodashLastIndexOfFrom1x1<T> {
(fromIndex: true|number): LodashLastIndexOfFrom1x3<T>;
(fromIndex: lodash.__, array: lodash.List<T> | null | undefined): LodashLastIndexOfFrom1x5;
(fromIndex: true|number, array: lodash.List<T> | null | undefined): number;
interface LodashLastIndexOfFrom1x2 {
<T>(value: T): LodashLastIndexOfFrom1x3<T>;
<T>(value: lodash.__, array: lodash.List<T> | null | undefined): LodashLastIndexOfFrom1x6<T>;
<T>(value: T, array: lodash.List<T> | null | undefined): number;
type LodashLastIndexOfFrom1x3<T> = (array: lodash.List<T> | null | undefined) => number;
interface LodashLastIndexOfFrom1x4<T> {
(value: T): LodashLastIndexOfFrom1x5;
(value: lodash.__, fromIndex: true|number): LodashLastIndexOfFrom1x6<T>;
(value: T, fromIndex: true|number): number;
type LodashLastIndexOfFrom1x5 = (fromIndex: true|number) => number;
type LodashLastIndexOfFrom1x6<T> = (value: T) => number;
type LodashLowerCase = (string: string) => string;
type LodashLowerFirst = (string: string) => string;
interface LodashLt {
(value: any): LodashLt1x1;
(value: lodash.__, other: any): LodashLt1x2;
(value: any, other: any): boolean;
type LodashLt1x1 = (other: any) => boolean;
type LodashLt1x2 = (value: any) => boolean;
interface LodashLte {
(value: any): LodashLte1x1;
(value: lodash.__, other: any): LodashLte1x2;
(value: any, other: any): boolean;
type LodashLte1x1 = (other: any) => boolean;
type LodashLte1x2 = (value: any) => boolean;
interface LodashMap {
<T, TResult>(iteratee: (value: T) => TResult): LodashMap1x1<T, TResult>;
<T>(iteratee: lodash.__, collection: T[] | null | undefined): LodashMap1x2<T>;
<T, TResult>(iteratee: (value: T) => TResult, collection: T[] | lodash.List<T> | null | undefined): TResult[];
<T>(iteratee: lodash.__, collection: lodash.List<T> | null | undefined): LodashMap2x2<T>;
<T extends object, TResult>(iteratee: (value: T[keyof T]) => TResult): LodashMap3x1<T, TResult>;
<T extends object>(iteratee: lodash.__, collection: T | null | undefined): LodashMap3x2<T>;
<T extends object, TResult>(iteratee: (value: T[keyof T]) => TResult, collection: T | null | undefined): TResult[];
<T, K extends keyof T>(iteratee: K): LodashMap4x1<T, K>;
<T>(iteratee: lodash.__, collection: lodash.Dictionary<T> | lodash.NumericDictionary<T> | null | undefined): LodashMap4x2<T>;
<T, K extends keyof T>(iteratee: K, collection: lodash.Dictionary<T> | lodash.NumericDictionary<T> | null | undefined): Array<T[K]>;
(iteratee: string): LodashMap5x1;
<T>(iteratee: string, collection: lodash.Dictionary<T> | lodash.NumericDictionary<T> | null | undefined): any[];
(iteratee: object): LodashMap6x1;
<T>(iteratee: object, collection: lodash.Dictionary<T> | lodash.NumericDictionary<T> | null | undefined): boolean[];
type LodashMap1x1<T, TResult> = (collection: T[] | lodash.List<T> | null | undefined) => TResult[];
type LodashMap1x2<T> = <TResult>(iteratee: (value: T) => TResult) => TResult[];
type LodashMap2x2<T> = <TResult>(iteratee: (value: T) => TResult) => TResult[];
type LodashMap3x1<T, TResult> = (collection: T | null | undefined) => TResult[];
type LodashMap3x2<T> = <TResult>(iteratee: (value: T[keyof T]) => TResult) => TResult[];
type LodashMap4x1<T, K extends keyof T> = (collection: lodash.Dictionary<T> | lodash.NumericDictionary<T> | null | undefined) => Array<T[K]>;
interface LodashMap4x2<T> {
<K extends keyof T>(iteratee: K): Array<T[K]>;
(iteratee: string): any[];
(iteratee: object): boolean[];
type LodashMap5x1 = <T>(collection: lodash.Dictionary<T> | lodash.NumericDictionary<T> | null | undefined) => any[];
type LodashMap6x1 = <T>(collection: lodash.Dictionary<T> | lodash.NumericDictionary<T> | null | undefined) => boolean[];
interface LodashMapKeys {
(iteratee: lodash.ValueIteratee<number>): LodashMapKeys1x1;
<T>(iteratee: lodash.__, object: lodash.List<T> | null | undefined): LodashMapKeys1x2<T>;
<T>(iteratee: lodash.ValueIteratee<number>, object: lodash.List<T> | null | undefined): lodash.Dictionary<T>;
(iteratee: lodash.ValueIteratee<string>): LodashMapKeys2x1;
<T extends object>(iteratee: lodash.__, object: T | null | undefined): LodashMapKeys2x2<T>;
<T extends object>(iteratee: lodash.ValueIteratee<string>, object: T | null | undefined): lodash.Dictionary<T[keyof T]>;
type LodashMapKeys1x1 = <T>(object: lodash.List<T> | null | undefined) => lodash.Dictionary<T>;
type LodashMapKeys1x2<T> = (iteratee: lodash.ValueIteratee<number>) => lodash.Dictionary<T>;
type LodashMapKeys2x1 = <T extends object>(object: T | null | undefined) => lodash.Dictionary<T[keyof T]>;
type LodashMapKeys2x2<T> = (iteratee: lodash.ValueIteratee<string>) => lodash.Dictionary<T[keyof T]>;
interface LodashMapValues {
<T, TResult>(callback: (value: T) => TResult): LodashMapValues1x1<T, TResult>;
<T>(callbackOrIterateeOrIterateeOrIteratee: lodash.__, obj: lodash.Dictionary<T> | lodash.NumericDictionary<T> | null | undefined): LodashMapValues1x2<T>;
<T, TResult>(callback: (value: T) => TResult, obj: lodash.Dictionary<T> | lodash.NumericDictionary<T> | null | undefined): lodash.Dictionary<TResult>;
<T extends object, TResult>(callback: (value: T[keyof T]) => TResult): LodashMapValues2x1<T, TResult>;
<T extends object>(callbackOrIterateeOrIteratee: lodash.__, obj: T | null | undefined): LodashMapValues2x2<T>;
<T extends object, TResult>(callback: (value: T[keyof T]) => TResult, obj: T | null | undefined): { [P in keyof T]: TResult };
(iteratee: object): LodashMapValues3x1;
<T>(iteratee: object, obj: lodash.Dictionary<T> | lodash.NumericDictionary<T> | null | undefined): lodash.Dictionary<boolean>;
<T extends object>(iteratee: object, obj: T | null | undefined): { [P in keyof T]: boolean };
<T, TKey extends keyof T>(iteratee: TKey): LodashMapValues5x1<T, TKey>;
<T, TKey extends keyof T>(iteratee: TKey, obj: lodash.Dictionary<T> | lodash.NumericDictionary<T> | null | undefined): lodash.Dictionary<T[TKey]>;
(iteratee: string): LodashMapValues6x1;
<T>(iteratee: string, obj: lodash.Dictionary<T> | lodash.NumericDictionary<T> | null | undefined): lodash.Dictionary<any>;
<T extends object>(iteratee: string, obj: T | null | undefined): { [P in keyof T]: any };
type LodashMapValues1x1<T, TResult> = (obj: lodash.Dictionary<T> | lodash.NumericDictionary<T> | null | undefined) => lodash.Dictionary<TResult>;
interface LodashMapValues1x2<T> {
<TResult>(callback: (value: T) => TResult): lodash.Dictionary<TResult>;
(iteratee: object): lodash.Dictionary<boolean>;
<TKey extends keyof T>(iteratee: TKey): lodash.Dictionary<T[TKey]>;
(iteratee: string): lodash.Dictionary<any>;
type LodashMapValues2x1<T, TResult> = (obj: T | null | undefined) => { [P in keyof T]: TResult };
interface LodashMapValues2x2<T> {
<TResult>(callback: (value: T[keyof T]) => TResult): { [P in keyof T]: TResult };
(iteratee: object): { [P in keyof T]: boolean };
(iteratee: string): { [P in keyof T]: any };
interface LodashMapValues3x1 {
<T>(obj: lodash.Dictionary<T> | lodash.NumericDictionary<T> | null | undefined): lodash.Dictionary<boolean>;
<T extends object>(obj: T | null | undefined): { [P in keyof T]: boolean };
type LodashMapValues5x1<T, TKey extends keyof T> = (obj: lodash.Dictionary<T> | lodash.NumericDictionary<T> | null | undefined) => lodash.Dictionary<T[TKey]>;
interface LodashMapValues6x1 {
<T>(obj: lodash.Dictionary<T> | lodash.NumericDictionary<T> | null | undefined): lodash.Dictionary<any>;
<T extends object>(obj: T | null | undefined): { [P in keyof T]: any };
interface LodashMatchesProperty {
(path: lodash.PropertyPath): LodashMatchesProperty1x1;
<T>(path: lodash.__, srcValue: T): LodashMatchesProperty1x2;
<T>(path: lodash.PropertyPath, srcValue: T): (value: any) => boolean;
type LodashMatchesProperty1x1 = <T>(srcValue: T) => (value: any) => boolean;
type LodashMatchesProperty1x2 = (path: lodash.PropertyPath) => (value: any) => boolean;
type LodashMax = <T>(collection: lodash.List<T> | null | undefined) => T | undefined;
interface LodashMaxBy {
<T>(iteratee: lodash.ValueIteratee<T>): LodashMaxBy1x1<T>;
<T>(iteratee: lodash.__, collection: lodash.List<T> | null | undefined): LodashMaxBy1x2<T>;
<T>(iteratee: lodash.ValueIteratee<T>, collection: lodash.List<T> | null | undefined): T | undefined;
type LodashMaxBy1x1<T> = (collection: lodash.List<T> | null | undefined) => T | undefined;
type LodashMaxBy1x2<T> = (iteratee: lodash.ValueIteratee<T>) => T | undefined;
type LodashMean = (collection: lodash.List<any> | null | undefined) => number;
interface LodashMeanBy {
<T>(iteratee: lodash.ValueIteratee<T>): LodashMeanBy1x1<T>;
<T>(iteratee: lodash.__, collection: lodash.List<T> | null | undefined): LodashMeanBy1x2<T>;
<T>(iteratee: lodash.ValueIteratee<T>, collection: lodash.List<T> | null | undefined): number;
type LodashMeanBy1x1<T> = (collection: lodash.List<T> | null | undefined) => number;
type LodashMeanBy1x2<T> = (iteratee: lodash.ValueIteratee<T>) => number;
type LodashMemoize = <T extends (...args: any) => any>(func: T) => T & lodash.MemoizedFunction;
interface LodashMerge {
<TObject>(object: TObject): LodashMerge1x1<TObject>;
<TSource>(object: lodash.__, source: TSource): LodashMerge1x2<TSource>;
<TObject, TSource>(object: TObject, source: TSource): TObject & TSource;
type LodashMerge1x1<TObject> = <TSource>(source: TSource) => TObject & TSource;
type LodashMerge1x2<TSource> = <TObject>(object: TObject) => TObject & TSource;
interface LodashMergeAll {
<TObject, TSource>(object: [TObject, TSource]): TObject & TSource;
<TObject, TSource1, TSource2>(object: [TObject, TSource1, TSource2]): TObject & TSource1 & TSource2;
<TObject, TSource1, TSource2, TSource3>(object: [TObject, TSource1, TSource2, TSource3]): TObject & TSource1 & TSource2 & TSource3;
<TObject, TSource1, TSource2, TSource3, TSource4>(object: [TObject, TSource1, TSource2, TSource3, TSource4]): TObject & TSource1 & TSource2 & TSource3 & TSource4;
(object: readonly any[]): any;
interface LodashMergeAllWith {
(customizer: lodash.MergeWithCustomizer): LodashMergeAllWith1x1;
(customizer: lodash.__, args: readonly any[]): LodashMergeAllWith1x2;
(customizer: lodash.MergeWithCustomizer, args: readonly any[]): any;
type LodashMergeAllWith1x1 = (args: readonly any[]) => any;
type LodashMergeAllWith1x2 = (customizer: lodash.MergeWithCustomizer) => any;
interface LodashMergeWith {
(customizer: lodash.MergeWithCustomizer): LodashMergeWith1x1;
<TObject>(customizer: lodash.__, object: TObject): LodashMergeWith1x2<TObject>;
<TObject>(customizer: lodash.MergeWithCustomizer, object: TObject): LodashMergeWith1x3<TObject>;
<TSource>(customizer: lodash.__, object: lodash.__, source: TSource): LodashMergeWith1x4<TSource>;
<TSource>(customizer: lodash.MergeWithCustomizer, object: lodash.__, source: TSource): LodashMergeWith1x5<TSource>;
<TObject, TSource>(customizer: lodash.__, object: TObject, source: TSource): LodashMergeWith1x6<TObject, TSource>;
<TObject, TSource>(customizer: lodash.MergeWithCustomizer, object: TObject, source: TSource): TObject & TSource;
interface LodashMergeWith1x1 {
<TObject>(object: TObject): LodashMergeWith1x3<TObject>;
<TSource>(object: lodash.__, source: TSource): LodashMergeWith1x5<TSource>;
<TObject, TSource>(object: TObject, source: TSource): TObject & TSource;
interface LodashMergeWith1x2<TObject> {
(customizer: lodash.MergeWithCustomizer): LodashMergeWith1x3<TObject>;
<TSource>(customizer: lodash.__, source: TSource): LodashMergeWith1x6<TObject, TSource>;
<TSource>(customizer: lodash.MergeWithCustomizer, source: TSource): TObject & TSource;
type LodashMergeWith1x3<TObject> = <TSource>(source: TSource) => TObject & TSource;
interface LodashMergeWith1x4<TSource> {
(customizer: lodash.MergeWithCustomizer): LodashMergeWith1x5<TSource>;
<TObject>(customizer: lodash.__, object: TObject): LodashMergeWith1x6<TObject, TSource>;
<TObject>(customizer: lodash.MergeWithCustomizer, object: TObject): TObject & TSource;
type LodashMergeWith1x5<TSource> = <TObject>(object: TObject) => TObject & TSource;
type LodashMergeWith1x6<TObject, TSource> = (customizer: lodash.MergeWithCustomizer) => TObject & TSource;
type LodashMethod = (path: lodash.PropertyPath) => (object: any) => any;
type LodashMethodOf = (object: object) => (path: lodash.PropertyPath) => any;
type LodashMin = <T>(collection: lodash.List<T> | null | undefined) => T | undefined;
interface LodashMinBy {
<T>(iteratee: lodash.ValueIteratee<T>): LodashMinBy1x1<T>;
<T>(iteratee: lodash.__, collection: lodash.List<T> | null | undefined): LodashMinBy1x2<T>;
<T>(iteratee: lodash.ValueIteratee<T>, collection: lodash.List<T> | null | undefined): T | undefined;
type LodashMinBy1x1<T> = (collection: lodash.List<T> | null | undefined) => T | undefined;
type LodashMinBy1x2<T> = (iteratee: lodash.ValueIteratee<T>) => T | undefined;
interface LodashMultiply {
(multiplier: number): LodashMultiply1x1;
(multiplier: lodash.__, multiplicand: number): LodashMultiply1x2;
(multiplier: number, multiplicand: number): number;
type LodashMultiply1x1 = (multiplicand: number) => number;
type LodashMultiply1x2 = (multiplier: number) => number;
type LodashNoConflict = () => typeof _;
type LodashNoop = (...args: any[]) => void;
type LodashNow = () => number;
interface LodashNth {
(n: number): LodashNth1x1;
<T>(n: lodash.__, array: lodash.List<T> | null | undefined): LodashNth1x2<T>;
<T>(n: number, array: lodash.List<T> | null | undefined): T | undefined;
type LodashNth1x1 = <T>(array: lodash.List<T> | null | undefined) => T | undefined;
type LodashNth1x2<T> = (n: number) => T | undefined;
type LodashNthArg = (n: number) => (...args: any[]) => any;
interface LodashOmit {
<T extends object, K extends keyof T>(paths: lodash.Many<K>): LodashOmit1x1<T, K>;
<T extends object>(paths: lodash.__, object: T | null | undefined): LodashOmit1x2<T>;
<T extends object, K extends keyof T>(paths: lodash.Many<K>, object: T | null | undefined): lodash.Omit<T, K>;
(paths: lodash.Many<lodash.PropertyName>): LodashOmit2x1;
<T extends object>(paths: lodash.Many<lodash.PropertyName>, object: T | null | undefined): lodash.PartialObject<T>;
type LodashOmit1x1<T, K extends keyof T> = (object: T | null | undefined) => lodash.Omit<T, K>;
interface LodashOmit1x2<T> {
<K extends keyof T>(paths: lodash.Many<K>): lodash.Omit<T, K>;
(paths: lodash.Many<lodash.PropertyName>): lodash.PartialObject<T>;
type LodashOmit2x1 = <T extends object>(object: T | null | undefined) => lodash.PartialObject<T>;
interface LodashOmitBy {
<T>(predicate: lodash.ValueKeyIteratee<T>): LodashOmitBy1x1<T>;
<T>(predicate: lodash.__, object: lodash.Dictionary<T> | null | undefined): LodashOmitBy1x2<T>;
<T>(predicate: lodash.ValueKeyIteratee<T>, object: lodash.Dictionary<T> | null | undefined): lodash.Dictionary<T>;
<T>(predicate: lodash.__, object: lodash.NumericDictionary<T> | null | undefined): LodashOmitBy2x2<T>;
<T>(predicate: lodash.ValueKeyIteratee<T>, object: lodash.NumericDictionary<T> | null | undefined): lodash.NumericDictionary<T>;
<T extends object>(predicate: lodash.__, object: T | null | undefined): LodashOmitBy3x2<T>;
<T extends object>(predicate: lodash.ValueKeyIteratee<T[keyof T]>, object: T | null | undefined): lodash.PartialObject<T>;
interface LodashOmitBy1x1<T> {
(object: lodash.Dictionary<T> | null | undefined): lodash.Dictionary<T>;
(object: lodash.NumericDictionary<T> | null | undefined): lodash.NumericDictionary<T>;
<T1 extends object>(object: T1 | null | undefined): lodash.PartialObject<T1>;
type LodashOmitBy1x2<T> = (predicate: lodash.ValueKeyIteratee<T>) => lodash.Dictionary<T>;
type LodashOmitBy2x2<T> = (predicate: lodash.ValueKeyIteratee<T>) => lodash.NumericDictionary<T>;
type LodashOmitBy3x2<T> = (predicate: lodash.ValueKeyIteratee<T[keyof T]>) => lodash.PartialObject<T>;
type LodashOnce = <T extends (...args: any) => any>(func: T) => T;
interface LodashOrderBy {
<T>(iteratees: lodash.Many<(value: T) => lodash.NotVoid>): LodashOrderBy1x1<T>;
(iteratees: lodash.__, orders: lodash.Many<boolean|"asc"|"desc">): LodashOrderBy1x2;
<T>(iteratees: lodash.Many<(value: T) => lodash.NotVoid>, orders: lodash.Many<boolean|"asc"|"desc">): LodashOrderBy1x3<T>;
<T>(iteratees: lodash.__, orders: lodash.__, collection: lodash.List<T> | null | undefined): LodashOrderBy1x4<T>;
<T>(iteratees: lodash.Many<(value: T) => lodash.NotVoid>, orders: lodash.__, collection: lodash.List<T> | null | undefined): LodashOrderBy1x5<T>;
<T>(iteratees: lodash.__, orders: lodash.Many<boolean|"asc"|"desc">, collection: lodash.List<T> | null | undefined): LodashOrderBy1x6<T>;
<T>(iteratees: lodash.Many<(value: T) => lodash.NotVoid> | lodash.Many<lodash.ValueIteratee<T>>, orders: lodash.Many<boolean | "asc" | "desc">, collection: lodash.List<T> | null | undefined): T[];
<T>(iteratees: lodash.Many<lodash.ValueIteratee<T>>): LodashOrderBy2x1<T>;
<T>(iteratees: lodash.Many<lodash.ValueIteratee<T>>, orders: lodash.Many<boolean|"asc"|"desc">): LodashOrderBy2x3<T>;
<T>(iteratees: lodash.Many<lodash.ValueIteratee<T>>, orders: lodash.__, collection: lodash.List<T> | null | undefined): LodashOrderBy2x5<T>;
<T extends object>(iteratees: lodash.__, orders: lodash.__, collection: T | null | undefined): LodashOrderBy3x4<T>;
<T extends object>(iteratees: lodash.Many<(value: T[keyof T]) => lodash.NotVoid>, orders: lodash.__, collection: T | null | undefined): LodashOrderBy3x5<T>;
<T extends object>(iteratees: lodash.__, orders: lodash.Many<boolean|"asc"|"desc">, collection: T | null | undefined): LodashOrderBy3x6<T>;
<T extends object>(iteratees: lodash.Many<(value: T[keyof T]) => lodash.NotVoid> | lodash.Many<lodash.ValueIteratee<T[keyof T]>>, orders: lodash.Many<boolean | "asc" | "desc">, collection: T | null | undefined): Array<T[keyof T]>;
<T extends object>(iteratees: lodash.Many<lodash.ValueIteratee<T[keyof T]>>, orders: lodash.__, collection: T | null | undefined): LodashOrderBy4x5<T>;
interface LodashOrderBy1x1<T> {
(orders: lodash.Many<boolean | "asc" | "desc">): LodashOrderBy1x3<T>;
(orders: lodash.__, collection: lodash.List<T> | null | undefined): LodashOrderBy1x5<T>;
(orders: lodash.Many<boolean | "asc" | "desc">, collection: lodash.List<T> | object | null | undefined): T[];
<T1 extends object>(orders: lodash.__, collection: T1 | null | undefined): LodashOrderBy3x5<T>;
interface LodashOrderBy1x2 {
<T>(iteratees: lodash.Many<(value: T) => lodash.NotVoid>): LodashOrderBy1x3<T>;
<T>(iteratees: lodash.__, collection: lodash.List<T> | null | undefined): LodashOrderBy1x6<T>;
<T>(iteratees: lodash.Many<(value: T) => lodash.NotVoid> | lodash.Many<lodash.ValueIteratee<T>>, collection: lodash.List<T> | null | undefined): T[];
<T>(iteratees: lodash.Many<lodash.ValueIteratee<T>>): LodashOrderBy2x3<T>;
<T extends object>(iteratees: lodash.__, collection: T | null | undefined): LodashOrderBy3x6<T>;
<T extends object>(iteratees: lodash.Many<(value: T[keyof T]) => lodash.NotVoid> | lodash.Many<lodash.ValueIteratee<T[keyof T]>>, collection: T | null | undefined): Array<T[keyof T]>;
interface LodashOrderBy1x3<T> {
(collection: lodash.List<T> | null | undefined): T[];
(collection: object | null | undefined): object[];
interface LodashOrderBy1x4<T> {
(iteratees: lodash.Many<(value: T) => lodash.NotVoid>): LodashOrderBy1x5<T>;
(iteratees: lodash.__, orders: lodash.Many<boolean | "asc" | "desc">): LodashOrderBy1x6<T>;
(iteratees: lodash.Many<(value: T) => lodash.NotVoid> | lodash.Many<lodash.ValueIteratee<T>>, orders: lodash.Many<boolean | "asc" | "desc">): T[];
(iteratees: lodash.Many<lodash.ValueIteratee<T>>): LodashOrderBy2x5<T>;
type LodashOrderBy1x5<T> = (orders: lodash.Many<boolean|"asc"|"desc">) => T[];
type LodashOrderBy1x6<T> = (iteratees: lodash.Many<(value: T) => lodash.NotVoid> | lodash.Many<lodash.ValueIteratee<T>>) => T[];
interface LodashOrderBy2x1<T> {
(orders: lodash.Many<boolean | "asc" | "desc">): LodashOrderBy2x3<T>;
(orders: lodash.__, collection: lodash.List<T> | null | undefined): LodashOrderBy2x5<T>;
(orders: lodash.Many<boolean | "asc" | "desc">, collection: lodash.List<T> | object | null | undefined): T[];
<T1 extends object>(orders: lodash.__, collection: T1 | null | undefined): LodashOrderBy4x5<T>;
interface LodashOrderBy2x3<T> {
(collection: lodash.List<T> | null | undefined): T[];
(collection: object | null | undefined): object[];
type LodashOrderBy2x5<T> = (orders: lodash.Many<boolean|"asc"|"desc">) => T[];
interface LodashOrderBy3x4<T> {
(iteratees: lodash.Many<(value: T[keyof T]) => lodash.NotVoid>): LodashOrderBy3x5<T>;
(iteratees: lodash.__, orders: lodash.Many<boolean | "asc" | "desc">): LodashOrderBy3x6<T>;
(iteratees: lodash.Many<(value: T[keyof T]) => lodash.NotVoid> | lodash.Many<lodash.ValueIteratee<T[keyof T]>>, orders: lodash.Many<boolean | "asc" | "desc">): Array<T[keyof T]>;
(iteratees: lodash.Many<lodash.ValueIteratee<T[keyof T]>>): LodashOrderBy4x5<T>;
type LodashOrderBy3x5<T> = (orders: lodash.Many<boolean|"asc"|"desc">) => Array<T[keyof T]>;
type LodashOrderBy3x6<T> = (iteratees: lodash.Many<(value: T[keyof T]) => lodash.NotVoid> | lodash.Many<lodash.ValueIteratee<T[keyof T]>>) => Array<T[keyof T]>;
type LodashOrderBy4x5<T> = (orders: lodash.Many<boolean|"asc"|"desc">) => Array<T[keyof T]>;
interface LodashOverArgs {
(func: (...args: any[]) => any): LodashOverArgs1x1;
(func: lodash.__, transforms: lodash.Many<(...args: any[]) => any>): LodashOverArgs1x2;
(func: (...args: any[]) => any, transforms: lodash.Many<(...args: any[]) => any>): (...args: any[]) => any;
type LodashOverArgs1x1 = (transforms: lodash.Many<(...args: any[]) => any>) => (...args: any[]) => any;
type LodashOverArgs1x2 = (func: (...args: any[]) => any) => (...args: any[]) => any;
interface LodashPad {
(length: number): LodashPad1x1;
(length: lodash.__, string: string): LodashPad1x2;
(length: number, string: string): string;
type LodashPad1x1 = (string: string) => string;
type LodashPad1x2 = (length: number) => string;
interface LodashPadChars {
(chars: string): LodashPadChars1x1;
(chars: lodash.__, length: number): LodashPadChars1x2;
(chars: string, length: number): LodashPadChars1x3;
(chars: lodash.__, length: lodash.__, string: string): LodashPadChars1x4;
(chars: string, length: lodash.__, string: string): LodashPadChars1x5;
(chars: lodash.__, length: number, string: string): LodashPadChars1x6;
(chars: string, length: number, string: string): string;
interface LodashPadChars1x1 {
(length: number): LodashPadChars1x3;
(length: lodash.__, string: string): LodashPadChars1x5;
(length: number, string: string): string;
interface LodashPadChars1x2 {
(chars: string): LodashPadChars1x3;
(chars: lodash.__, string: string): LodashPadChars1x6;
(chars: string, string: string): string;
type LodashPadChars1x3 = (string: string) => string;
interface LodashPadChars1x4 {
(chars: string): LodashPadChars1x5;
(chars: lodash.__, length: number): LodashPadChars1x6;
(chars: string, length: number): string;
type LodashPadChars1x5 = (length: number) => string;
type LodashPadChars1x6 = (chars: string) => string;
interface LodashPadCharsEnd {
(chars: string): LodashPadCharsEnd1x1;
(chars: lodash.__, length: number): LodashPadCharsEnd1x2;
(chars: string, length: number): LodashPadCharsEnd1x3;
(chars: lodash.__, length: lodash.__, string: string): LodashPadCharsEnd1x4;
(chars: string, length: lodash.__, string: string): LodashPadCharsEnd1x5;
(chars: lodash.__, length: number, string: string): LodashPadCharsEnd1x6;
(chars: string, length: number, string: string): string;
interface LodashPadCharsEnd1x1 {
(length: number): LodashPadCharsEnd1x3;
(length: lodash.__, string: string): LodashPadCharsEnd1x5;
(length: number, string: string): string;
interface LodashPadCharsEnd1x2 {
(chars: string): LodashPadCharsEnd1x3;
(chars: lodash.__, string: string): LodashPadCharsEnd1x6;
(chars: string, string: string): string;
type LodashPadCharsEnd1x3 = (string: string) => string;
interface LodashPadCharsEnd1x4 {
(chars: string): LodashPadCharsEnd1x5;
(chars: lodash.__, length: number): LodashPadCharsEnd1x6;
(chars: string, length: number): string;
type LodashPadCharsEnd1x5 = (length: number) => string;
type LodashPadCharsEnd1x6 = (chars: string) => string;
interface LodashPadCharsStart {
(chars: string): LodashPadCharsStart1x1;
(chars: lodash.__, length: number): LodashPadCharsStart1x2;
(chars: string, length: number): LodashPadCharsStart1x3;
(chars: lodash.__, length: lodash.__, string: string): LodashPadCharsStart1x4;
(chars: string, length: lodash.__, string: string): LodashPadCharsStart1x5;
(chars: lodash.__, length: number, string: string): LodashPadCharsStart1x6;
(chars: string, length: number, string: string): string;
interface LodashPadCharsStart1x1 {
(length: number): LodashPadCharsStart1x3;
(length: lodash.__, string: string): LodashPadCharsStart1x5;
(length: number, string: string): string;
interface LodashPadCharsStart1x2 {
(chars: string): LodashPadCharsStart1x3;
(chars: lodash.__, string: string): LodashPadCharsStart1x6;
(chars: string, string: string): string;
type LodashPadCharsStart1x3 = (string: string) => string;
interface LodashPadCharsStart1x4 {
(chars: string): LodashPadCharsStart1x5;
(chars: lodash.__, length: number): LodashPadCharsStart1x6;
(chars: string, length: number): string;
type LodashPadCharsStart1x5 = (length: number) => string;
type LodashPadCharsStart1x6 = (chars: string) => string;
interface LodashPadEnd {
(length: number): LodashPadEnd1x1;
(length: lodash.__, string: string): LodashPadEnd1x2;
(length: number, string: string): string;
type LodashPadEnd1x1 = (string: string) => string;
type LodashPadEnd1x2 = (length: number) => string;
interface LodashPadStart {
(length: number): LodashPadStart1x1;
(length: lodash.__, string: string): LodashPadStart1x2;
(length: number, string: string): string;
type LodashPadStart1x1 = (string: string) => string;
type LodashPadStart1x2 = (length: number) => string;
interface LodashParseInt {
(radix: number): LodashParseInt1x1;
(radix: lodash.__, string: string): LodashParseInt1x2;
(radix: number, string: string): number;
type LodashParseInt1x1 = (string: string) => number;
type LodashParseInt1x2 = (radix: number) => number;
interface LodashPartial {
<T1, T2, R>(func: lodash.Function2<T1, T2, R>): LodashPartial1x1<T1, T2, R>;
<T2>(func: lodash.__, plc1: [lodash.__, T2]): LodashPartial1x2<T2>;
<T1, T2, R>(func: lodash.Function2<T1, T2, R>, plc1: [lodash.__, T2]): lodash.Function1<T1, R>;
<T1, T2, T3, R>(func: lodash.Function3<T1, T2, T3, R>): LodashPartial2x1<T1, T2, T3, R>;
<T1, T2, T3, R>(func: lodash.Function3<T1, T2, T3, R>, plc1: [lodash.__, T2]): lodash.Function2<T1, T3, R>;
<T3>(func: lodash.__, plc1: [lodash.__, lodash.__, T3]): LodashPartial3x2<T3>;
<T1, T2, T3, R>(func: lodash.Function3<T1, T2, T3, R>, plc1: [lodash.__, lodash.__, T3]): lodash.Function2<T1, T2, R>;
<T1, T3>(func: lodash.__, arg1: [T1, lodash.__, T3]): LodashPartial4x2<T1, T3>;
<T1, T2, T3, R>(func: lodash.Function3<T1, T2, T3, R>, arg1: [T1, lodash.__, T3]): lodash.Function1<T2, R>;
<T2, T3>(func: lodash.__, plc1: [lodash.__, T2, T3]): LodashPartial5x2<T2, T3>;
<T1, T2, T3, R>(func: lodash.Function3<T1, T2, T3, R>, plc1: [lodash.__, T2, T3]): lodash.Function1<T1, R>;
<T1, T2, T3, T4, R>(func: lodash.Function4<T1, T2, T3, T4, R>): LodashPartial6x1<T1, T2, T3, T4, R>;
<T1, T2, T3, T4, R>(func: lodash.Function4<T1, T2, T3, T4, R>, plc1: [lodash.__, T2]): lodash.Function3<T1, T3, T4, R>;
<T1, T2, T3, T4, R>(func: lodash.Function4<T1, T2, T3, T4, R>, plc1: [lodash.__, lodash.__, T3]): lodash.Function3<T1, T2, T4, R>;
<T1, T2, T3, T4, R>(func: lodash.Function4<T1, T2, T3, T4, R>, arg1: [T1, lodash.__, T3]): lodash.Function2<T2, T4, R>;
<T1, T2, T3, T4, R>(func: lodash.Function4<T1, T2, T3, T4, R>, plc1: [lodash.__, T2, T3]): lodash.Function2<T1, T4, R>;
<T1, T2, T3>(func: lodash.__, arg1OrT1: [T1, T2, T3]): LodashPartial10x2<T1, T2, T3>;
<T1, T2, T3, T4, R>(func: lodash.Function4<T1, T2, T3, T4, R>, arg1: [T1, T2, T3]): lodash.Function1<T4, R>;
<T4>(func: lodash.__, plc1: [lodash.__, lodash.__, lodash.__, T4]): LodashPartial11x2<T4>;
<T1, T2, T3, T4, R>(func: lodash.Function4<T1, T2, T3, T4, R>, plc1: [lodash.__, lodash.__, lodash.__, T4]): lodash.Function3<T1, T2, T3, R>;
<T1, T4>(func: lodash.__, arg1: [T1, lodash.__, lodash.__, T4]): LodashPartial12x2<T1, T4>;
<T1, T2, T3, T4, R>(func: lodash.Function4<T1, T2, T3, T4, R>, arg1: [T1, lodash.__, lodash.__, T4]): lodash.Function2<T2, T3, R>;
<T2, T4>(func: lodash.__, plc1: [lodash.__, T2, lodash.__, T4]): LodashPartial13x2<T2, T4>;
<T1, T2, T3, T4, R>(func: lodash.Function4<T1, T2, T3, T4, R>, plc1: [lodash.__, T2, lodash.__, T4]): lodash.Function2<T1, T3, R>;
<T1, T2, T4>(func: lodash.__, arg1: [T1, T2, lodash.__, T4]): LodashPartial14x2<T1, T2, T4>;
<T1, T2, T3, T4, R>(func: lodash.Function4<T1, T2, T3, T4, R>, arg1: [T1, T2, lodash.__, T4]): lodash.Function1<T3, R>;
<T3, T4>(func: lodash.__, plc1: [lodash.__, lodash.__, T3, T4]): LodashPartial15x2<T3, T4>;
<T1, T2, T3, T4, R>(func: lodash.Function4<T1, T2, T3, T4, R>, plc1: [lodash.__, lodash.__, T3, T4]): lodash.Function2<T1, T2, R>;
<T1, T3, T4>(func: lodash.__, arg1: [T1, lodash.__, T3, T4]): LodashPartial16x2<T1, T3, T4>;
<T1, T2, T3, T4, R>(func: lodash.Function4<T1, T2, T3, T4, R>, arg1: [T1, lodash.__, T3, T4]): lodash.Function1<T2, R>;
<T2, T3, T4>(func: lodash.__, plc1: [lodash.__, T2, T3, T4]): LodashPartial17x2<T2, T3, T4>;
<T1, T2, T3, T4, R>(func: lodash.Function4<T1, T2, T3, T4, R>, plc1: [lodash.__, T2, T3, T4]): lodash.Function1<T1, R>;
<TS extends any[], T1, R>(func: (t1: T1, ...ts: TS) => R): LodashPartial18x1<TS, T1, R>;
<T1>(func: lodash.__, arg1: [T1]): LodashPartial18x2<T1>;
<TS extends any[], T1, R>(func: (t1: T1, ...ts: TS) => R, arg1: [T1]): (...ts: TS) => R;
<TS extends any[], T1, T2, R>(func: (t1: T1, t2: T2, ...ts: TS) => R): LodashPartial19x1<TS, T1, T2, R>;
<T1, T2>(func: lodash.__, t1: [T1, T2]): LodashPartial19x2<T1, T2>;
<TS extends any[], T1, T2, R>(func: (t1: T1, t2: T2, ...ts: TS) => R, t1: [T1, T2]): (...ts: TS) => R;
<TS extends any[], T1, T2, T3, R>(func: (t1: T1, t2: T2, t3: T3, ...ts: TS) => R): LodashPartial20x1<TS, T1, T2, T3, R>;
<TS extends any[], T1, T2, T3, R>(func: (t1: T1, t2: T2, t3: T3, ...ts: TS) => R, t1: [T1, T2, T3]): (...ts: TS) => R;
<TS extends any[], T1, T2, T3, T4, R>(func: (t1: T1, t2: T2, t3: T3, t4: T4, ...ts: TS) => R): LodashPartial21x1<TS, T1, T2, T3, T4, R>;
<T1, T2, T3, T4>(func: lodash.__, t1: [T1, T2, T3, T4]): LodashPartial21x2<T1, T2, T3, T4>;
<TS extends any[], T1, T2, T3, T4, R>(func: (t1: T1, t2: T2, t3: T3, t4: T4, ...ts: TS) => R, t1: [T1, T2, T3, T4]): (...ts: TS) => R;
placeholder: lodash.__;
type LodashPartial1x1<T1, T2, R> = (plc1: [lodash.__, T2]) => lodash.Function1<T1, R>;
interface LodashPartial1x2<T2> {
<T1, R>(func: lodash.Function2<T1, T2, R>): lodash.Function1<T1, R>;
<T1, T3, R>(func: lodash.Function3<T1, T2, T3, R>): lodash.Function2<T1, T3, R>;
<T1, T3, T4, R>(func: lodash.Function4<T1, T2, T3, T4, R>): lodash.Function3<T1, T3, T4, R>;
interface LodashPartial2x1<T1, T2, T3, R> {
(plc1: [lodash.__, T2]): lodash.Function2<T1, T3, R>;
(plc1: [lodash.__, lodash.__, T3]): lodash.Function2<T1, T2, R>;
(arg1: [T1, lodash.__, T3]): lodash.Function1<T2, R>;
(plc1: [lodash.__, T2, T3]): lodash.Function1<T1, R>;
interface LodashPartial3x2<T3> {
<T1, T2, R>(func: lodash.Function3<T1, T2, T3, R>): lodash.Function2<T1, T2, R>;
<T1, T2, T4, R>(func: lodash.Function4<T1, T2, T3, T4, R>): lodash.Function3<T1, T2, T4, R>;
interface LodashPartial4x2<T1, T3> {
<T2, R>(func: lodash.Function3<T1, T2, T3, R>): lodash.Function1<T2, R>;
<T2, T4, R>(func: lodash.Function4<T1, T2, T3, T4, R>): lodash.Function2<T2, T4, R>;
interface LodashPartial5x2<T2, T3> {
<T1, R>(func: lodash.Function3<T1, T2, T3, R>): lodash.Function1<T1, R>;
<T1, T4, R>(func: lodash.Function4<T1, T2, T3, T4, R>): lodash.Function2<T1, T4, R>;
interface LodashPartial6x1<T1, T2, T3, T4, R> {
(plc1: [lodash.__, T2]): lodash.Function3<T1, T3, T4, R>;
(plc1: [lodash.__, lodash.__, T3]): lodash.Function3<T1, T2, T4, R>;
(arg1: [T1, lodash.__, T3]): lodash.Function2<T2, T4, R>;
(plc1: [lodash.__, T2, T3]): lodash.Function2<T1, T4, R>;
(arg1: [T1, T2, T3]): lodash.Function1<T4, R>;
(plc1: [lodash.__, lodash.__, lodash.__, T4]): lodash.Function3<T1, T2, T3, R>;
(arg1: [T1, lodash.__, lodash.__, T4]): lodash.Function2<T2, T3, R>;
(plc1: [lodash.__, T2, lodash.__, T4]): lodash.Function2<T1, T3, R>;
(arg1: [T1, T2, lodash.__, T4]): lodash.Function1<T3, R>;
(plc1: [lodash.__, lodash.__, T3, T4]): lodash.Function2<T1, T2, R>;
(arg1: [T1, lodash.__, T3, T4]): lodash.Function1<T2, R>;
(plc1: [lodash.__, T2, T3, T4]): lodash.Function1<T1, R>;
interface LodashPartial10x2<T1, T2, T3> {
<T4, R>(func: lodash.Function4<T1, T2, T3, T4, R>): lodash.Function1<T4, R>;
<TS extends any[], R>(func: (t1: T1, t2: T2, t3: T3, ...ts: TS) => R): (...ts: TS) => R;
type LodashPartial11x2<T4> = <T1, T2, T3, R>(func: lodash.Function4<T1, T2, T3, T4, R>) => lodash.Function3<T1, T2, T3, R>;
type LodashPartial12x2<T1, T4> = <T2, T3, R>(func: lodash.Function4<T1, T2, T3, T4, R>) => lodash.Function2<T2, T3, R>;
type LodashPartial13x2<T2, T4> = <T1, T3, R>(func: lodash.Function4<T1, T2, T3, T4, R>) => lodash.Function2<T1, T3, R>;
type LodashPartial14x2<T1, T2, T4> = <T3, R>(func: lodash.Function4<T1, T2, T3, T4, R>) => lodash.Function1<T3, R>;
type LodashPartial15x2<T3, T4> = <T1, T2, R>(func: lodash.Function4<T1, T2, T3, T4, R>) => lodash.Function2<T1, T2, R>;
type LodashPartial16x2<T1, T3, T4> = <T2, R>(func: lodash.Function4<T1, T2, T3, T4, R>) => lodash.Function1<T2, R>;
type LodashPartial17x2<T2, T3, T4> = <T1, R>(func: lodash.Function4<T1, T2, T3, T4, R>) => lodash.Function1<T1, R>;
type LodashPartial18x1<TS extends any[], T1, R> = (arg1: [T1]) => (...ts: TS) => R;
type LodashPartial18x2<T1> = <TS extends any[], R>(func: (t1: T1, ...ts: TS) => R) => (...ts: TS) => R;
type LodashPartial19x1<TS extends any[], T1, T2, R> = (t1: [T1, T2]) => (...ts: TS) => R;
type LodashPartial19x2<T1, T2> = <TS extends any[], R>(func: (t1: T1, t2: T2, ...ts: TS) => R) => (...ts: TS) => R;
type LodashPartial20x1<TS extends any[], T1, T2, T3, R> = (t1: [T1, T2, T3]) => (...ts: TS) => R;
type LodashPartial21x1<TS extends any[], T1, T2, T3, T4, R> = (t1: [T1, T2, T3, T4]) => (...ts: TS) => R;
type LodashPartial21x2<T1, T2, T3, T4> = <TS extends any[], R>(func: (t1: T1, t2: T2, t3: T3, t4: T4, ...ts: TS) => R) => (...ts: TS) => R;
interface LodashPartialRight {
<T1, R>(func: lodash.Function1<T1, R>): LodashPartialRight1x1<T1, R>;
<T1>(func: lodash.__, arg1: [T1]): LodashPartialRight1x2<T1>;
<T1, R>(func: lodash.Function1<T1, R>, arg1: [T1]): lodash.Function0<R>;
<T1, T2, R>(func: lodash.Function2<T1, T2, R>): LodashPartialRight2x1<T1, T2, R>;
<T1>(func: lodash.__, arg1: [T1, lodash.__]): LodashPartialRight2x2<T1>;
<T1, T2, R>(func: lodash.Function2<T1, T2, R>, arg1: [T1, lodash.__]): lodash.Function1<T2, R>;
<T2>(func: lodash.__, arg2: [T2]): LodashPartialRight3x2<T2>;
<T1, T2, R>(func: lodash.Function2<T1, T2, R>, arg2: [T2]): lodash.Function1<T1, R>;
<T1, T2>(func: lodash.__, arg1: [T1, T2]): LodashPartialRight4x2<T1, T2>;
<T1, T2, R>(func: lodash.Function2<T1, T2, R>, arg1: [T1, T2]): lodash.Function0<R>;
<T1, T2, T3, R>(func: lodash.Function3<T1, T2, T3, R>): LodashPartialRight5x1<T1, T2, T3, R>;
<T1>(func: lodash.__, arg1: [T1, lodash.__, lodash.__]): LodashPartialRight5x2<T1>;
<T1, T2, T3, R>(func: lodash.Function3<T1, T2, T3, R>, arg1: [T1, lodash.__, lodash.__]): lodash.Function2<T2, T3, R>;
<T2>(func: lodash.__, arg2: [T2, lodash.__]): LodashPartialRight6x2<T2>;
<T1, T2, T3, R>(func: lodash.Function3<T1, T2, T3, R>, arg2: [T2, lodash.__]): lodash.Function2<T1, T3, R>;
<T1, T2>(func: lodash.__, arg1: [T1, T2, lodash.__]): LodashPartialRight7x2<T1, T2>;
<T1, T2, T3, R>(func: lodash.Function3<T1, T2, T3, R>, arg1: [T1, T2, lodash.__]): lodash.Function1<T3, R>;
<T3>(func: lodash.__, arg3: [T3]): LodashPartialRight8x2<T3>;
<T1, T2, T3, R>(func: lodash.Function3<T1, T2, T3, R>, arg3: [T3]): lodash.Function2<T1, T2, R>;
<T1, T3>(func: lodash.__, arg1: [T1, lodash.__, T3]): LodashPartialRight9x2<T1, T3>;
<T1, T2, T3, R>(func: lodash.Function3<T1, T2, T3, R>, arg1: [T1, lodash.__, T3]): lodash.Function1<T2, R>;
<T2, T3>(func: lodash.__, arg2: [T2, T3]): LodashPartialRight10x2<T2, T3>;
<T1, T2, T3, R>(func: lodash.Function3<T1, T2, T3, R>, arg2: [T2, T3]): lodash.Function1<T1, R>;
<T1, T2, T3>(func: lodash.__, arg1: [T1, T2, T3]): LodashPartialRight11x2<T1, T2, T3>;
<T1, T2, T3, R>(func: lodash.Function3<T1, T2, T3, R>, arg1: [T1, T2, T3]): lodash.Function0<R>;
<T1, T2, T3, T4, R>(func: lodash.Function4<T1, T2, T3, T4, R>): LodashPartialRight12x1<T1, T2, T3, T4, R>;
<T1>(func: lodash.__, arg1: [T1, lodash.__, lodash.__, lodash.__]): LodashPartialRight12x2<T1>;
<T1, T2, T3, T4, R>(func: lodash.Function4<T1, T2, T3, T4, R>, arg1: [T1, lodash.__, lodash.__, lodash.__]): lodash.Function3<T2, T3, T4, R>;
<T2>(func: lodash.__, arg2: [T2, lodash.__, lodash.__]): LodashPartialRight13x2<T2>;
<T1, T2, T3, T4, R>(func: lodash.Function4<T1, T2, T3, T4, R>, arg2: [T2, lodash.__, lodash.__]): lodash.Function3<T1, T3, T4, R>;
<T1, T2>(func: lodash.__, arg1: [T1, T2, lodash.__, lodash.__]): LodashPartialRight14x2<T1, T2>;
<T1, T2, T3, T4, R>(func: lodash.Function4<T1, T2, T3, T4, R>, arg1: [T1, T2, lodash.__, lodash.__]): lodash.Function2<T3, T4, R>;
<T3>(func: lodash.__, arg3: [T3, lodash.__]): LodashPartialRight15x2<T3>;
<T1, T2, T3, T4, R>(func: lodash.Function4<T1, T2, T3, T4, R>, arg3: [T3, lodash.__]): lodash.Function3<T1, T2, T4, R>;
<T1, T3>(func: lodash.__, arg1: [T1, lodash.__, T3, lodash.__]): LodashPartialRight16x2<T1, T3>;
<T1, T2, T3, T4, R>(func: lodash.Function4<T1, T2, T3, T4, R>, arg1: [T1, lodash.__, T3, lodash.__]): lodash.Function2<T2, T4, R>;
<T2, T3>(func: lodash.__, arg2: [T2, T3, lodash.__]): LodashPartialRight17x2<T2, T3>;
<T1, T2, T3, T4, R>(func: lodash.Function4<T1, T2, T3, T4, R>, arg2: [T2, T3, lodash.__]): lodash.Function2<T1, T4, R>;
<T1, T2, T3>(func: lodash.__, arg1: [T1, T2, T3, lodash.__]): LodashPartialRight18x2<T1, T2, T3>;
<T1, T2, T3, T4, R>(func: lodash.Function4<T1, T2, T3, T4, R>, arg1: [T1, T2, T3, lodash.__]): lodash.Function1<T4, R>;
<T4>(func: lodash.__, arg4: [T4]): LodashPartialRight19x2<T4>;
<T1, T2, T3, T4, R>(func: lodash.Function4<T1, T2, T3, T4, R>, arg4: [T4]): lodash.Function3<T1, T2, T3, R>;
<T1, T4>(func: lodash.__, arg1: [T1, lodash.__, lodash.__, T4]): LodashPartialRight20x2<T1, T4>;
<T1, T2, T3, T4, R>(func: lodash.Function4<T1, T2, T3, T4, R>, arg1: [T1, lodash.__, lodash.__, T4]): lodash.Function2<T2, T3, R>;
<T2, T4>(func: lodash.__, arg2: [T2, lodash.__, T4]): LodashPartialRight21x2<T2, T4>;
<T1, T2, T3, T4, R>(func: lodash.Function4<T1, T2, T3, T4, R>, arg2: [T2, lodash.__, T4]): lodash.Function2<T1, T3, R>;
<T1, T2, T4>(func: lodash.__, arg1: [T1, T2, lodash.__, T4]): LodashPartialRight22x2<T1, T2, T4>;
<T1, T2, T3, T4, R>(func: lodash.Function4<T1, T2, T3, T4, R>, arg1: [T1, T2, lodash.__, T4]): lodash.Function1<T3, R>;
<T3, T4>(func: lodash.__, arg3: [T3, T4]): LodashPartialRight23x2<T3, T4>;
<T1, T2, T3, T4, R>(func: lodash.Function4<T1, T2, T3, T4, R>, arg3: [T3, T4]): lodash.Function2<T1, T2, R>;
<T1, T3, T4>(func: lodash.__, arg1: [T1, lodash.__, T3, T4]): LodashPartialRight24x2<T1, T3, T4>;
<T1, T2, T3, T4, R>(func: lodash.Function4<T1, T2, T3, T4, R>, arg1: [T1, lodash.__, T3, T4]): lodash.Function1<T2, R>;
<T2, T3, T4>(func: lodash.__, arg2: [T2, T3, T4]): LodashPartialRight25x2<T2, T3, T4>;
<T1, T2, T3, T4, R>(func: lodash.Function4<T1, T2, T3, T4, R>, arg2: [T2, T3, T4]): lodash.Function1<T1, R>;
<T1, T2, T3, T4>(func: lodash.__, arg1: [T1, T2, T3, T4]): LodashPartialRight26x2<T1, T2, T3, T4>;
<T1, T2, T3, T4, R>(func: lodash.Function4<T1, T2, T3, T4, R>, arg1: [T1, T2, T3, T4]): lodash.Function0<R>;
(func: (...args: any[]) => any): LodashPartialRight27x1;
(func: lodash.__, args: readonly any[]): LodashPartialRight27x2;
(func: (...args: any[]) => any, args: readonly any[]): (...args: any[]) => any;
placeholder: lodash.__;
type LodashPartialRight1x1<T1, R> = (arg1: [T1]) => lodash.Function0<R>;
type LodashPartialRight1x2<T1> = <R>(func: lodash.Function1<T1, R>) => lodash.Function0<R>;
interface LodashPartialRight2x1<T1, T2, R> {
(arg1: [T1, lodash.__]): lodash.Function1<T2, R>;
(arg2: [T2]): lodash.Function1<T1, R>;
(arg1: [T1, T2]): lodash.Function0<R>;
type LodashPartialRight2x2<T1> = <T2, R>(func: lodash.Function2<T1, T2, R>) => lodash.Function1<T2, R>;
type LodashPartialRight3x2<T2> = <T1, R>(func: lodash.Function2<T1, T2, R>) => lodash.Function1<T1, R>;
type LodashPartialRight4x2<T1, T2> = <R>(func: lodash.Function2<T1, T2, R>) => lodash.Function0<R>;
interface LodashPartialRight5x1<T1, T2, T3, R> {
(arg1: [T1, lodash.__, lodash.__]): lodash.Function2<T2, T3, R>;
(arg2: [T2, lodash.__]): lodash.Function2<T1, T3, R>;
(arg1: [T1, T2, lodash.__]): lodash.Function1<T3, R>;
(arg3: [T3]): lodash.Function2<T1, T2, R>;
(arg1: [T1, lodash.__, T3]): lodash.Function1<T2, R>;
(arg2: [T2, T3]): lodash.Function1<T1, R>;
(arg1: [T1, T2, T3]): lodash.Function0<R>;
type LodashPartialRight5x2<T1> = <T2, T3, R>(func: lodash.Function3<T1, T2, T3, R>) => lodash.Function2<T2, T3, R>;
type LodashPartialRight6x2<T2> = <T1, T3, R>(func: lodash.Function3<T1, T2, T3, R>) => lodash.Function2<T1, T3, R>;
type LodashPartialRight7x2<T1, T2> = <T3, R>(func: lodash.Function3<T1, T2, T3, R>) => lodash.Function1<T3, R>;
type LodashPartialRight8x2<T3> = <T1, T2, R>(func: lodash.Function3<T1, T2, T3, R>) => lodash.Function2<T1, T2, R>;
type LodashPartialRight9x2<T1, T3> = <T2, R>(func: lodash.Function3<T1, T2, T3, R>) => lodash.Function1<T2, R>;
type LodashPartialRight10x2<T2, T3> = <T1, R>(func: lodash.Function3<T1, T2, T3, R>) => lodash.Function1<T1, R>;
type LodashPartialRight11x2<T1, T2, T3> = <R>(func: lodash.Function3<T1, T2, T3, R>) => lodash.Function0<R>;
interface LodashPartialRight12x1<T1, T2, T3, T4, R> {
(arg1: [T1, lodash.__, lodash.__, lodash.__]): lodash.Function3<T2, T3, T4, R>;
(arg2: [T2, lodash.__, lodash.__]): lodash.Function3<T1, T3, T4, R>;
(arg1: [T1, T2, lodash.__, lodash.__]): lodash.Function2<T3, T4, R>;
(arg3: [T3, lodash.__]): lodash.Function3<T1, T2, T4, R>;
(arg1: [T1, lodash.__, T3, lodash.__]): lodash.Function2<T2, T4, R>;
(arg2: [T2, T3, lodash.__]): lodash.Function2<T1, T4, R>;
(arg1: [T1, T2, T3, lodash.__]): lodash.Function1<T4, R>;
(arg4: [T4]): lodash.Function3<T1, T2, T3, R>;
(arg1: [T1, lodash.__, lodash.__, T4]): lodash.Function2<T2, T3, R>;
(arg2: [T2, lodash.__, T4]): lodash.Function2<T1, T3, R>;
(arg1: [T1, T2, lodash.__, T4]): lodash.Function1<T3, R>;
(arg3: [T3, T4]): lodash.Function2<T1, T2, R>;
(arg1: [T1, lodash.__, T3, T4]): lodash.Function1<T2, R>;
(arg2: [T2, T3, T4]): lodash.Function1<T1, R>;
(arg1: [T1, T2, T3, T4]): lodash.Function0<R>;
type LodashPartialRight12x2<T1> = <T2, T3, T4, R>(func: lodash.Function4<T1, T2, T3, T4, R>) => lodash.Function3<T2, T3, T4, R>;
type LodashPartialRight13x2<T2> = <T1, T3, T4, R>(func: lodash.Function4<T1, T2, T3, T4, R>) => lodash.Function3<T1, T3, T4, R>;
type LodashPartialRight14x2<T1, T2> = <T3, T4, R>(func: lodash.Function4<T1, T2, T3, T4, R>) => lodash.Function2<T3, T4, R>;
type LodashPartialRight15x2<T3> = <T1, T2, T4, R>(func: lodash.Function4<T1, T2, T3, T4, R>) => lodash.Function3<T1, T2, T4, R>;
type LodashPartialRight16x2<T1, T3> = <T2, T4, R>(func: lodash.Function4<T1, T2, T3, T4, R>) => lodash.Function2<T2, T4, R>;
type LodashPartialRight17x2<T2, T3> = <T1, T4, R>(func: lodash.Function4<T1, T2, T3, T4, R>) => lodash.Function2<T1, T4, R>;
type LodashPartialRight18x2<T1, T2, T3> = <T4, R>(func: lodash.Function4<T1, T2, T3, T4, R>) => lodash.Function1<T4, R>;
type LodashPartialRight19x2<T4> = <T1, T2, T3, R>(func: lodash.Function4<T1, T2, T3, T4, R>) => lodash.Function3<T1, T2, T3, R>;
type LodashPartialRight20x2<T1, T4> = <T2, T3, R>(func: lodash.Function4<T1, T2, T3, T4, R>) => lodash.Function2<T2, T3, R>;
type LodashPartialRight21x2<T2, T4> = <T1, T3, R>(func: lodash.Function4<T1, T2, T3, T4, R>) => lodash.Function2<T1, T3, R>;
type LodashPartialRight22x2<T1, T2, T4> = <T3, R>(func: lodash.Function4<T1, T2, T3, T4, R>) => lodash.Function1<T3, R>;
type LodashPartialRight23x2<T3, T4> = <T1, T2, R>(func: lodash.Function4<T1, T2, T3, T4, R>) => lodash.Function2<T1, T2, R>;
type LodashPartialRight24x2<T1, T3, T4> = <T2, R>(func: lodash.Function4<T1, T2, T3, T4, R>) => lodash.Function1<T2, R>;
type LodashPartialRight25x2<T2, T3, T4> = <T1, R>(func: lodash.Function4<T1, T2, T3, T4, R>) => lodash.Function1<T1, R>;
type LodashPartialRight26x2<T1, T2, T3, T4> = <R>(func: lodash.Function4<T1, T2, T3, T4, R>) => lodash.Function0<R>;
type LodashPartialRight27x1 = (args: readonly any[]) => (...args: any[]) => any;
type LodashPartialRight27x2 = (func: (...args: any[]) => any) => (...args: any[]) => any;
interface LodashPartition {
<T, U extends T>(callback: lodash.ValueIteratorTypeGuard<T, U>): LodashPartition1x1<T, U>;
<T>(callback: lodash.__, collection: lodash.List<T> | null | undefined): LodashPartition1x2<T>;
<T, U extends T>(callback: lodash.ValueIteratorTypeGuard<T, U>, collection: lodash.List<T> | null | undefined): [U[], Array<Exclude<T, U>>];
<T>(callback: lodash.ValueIteratee<T>): LodashPartition2x1<T>;
<T>(callback: lodash.ValueIteratee<T>, collection: lodash.List<T> | null | undefined): [T[], T[]];
<T extends object>(callback: lodash.__, collection: T | null | undefined): LodashPartition3x2<T>;
<T extends object>(callback: lodash.ValueIteratee<T[keyof T]>, collection: T | null | undefined): [Array<T[keyof T]>, Array<T[keyof T]>];
type LodashPartition1x1<T, U> = (collection: lodash.List<T> | null | undefined) => [U[], Array<Exclude<T, U>>];
interface LodashPartition1x2<T> {
<U extends T>(callback: lodash.ValueIteratorTypeGuard<T, U>): [U[], Array<Exclude<T, U>>];
(callback: lodash.ValueIteratee<T>): [T[], T[]];
type LodashPartition2x1<T> = (collection: lodash.List<T> | object | null | undefined) => [T[], T[]];
type LodashPartition3x2<T> = (callback: lodash.ValueIteratee<T[keyof T]>) => [Array<T[keyof T]>, Array<T[keyof T]>];
interface LodashPath {
<TObject extends object, TKey extends keyof TObject>(path: TKey | [TKey]): LodashPath1x1<TObject, TKey>;
<TObject extends object>(path: lodash.__, object: TObject): LodashPath1x2<TObject>;
<TObject extends object, TKey extends keyof TObject>(path: TKey | [TKey], object: TObject): TObject[TKey];
<TObject extends object>(path: lodash.__, object: TObject | null | undefined): LodashPath2x2<TObject>;
<TObject extends object, TKey extends keyof TObject>(path: TKey | [TKey], object: TObject | null | undefined): TObject[TKey] | undefined;
<TObject extends object, TKey1 extends keyof TObject, TKey2 extends keyof TObject[TKey1]>(path: [TKey1, TKey2]): LodashPath3x1<TObject, TKey1, TKey2>;
<TObject extends object, TKey1 extends keyof TObject, TKey2 extends keyof TObject[TKey1]>(path: [TKey1, TKey2], object: TObject): TObject[TKey1][TKey2];
<TObject extends object, TKey1 extends keyof TObject, TKey2 extends keyof TObject[TKey1]>(path: [TKey1, TKey2], object: TObject | null | undefined): TObject[TKey1][TKey2] | undefined;
<TObject extends object, TKey1 extends keyof TObject, TKey2 extends keyof TObject[TKey1], TKey3 extends keyof TObject[TKey1][TKey2]>(path: [TKey1, TKey2, TKey3]): LodashPath5x1<TObject, TKey1, TKey2, TKey3>;
<TObject extends object, TKey1 extends keyof TObject, TKey2 extends keyof TObject[TKey1], TKey3 extends keyof TObject[TKey1][TKey2]>(path: [TKey1, TKey2, TKey3], object: TObject): TObject[TKey1][TKey2][TKey3];
<TObject extends object, TKey1 extends keyof TObject, TKey2 extends keyof TObject[TKey1], TKey3 extends keyof TObject[TKey1][TKey2]>(path: [TKey1, TKey2, TKey3], object: TObject | null | undefined): TObject[TKey1][TKey2][TKey3] | undefined;
<TObject extends object, TKey1 extends keyof TObject, TKey2 extends keyof TObject[TKey1], TKey3 extends keyof TObject[TKey1][TKey2], TKey4 extends keyof TObject[TKey1][TKey2][TKey3]>(path: [TKey1, TKey2, TKey3, TKey4]): LodashPath7x1<TObject, TKey1, TKey2, TKey3, TKey4>;
<TObject extends object, TKey1 extends keyof TObject, TKey2 extends keyof TObject[TKey1], TKey3 extends keyof TObject[TKey1][TKey2], TKey4 extends keyof TObject[TKey1][TKey2][TKey3]>(path: [TKey1, TKey2, TKey3, TKey4], object: TObject): TObject[TKey1][TKey2][TKey3][TKey4];
<TObject extends object, TKey1 extends keyof TObject, TKey2 extends keyof TObject[TKey1], TKey3 extends keyof TObject[TKey1][TKey2], TKey4 extends keyof TObject[TKey1][TKey2][TKey3]>(path: [TKey1, TKey2, TKey3, TKey4], object: TObject | null | undefined): TObject[TKey1][TKey2][TKey3][TKey4] | undefined;
(path: number): LodashPath9x1;
<T>(path: lodash.__, object: lodash.NumericDictionary<T>): LodashPath9x2<T>;
<T>(path: number, object: lodash.NumericDictionary<T>): T;
<T>(path: lodash.__, object: lodash.NumericDictionary<T> | null | undefined): LodashPath10x2<T>;
<T>(path: number, object: lodash.NumericDictionary<T> | null | undefined): T | undefined;
(path: lodash.PropertyPath): LodashPath11x1;
(path: lodash.__, object: null | undefined): LodashPath11x2;
(path: lodash.PropertyPath, object: null | undefined): undefined;
(path: lodash.__, object: any): LodashPath12x2;
(path: lodash.PropertyPath, object: any): any;
interface LodashPath1x1<TObject, TKey extends keyof TObject> {
(object: TObject): TObject[TKey];
(object: TObject | null | undefined): TObject[TKey] | undefined;
interface LodashPath1x2<TObject> {
<TKey extends keyof TObject>(path: TKey | [TKey]): TObject[TKey];
<TKey1 extends keyof TObject, TKey2 extends keyof TObject[TKey1]>(path: [TKey1, TKey2]): TObject[TKey1][TKey2];
<TKey1 extends keyof TObject, TKey2 extends keyof TObject[TKey1], TKey3 extends keyof TObject[TKey1][TKey2]>(path: [TKey1, TKey2, TKey3]): TObject[TKey1][TKey2][TKey3];
<TKey1 extends keyof TObject, TKey2 extends keyof TObject[TKey1], TKey3 extends keyof TObject[TKey1][TKey2], TKey4 extends keyof TObject[TKey1][TKey2][TKey3]>(path: [TKey1, TKey2, TKey3, TKey4]): TObject[TKey1][TKey2][TKey3][TKey4];
interface LodashPath2x2<TObject> {
<TKey extends keyof TObject>(path: TKey | [TKey]): TObject[TKey] | undefined;
<TKey1 extends keyof TObject, TKey2 extends keyof TObject[TKey1]>(path: [TKey1, TKey2]): TObject[TKey1][TKey2] | undefined;
<TKey1 extends keyof TObject, TKey2 extends keyof TObject[TKey1], TKey3 extends keyof TObject[TKey1][TKey2]>(path: [TKey1, TKey2, TKey3]): TObject[TKey1][TKey2][TKey3] | undefined;
<TKey1 extends keyof TObject, TKey2 extends keyof TObject[TKey1], TKey3 extends keyof TObject[TKey1][TKey2], TKey4 extends keyof TObject[TKey1][TKey2][TKey3]>(path: [TKey1, TKey2, TKey3, TKey4]): TObject[TKey1][TKey2][TKey3][TKey4] | undefined;
interface LodashPath3x1<TObject, TKey1 extends keyof TObject, TKey2 extends keyof TObject[TKey1]> {
(object: TObject): TObject[TKey1][TKey2];
(object: TObject | null | undefined): TObject[TKey1][TKey2] | undefined;
interface LodashPath5x1<TObject, TKey1 extends keyof TObject, TKey2 extends keyof TObject[TKey1], TKey3 extends keyof TObject[TKey1][TKey2]> {
(object: TObject): TObject[TKey1][TKey2][TKey3];
(object: TObject | null | undefined): TObject[TKey1][TKey2][TKey3] | undefined;
interface LodashPath7x1<TObject, TKey1 extends keyof TObject, TKey2 extends keyof TObject[TKey1], TKey3 extends keyof TObject[TKey1][TKey2], TKey4 extends keyof TObject[TKey1][TKey2][TKey3]> {
(object: TObject): TObject[TKey1][TKey2][TKey3][TKey4];
(object: TObject | null | undefined): TObject[TKey1][TKey2][TKey3][TKey4] | undefined;
interface LodashPath9x1 {
<T>(object: lodash.NumericDictionary<T>): T;
<T>(object: lodash.NumericDictionary<T> | null | undefined): T | undefined;
type LodashPath9x2<T> = (path: number) => T;
type LodashPath10x2<T> = (path: number) => T | undefined;
interface LodashPath11x1 {
(object: null | undefined): undefined;
(object: any): any;
type LodashPath11x2 = (path: lodash.PropertyPath) => undefined;
type LodashPath12x2 = (path: lodash.PropertyPath) => any;
interface LodashPathOr {
<TDefault>(defaultValue: TDefault): LodashPathOr1x1<TDefault>;
<TObject extends object, TKey extends keyof TObject>(defaultValue: lodash.__, path: TKey | [TKey]): LodashPathOr1x2<TObject, TKey>;
<TObject extends object, TKey extends keyof TObject, TDefault>(defaultValue: TDefault, path: TKey | [TKey]): LodashPathOr1x3<TObject, TKey, TDefault>;
<TObject extends object>(defaultValue: lodash.__, path: lodash.__, object: TObject | null | undefined): LodashPathOr1x4<TObject>;
<TObject extends object, TDefault>(defaultValue: TDefault, path: lodash.__, object: TObject | null | undefined): LodashPathOr1x5<TObject, TDefault>;
<TObject extends object, TKey extends keyof TObject>(defaultValue: lodash.__, path: TKey | [TKey], object: TObject | null | undefined): LodashPathOr1x6<TObject, TKey>;
<TObject extends object, TKey extends keyof TObject, TDefault>(defaultValue: TDefault, path: TKey | [TKey], object: TObject | null | undefined): Exclude<TObject[TKey], undefined> | TDefault;
<TObject extends object, TKey1 extends keyof TObject, TKey2 extends keyof TObject[TKey1]>(defaultValue: lodash.__, path: [TKey1, TKey2]): LodashPathOr2x2<TObject, TKey1, TKey2>;
<TObject extends object, TKey1 extends keyof TObject, TKey2 extends keyof TObject[TKey1], TDefault>(defaultValue: TDefault, path: [TKey1, TKey2]): LodashPathOr2x3<TObject, TKey1, TKey2, TDefault>;
<TObject extends object, TKey1 extends keyof TObject, TKey2 extends keyof TObject[TKey1]>(defaultValue: lodash.__, path: [TKey1, TKey2], object: TObject | null | undefined): LodashPathOr2x6<TObject, TKey1, TKey2>;
<TObject extends object, TKey1 extends keyof TObject, TKey2 extends keyof TObject[TKey1], TDefault>(defaultValue: TDefault, path: [TKey1, TKey2], object: TObject | null | undefined): Exclude<TObject[TKey1][TKey2], undefined> | TDefault;
<TObject extends object, TKey1 extends keyof TObject, TKey2 extends keyof TObject[TKey1], TKey3 extends keyof TObject[TKey1][TKey2]>(defaultValue: lodash.__, path: [TKey1, TKey2, TKey3]): LodashPathOr3x2<TObject, TKey1, TKey2, TKey3>;
<TObject extends object, TKey1 extends keyof TObject, TKey2 extends keyof TObject[TKey1], TKey3 extends keyof TObject[TKey1][TKey2], TDefault>(defaultValue: TDefault, path: [TKey1, TKey2, TKey3]): LodashPathOr3x3<TObject, TKey1, TKey2, TKey3, TDefault>;
<TObject extends object, TKey1 extends keyof TObject, TKey2 extends keyof TObject[TKey1], TKey3 extends keyof TObject[TKey1][TKey2]>(defaultValue: lodash.__, path: [TKey1, TKey2, TKey3], object: TObject | null | undefined): LodashPathOr3x6<TObject, TKey1, TKey2, TKey3>;
<TObject extends object, TKey1 extends keyof TObject, TKey2 extends keyof TObject[TKey1], TKey3 extends keyof TObject[TKey1][TKey2], TDefault>(defaultValue: TDefault, path: [TKey1, TKey2, TKey3], object: TObject | null | undefined): Exclude<TObject[TKey1][TKey2][TKey3], undefined> | TDefault;
<TObject extends object, TKey1 extends keyof TObject, TKey2 extends keyof TObject[TKey1], TKey3 extends keyof TObject[TKey1][TKey2], TKey4 extends keyof TObject[TKey1][TKey2][TKey3]>(defaultValue: lodash.__, path: [TKey1, TKey2, TKey3, TKey4]): LodashPathOr4x2<TObject, TKey1, TKey2, TKey3, TKey4>;
<TObject extends object, TKey1 extends keyof TObject, TKey2 extends keyof TObject[TKey1], TKey3 extends keyof TObject[TKey1][TKey2], TKey4 extends keyof TObject[TKey1][TKey2][TKey3], TDefault>(defaultValue: TDefault, path: [TKey1, TKey2, TKey3, TKey4]): LodashPathOr4x3<TObject, TKey1, TKey2, TKey3, TKey4, TDefault>;
<TObject extends object, TKey1 extends keyof TObject, TKey2 extends keyof TObject[TKey1], TKey3 extends keyof TObject[TKey1][TKey2], TKey4 extends keyof TObject[TKey1][TKey2][TKey3]>(defaultValue: lodash.__, path: [TKey1, TKey2, TKey3, TKey4], object: TObject | null | undefined): LodashPathOr4x6<TObject, TKey1, TKey2, TKey3, TKey4>;
<TObject extends object, TKey1 extends keyof TObject, TKey2 extends keyof TObject[TKey1], TKey3 extends keyof TObject[TKey1][TKey2], TKey4 extends keyof TObject[TKey1][TKey2][TKey3], TDefault>(defaultValue: TDefault, path: [TKey1, TKey2, TKey3, TKey4], object: TObject | null | undefined): Exclude<TObject[TKey1][TKey2][TKey3][TKey4], undefined> | TDefault;
(defaultValue: lodash.__, path: number): LodashPathOr5x2;
<TDefault>(defaultValue: TDefault, path: number): LodashPathOr5x3<TDefault>;
<T>(defaultValue: lodash.__, path: lodash.__, object: lodash.NumericDictionary<T> | null | undefined): LodashPathOr5x4<T>;
<T, TDefault>(defaultValue: TDefault, path: lodash.__, object: lodash.NumericDictionary<T> | null | undefined): LodashPathOr5x5<T, TDefault>;
<T>(defaultValue: lodash.__, path: number, object: lodash.NumericDictionary<T> | null | undefined): LodashPathOr5x6<T>;
<T, TDefault>(defaultValue: TDefault, path: number, object: lodash.NumericDictionary<T> | null | undefined): T | TDefault;
(defaultValue: lodash.__, path: lodash.PropertyPath): LodashPathOr6x2;
<TDefault>(defaultValue: TDefault, path: lodash.PropertyPath): LodashPathOr6x3<TDefault>;
(defaultValue: lodash.__, path: lodash.__, object: null | undefined): LodashPathOr6x4;
<TDefault>(defaultValue: TDefault, path: lodash.__, object: null | undefined): LodashPathOr6x5<TDefault>;
(defaultValue: lodash.__, path: lodash.PropertyPath, object: null | undefined): LodashPathOr6x6;
<TDefault>(defaultValue: TDefault, path: lodash.PropertyPath, object: null | undefined): TDefault;
(defaultValue: any): LodashPathOr7x1;
(defaultValue: any, path: lodash.PropertyPath): LodashPathOr7x3;
(defaultValue: lodash.__, path: lodash.__, object: any): LodashPathOr7x4;
(defaultValue: any, path: lodash.__, object: any): LodashPathOr7x5;
(defaultValue: lodash.__, path: lodash.PropertyPath, object: any): LodashPathOr7x6;
(defaultValue: any, path: lodash.PropertyPath, object: any): any;
interface LodashPathOr1x1<TDefault> {
<TObject extends object, TKey extends keyof TObject>(path: TKey | [TKey]): LodashPathOr1x3<TObject, TKey, TDefault>;
<TObject extends object>(path: lodash.__, object: TObject | null | undefined): LodashPathOr1x5<TObject, TDefault>;
<TObject extends object, TKey extends keyof TObject>(path: TKey | [TKey], object: TObject | null | undefined): Exclude<TObject[TKey], undefined> | TDefault;
<TObject extends object, TKey1 extends keyof TObject, TKey2 extends keyof TObject[TKey1]>(path: [TKey1, TKey2]): LodashPathOr2x3<TObject, TKey1, TKey2, TDefault>;
<TObject extends object, TKey1 extends keyof TObject, TKey2 extends keyof TObject[TKey1]>(path: [TKey1, TKey2], object: TObject | null | undefined): Exclude<TObject[TKey1][TKey2], undefined> | TDefault;
<TObject extends object, TKey1 extends keyof TObject, TKey2 extends keyof TObject[TKey1], TKey3 extends keyof TObject[TKey1][TKey2]>(path: [TKey1, TKey2, TKey3]): LodashPathOr3x3<TObject, TKey1, TKey2, TKey3, TDefault>;
<TObject extends object, TKey1 extends keyof TObject, TKey2 extends keyof TObject[TKey1], TKey3 extends keyof TObject[TKey1][TKey2]>(path: [TKey1, TKey2, TKey3], object: TObject | null | undefined): Exclude<TObject[TKey1][TKey2][TKey3], undefined> | TDefault;
<TObject extends object, TKey1 extends keyof TObject, TKey2 extends keyof TObject[TKey1], TKey3 extends keyof TObject[TKey1][TKey2], TKey4 extends keyof TObject[TKey1][TKey2][TKey3]>(path: [TKey1, TKey2, TKey3, TKey4]): LodashPathOr4x3<TObject, TKey1, TKey2, TKey3, TKey4, TDefault>;
<TObject extends object, TKey1 extends keyof TObject, TKey2 extends keyof TObject[TKey1], TKey3 extends keyof TObject[TKey1][TKey2], TKey4 extends keyof TObject[TKey1][TKey2][TKey3]>(path: [TKey1, TKey2, TKey3, TKey4], object: TObject | null | undefined): Exclude<TObject[TKey1][TKey2][TKey3][TKey4], undefined> | TDefault;
(path: number): LodashPathOr5x3<TDefault>;
<T>(path: lodash.__, object: lodash.NumericDictionary<T> | null | undefined): LodashPathOr5x5<T, TDefault>;
<T>(path: number, object: lodash.NumericDictionary<T> | null | undefined): T | TDefault;
(path: lodash.PropertyPath): LodashPathOr6x3<TDefault>;
(path: lodash.__, object: null | undefined): LodashPathOr6x5<TDefault>;
(path: lodash.PropertyPath, object: null | undefined): TDefault;
interface LodashPathOr1x2<TObject, TKey extends keyof TObject> {
<TDefault>(defaultValue: TDefault): LodashPathOr1x3<TObject, TKey, TDefault>;
(defaultValue: lodash.__, object: TObject | null | undefined): LodashPathOr1x6<TObject, TKey>;
<TDefault>(defaultValue: TDefault, object: TObject | null | undefined): Exclude<TObject[TKey], undefined> | TDefault;
type LodashPathOr1x3<TObject, TKey extends keyof TObject, TDefault> = (object: TObject | null | undefined) => Exclude<TObject[TKey], undefined> | TDefault;
interface LodashPathOr1x4<TObject> {
<TDefault>(defaultValue: TDefault): LodashPathOr1x5<TObject, TDefault>;
<TKey extends keyof TObject>(defaultValue: lodash.__, path: TKey | [TKey]): LodashPathOr1x6<TObject, TKey>;
<TKey extends keyof TObject, TDefault>(defaultValue: TDefault, path: TKey | [TKey]): Exclude<TObject[TKey], undefined> | TDefault;
<TKey1 extends keyof TObject, TKey2 extends keyof TObject[TKey1]>(defaultValue: lodash.__, path: [TKey1, TKey2]): LodashPathOr2x6<TObject, TKey1, TKey2>;
<TKey1 extends keyof TObject, TKey2 extends keyof TObject[TKey1], TDefault>(defaultValue: TDefault, path: [TKey1, TKey2]): Exclude<TObject[TKey1][TKey2], undefined> | TDefault;
<TKey1 extends keyof TObject, TKey2 extends keyof TObject[TKey1], TKey3 extends keyof TObject[TKey1][TKey2]>(defaultValue: lodash.__, path: [TKey1, TKey2, TKey3]): LodashPathOr3x6<TObject, TKey1, TKey2, TKey3>;
<TKey1 extends keyof TObject, TKey2 extends keyof TObject[TKey1], TKey3 extends keyof TObject[TKey1][TKey2], TDefault>(defaultValue: TDefault, path: [TKey1, TKey2, TKey3]): Exclude<TObject[TKey1][TKey2][TKey3], undefined> | TDefault;
<TKey1 extends keyof TObject, TKey2 extends keyof TObject[TKey1], TKey3 extends keyof TObject[TKey1][TKey2], TKey4 extends keyof TObject[TKey1][TKey2][TKey3]>(defaultValue: lodash.__, path: [TKey1, TKey2, TKey3, TKey4]): LodashPathOr4x6<TObject, TKey1, TKey2, TKey3, TKey4>;
<TKey1 extends keyof TObject, TKey2 extends keyof TObject[TKey1], TKey3 extends keyof TObject[TKey1][TKey2], TKey4 extends keyof TObject[TKey1][TKey2][TKey3], TDefault>(defaultValue: TDefault, path: [TKey1, TKey2, TKey3, TKey4]): Exclude<TObject[TKey1][TKey2][TKey3][TKey4], undefined> | TDefault;
interface LodashPathOr1x5<TObject, TDefault> {
<TKey extends keyof TObject>(path: TKey | [TKey]): Exclude<TObject[TKey], undefined> | TDefault;
<TKey1 extends keyof TObject, TKey2 extends keyof TObject[TKey1]>(path: [TKey1, TKey2]): Exclude<TObject[TKey1][TKey2], undefined> | TDefault;
<TKey1 extends keyof TObject, TKey2 extends keyof TObject[TKey1], TKey3 extends keyof TObject[TKey1][TKey2]>(path: [TKey1, TKey2, TKey3]): Exclude<TObject[TKey1][TKey2][TKey3], undefined> | TDefault;
<TKey1 extends keyof TObject, TKey2 extends keyof TObject[TKey1], TKey3 extends keyof TObject[TKey1][TKey2], TKey4 extends keyof TObject[TKey1][TKey2][TKey3]>(path: [TKey1, TKey2, TKey3, TKey4]): Exclude<TObject[TKey1][TKey2][TKey3][TKey4], undefined> | TDefault;
type LodashPathOr1x6<TObject, TKey extends keyof TObject> = <TDefault>(defaultValue: TDefault) => Exclude<TObject[TKey], undefined> | TDefault;
interface LodashPathOr2x2<TObject, TKey1 extends keyof TObject, TKey2 extends keyof TObject[TKey1]> {
<TDefault>(defaultValue: TDefault): LodashPathOr2x3<TObject, TKey1, TKey2, TDefault>;
(defaultValue: lodash.__, object: TObject | null | undefined): LodashPathOr2x6<TObject, TKey1, TKey2>;
<TDefault>(defaultValue: TDefault, object: TObject | null | undefined): Exclude<TObject[TKey1][TKey2], undefined> | TDefault;
type LodashPathOr2x3<TObject, TKey1 extends keyof TObject, TKey2 extends keyof TObject[TKey1], TDefault> = (object: TObject | null | undefined) => Exclude<TObject[TKey1][TKey2], undefined> | TDefault;
type LodashPathOr2x6<TObject, TKey1 extends keyof TObject, TKey2 extends keyof TObject[TKey1]> = <TDefault>(defaultValue: TDefault) => Exclude<TObject[TKey1][TKey2], undefined> | TDefault;
interface LodashPathOr3x2<TObject, TKey1 extends keyof TObject, TKey2 extends keyof TObject[TKey1], TKey3 extends keyof TObject[TKey1][TKey2]> {
<TDefault>(defaultValue: TDefault): LodashPathOr3x3<TObject, TKey1, TKey2, TKey3, TDefault>;
(defaultValue: lodash.__, object: TObject | null | undefined): LodashPathOr3x6<TObject, TKey1, TKey2, TKey3>;
<TDefault>(defaultValue: TDefault, object: TObject | null | undefined): Exclude<TObject[TKey1][TKey2][TKey3], undefined> | TDefault;
type LodashPathOr3x3<TObject, TKey1 extends keyof TObject, TKey2 extends keyof TObject[TKey1], TKey3 extends keyof TObject[TKey1][TKey2], TDefault> = (object: TObject | null | undefined) => Exclude<TObject[TKey1][TKey2][TKey3], undefined> | TDefault;
type LodashPathOr3x6<TObject, TKey1 extends keyof TObject, TKey2 extends keyof TObject[TKey1], TKey3 extends keyof TObject[TKey1][TKey2]> = <TDefault>(defaultValue: TDefault) => Exclude<TObject[TKey1][TKey2][TKey3], undefined> | TDefault;
interface LodashPathOr4x2<TObject, TKey1 extends keyof TObject, TKey2 extends keyof TObject[TKey1], TKey3 extends keyof TObject[TKey1][TKey2], TKey4 extends keyof TObject[TKey1][TKey2][TKey3]> {
<TDefault>(defaultValue: TDefault): LodashPathOr4x3<TObject, TKey1, TKey2, TKey3, TKey4, TDefault>;
(defaultValue: lodash.__, object: TObject | null | undefined): LodashPathOr4x6<TObject, TKey1, TKey2, TKey3, TKey4>;
<TDefault>(defaultValue: TDefault, object: TObject | null | undefined): Exclude<TObject[TKey1][TKey2][TKey3][TKey4], undefined> | TDefault;
type LodashPathOr4x3<TObject, TKey1 extends keyof TObject, TKey2 extends keyof TObject[TKey1], TKey3 extends keyof TObject[TKey1][TKey2], TKey4 extends keyof TObject[TKey1][TKey2][TKey3], TDefault> = (object: TObject | null | undefined) => Exclude<TObject[TKey1][TKey2][TKey3][TKey4], undefined> | TDefault;
type LodashPathOr4x6<TObject, TKey1 extends keyof TObject, TKey2 extends keyof TObject[TKey1], TKey3 extends keyof TObject[TKey1][TKey2], TKey4 extends keyof TObject[TKey1][TKey2][TKey3]> = <TDefault>(defaultValue: TDefault) => Exclude<TObject[TKey1][TKey2][TKey3][TKey4], undefined> | TDefault;
interface LodashPathOr5x2 {
<TDefault>(defaultValue: TDefault): LodashPathOr5x3<TDefault>;
<T>(defaultValue: lodash.__, object: lodash.NumericDictionary<T> | null | undefined): LodashPathOr5x6<T>;
<T, TDefault>(defaultValue: TDefault, object: lodash.NumericDictionary<T> | null | undefined): T | TDefault;
type LodashPathOr5x3<TDefault> = <T>(object: lodash.NumericDictionary<T> | null | undefined) => T | TDefault;
interface LodashPathOr5x4<T> {
<TDefault>(defaultValue: TDefault): LodashPathOr5x5<T, TDefault>;
(defaultValue: lodash.__, path: number): LodashPathOr5x6<T>;
<TDefault>(defaultValue: TDefault, path: number): T | TDefault;
type LodashPathOr5x5<T, TDefault> = (path: number) => T | TDefault;
type LodashPathOr5x6<T> = <TDefault>(defaultValue: TDefault) => T | TDefault;
interface LodashPathOr6x2 {
<TDefault>(defaultValue: TDefault): LodashPathOr6x3<TDefault>;
(defaultValue: lodash.__, object: null | undefined): LodashPathOr6x6;
<TDefault>(defaultValue: TDefault, object: null | undefined): TDefault;
(defaultValue: any): LodashPathOr7x3;
(defaultValue: lodash.__, object: any): LodashPathOr7x6;
(defaultValue: any, object: any): any;
type LodashPathOr6x3<TDefault> = (object: null | undefined) => TDefault;
interface LodashPathOr6x4 {
<TDefault>(defaultValue: TDefault): LodashPathOr6x5<TDefault>;
(defaultValue: lodash.__, path: lodash.PropertyPath): LodashPathOr6x6;
<TDefault>(defaultValue: TDefault, path: lodash.PropertyPath): TDefault;
type LodashPathOr6x5<TDefault> = (path: lodash.PropertyPath) => TDefault;
type LodashPathOr6x6 = <TDefault>(defaultValue: TDefault) => TDefault;
interface LodashPathOr7x1 {
(path: lodash.PropertyPath): LodashPathOr7x3;
(path: lodash.__, object: any): LodashPathOr7x5;
(path: lodash.PropertyPath, object: any): any;
type LodashPathOr7x3 = (object: any) => any;
interface LodashPathOr7x4 {
(defaultValue: any): LodashPathOr7x5;
(defaultValue: lodash.__, path: lodash.PropertyPath): LodashPathOr7x6;
(defaultValue: any, path: lodash.PropertyPath): any;
type LodashPathOr7x5 = (path: lodash.PropertyPath) => any;
type LodashPathOr7x6 = (defaultValue: any) => any;
interface LodashPick {
<T extends object, U extends keyof T>(props: lodash.Many<U>): LodashPick1x1<T, U>;
<T extends object>(props: lodash.__, object: T): LodashPick1x2<T>;
<T extends object, U extends keyof T>(props: lodash.Many<U>, object: T): Pick<T, U>;
(props: lodash.PropertyPath): LodashPick2x1;
<T>(props: lodash.__, object: T | null | undefined): LodashPick2x2<T>;
<T>(props: lodash.PropertyPath, object: T | null | undefined): lodash.PartialObject<T>;
type LodashPick1x1<T, U extends keyof T> = (object: T) => Pick<T, U>;
type LodashPick1x2<T> = <U extends keyof T>(props: lodash.Many<U>) => Pick<T, U>;
type LodashPick2x1 = <T>(object: T | null | undefined) => lodash.PartialObject<T>;
type LodashPick2x2<T> = (props: lodash.PropertyPath) => lodash.PartialObject<T>;
interface LodashPickBy {
<T, S extends T>(predicate: lodash.ValueKeyIterateeTypeGuard<T, S>): LodashPickBy1x1<T, S>;
<T>(predicate: lodash.__, object: lodash.Dictionary<T> | null | undefined): LodashPickBy1x2<T>;
<T, S extends T>(predicate: lodash.ValueKeyIterateeTypeGuard<T, S>, object: lodash.Dictionary<T> | null | undefined): lodash.Dictionary<S>;
<T>(predicate: lodash.__, object: lodash.NumericDictionary<T> | null | undefined): LodashPickBy2x2<T>;
<T, S extends T>(predicate: lodash.ValueKeyIterateeTypeGuard<T, S>, object: lodash.NumericDictionary<T> | null | undefined): lodash.NumericDictionary<S>;
<T>(predicate: lodash.ValueKeyIteratee<T>): LodashPickBy3x1<T>;
<T>(predicate: lodash.ValueKeyIteratee<T>, object: lodash.Dictionary<T> | null | undefined): lodash.Dictionary<T>;
<T>(predicate: lodash.ValueKeyIteratee<T>, object: lodash.NumericDictionary<T> | null | undefined): lodash.NumericDictionary<T>;
<T extends object>(predicate: lodash.__, object: T | null | undefined): LodashPickBy5x2<T>;
<T extends object>(predicate: lodash.ValueKeyIteratee<T[keyof T]>, object: T | null | undefined): lodash.PartialObject<T>;
interface LodashPickBy1x1<T, S> {
(object: lodash.Dictionary<T> | null | undefined): lodash.Dictionary<S>;
(object: lodash.NumericDictionary<T> | null | undefined): lodash.NumericDictionary<S>;
interface LodashPickBy1x2<T> {
<S extends T>(predicate: lodash.ValueKeyIterateeTypeGuard<T, S>): lodash.Dictionary<S>;
(predicate: lodash.ValueKeyIteratee<T>): lodash.Dictionary<T>;
interface LodashPickBy2x2<T> {
<S extends T>(predicate: lodash.ValueKeyIterateeTypeGuard<T, S>): lodash.NumericDictionary<S>;
(predicate: lodash.ValueKeyIteratee<T>): lodash.NumericDictionary<T>;
interface LodashPickBy3x1<T> {
(object: lodash.Dictionary<T> | null | undefined): lodash.Dictionary<T>;
(object: lodash.NumericDictionary<T> | null | undefined): lodash.NumericDictionary<T>;
<T1 extends object>(object: T1 | null | undefined): lodash.PartialObject<T1>;
type LodashPickBy5x2<T> = (predicate: lodash.ValueKeyIteratee<T[keyof T]>) => lodash.PartialObject<T>;
interface LodashProp {
<TObject extends object, TKey extends keyof TObject>(path: TKey | [TKey]): LodashProp1x1<TObject, TKey>;
<TObject extends object>(path: lodash.__, object: TObject): LodashProp1x2<TObject>;
<TObject extends object, TKey extends keyof TObject>(path: TKey | [TKey], object: TObject): TObject[TKey];
<TObject extends object>(path: lodash.__, object: TObject | null | undefined): LodashProp2x2<TObject>;
<TObject extends object, TKey extends keyof TObject>(path: TKey | [TKey], object: TObject | null | undefined): TObject[TKey] | undefined;
<TObject extends object, TKey1 extends keyof TObject, TKey2 extends keyof TObject[TKey1]>(path: [TKey1, TKey2]): LodashProp3x1<TObject, TKey1, TKey2>;
<TObject extends object, TKey1 extends keyof TObject, TKey2 extends keyof TObject[TKey1]>(path: [TKey1, TKey2], object: TObject): TObject[TKey1][TKey2];
<TObject extends object, TKey1 extends keyof TObject, TKey2 extends keyof TObject[TKey1]>(path: [TKey1, TKey2], object: TObject | null | undefined): TObject[TKey1][TKey2] | undefined;
<TObject extends object, TKey1 extends keyof TObject, TKey2 extends keyof TObject[TKey1], TKey3 extends keyof TObject[TKey1][TKey2]>(path: [TKey1, TKey2, TKey3]): LodashProp5x1<TObject, TKey1, TKey2, TKey3>;
<TObject extends object, TKey1 extends keyof TObject, TKey2 extends keyof TObject[TKey1], TKey3 extends keyof TObject[TKey1][TKey2]>(path: [TKey1, TKey2, TKey3], object: TObject): TObject[TKey1][TKey2][TKey3];
<TObject extends object, TKey1 extends keyof TObject, TKey2 extends keyof TObject[TKey1], TKey3 extends keyof TObject[TKey1][TKey2]>(path: [TKey1, TKey2, TKey3], object: TObject | null | undefined): TObject[TKey1][TKey2][TKey3] | undefined;
<TObject extends object, TKey1 extends keyof TObject, TKey2 extends keyof TObject[TKey1], TKey3 extends keyof TObject[TKey1][TKey2], TKey4 extends keyof TObject[TKey1][TKey2][TKey3]>(path: [TKey1, TKey2, TKey3, TKey4]): LodashProp7x1<TObject, TKey1, TKey2, TKey3, TKey4>;
<TObject extends object, TKey1 extends keyof TObject, TKey2 extends keyof TObject[TKey1], TKey3 extends keyof TObject[TKey1][TKey2], TKey4 extends keyof TObject[TKey1][TKey2][TKey3]>(path: [TKey1, TKey2, TKey3, TKey4], object: TObject): TObject[TKey1][TKey2][TKey3][TKey4];
<TObject extends object, TKey1 extends keyof TObject, TKey2 extends keyof TObject[TKey1], TKey3 extends keyof TObject[TKey1][TKey2], TKey4 extends keyof TObject[TKey1][TKey2][TKey3]>(path: [TKey1, TKey2, TKey3, TKey4], object: TObject | null | undefined): TObject[TKey1][TKey2][TKey3][TKey4] | undefined;
(path: number): LodashProp9x1;
<T>(path: lodash.__, object: lodash.NumericDictionary<T>): LodashProp9x2<T>;
<T>(path: number, object: lodash.NumericDictionary<T>): T;
<T>(path: lodash.__, object: lodash.NumericDictionary<T> | null | undefined): LodashProp10x2<T>;
<T>(path: number, object: lodash.NumericDictionary<T> | null | undefined): T | undefined;
(path: lodash.PropertyPath): LodashProp11x1;
(path: lodash.__, object: null | undefined): LodashProp11x2;
(path: lodash.PropertyPath, object: null | undefined): undefined;
(path: lodash.__, object: any): LodashProp12x2;
(path: lodash.PropertyPath, object: any): any;
interface LodashProp1x1<TObject, TKey extends keyof TObject> {
(object: TObject): TObject[TKey];
(object: TObject | null | undefined): TObject[TKey] | undefined;
interface LodashProp1x2<TObject> {
<TKey extends keyof TObject>(path: TKey | [TKey]): TObject[TKey];
<TKey1 extends keyof TObject, TKey2 extends keyof TObject[TKey1]>(path: [TKey1, TKey2]): TObject[TKey1][TKey2];
<TKey1 extends keyof TObject, TKey2 extends keyof TObject[TKey1], TKey3 extends keyof TObject[TKey1][TKey2]>(path: [TKey1, TKey2, TKey3]): TObject[TKey1][TKey2][TKey3];
<TKey1 extends keyof TObject, TKey2 extends keyof TObject[TKey1], TKey3 extends keyof TObject[TKey1][TKey2], TKey4 extends keyof TObject[TKey1][TKey2][TKey3]>(path: [TKey1, TKey2, TKey3, TKey4]): TObject[TKey1][TKey2][TKey3][TKey4];
interface LodashProp2x2<TObject> {
<TKey extends keyof TObject>(path: TKey | [TKey]): TObject[TKey] | undefined;
<TKey1 extends keyof TObject, TKey2 extends keyof TObject[TKey1]>(path: [TKey1, TKey2]): TObject[TKey1][TKey2] | undefined;
<TKey1 extends keyof TObject, TKey2 extends keyof TObject[TKey1], TKey3 extends keyof TObject[TKey1][TKey2]>(path: [TKey1, TKey2, TKey3]): TObject[TKey1][TKey2][TKey3] | undefined;
<TKey1 extends keyof TObject, TKey2 extends keyof TObject[TKey1], TKey3 extends keyof TObject[TKey1][TKey2], TKey4 extends keyof TObject[TKey1][TKey2][TKey3]>(path: [TKey1, TKey2, TKey3, TKey4]): TObject[TKey1][TKey2][TKey3][TKey4] | undefined;
interface LodashProp3x1<TObject, TKey1 extends keyof TObject, TKey2 extends keyof TObject[TKey1]> {
(object: TObject): TObject[TKey1][TKey2];
(object: TObject | null | undefined): TObject[TKey1][TKey2] | undefined;
interface LodashProp5x1<TObject, TKey1 extends keyof TObject, TKey2 extends keyof TObject[TKey1], TKey3 extends keyof TObject[TKey1][TKey2]> {
(object: TObject): TObject[TKey1][TKey2][TKey3];
(object: TObject | null | undefined): TObject[TKey1][TKey2][TKey3] | undefined;
interface LodashProp7x1<TObject, TKey1 extends keyof TObject, TKey2 extends keyof TObject[TKey1], TKey3 extends keyof TObject[TKey1][TKey2], TKey4 extends keyof TObject[TKey1][TKey2][TKey3]> {
(object: TObject): TObject[TKey1][TKey2][TKey3][TKey4];
(object: TObject | null | undefined): TObject[TKey1][TKey2][TKey3][TKey4] | undefined;
interface LodashProp9x1 {
<T>(object: lodash.NumericDictionary<T>): T;
<T>(object: lodash.NumericDictionary<T> | null | undefined): T | undefined;
type LodashProp9x2<T> = (path: number) => T;
type LodashProp10x2<T> = (path: number) => T | undefined;
interface LodashProp11x1 {
(object: null | undefined): undefined;
(object: any): any;
type LodashProp11x2 = (path: lodash.PropertyPath) => undefined;
type LodashProp12x2 = (path: lodash.PropertyPath) => any;
interface LodashProperty {
<TObject extends object, TKey extends keyof TObject>(path: TKey | [TKey]): LodashProperty1x1<TObject, TKey>;
<TObject extends object>(path: lodash.__, object: TObject): LodashProperty1x2<TObject>;
<TObject extends object, TKey extends keyof TObject>(path: TKey | [TKey], object: TObject): TObject[TKey];
<TObject extends object>(path: lodash.__, object: TObject | null | undefined): LodashProperty2x2<TObject>;
<TObject extends object, TKey extends keyof TObject>(path: TKey | [TKey], object: TObject | null | undefined): TObject[TKey] | undefined;
<TObject extends object, TKey1 extends keyof TObject, TKey2 extends keyof TObject[TKey1]>(path: [TKey1, TKey2]): LodashProperty3x1<TObject, TKey1, TKey2>;
<TObject extends object, TKey1 extends keyof TObject, TKey2 extends keyof TObject[TKey1]>(path: [TKey1, TKey2], object: TObject): TObject[TKey1][TKey2];
<TObject extends object, TKey1 extends keyof TObject, TKey2 extends keyof TObject[TKey1]>(path: [TKey1, TKey2], object: TObject | null | undefined): TObject[TKey1][TKey2] | undefined;
<TObject extends object, TKey1 extends keyof TObject, TKey2 extends keyof TObject[TKey1], TKey3 extends keyof TObject[TKey1][TKey2]>(path: [TKey1, TKey2, TKey3]): LodashProperty5x1<TObject, TKey1, TKey2, TKey3>;
<TObject extends object, TKey1 extends keyof TObject, TKey2 extends keyof TObject[TKey1], TKey3 extends keyof TObject[TKey1][TKey2]>(path: [TKey1, TKey2, TKey3], object: TObject): TObject[TKey1][TKey2][TKey3];
<TObject extends object, TKey1 extends keyof TObject, TKey2 extends keyof TObject[TKey1], TKey3 extends keyof TObject[TKey1][TKey2]>(path: [TKey1, TKey2, TKey3], object: TObject | null | undefined): TObject[TKey1][TKey2][TKey3] | undefined;
<TObject extends object, TKey1 extends keyof TObject, TKey2 extends keyof TObject[TKey1], TKey3 extends keyof TObject[TKey1][TKey2], TKey4 extends keyof TObject[TKey1][TKey2][TKey3]>(path: [TKey1, TKey2, TKey3, TKey4]): LodashProperty7x1<TObject, TKey1, TKey2, TKey3, TKey4>;
<TObject extends object, TKey1 extends keyof TObject, TKey2 extends keyof TObject[TKey1], TKey3 extends keyof TObject[TKey1][TKey2], TKey4 extends keyof TObject[TKey1][TKey2][TKey3]>(path: [TKey1, TKey2, TKey3, TKey4], object: TObject): TObject[TKey1][TKey2][TKey3][TKey4];
<TObject extends object, TKey1 extends keyof TObject, TKey2 extends keyof TObject[TKey1], TKey3 extends keyof TObject[TKey1][TKey2], TKey4 extends keyof TObject[TKey1][TKey2][TKey3]>(path: [TKey1, TKey2, TKey3, TKey4], object: TObject | null | undefined): TObject[TKey1][TKey2][TKey3][TKey4] | undefined;
(path: number): LodashProperty9x1;
<T>(path: lodash.__, object: lodash.NumericDictionary<T>): LodashProperty9x2<T>;
<T>(path: number, object: lodash.NumericDictionary<T>): T;
<T>(path: lodash.__, object: lodash.NumericDictionary<T> | null | undefined): LodashProperty10x2<T>;
<T>(path: number, object: lodash.NumericDictionary<T> | null | undefined): T | undefined;
(path: lodash.PropertyPath): LodashProperty11x1;
(path: lodash.__, object: null | undefined): LodashProperty11x2;
(path: lodash.PropertyPath, object: null | undefined): undefined;
(path: lodash.__, object: any): LodashProperty12x2;
(path: lodash.PropertyPath, object: any): any;
interface LodashProperty1x1<TObject, TKey extends keyof TObject> {
(object: TObject): TObject[TKey];
(object: TObject | null | undefined): TObject[TKey] | undefined;
interface LodashProperty1x2<TObject> {
<TKey extends keyof TObject>(path: TKey | [TKey]): TObject[TKey];
<TKey1 extends keyof TObject, TKey2 extends keyof TObject[TKey1]>(path: [TKey1, TKey2]): TObject[TKey1][TKey2];
<TKey1 extends keyof TObject, TKey2 extends keyof TObject[TKey1], TKey3 extends keyof TObject[TKey1][TKey2]>(path: [TKey1, TKey2, TKey3]): TObject[TKey1][TKey2][TKey3];
<TKey1 extends keyof TObject, TKey2 extends keyof TObject[TKey1], TKey3 extends keyof TObject[TKey1][TKey2], TKey4 extends keyof TObject[TKey1][TKey2][TKey3]>(path: [TKey1, TKey2, TKey3, TKey4]): TObject[TKey1][TKey2][TKey3][TKey4];
interface LodashProperty2x2<TObject> {
<TKey extends keyof TObject>(path: TKey | [TKey]): TObject[TKey] | undefined;
<TKey1 extends keyof TObject, TKey2 extends keyof TObject[TKey1]>(path: [TKey1, TKey2]): TObject[TKey1][TKey2] | undefined;
<TKey1 extends keyof TObject, TKey2 extends keyof TObject[TKey1], TKey3 extends keyof TObject[TKey1][TKey2]>(path: [TKey1, TKey2, TKey3]): TObject[TKey1][TKey2][TKey3] | undefined;
<TKey1 extends keyof TObject, TKey2 extends keyof TObject[TKey1], TKey3 extends keyof TObject[TKey1][TKey2], TKey4 extends keyof TObject[TKey1][TKey2][TKey3]>(path: [TKey1, TKey2, TKey3, TKey4]): TObject[TKey1][TKey2][TKey3][TKey4] | undefined;
interface LodashProperty3x1<TObject, TKey1 extends keyof TObject, TKey2 extends keyof TObject[TKey1]> {
(object: TObject): TObject[TKey1][TKey2];
(object: TObject | null | undefined): TObject[TKey1][TKey2] | undefined;
interface LodashProperty5x1<TObject, TKey1 extends keyof TObject, TKey2 extends keyof TObject[TKey1], TKey3 extends keyof TObject[TKey1][TKey2]> {
(object: TObject): TObject[TKey1][TKey2][TKey3];
(object: TObject | null | undefined): TObject[TKey1][TKey2][TKey3] | undefined;
interface LodashProperty7x1<TObject, TKey1 extends keyof TObject, TKey2 extends keyof TObject[TKey1], TKey3 extends keyof TObject[TKey1][TKey2], TKey4 extends keyof TObject[TKey1][TKey2][TKey3]> {
(object: TObject): TObject[TKey1][TKey2][TKey3][TKey4];
(object: TObject | null | undefined): TObject[TKey1][TKey2][TKey3][TKey4] | undefined;
interface LodashProperty9x1 {
<T>(object: lodash.NumericDictionary<T>): T;
<T>(object: lodash.NumericDictionary<T> | null | undefined): T | undefined;
type LodashProperty9x2<T> = (path: number) => T;
type LodashProperty10x2<T> = (path: number) => T | undefined;
interface LodashProperty11x1 {
(object: null | undefined): undefined;
(object: any): any;
type LodashProperty11x2 = (path: lodash.PropertyPath) => undefined;
type LodashProperty12x2 = (path: lodash.PropertyPath) => any;
interface LodashPropertyOf {
<TObject extends object, TKey extends keyof TObject>(path: TKey | [TKey]): LodashPropertyOf1x1<TObject, TKey>;
<TObject extends object>(path: lodash.__, object: TObject): LodashPropertyOf1x2<TObject>;
<TObject extends object, TKey extends keyof TObject>(path: TKey | [TKey], object: TObject): TObject[TKey];
<TObject extends object>(path: lodash.__, object: TObject | null | undefined): LodashPropertyOf2x2<TObject>;
<TObject extends object, TKey extends keyof TObject>(path: TKey | [TKey], object: TObject | null | undefined): TObject[TKey] | undefined;
<TObject extends object, TKey1 extends keyof TObject, TKey2 extends keyof TObject[TKey1]>(path: [TKey1, TKey2]): LodashPropertyOf3x1<TObject, TKey1, TKey2>;
<TObject extends object, TKey1 extends keyof TObject, TKey2 extends keyof TObject[TKey1]>(path: [TKey1, TKey2], object: TObject): TObject[TKey1][TKey2];
<TObject extends object, TKey1 extends keyof TObject, TKey2 extends keyof TObject[TKey1]>(path: [TKey1, TKey2], object: TObject | null | undefined): TObject[TKey1][TKey2] | undefined;
<TObject extends object, TKey1 extends keyof TObject, TKey2 extends keyof TObject[TKey1], TKey3 extends keyof TObject[TKey1][TKey2]>(path: [TKey1, TKey2, TKey3]): LodashPropertyOf5x1<TObject, TKey1, TKey2, TKey3>;
<TObject extends object, TKey1 extends keyof TObject, TKey2 extends keyof TObject[TKey1], TKey3 extends keyof TObject[TKey1][TKey2]>(path: [TKey1, TKey2, TKey3], object: TObject): TObject[TKey1][TKey2][TKey3];
<TObject extends object, TKey1 extends keyof TObject, TKey2 extends keyof TObject[TKey1], TKey3 extends keyof TObject[TKey1][TKey2]>(path: [TKey1, TKey2, TKey3], object: TObject | null | undefined): TObject[TKey1][TKey2][TKey3] | undefined;
<TObject extends object, TKey1 extends keyof TObject, TKey2 extends keyof TObject[TKey1], TKey3 extends keyof TObject[TKey1][TKey2], TKey4 extends keyof TObject[TKey1][TKey2][TKey3]>(path: [TKey1, TKey2, TKey3, TKey4]): LodashPropertyOf7x1<TObject, TKey1, TKey2, TKey3, TKey4>;
<TObject extends object, TKey1 extends keyof TObject, TKey2 extends keyof TObject[TKey1], TKey3 extends keyof TObject[TKey1][TKey2], TKey4 extends keyof TObject[TKey1][TKey2][TKey3]>(path: [TKey1, TKey2, TKey3, TKey4], object: TObject): TObject[TKey1][TKey2][TKey3][TKey4];
<TObject extends object, TKey1 extends keyof TObject, TKey2 extends keyof TObject[TKey1], TKey3 extends keyof TObject[TKey1][TKey2], TKey4 extends keyof TObject[TKey1][TKey2][TKey3]>(path: [TKey1, TKey2, TKey3, TKey4], object: TObject | null | undefined): TObject[TKey1][TKey2][TKey3][TKey4] | undefined;
(path: number): LodashPropertyOf9x1;
<T>(path: lodash.__, object: lodash.NumericDictionary<T>): LodashPropertyOf9x2<T>;
<T>(path: number, object: lodash.NumericDictionary<T>): T;
<T>(path: lodash.__, object: lodash.NumericDictionary<T> | null | undefined): LodashPropertyOf10x2<T>;
<T>(path: number, object: lodash.NumericDictionary<T> | null | undefined): T | undefined;
(path: lodash.PropertyPath): LodashPropertyOf11x1;
(path: lodash.__, object: null | undefined): LodashPropertyOf11x2;
(path: lodash.PropertyPath, object: null | undefined): undefined;
(path: lodash.__, object: any): LodashPropertyOf12x2;
(path: lodash.PropertyPath, object: any): any;
interface LodashPropertyOf1x1<TObject, TKey extends keyof TObject> {
(object: TObject): TObject[TKey];
(object: TObject | null | undefined): TObject[TKey] | undefined;
interface LodashPropertyOf1x2<TObject> {
<TKey extends keyof TObject>(path: TKey | [TKey]): TObject[TKey];
<TKey1 extends keyof TObject, TKey2 extends keyof TObject[TKey1]>(path: [TKey1, TKey2]): TObject[TKey1][TKey2];
<TKey1 extends keyof TObject, TKey2 extends keyof TObject[TKey1], TKey3 extends keyof TObject[TKey1][TKey2]>(path: [TKey1, TKey2, TKey3]): TObject[TKey1][TKey2][TKey3];
<TKey1 extends keyof TObject, TKey2 extends keyof TObject[TKey1], TKey3 extends keyof TObject[TKey1][TKey2], TKey4 extends keyof TObject[TKey1][TKey2][TKey3]>(path: [TKey1, TKey2, TKey3, TKey4]): TObject[TKey1][TKey2][TKey3][TKey4];
interface LodashPropertyOf2x2<TObject> {
<TKey extends keyof TObject>(path: TKey | [TKey]): TObject[TKey] | undefined;
<TKey1 extends keyof TObject, TKey2 extends keyof TObject[TKey1]>(path: [TKey1, TKey2]): TObject[TKey1][TKey2] | undefined;
<TKey1 extends keyof TObject, TKey2 extends keyof TObject[TKey1], TKey3 extends keyof TObject[TKey1][TKey2]>(path: [TKey1, TKey2, TKey3]): TObject[TKey1][TKey2][TKey3] | undefined;
<TKey1 extends keyof TObject, TKey2 extends keyof TObject[TKey1], TKey3 extends keyof TObject[TKey1][TKey2], TKey4 extends keyof TObject[TKey1][TKey2][TKey3]>(path: [TKey1, TKey2, TKey3, TKey4]): TObject[TKey1][TKey2][TKey3][TKey4] | undefined;
interface LodashPropertyOf3x1<TObject, TKey1 extends keyof TObject, TKey2 extends keyof TObject[TKey1]> {
(object: TObject): TObject[TKey1][TKey2];
(object: TObject | null | undefined): TObject[TKey1][TKey2] | undefined;
interface LodashPropertyOf5x1<TObject, TKey1 extends keyof TObject, TKey2 extends keyof TObject[TKey1], TKey3 extends keyof TObject[TKey1][TKey2]> {
(object: TObject): TObject[TKey1][TKey2][TKey3];
(object: TObject | null | undefined): TObject[TKey1][TKey2][TKey3] | undefined;
interface LodashPropertyOf7x1<TObject, TKey1 extends keyof TObject, TKey2 extends keyof TObject[TKey1], TKey3 extends keyof TObject[TKey1][TKey2], TKey4 extends keyof TObject[TKey1][TKey2][TKey3]> {
(object: TObject): TObject[TKey1][TKey2][TKey3][TKey4];
(object: TObject | null | undefined): TObject[TKey1][TKey2][TKey3][TKey4] | undefined;
interface LodashPropertyOf9x1 {
<T>(object: lodash.NumericDictionary<T>): T;
<T>(object: lodash.NumericDictionary<T> | null | undefined): T | undefined;
type LodashPropertyOf9x2<T> = (path: number) => T;
type LodashPropertyOf10x2<T> = (path: number) => T | undefined;
interface LodashPropertyOf11x1 {
(object: null | undefined): undefined;
(object: any): any;
type LodashPropertyOf11x2 = (path: lodash.PropertyPath) => undefined;
type LodashPropertyOf12x2 = (path: lodash.PropertyPath) => any;
interface LodashPropOr {
<TDefault>(defaultValue: TDefault): LodashPropOr1x1<TDefault>;
<TObject extends object, TKey extends keyof TObject>(defaultValue: lodash.__, path: TKey | [TKey]): LodashPropOr1x2<TObject, TKey>;
<TObject extends object, TKey extends keyof TObject, TDefault>(defaultValue: TDefault, path: TKey | [TKey]): LodashPropOr1x3<TObject, TKey, TDefault>;
<TObject extends object>(defaultValue: lodash.__, path: lodash.__, object: TObject | null | undefined): LodashPropOr1x4<TObject>;
<TObject extends object, TDefault>(defaultValue: TDefault, path: lodash.__, object: TObject | null | undefined): LodashPropOr1x5<TObject, TDefault>;
<TObject extends object, TKey extends keyof TObject>(defaultValue: lodash.__, path: TKey | [TKey], object: TObject | null | undefined): LodashPropOr1x6<TObject, TKey>;
<TObject extends object, TKey extends keyof TObject, TDefault>(defaultValue: TDefault, path: TKey | [TKey], object: TObject | null | undefined): Exclude<TObject[TKey], undefined> | TDefault;
<TObject extends object, TKey1 extends keyof TObject, TKey2 extends keyof TObject[TKey1]>(defaultValue: lodash.__, path: [TKey1, TKey2]): LodashPropOr2x2<TObject, TKey1, TKey2>;
<TObject extends object, TKey1 extends keyof TObject, TKey2 extends keyof TObject[TKey1], TDefault>(defaultValue: TDefault, path: [TKey1, TKey2]): LodashPropOr2x3<TObject, TKey1, TKey2, TDefault>;
<TObject extends object, TKey1 extends keyof TObject, TKey2 extends keyof TObject[TKey1]>(defaultValue: lodash.__, path: [TKey1, TKey2], object: TObject | null | undefined): LodashPropOr2x6<TObject, TKey1, TKey2>;
<TObject extends object, TKey1 extends keyof TObject, TKey2 extends keyof TObject[TKey1], TDefault>(defaultValue: TDefault, path: [TKey1, TKey2], object: TObject | null | undefined): Exclude<TObject[TKey1][TKey2], undefined> | TDefault;
<TObject extends object, TKey1 extends keyof TObject, TKey2 extends keyof TObject[TKey1], TKey3 extends keyof TObject[TKey1][TKey2]>(defaultValue: lodash.__, path: [TKey1, TKey2, TKey3]): LodashPropOr3x2<TObject, TKey1, TKey2, TKey3>;
<TObject extends object, TKey1 extends keyof TObject, TKey2 extends keyof TObject[TKey1], TKey3 extends keyof TObject[TKey1][TKey2], TDefault>(defaultValue: TDefault, path: [TKey1, TKey2, TKey3]): LodashPropOr3x3<TObject, TKey1, TKey2, TKey3, TDefault>;
<TObject extends object, TKey1 extends keyof TObject, TKey2 extends keyof TObject[TKey1], TKey3 extends keyof TObject[TKey1][TKey2]>(defaultValue: lodash.__, path: [TKey1, TKey2, TKey3], object: TObject | null | undefined): LodashPropOr3x6<TObject, TKey1, TKey2, TKey3>;
<TObject extends object, TKey1 extends keyof TObject, TKey2 extends keyof TObject[TKey1], TKey3 extends keyof TObject[TKey1][TKey2], TDefault>(defaultValue: TDefault, path: [TKey1, TKey2, TKey3], object: TObject | null | undefined): Exclude<TObject[TKey1][TKey2][TKey3], undefined> | TDefault;
<TObject extends object, TKey1 extends keyof TObject, TKey2 extends keyof TObject[TKey1], TKey3 extends keyof TObject[TKey1][TKey2], TKey4 extends keyof TObject[TKey1][TKey2][TKey3]>(defaultValue: lodash.__, path: [TKey1, TKey2, TKey3, TKey4]): LodashPropOr4x2<TObject, TKey1, TKey2, TKey3, TKey4>;
<TObject extends object, TKey1 extends keyof TObject, TKey2 extends keyof TObject[TKey1], TKey3 extends keyof TObject[TKey1][TKey2], TKey4 extends keyof TObject[TKey1][TKey2][TKey3], TDefault>(defaultValue: TDefault, path: [TKey1, TKey2, TKey3, TKey4]): LodashPropOr4x3<TObject, TKey1, TKey2, TKey3, TKey4, TDefault>;
<TObject extends object, TKey1 extends keyof TObject, TKey2 extends keyof TObject[TKey1], TKey3 extends keyof TObject[TKey1][TKey2], TKey4 extends keyof TObject[TKey1][TKey2][TKey3]>(defaultValue: lodash.__, path: [TKey1, TKey2, TKey3, TKey4], object: TObject | null | undefined): LodashPropOr4x6<TObject, TKey1, TKey2, TKey3, TKey4>;
<TObject extends object, TKey1 extends keyof TObject, TKey2 extends keyof TObject[TKey1], TKey3 extends keyof TObject[TKey1][TKey2], TKey4 extends keyof TObject[TKey1][TKey2][TKey3], TDefault>(defaultValue: TDefault, path: [TKey1, TKey2, TKey3, TKey4], object: TObject | null | undefined): Exclude<TObject[TKey1][TKey2][TKey3][TKey4], undefined> | TDefault;
(defaultValue: lodash.__, path: number): LodashPropOr5x2;
<TDefault>(defaultValue: TDefault, path: number): LodashPropOr5x3<TDefault>;
<T>(defaultValue: lodash.__, path: lodash.__, object: lodash.NumericDictionary<T> | null | undefined): LodashPropOr5x4<T>;
<T, TDefault>(defaultValue: TDefault, path: lodash.__, object: lodash.NumericDictionary<T> | null | undefined): LodashPropOr5x5<T, TDefault>;
<T>(defaultValue: lodash.__, path: number, object: lodash.NumericDictionary<T> | null | undefined): LodashPropOr5x6<T>;
<T, TDefault>(defaultValue: TDefault, path: number, object: lodash.NumericDictionary<T> | null | undefined): T | TDefault;
(defaultValue: lodash.__, path: lodash.PropertyPath): LodashPropOr6x2;
<TDefault>(defaultValue: TDefault, path: lodash.PropertyPath): LodashPropOr6x3<TDefault>;
(defaultValue: lodash.__, path: lodash.__, object: null | undefined): LodashPropOr6x4;
<TDefault>(defaultValue: TDefault, path: lodash.__, object: null | undefined): LodashPropOr6x5<TDefault>;
(defaultValue: lodash.__, path: lodash.PropertyPath, object: null | undefined): LodashPropOr6x6;
<TDefault>(defaultValue: TDefault, path: lodash.PropertyPath, object: null | undefined): TDefault;
(defaultValue: any): LodashPropOr7x1;
(defaultValue: any, path: lodash.PropertyPath): LodashPropOr7x3;
(defaultValue: lodash.__, path: lodash.__, object: any): LodashPropOr7x4;
(defaultValue: any, path: lodash.__, object: any): LodashPropOr7x5;
(defaultValue: lodash.__, path: lodash.PropertyPath, object: any): LodashPropOr7x6;
(defaultValue: any, path: lodash.PropertyPath, object: any): any;
interface LodashPropOr1x1<TDefault> {
<TObject extends object, TKey extends keyof TObject>(path: TKey | [TKey]): LodashPropOr1x3<TObject, TKey, TDefault>;
<TObject extends object>(path: lodash.__, object: TObject | null | undefined): LodashPropOr1x5<TObject, TDefault>;
<TObject extends object, TKey extends keyof TObject>(path: TKey | [TKey], object: TObject | null | undefined): Exclude<TObject[TKey], undefined> | TDefault;
<TObject extends object, TKey1 extends keyof TObject, TKey2 extends keyof TObject[TKey1]>(path: [TKey1, TKey2]): LodashPropOr2x3<TObject, TKey1, TKey2, TDefault>;
<TObject extends object, TKey1 extends keyof TObject, TKey2 extends keyof TObject[TKey1]>(path: [TKey1, TKey2], object: TObject | null | undefined): Exclude<TObject[TKey1][TKey2], undefined> | TDefault;
<TObject extends object, TKey1 extends keyof TObject, TKey2 extends keyof TObject[TKey1], TKey3 extends keyof TObject[TKey1][TKey2]>(path: [TKey1, TKey2, TKey3]): LodashPropOr3x3<TObject, TKey1, TKey2, TKey3, TDefault>;
<TObject extends object, TKey1 extends keyof TObject, TKey2 extends keyof TObject[TKey1], TKey3 extends keyof TObject[TKey1][TKey2]>(path: [TKey1, TKey2, TKey3], object: TObject | null | undefined): Exclude<TObject[TKey1][TKey2][TKey3], undefined> | TDefault;
<TObject extends object, TKey1 extends keyof TObject, TKey2 extends keyof TObject[TKey1], TKey3 extends keyof TObject[TKey1][TKey2], TKey4 extends keyof TObject[TKey1][TKey2][TKey3]>(path: [TKey1, TKey2, TKey3, TKey4]): LodashPropOr4x3<TObject, TKey1, TKey2, TKey3, TKey4, TDefault>;
<TObject extends object, TKey1 extends keyof TObject, TKey2 extends keyof TObject[TKey1], TKey3 extends keyof TObject[TKey1][TKey2], TKey4 extends keyof TObject[TKey1][TKey2][TKey3]>(path: [TKey1, TKey2, TKey3, TKey4], object: TObject | null | undefined): Exclude<TObject[TKey1][TKey2][TKey3][TKey4], undefined> | TDefault;
(path: number): LodashPropOr5x3<TDefault>;
<T>(path: lodash.__, object: lodash.NumericDictionary<T> | null | undefined): LodashPropOr5x5<T, TDefault>;
<T>(path: number, object: lodash.NumericDictionary<T> | null | undefined): T | TDefault;
(path: lodash.PropertyPath): LodashPropOr6x3<TDefault>;
(path: lodash.__, object: null | undefined): LodashPropOr6x5<TDefault>;
(path: lodash.PropertyPath, object: null | undefined): TDefault;
interface LodashPropOr1x2<TObject, TKey extends keyof TObject> {
<TDefault>(defaultValue: TDefault): LodashPropOr1x3<TObject, TKey, TDefault>;
(defaultValue: lodash.__, object: TObject | null | undefined): LodashPropOr1x6<TObject, TKey>;
<TDefault>(defaultValue: TDefault, object: TObject | null | undefined): Exclude<TObject[TKey], undefined> | TDefault;
type LodashPropOr1x3<TObject, TKey extends keyof TObject, TDefault> = (object: TObject | null | undefined) => Exclude<TObject[TKey], undefined> | TDefault;
interface LodashPropOr1x4<TObject> {
<TDefault>(defaultValue: TDefault): LodashPropOr1x5<TObject, TDefault>;
<TKey extends keyof TObject>(defaultValue: lodash.__, path: TKey | [TKey]): LodashPropOr1x6<TObject, TKey>;
<TKey extends keyof TObject, TDefault>(defaultValue: TDefault, path: TKey | [TKey]): Exclude<TObject[TKey], undefined> | TDefault;
<TKey1 extends keyof TObject, TKey2 extends keyof TObject[TKey1]>(defaultValue: lodash.__, path: [TKey1, TKey2]): LodashPropOr2x6<TObject, TKey1, TKey2>;
<TKey1 extends keyof TObject, TKey2 extends keyof TObject[TKey1], TDefault>(defaultValue: TDefault, path: [TKey1, TKey2]): Exclude<TObject[TKey1][TKey2], undefined> | TDefault;
<TKey1 extends keyof TObject, TKey2 extends keyof TObject[TKey1], TKey3 extends keyof TObject[TKey1][TKey2]>(defaultValue: lodash.__, path: [TKey1, TKey2, TKey3]): LodashPropOr3x6<TObject, TKey1, TKey2, TKey3>;
<TKey1 extends keyof TObject, TKey2 extends keyof TObject[TKey1], TKey3 extends keyof TObject[TKey1][TKey2], TDefault>(defaultValue: TDefault, path: [TKey1, TKey2, TKey3]): Exclude<TObject[TKey1][TKey2][TKey3], undefined> | TDefault;
<TKey1 extends keyof TObject, TKey2 extends keyof TObject[TKey1], TKey3 extends keyof TObject[TKey1][TKey2], TKey4 extends keyof TObject[TKey1][TKey2][TKey3]>(defaultValue: lodash.__, path: [TKey1, TKey2, TKey3, TKey4]): LodashPropOr4x6<TObject, TKey1, TKey2, TKey3, TKey4>;
<TKey1 extends keyof TObject, TKey2 extends keyof TObject[TKey1], TKey3 extends keyof TObject[TKey1][TKey2], TKey4 extends keyof TObject[TKey1][TKey2][TKey3], TDefault>(defaultValue: TDefault, path: [TKey1, TKey2, TKey3, TKey4]): Exclude<TObject[TKey1][TKey2][TKey3][TKey4], undefined> | TDefault;
interface LodashPropOr1x5<TObject, TDefault> {
<TKey extends keyof TObject>(path: TKey | [TKey]): Exclude<TObject[TKey], undefined> | TDefault;
<TKey1 extends keyof TObject, TKey2 extends keyof TObject[TKey1]>(path: [TKey1, TKey2]): Exclude<TObject[TKey1][TKey2], undefined> | TDefault;
<TKey1 extends keyof TObject, TKey2 extends keyof TObject[TKey1], TKey3 extends keyof TObject[TKey1][TKey2]>(path: [TKey1, TKey2, TKey3]): Exclude<TObject[TKey1][TKey2][TKey3], undefined> | TDefault;
<TKey1 extends keyof TObject, TKey2 extends keyof TObject[TKey1], TKey3 extends keyof TObject[TKey1][TKey2], TKey4 extends keyof TObject[TKey1][TKey2][TKey3]>(path: [TKey1, TKey2, TKey3, TKey4]): Exclude<TObject[TKey1][TKey2][TKey3][TKey4], undefined> | TDefault;
type LodashPropOr1x6<TObject, TKey extends keyof TObject> = <TDefault>(defaultValue: TDefault) => Exclude<TObject[TKey], undefined> | TDefault;
interface LodashPropOr2x2<TObject, TKey1 extends keyof TObject, TKey2 extends keyof TObject[TKey1]> {
<TDefault>(defaultValue: TDefault): LodashPropOr2x3<TObject, TKey1, TKey2, TDefault>;
(defaultValue: lodash.__, object: TObject | null | undefined): LodashPropOr2x6<TObject, TKey1, TKey2>;
<TDefault>(defaultValue: TDefault, object: TObject | null | undefined): Exclude<TObject[TKey1][TKey2], undefined> | TDefault;
type LodashPropOr2x3<TObject, TKey1 extends keyof TObject, TKey2 extends keyof TObject[TKey1], TDefault> = (object: TObject | null | undefined) => Exclude<TObject[TKey1][TKey2], undefined> | TDefault;
type LodashPropOr2x6<TObject, TKey1 extends keyof TObject, TKey2 extends keyof TObject[TKey1]> = <TDefault>(defaultValue: TDefault) => Exclude<TObject[TKey1][TKey2], undefined> | TDefault;
interface LodashPropOr3x2<TObject, TKey1 extends keyof TObject, TKey2 extends keyof TObject[TKey1], TKey3 extends keyof TObject[TKey1][TKey2]> {
<TDefault>(defaultValue: TDefault): LodashPropOr3x3<TObject, TKey1, TKey2, TKey3, TDefault>;
(defaultValue: lodash.__, object: TObject | null | undefined): LodashPropOr3x6<TObject, TKey1, TKey2, TKey3>;
<TDefault>(defaultValue: TDefault, object: TObject | null | undefined): Exclude<TObject[TKey1][TKey2][TKey3], undefined> | TDefault;
type LodashPropOr3x3<TObject, TKey1 extends keyof TObject, TKey2 extends keyof TObject[TKey1], TKey3 extends keyof TObject[TKey1][TKey2], TDefault> = (object: TObject | null | undefined) => Exclude<TObject[TKey1][TKey2][TKey3], undefined> | TDefault;
type LodashPropOr3x6<TObject, TKey1 extends keyof TObject, TKey2 extends keyof TObject[TKey1], TKey3 extends keyof TObject[TKey1][TKey2]> = <TDefault>(defaultValue: TDefault) => Exclude<TObject[TKey1][TKey2][TKey3], undefined> | TDefault;
interface LodashPropOr4x2<TObject, TKey1 extends keyof TObject, TKey2 extends keyof TObject[TKey1], TKey3 extends keyof TObject[TKey1][TKey2], TKey4 extends keyof TObject[TKey1][TKey2][TKey3]> {
<TDefault>(defaultValue: TDefault): LodashPropOr4x3<TObject, TKey1, TKey2, TKey3, TKey4, TDefault>;
(defaultValue: lodash.__, object: TObject | null | undefined): LodashPropOr4x6<TObject, TKey1, TKey2, TKey3, TKey4>;
<TDefault>(defaultValue: TDefault, object: TObject | null | undefined): Exclude<TObject[TKey1][TKey2][TKey3][TKey4], undefined> | TDefault;
type LodashPropOr4x3<TObject, TKey1 extends keyof TObject, TKey2 extends keyof TObject[TKey1], TKey3 extends keyof TObject[TKey1][TKey2], TKey4 extends keyof TObject[TKey1][TKey2][TKey3], TDefault> = (object: TObject | null | undefined) => Exclude<TObject[TKey1][TKey2][TKey3][TKey4], undefined> | TDefault;
type LodashPropOr4x6<TObject, TKey1 extends keyof TObject, TKey2 extends keyof TObject[TKey1], TKey3 extends keyof TObject[TKey1][TKey2], TKey4 extends keyof TObject[TKey1][TKey2][TKey3]> = <TDefault>(defaultValue: TDefault) => Exclude<TObject[TKey1][TKey2][TKey3][TKey4], undefined> | TDefault;
interface LodashPropOr5x2 {
<TDefault>(defaultValue: TDefault): LodashPropOr5x3<TDefault>;
<T>(defaultValue: lodash.__, object: lodash.NumericDictionary<T> | null | undefined): LodashPropOr5x6<T>;
<T, TDefault>(defaultValue: TDefault, object: lodash.NumericDictionary<T> | null | undefined): T | TDefault;
type LodashPropOr5x3<TDefault> = <T>(object: lodash.NumericDictionary<T> | null | undefined) => T | TDefault;
interface LodashPropOr5x4<T> {
<TDefault>(defaultValue: TDefault): LodashPropOr5x5<T, TDefault>;
(defaultValue: lodash.__, path: number): LodashPropOr5x6<T>;
<TDefault>(defaultValue: TDefault, path: number): T | TDefault;
type LodashPropOr5x5<T, TDefault> = (path: number) => T | TDefault;
type LodashPropOr5x6<T> = <TDefault>(defaultValue: TDefault) => T | TDefault;
interface LodashPropOr6x2 {
<TDefault>(defaultValue: TDefault): LodashPropOr6x3<TDefault>;
(defaultValue: lodash.__, object: null | undefined): LodashPropOr6x6;
<TDefault>(defaultValue: TDefault, object: null | undefined): TDefault;
(defaultValue: any): LodashPropOr7x3;
(defaultValue: lodash.__, object: any): LodashPropOr7x6;
(defaultValue: any, object: any): any;
type LodashPropOr6x3<TDefault> = (object: null | undefined) => TDefault;
interface LodashPropOr6x4 {
<TDefault>(defaultValue: TDefault): LodashPropOr6x5<TDefault>;
(defaultValue: lodash.__, path: lodash.PropertyPath): LodashPropOr6x6;
<TDefault>(defaultValue: TDefault, path: lodash.PropertyPath): TDefault;
type LodashPropOr6x5<TDefault> = (path: lodash.PropertyPath) => TDefault;
type LodashPropOr6x6 = <TDefault>(defaultValue: TDefault) => TDefault;
interface LodashPropOr7x1 {
(path: lodash.PropertyPath): LodashPropOr7x3;
(path: lodash.__, object: any): LodashPropOr7x5;
(path: lodash.PropertyPath, object: any): any;
type LodashPropOr7x3 = (object: any) => any;
interface LodashPropOr7x4 {
(defaultValue: any): LodashPropOr7x5;
(defaultValue: lodash.__, path: lodash.PropertyPath): LodashPropOr7x6;
(defaultValue: any, path: lodash.PropertyPath): any;
type LodashPropOr7x5 = (path: lodash.PropertyPath) => any;
type LodashPropOr7x6 = (defaultValue: any) => any;
interface LodashPull {
<T>(values: T): LodashPull1x1<T>;
<T>(values: lodash.__, array: readonly T[]): LodashPull1x2<T>;
<T>(values: T, array: readonly T[]): T[];
<T>(values: lodash.__, array: lodash.List<T>): LodashPull2x2<T>;
<T>(values: T, array: lodash.List<T>): lodash.List<T>;
interface LodashPull1x1<T> {
(array: readonly T[]): T[];
(array: lodash.List<T>): lodash.List<T>;
type LodashPull1x2<T> = (values: T) => T[];
type LodashPull2x2<T> = (values: T) => lodash.List<T>;
interface LodashPullAll {
<T>(values: lodash.List<T>): LodashPullAll1x1<T>;
<T>(values: lodash.__, array: readonly T[]): LodashPullAll1x2<T>;
<T>(values: lodash.List<T>, array: readonly T[]): T[];
<T>(values: lodash.__, array: lodash.List<T>): LodashPullAll2x2<T>;
<T>(values: lodash.List<T>, array: lodash.List<T>): lodash.List<T>;
interface LodashPullAll1x1<T> {
(array: readonly T[]): T[];
(array: lodash.List<T>): lodash.List<T>;
type LodashPullAll1x2<T> = (values: lodash.List<T>) => T[];
type LodashPullAll2x2<T> = (values: lodash.List<T>) => lodash.List<T>;
interface LodashPullAllBy {
<T>(iteratee: lodash.ValueIteratee<T>): LodashPullAllBy1x1<T>;
<T>(iteratee: lodash.__, values: lodash.List<T>): LodashPullAllBy1x2<T>;
<T>(iteratee: lodash.ValueIteratee<T>, values: lodash.List<T>): LodashPullAllBy1x3<T>;
<T>(iteratee: lodash.__, values: lodash.__, array: readonly T[]): LodashPullAllBy1x4<T>;
<T>(iteratee: lodash.ValueIteratee<T>, values: lodash.__, array: readonly T[]): LodashPullAllBy1x5<T>;
<T>(iteratee: lodash.__, values: lodash.List<T>, array: readonly T[]): LodashPullAllBy1x6<T>;
<T>(iteratee: lodash.ValueIteratee<T>, values: lodash.List<T>, array: readonly T[]): T[];
<T>(iteratee: lodash.__, values: lodash.__, array: lodash.List<T>): LodashPullAllBy2x4<T>;
<T>(iteratee: lodash.ValueIteratee<T>, values: lodash.__, array: lodash.List<T>): LodashPullAllBy2x5<T>;
<T>(iteratee: lodash.__, values: lodash.List<T>, array: lodash.List<T>): LodashPullAllBy2x6<T>;
<T>(iteratee: lodash.ValueIteratee<T>, values: lodash.List<T>, array: lodash.List<T>): lodash.List<T>;
<T1, T2>(iteratee: lodash.ValueIteratee<T1 | T2>): LodashPullAllBy3x1<T1, T2>;
<T2>(iteratee: lodash.__, values: lodash.List<T2>): LodashPullAllBy3x2<T2>;
<T1, T2>(iteratee: lodash.ValueIteratee<T1 | T2>, values: lodash.List<T2>): LodashPullAllBy3x3<T1>;
<T1>(iteratee: lodash.__, values: lodash.__, array: readonly T1[]): LodashPullAllBy3x4<T1>;
<T1, T2>(iteratee: lodash.ValueIteratee<T1 | T2>, values: lodash.__, array: readonly T1[]): LodashPullAllBy3x5<T1, T2>;
<T1, T2>(iteratee: lodash.__, values: lodash.List<T2>, array: readonly T1[]): LodashPullAllBy3x6<T1, T2>;
<T1, T2>(iteratee: lodash.ValueIteratee<T1 | T2>, values: lodash.List<T2>, array: readonly T1[]): T1[];
<T1>(iteratee: lodash.__, values: lodash.__, array: lodash.List<T1>): LodashPullAllBy4x4<T1>;
<T1, T2>(iteratee: lodash.ValueIteratee<T1 | T2>, values: lodash.__, array: lodash.List<T1>): LodashPullAllBy4x5<T1, T2>;
<T1, T2>(iteratee: lodash.__, values: lodash.List<T2>, array: lodash.List<T1>): LodashPullAllBy4x6<T1, T2>;
<T1, T2>(iteratee: lodash.ValueIteratee<T1 | T2>, values: lodash.List<T2>, array: lodash.List<T1>): lodash.List<T1>;
interface LodashPullAllBy1x1<T> {
(values: lodash.List<T>): LodashPullAllBy1x3<T>;
(values: lodash.__, array: readonly T[]): LodashPullAllBy1x5<T>;
(values: lodash.List<T>, array: readonly T[]): T[];
(values: lodash.__, array: lodash.List<T>): LodashPullAllBy2x5<T>;
(values: lodash.List<T>, array: lodash.List<T>): lodash.List<T>;
interface LodashPullAllBy1x2<T> {
(iteratee: lodash.ValueIteratee<T>): LodashPullAllBy1x3<T>;
(iteratee: lodash.__, array: readonly T[]): LodashPullAllBy1x6<T>;
(iteratee: lodash.ValueIteratee<T>, array: readonly T[]): T[];
(iteratee: lodash.__, array: lodash.List<T>): LodashPullAllBy2x6<T>;
(iteratee: lodash.ValueIteratee<T>, array: lodash.List<T>): lodash.List<T>;
interface LodashPullAllBy1x3<T> {
(array: readonly T[]): T[];
(array: lodash.List<T>): lodash.List<T>;
interface LodashPullAllBy1x4<T> {
(iteratee: lodash.ValueIteratee<T>): LodashPullAllBy1x5<T>;
(iteratee: lodash.__, values: lodash.List<T>): LodashPullAllBy1x6<T>;
(iteratee: lodash.ValueIteratee<T>, values: lodash.List<T>): T[];
type LodashPullAllBy1x5<T> = (values: lodash.List<T>) => T[];
type LodashPullAllBy1x6<T> = (iteratee: lodash.ValueIteratee<T>) => T[];
interface LodashPullAllBy2x4<T> {
(iteratee: lodash.ValueIteratee<T>): LodashPullAllBy2x5<T>;
(iteratee: lodash.__, values: lodash.List<T>): LodashPullAllBy2x6<T>;
(iteratee: lodash.ValueIteratee<T>, values: lodash.List<T>): lodash.List<T>;
type LodashPullAllBy2x5<T> = (values: lodash.List<T>) => lodash.List<T>;
type LodashPullAllBy2x6<T> = (iteratee: lodash.ValueIteratee<T>) => lodash.List<T>;
interface LodashPullAllBy3x1<T1, T2> {
(values: lodash.List<T2>): LodashPullAllBy3x3<T1>;
(values: lodash.__, array: readonly T1[]): LodashPullAllBy3x5<T1, T2>;
(values: lodash.List<T2>, array: readonly T1[]): T1[];
(values: lodash.__, array: lodash.List<T1>): LodashPullAllBy4x5<T1, T2>;
(values: lodash.List<T2>, array: lodash.List<T1>): lodash.List<T1>;
interface LodashPullAllBy3x2<T2> {
<T1>(iteratee: lodash.ValueIteratee<T1 | T2>): LodashPullAllBy3x3<T1>;
<T1>(iteratee: lodash.__, array: readonly T1[]): LodashPullAllBy3x6<T1, T2>;
<T1>(iteratee: lodash.ValueIteratee<T1 | T2>, array: readonly T1[]): T1[];
<T1>(iteratee: lodash.__, array: lodash.List<T1>): LodashPullAllBy4x6<T1, T2>;
<T1>(iteratee: lodash.ValueIteratee<T1 | T2>, array: lodash.List<T1>): lodash.List<T1>;
interface LodashPullAllBy3x3<T1> {
(array: readonly T1[]): T1[];
(array: lodash.List<T1>): lodash.List<T1>;
interface LodashPullAllBy3x4<T1> {
<T2>(iteratee: lodash.ValueIteratee<T1 | T2>): LodashPullAllBy3x5<T1, T2>;
<T2>(iteratee: lodash.__, values: lodash.List<T2>): LodashPullAllBy3x6<T1, T2>;
<T2>(iteratee: lodash.ValueIteratee<T1 | T2>, values: lodash.List<T2>): T1[];
type LodashPullAllBy3x5<T1, T2> = (values: lodash.List<T2>) => T1[];
type LodashPullAllBy3x6<T1, T2> = (iteratee: lodash.ValueIteratee<T1 | T2>) => T1[];
interface LodashPullAllBy4x4<T1> {
<T2>(iteratee: lodash.ValueIteratee<T1 | T2>): LodashPullAllBy4x5<T1, T2>;
<T2>(iteratee: lodash.__, values: lodash.List<T2>): LodashPullAllBy4x6<T1, T2>;
<T2>(iteratee: lodash.ValueIteratee<T1 | T2>, values: lodash.List<T2>): lodash.List<T1>;
type LodashPullAllBy4x5<T1, T2> = (values: lodash.List<T2>) => lodash.List<T1>;
type LodashPullAllBy4x6<T1, T2> = (iteratee: lodash.ValueIteratee<T1 | T2>) => lodash.List<T1>;
interface LodashPullAllWith {
<T>(comparator: lodash.Comparator<T>): LodashPullAllWith1x1<T>;
<T>(comparator: lodash.__, values: lodash.List<T>): LodashPullAllWith1x2<T>;
<T>(comparator: lodash.Comparator<T>, values: lodash.List<T>): LodashPullAllWith1x3<T>;
<T>(comparator: lodash.__, values: lodash.__, array: readonly T[]): LodashPullAllWith1x4<T>;
<T>(comparator: lodash.Comparator<T>, values: lodash.__, array: readonly T[]): LodashPullAllWith1x5<T>;
<T>(comparator: lodash.__, values: lodash.List<T>, array: readonly T[]): LodashPullAllWith1x6<T>;
<T>(comparator: lodash.Comparator<T>, values: lodash.List<T>, array: readonly T[]): T[];
<T>(comparator: lodash.__, values: lodash.__, array: lodash.List<T>): LodashPullAllWith2x4<T>;
<T>(comparator: lodash.Comparator<T>, values: lodash.__, array: lodash.List<T>): LodashPullAllWith2x5<T>;
<T>(comparator: lodash.__, values: lodash.List<T>, array: lodash.List<T>): LodashPullAllWith2x6<T>;
<T>(comparator: lodash.Comparator<T>, values: lodash.List<T>, array: lodash.List<T>): lodash.List<T>;
<T1, T2>(comparator: lodash.Comparator2<T1, T2>): LodashPullAllWith3x1<T1, T2>;
<T2>(comparator: lodash.__, values: lodash.List<T2>): LodashPullAllWith3x2<T2>;
<T1, T2>(comparator: lodash.Comparator2<T1, T2>, values: lodash.List<T2>): LodashPullAllWith3x3<T1>;
<T1>(comparator: lodash.__, values: lodash.__, array: readonly T1[]): LodashPullAllWith3x4<T1>;
<T1, T2>(comparator: lodash.Comparator2<T1, T2>, values: lodash.__, array: readonly T1[]): LodashPullAllWith3x5<T1, T2>;
<T1, T2>(comparator: lodash.__, values: lodash.List<T2>, array: readonly T1[]): LodashPullAllWith3x6<T1, T2>;
<T1, T2>(comparator: lodash.Comparator2<T1, T2>, values: lodash.List<T2>, array: readonly T1[]): T1[];
<T1>(comparator: lodash.__, values: lodash.__, array: lodash.List<T1>): LodashPullAllWith4x4<T1>;
<T1, T2>(comparator: lodash.Comparator2<T1, T2>, values: lodash.__, array: lodash.List<T1>): LodashPullAllWith4x5<T1, T2>;
<T1, T2>(comparator: lodash.__, values: lodash.List<T2>, array: lodash.List<T1>): LodashPullAllWith4x6<T1, T2>;
<T1, T2>(comparator: lodash.Comparator2<T1, T2>, values: lodash.List<T2>, array: lodash.List<T1>): lodash.List<T1>;
interface LodashPullAllWith1x1<T> {
(values: lodash.List<T>): LodashPullAllWith1x3<T>;
(values: lodash.__, array: readonly T[]): LodashPullAllWith1x5<T>;
(values: lodash.List<T>, array: readonly T[]): T[];
(values: lodash.__, array: lodash.List<T>): LodashPullAllWith2x5<T>;
(values: lodash.List<T>, array: lodash.List<T>): lodash.List<T>;
interface LodashPullAllWith1x2<T> {
(comparator: lodash.Comparator<T>): LodashPullAllWith1x3<T>;
(comparator: lodash.__, array: readonly T[]): LodashPullAllWith1x6<T>;
(comparator: lodash.Comparator<T>, array: readonly T[]): T[];
(comparator: lodash.__, array: lodash.List<T>): LodashPullAllWith2x6<T>;
(comparator: lodash.Comparator<T>, array: lodash.List<T>): lodash.List<T>;
interface LodashPullAllWith1x3<T> {
(array: readonly T[]): T[];
(array: lodash.List<T>): lodash.List<T>;
interface LodashPullAllWith1x4<T> {
(comparator: lodash.Comparator<T>): LodashPullAllWith1x5<T>;
(comparator: lodash.__, values: lodash.List<T>): LodashPullAllWith1x6<T>;
(comparator: lodash.Comparator<T>, values: lodash.List<T>): T[];
type LodashPullAllWith1x5<T> = (values: lodash.List<T>) => T[];
type LodashPullAllWith1x6<T> = (comparator: lodash.Comparator<T>) => T[];
interface LodashPullAllWith2x4<T> {
(comparator: lodash.Comparator<T>): LodashPullAllWith2x5<T>;
(comparator: lodash.__, values: lodash.List<T>): LodashPullAllWith2x6<T>;
(comparator: lodash.Comparator<T>, values: lodash.List<T>): lodash.List<T>;
type LodashPullAllWith2x5<T> = (values: lodash.List<T>) => lodash.List<T>;
type LodashPullAllWith2x6<T> = (comparator: lodash.Comparator<T>) => lodash.List<T>;
interface LodashPullAllWith3x1<T1, T2> {
(values: lodash.List<T2>): LodashPullAllWith3x3<T1>;
(values: lodash.__, array: readonly T1[]): LodashPullAllWith3x5<T1, T2>;
(values: lodash.List<T2>, array: readonly T1[]): T1[];
(values: lodash.__, array: lodash.List<T1>): LodashPullAllWith4x5<T1, T2>;
(values: lodash.List<T2>, array: lodash.List<T1>): lodash.List<T1>;
interface LodashPullAllWith3x2<T2> {
<T1>(comparator: lodash.Comparator2<T1, T2>): LodashPullAllWith3x3<T1>;
<T1>(comparator: lodash.__, array: readonly T1[]): LodashPullAllWith3x6<T1, T2>;
<T1>(comparator: lodash.Comparator2<T1, T2>, array: readonly T1[]): T1[];
<T1>(comparator: lodash.__, array: lodash.List<T1>): LodashPullAllWith4x6<T1, T2>;
<T1>(comparator: lodash.Comparator2<T1, T2>, array: lodash.List<T1>): lodash.List<T1>;
interface LodashPullAllWith3x3<T1> {
(array: readonly T1[]): T1[];
(array: lodash.List<T1>): lodash.List<T1>;
interface LodashPullAllWith3x4<T1> {
<T2>(comparator: lodash.Comparator2<T1, T2>): LodashPullAllWith3x5<T1, T2>;
<T2>(comparator: lodash.__, values: lodash.List<T2>): LodashPullAllWith3x6<T1, T2>;
<T2>(comparator: lodash.Comparator2<T1, T2>, values: lodash.List<T2>): T1[];
type LodashPullAllWith3x5<T1, T2> = (values: lodash.List<T2>) => T1[];
type LodashPullAllWith3x6<T1, T2> = (comparator: lodash.Comparator2<T1, T2>) => T1[];
interface LodashPullAllWith4x4<T1> {
<T2>(comparator: lodash.Comparator2<T1, T2>): LodashPullAllWith4x5<T1, T2>;
<T2>(comparator: lodash.__, values: lodash.List<T2>): LodashPullAllWith4x6<T1, T2>;
<T2>(comparator: lodash.Comparator2<T1, T2>, values: lodash.List<T2>): lodash.List<T1>;
type LodashPullAllWith4x5<T1, T2> = (values: lodash.List<T2>) => lodash.List<T1>;
type LodashPullAllWith4x6<T1, T2> = (comparator: lodash.Comparator2<T1, T2>) => lodash.List<T1>;
interface LodashPullAt {
(indexes: lodash.Many<number>): LodashPullAt1x1;
<T>(indexes: lodash.__, array: readonly T[]): LodashPullAt1x2<T>;
<T>(indexes: lodash.Many<number>, array: readonly T[]): T[];
<T>(indexes: lodash.__, array: lodash.List<T>): LodashPullAt2x2<T>;
<T>(indexes: lodash.Many<number>, array: lodash.List<T>): lodash.List<T>;
interface LodashPullAt1x1 {
<T>(array: readonly T[]): T[];
<T>(array: lodash.List<T>): lodash.List<T>;
type LodashPullAt1x2<T> = (indexes: lodash.Many<number>) => T[];
type LodashPullAt2x2<T> = (indexes: lodash.Many<number>) => lodash.List<T>;
interface LodashRandom {
(maxOrMin: number): LodashRandom1x1;
(max: lodash.__, floating: boolean): LodashRandom1x2;
(maxOrMin: number, floatingOrMax: boolean | number): number;
(min: lodash.__, max: number): LodashRandom2x2;
type LodashRandom1x1 = (floatingOrMax: boolean | number) => number;
type LodashRandom1x2 = (max: number) => number;
type LodashRandom2x2 = (min: number) => number;
interface LodashRange {
(start: number): LodashRange1x1;
(start: lodash.__, end: number): LodashRange1x2;
(start: number, end: number): number[];
type LodashRange1x1 = (end: number) => number[];
type LodashRange1x2 = (start: number) => number[];
interface LodashRangeRight {
(start: number): LodashRangeRight1x1;
(start: lodash.__, end: number): LodashRangeRight1x2;
(start: number, end: number): number[];
type LodashRangeRight1x1 = (end: number) => number[];
type LodashRangeRight1x2 = (start: number) => number[];
interface LodashRangeStep {
(start: number): LodashRangeStep1x1;
(start: lodash.__, end: number): LodashRangeStep1x2;
(start: number, end: number): LodashRangeStep1x3;
(start: lodash.__, end: lodash.__, step: number): LodashRangeStep1x4;
(start: number, end: lodash.__, step: number): LodashRangeStep1x5;
(start: lodash.__, end: number, step: number): LodashRangeStep1x6;
(start: number, end: number, step: number): number[];
interface LodashRangeStep1x1 {
(end: number): LodashRangeStep1x3;
(end: lodash.__, step: number): LodashRangeStep1x5;
(end: number, step: number): number[];
interface LodashRangeStep1x2 {
(start: number): LodashRangeStep1x3;
(start: lodash.__, step: number): LodashRangeStep1x6;
(start: number, step: number): number[];
type LodashRangeStep1x3 = (step: number) => number[];
interface LodashRangeStep1x4 {
(start: number): LodashRangeStep1x5;
(start: lodash.__, end: number): LodashRangeStep1x6;
(start: number, end: number): number[];
type LodashRangeStep1x5 = (end: number) => number[];
type LodashRangeStep1x6 = (start: number) => number[];
interface LodashRangeStepRight {
(start: number): LodashRangeStepRight1x1;
(start: lodash.__, end: number): LodashRangeStepRight1x2;
(start: number, end: number): LodashRangeStepRight1x3;
(start: lodash.__, end: lodash.__, step: number): LodashRangeStepRight1x4;
(start: number, end: lodash.__, step: number): LodashRangeStepRight1x5;
(start: lodash.__, end: number, step: number): LodashRangeStepRight1x6;
(start: number, end: number, step: number): number[];
interface LodashRangeStepRight1x1 {
(end: number): LodashRangeStepRight1x3;
(end: lodash.__, step: number): LodashRangeStepRight1x5;
(end: number, step: number): number[];
interface LodashRangeStepRight1x2 {
(start: number): LodashRangeStepRight1x3;
(start: lodash.__, step: number): LodashRangeStepRight1x6;
(start: number, step: number): number[];
type LodashRangeStepRight1x3 = (step: number) => number[];
interface LodashRangeStepRight1x4 {
(start: number): LodashRangeStepRight1x5;
(start: lodash.__, end: number): LodashRangeStepRight1x6;
(start: number, end: number): number[];
type LodashRangeStepRight1x5 = (end: number) => number[];
type LodashRangeStepRight1x6 = (start: number) => number[];
interface LodashRearg {
(indexes: lodash.Many<number>): LodashRearg1x1;
(indexes: lodash.__, func: (...args: any[]) => any): LodashRearg1x2;
(indexes: lodash.Many<number>, func: (...args: any[]) => any): (...args: any[]) => any;
type LodashRearg1x1 = (func: (...args: any[]) => any) => (...args: any[]) => any;
type LodashRearg1x2 = (indexes: lodash.Many<number>) => (...args: any[]) => any;
interface LodashReduce {
<T, TResult>(callback: lodash.MemoIteratorCapped<T, TResult>): LodashReduce1x1<T, TResult>;
<TResult>(callback: lodash.__, accumulator: TResult): LodashReduce1x2<TResult>;
<T, TResult>(callback: lodash.MemoIteratorCapped<T, TResult>, accumulator: TResult): LodashReduce1x3<T, TResult>;
<T>(callback: lodash.__, accumulator: lodash.__, collection: T[] | null | undefined): LodashReduce1x4<T>;
<T, TResult>(callback: lodash.MemoIteratorCapped<T, TResult>, accumulator: lodash.__, collection: T[] | null | undefined): LodashReduce1x5<TResult>;
<T, TResult>(callback: lodash.__, accumulator: TResult, collection: T[] | null | undefined): LodashReduce1x6<T, TResult>;
<T, TResult>(callback: lodash.MemoIteratorCapped<T, TResult>, accumulator: TResult, collection: T[] | lodash.List<T> | null | undefined): TResult;
<T>(callback: lodash.__, accumulator: lodash.__, collection: lodash.List<T> | null | undefined): LodashReduce2x4<T>;
<T, TResult>(callback: lodash.MemoIteratorCapped<T, TResult>, accumulator: lodash.__, collection: lodash.List<T> | null | undefined): LodashReduce2x5<TResult>;
<T, TResult>(callback: lodash.__, accumulator: TResult, collection: lodash.List<T> | null | undefined): LodashReduce2x6<T, TResult>;
<T extends object, TResult>(callback: lodash.MemoIteratorCapped<T[keyof T], TResult>): LodashReduce3x1<T, TResult>;
<T extends object, TResult>(callback: lodash.MemoIteratorCapped<T[keyof T], TResult>, accumulator: TResult): LodashReduce3x3<T, TResult>;
<T extends object>(callback: lodash.__, accumulator: lodash.__, collection: T | null | undefined): LodashReduce3x4<T>;
<T extends object, TResult>(callback: lodash.MemoIteratorCapped<T[keyof T], TResult>, accumulator: lodash.__, collection: T | null | undefined): LodashReduce3x5<TResult>;
<T extends object, TResult>(callback: lodash.__, accumulator: TResult, collection: T | null | undefined): LodashReduce3x6<T, TResult>;
<T extends object, TResult>(callback: lodash.MemoIteratorCapped<T[keyof T], TResult>, accumulator: TResult, collection: T | null | undefined): TResult;
interface LodashReduce1x1<T, TResult> {
(accumulator: TResult): LodashReduce1x3<T, TResult>;
(accumulator: lodash.__, collection: T[] | null | undefined): LodashReduce1x5<TResult>;
(accumulator: TResult, collection: T[] | lodash.List<T> | null | undefined): TResult;
(accumulator: lodash.__, collection: lodash.List<T> | null | undefined): LodashReduce2x5<TResult>;
interface LodashReduce1x2<TResult> {
<T>(callback: lodash.MemoIteratorCapped<T, TResult>): LodashReduce1x3<T, TResult>;
<T>(callback: lodash.__, collection: T[] | null | undefined): LodashReduce1x6<T, TResult>;
<T>(callback: lodash.MemoIteratorCapped<T, TResult>, collection: T[] | lodash.List<T> | null | undefined): TResult;
<T>(callback: lodash.__, collection: lodash.List<T> | null | undefined): LodashReduce2x6<T, TResult>;
<T extends object>(callback: lodash.MemoIteratorCapped<T[keyof T], TResult>): LodashReduce3x3<T, TResult>;
<T extends object>(callback: lodash.__, collection: T | null | undefined): LodashReduce3x6<T, TResult>;
<T extends object>(callback: lodash.MemoIteratorCapped<T[keyof T], TResult>, collection: T | null | undefined): TResult;
type LodashReduce1x3<T, TResult> = (collection: T[] | lodash.List<T> | null | undefined) => TResult;
interface LodashReduce1x4<T> {
<TResult>(callback: lodash.MemoIteratorCapped<T, TResult>): LodashReduce1x5<TResult>;
<TResult>(callback: lodash.__, accumulator: TResult): LodashReduce1x6<T, TResult>;
<TResult>(callback: lodash.MemoIteratorCapped<T, TResult>, accumulator: TResult): TResult;
type LodashReduce1x5<TResult> = (accumulator: TResult) => TResult;
type LodashReduce1x6<T, TResult> = (callback: lodash.MemoIteratorCapped<T, TResult>) => TResult;
interface LodashReduce2x4<T> {
<TResult>(callback: lodash.MemoIteratorCapped<T, TResult>): LodashReduce2x5<TResult>;
<TResult>(callback: lodash.__, accumulator: TResult): LodashReduce2x6<T, TResult>;
<TResult>(callback: lodash.MemoIteratorCapped<T, TResult>, accumulator: TResult): TResult;
type LodashReduce2x5<TResult> = (accumulator: TResult) => TResult;
type LodashReduce2x6<T, TResult> = (callback: lodash.MemoIteratorCapped<T, TResult>) => TResult;
interface LodashReduce3x1<T, TResult> {
(accumulator: TResult): LodashReduce3x3<T, TResult>;
(accumulator: lodash.__, collection: T | null | undefined): LodashReduce3x5<TResult>;
(accumulator: TResult, collection: T | null | undefined): TResult;
type LodashReduce3x3<T, TResult> = (collection: T | null | undefined) => TResult;
interface LodashReduce3x4<T> {
<TResult>(callback: lodash.MemoIteratorCapped<T[keyof T], TResult>): LodashReduce3x5<TResult>;
<TResult>(callback: lodash.__, accumulator: TResult): LodashReduce3x6<T, TResult>;
<TResult>(callback: lodash.MemoIteratorCapped<T[keyof T], TResult>, accumulator: TResult): TResult;
type LodashReduce3x5<TResult> = (accumulator: TResult) => TResult;
type LodashReduce3x6<T, TResult> = (callback: lodash.MemoIteratorCapped<T[keyof T], TResult>) => TResult;
interface LodashReduceRight {
<T, TResult>(callback: lodash.MemoIteratorCappedRight<T, TResult>): LodashReduceRight1x1<T, TResult>;
<TResult>(callback: lodash.__, accumulator: TResult): LodashReduceRight1x2<TResult>;
<T, TResult>(callback: lodash.MemoIteratorCappedRight<T, TResult>, accumulator: TResult): LodashReduceRight1x3<T, TResult>;
<T>(callback: lodash.__, accumulator: lodash.__, collection: T[] | null | undefined): LodashReduceRight1x4<T>;
<T, TResult>(callback: lodash.MemoIteratorCappedRight<T, TResult>, accumulator: lodash.__, collection: T[] | null | undefined): LodashReduceRight1x5<TResult>;
<T, TResult>(callback: lodash.__, accumulator: TResult, collection: T[] | null | undefined): LodashReduceRight1x6<T, TResult>;
<T, TResult>(callback: lodash.MemoIteratorCappedRight<T, TResult>, accumulator: TResult, collection: T[] | lodash.List<T> | null | undefined): TResult;
<T>(callback: lodash.__, accumulator: lodash.__, collection: lodash.List<T> | null | undefined): LodashReduceRight2x4<T>;
<T, TResult>(callback: lodash.MemoIteratorCappedRight<T, TResult>, accumulator: lodash.__, collection: lodash.List<T> | null | undefined): LodashReduceRight2x5<TResult>;
<T, TResult>(callback: lodash.__, accumulator: TResult, collection: lodash.List<T> | null | undefined): LodashReduceRight2x6<T, TResult>;
<T extends object, TResult>(callback: lodash.MemoIteratorCappedRight<T[keyof T], TResult>): LodashReduceRight3x1<T, TResult>;
<T extends object, TResult>(callback: lodash.MemoIteratorCappedRight<T[keyof T], TResult>, accumulator: TResult): LodashReduceRight3x3<T, TResult>;
<T extends object>(callback: lodash.__, accumulator: lodash.__, collection: T | null | undefined): LodashReduceRight3x4<T>;
<T extends object, TResult>(callback: lodash.MemoIteratorCappedRight<T[keyof T], TResult>, accumulator: lodash.__, collection: T | null | undefined): LodashReduceRight3x5<TResult>;
<T extends object, TResult>(callback: lodash.__, accumulator: TResult, collection: T | null | undefined): LodashReduceRight3x6<T, TResult>;
<T extends object, TResult>(callback: lodash.MemoIteratorCappedRight<T[keyof T], TResult>, accumulator: TResult, collection: T | null | undefined): TResult;
interface LodashReduceRight1x1<T, TResult> {
(accumulator: TResult): LodashReduceRight1x3<T, TResult>;
(accumulator: lodash.__, collection: T[] | null | undefined): LodashReduceRight1x5<TResult>;
(accumulator: TResult, collection: T[] | lodash.List<T> | null | undefined): TResult;
(accumulator: lodash.__, collection: lodash.List<T> | null | undefined): LodashReduceRight2x5<TResult>;
interface LodashReduceRight1x2<TResult> {
<T>(callback: lodash.MemoIteratorCappedRight<T, TResult>): LodashReduceRight1x3<T, TResult>;
<T>(callback: lodash.__, collection: T[] | null | undefined): LodashReduceRight1x6<T, TResult>;
<T>(callback: lodash.MemoIteratorCappedRight<T, TResult>, collection: T[] | lodash.List<T> | null | undefined): TResult;
<T>(callback: lodash.__, collection: lodash.List<T> | null | undefined): LodashReduceRight2x6<T, TResult>;
<T extends object>(callback: lodash.MemoIteratorCappedRight<T[keyof T], TResult>): LodashReduceRight3x3<T, TResult>;
<T extends object>(callback: lodash.__, collection: T | null | undefined): LodashReduceRight3x6<T, TResult>;
<T extends object>(callback: lodash.MemoIteratorCappedRight<T[keyof T], TResult>, collection: T | null | undefined): TResult;
type LodashReduceRight1x3<T, TResult> = (collection: T[] | lodash.List<T> | null | undefined) => TResult;
interface LodashReduceRight1x4<T> {
<TResult>(callback: lodash.MemoIteratorCappedRight<T, TResult>): LodashReduceRight1x5<TResult>;
<TResult>(callback: lodash.__, accumulator: TResult): LodashReduceRight1x6<T, TResult>;
<TResult>(callback: lodash.MemoIteratorCappedRight<T, TResult>, accumulator: TResult): TResult;
type LodashReduceRight1x5<TResult> = (accumulator: TResult) => TResult;
type LodashReduceRight1x6<T, TResult> = (callback: lodash.MemoIteratorCappedRight<T, TResult>) => TResult;
interface LodashReduceRight2x4<T> {
<TResult>(callback: lodash.MemoIteratorCappedRight<T, TResult>): LodashReduceRight2x5<TResult>;
<TResult>(callback: lodash.__, accumulator: TResult): LodashReduceRight2x6<T, TResult>;
<TResult>(callback: lodash.MemoIteratorCappedRight<T, TResult>, accumulator: TResult): TResult;
type LodashReduceRight2x5<TResult> = (accumulator: TResult) => TResult;
type LodashReduceRight2x6<T, TResult> = (callback: lodash.MemoIteratorCappedRight<T, TResult>) => TResult;
interface LodashReduceRight3x1<T, TResult> {
(accumulator: TResult): LodashReduceRight3x3<T, TResult>;
(accumulator: lodash.__, collection: T | null | undefined): LodashReduceRight3x5<TResult>;
(accumulator: TResult, collection: T | null | undefined): TResult;
type LodashReduceRight3x3<T, TResult> = (collection: T | null | undefined) => TResult;
interface LodashReduceRight3x4<T> {
<TResult>(callback: lodash.MemoIteratorCappedRight<T[keyof T], TResult>): LodashReduceRight3x5<TResult>;
<TResult>(callback: lodash.__, accumulator: TResult): LodashReduceRight3x6<T, TResult>;
<TResult>(callback: lodash.MemoIteratorCappedRight<T[keyof T], TResult>, accumulator: TResult): TResult;
type LodashReduceRight3x5<TResult> = (accumulator: TResult) => TResult;
type LodashReduceRight3x6<T, TResult> = (callback: lodash.MemoIteratorCappedRight<T[keyof T], TResult>) => TResult;
interface LodashReject {
<T>(predicate: lodash.ValueIterateeCustom<T, boolean>): LodashReject1x1<T>;
<T>(predicate: lodash.__, collection: lodash.List<T> | null | undefined): LodashReject1x2<T>;
<T>(predicate: lodash.ValueIterateeCustom<T, boolean>, collection: lodash.List<T> | null | undefined): T[];
<T extends object>(predicate: lodash.__, collection: T | null | undefined): LodashReject2x2<T>;
<T extends object>(predicate: lodash.ValueIterateeCustom<T[keyof T], boolean>, collection: T | null | undefined): Array<T[keyof T]>;
type LodashReject1x1<T> = (collection: lodash.List<T> | object | null | undefined) => T[];
type LodashReject1x2<T> = (predicate: lodash.ValueIterateeCustom<T, boolean>) => T[];
type LodashReject2x2<T> = (predicate: lodash.ValueIterateeCustom<T[keyof T], boolean>) => Array<T[keyof T]>;
interface LodashRemove {
<T>(predicate: lodash.ValueIteratee<T>): LodashRemove1x1<T>;
<T>(predicate: lodash.__, array: lodash.List<T>): LodashRemove1x2<T>;
<T>(predicate: lodash.ValueIteratee<T>, array: lodash.List<T>): T[];
type LodashRemove1x1<T> = (array: lodash.List<T>) => T[];
type LodashRemove1x2<T> = (predicate: lodash.ValueIteratee<T>) => T[];
interface LodashRepeat {
(n: number): LodashRepeat1x1;
(n: lodash.__, string: string): LodashRepeat1x2;
(n: number, string: string): string;
type LodashRepeat1x1 = (string: string) => string;
type LodashRepeat1x2 = (n: number) => string;
interface LodashReplace {
(pattern: RegExp | string): LodashReplace1x1;
(pattern: lodash.__, replacement: lodash.ReplaceFunction | string): LodashReplace1x2;
(pattern: RegExp | string, replacement: lodash.ReplaceFunction | string): LodashReplace1x3;
(pattern: lodash.__, replacement: lodash.__, string: string): LodashReplace1x4;
(pattern: RegExp | string, replacement: lodash.__, string: string): LodashReplace1x5;
(pattern: lodash.__, replacement: lodash.ReplaceFunction | string, string: string): LodashReplace1x6;
(pattern: RegExp | string, replacement: lodash.ReplaceFunction | string, string: string): string;
interface LodashReplace1x1 {
(replacement: lodash.ReplaceFunction | string): LodashReplace1x3;
(replacement: lodash.__, string: string): LodashReplace1x5;
(replacement: lodash.ReplaceFunction | string, string: string): string;
interface LodashReplace1x2 {
(pattern: RegExp | string): LodashReplace1x3;
(pattern: lodash.__, string: string): LodashReplace1x6;
(pattern: RegExp | string, string: string): string;
type LodashReplace1x3 = (string: string) => string;
interface LodashReplace1x4 {
(pattern: RegExp | string): LodashReplace1x5;
(pattern: lodash.__, replacement: lodash.ReplaceFunction | string): LodashReplace1x6;
(pattern: RegExp | string, replacement: lodash.ReplaceFunction | string): string;
type LodashReplace1x5 = (replacement: lodash.ReplaceFunction | string) => string;
type LodashReplace1x6 = (pattern: RegExp | string) => string;
type LodashRest = (func: (...args: any[]) => any) => (...args: any[]) => any;
interface LodashRestFrom {
(start: number): LodashRestFrom1x1;
(start: lodash.__, func: (...args: any[]) => any): LodashRestFrom1x2;
(start: number, func: (...args: any[]) => any): (...args: any[]) => any;
type LodashRestFrom1x1 = (func: (...args: any[]) => any) => (...args: any[]) => any;
type LodashRestFrom1x2 = (start: number) => (...args: any[]) => any;
interface LodashResult {
(path: lodash.PropertyPath): LodashResult1x1;
(path: lodash.__, object: any): LodashResult1x2;
<TResult>(path: lodash.PropertyPath, object: any): TResult;
type LodashResult1x1 = <TResult>(object: any) => TResult;
type LodashResult1x2 = <TResult>(path: lodash.PropertyPath) => TResult;
type LodashReverse = <TList extends lodash.List<any>>(array: TList) => TList;
type LodashRound = (n: number) => number;
type LodashRunInContext = (context: object) => lodash.LoDashStatic;
interface LodashSample {
<T>(collection: readonly [T, ...T[]]): T;
<T>(collection: lodash.Dictionary<T> | lodash.NumericDictionary<T> | null | undefined): T | undefined;
<T extends object>(collection: T | null | undefined): T[keyof T] | undefined;
interface LodashSampleSize {
(n: number): LodashSampleSize1x1;
<T>(n: lodash.__, collection: lodash.Dictionary<T> | lodash.NumericDictionary<T> | null | undefined): LodashSampleSize1x2<T>;
<T>(n: number, collection: lodash.Dictionary<T> | lodash.NumericDictionary<T> | null | undefined): T[];
<T extends object>(n: lodash.__, collection: T | null | undefined): LodashSampleSize2x2<T>;
<T extends object>(n: number, collection: T | null | undefined): Array<T[keyof T]>;
interface LodashSampleSize1x1 {
<T>(collection: lodash.Dictionary<T> | lodash.NumericDictionary<T> | null | undefined): T[];
<T extends object>(collection: T | null | undefined): Array<T[keyof T]>;
type LodashSampleSize1x2<T> = (n: number) => T[];
type LodashSampleSize2x2<T> = (n: number) => Array<T[keyof T]>;
interface LodashSetWith {
<T extends object>(customizer: lodash.SetWithCustomizer<T>): LodashSetWith1x1<T>;
(customizer: lodash.__, path: lodash.PropertyPath): LodashSetWith1x2;
<T extends object>(customizer: lodash.SetWithCustomizer<T>, path: lodash.PropertyPath): LodashSetWith1x3<T>;
(customizer: lodash.__, path: lodash.__, value: any): LodashSetWith1x4;
<T extends object>(customizer: lodash.SetWithCustomizer<T>, path: lodash.__, value: any): LodashSetWith1x5<T>;
(customizer: lodash.__, path: lodash.PropertyPath, value: any): LodashSetWith1x6;
<T extends object>(customizer: lodash.SetWithCustomizer<T>, path: lodash.PropertyPath, value: any): LodashSetWith1x7<T>;
<T extends object>(customizer: lodash.__, path: lodash.__, value: lodash.__, object: T): LodashSetWith1x8<T>;
<T extends object>(customizer: lodash.SetWithCustomizer<T>, path: lodash.__, value: lodash.__, object: T): LodashSetWith1x9<T>;
<T extends object>(customizer: lodash.__, path: lodash.PropertyPath, value: lodash.__, object: T): LodashSetWith1x10<T>;
<T extends object>(customizer: lodash.SetWithCustomizer<T>, path: lodash.PropertyPath, value: lodash.__, object: T): LodashSetWith1x11<T>;
<T extends object>(customizer: lodash.__, path: lodash.__, value: any, object: T): LodashSetWith1x12<T>;
<T extends object>(customizer: lodash.SetWithCustomizer<T>, path: lodash.__, value: any, object: T): LodashSetWith1x13<T>;
<T extends object>(customizer: lodash.__, path: lodash.PropertyPath, value: any, object: T): LodashSetWith1x14<T>;
<T extends object>(customizer: lodash.SetWithCustomizer<T>, path: lodash.PropertyPath, value: any, object: T): T;
interface LodashSetWith1x1<T> {
(path: lodash.PropertyPath): LodashSetWith1x3<T>;
(path: lodash.__, value: any): LodashSetWith1x5<T>;
(path: lodash.PropertyPath, value: any): LodashSetWith1x7<T>;
(path: lodash.__, value: lodash.__, object: T): LodashSetWith1x9<T>;
(path: lodash.PropertyPath, value: lodash.__, object: T): LodashSetWith1x11<T>;
(path: lodash.__, value: any, object: T): LodashSetWith1x13<T>;
(path: lodash.PropertyPath, value: any, object: T): T;
interface LodashSetWith1x2 {
<T extends object>(customizer: lodash.SetWithCustomizer<T>): LodashSetWith1x3<T>;
(customizer: lodash.__, value: any): LodashSetWith1x6;
<T extends object>(customizer: lodash.SetWithCustomizer<T>, value: any): LodashSetWith1x7<T>;
<T extends object>(customizer: lodash.__, value: lodash.__, object: T): LodashSetWith1x10<T>;
<T extends object>(customizer: lodash.SetWithCustomizer<T>, value: lodash.__, object: T): LodashSetWith1x11<T>;
<T extends object>(customizer: lodash.__, value: any, object: T): LodashSetWith1x14<T>;
<T extends object>(customizer: lodash.SetWithCustomizer<T>, value: any, object: T): T;
interface LodashSetWith1x3<T> {
(value: any): LodashSetWith1x7<T>;
(value: lodash.__, object: T): LodashSetWith1x11<T>;
(value: any, object: T): T;
interface LodashSetWith1x4 {
<T extends object>(customizer: lodash.SetWithCustomizer<T>): LodashSetWith1x5<T>;
(customizer: lodash.__, path: lodash.PropertyPath): LodashSetWith1x6;
<T extends object>(customizer: lodash.SetWithCustomizer<T>, path: lodash.PropertyPath): LodashSetWith1x7<T>;
<T extends object>(customizer: lodash.__, path: lodash.__, object: T): LodashSetWith1x12<T>;
<T extends object>(customizer: lodash.SetWithCustomizer<T>, path: lodash.__, object: T): LodashSetWith1x13<T>;
<T extends object>(customizer: lodash.__, path: lodash.PropertyPath, object: T): LodashSetWith1x14<T>;
<T extends object>(customizer: lodash.SetWithCustomizer<T>, path: lodash.PropertyPath, object: T): T;
interface LodashSetWith1x5<T> {
(path: lodash.PropertyPath): LodashSetWith1x7<T>;
(path: lodash.__, object: T): LodashSetWith1x13<T>;
(path: lodash.PropertyPath, object: T): T;
interface LodashSetWith1x6 {
<T extends object>(customizer: lodash.SetWithCustomizer<T>): LodashSetWith1x7<T>;
<T extends object>(customizer: lodash.__, object: T): LodashSetWith1x14<T>;
<T extends object>(customizer: lodash.SetWithCustomizer<T>, object: T): T;
type LodashSetWith1x7<T> = (object: T) => T;
interface LodashSetWith1x8<T> {
(customizer: lodash.SetWithCustomizer<T>): LodashSetWith1x9<T>;
(customizer: lodash.__, path: lodash.PropertyPath): LodashSetWith1x10<T>;
(customizer: lodash.SetWithCustomizer<T>, path: lodash.PropertyPath): LodashSetWith1x11<T>;
(customizer: lodash.__, path: lodash.__, value: any): LodashSetWith1x12<T>;
(customizer: lodash.SetWithCustomizer<T>, path: lodash.__, value: any): LodashSetWith1x13<T>;
(customizer: lodash.__, path: lodash.PropertyPath, value: any): LodashSetWith1x14<T>;
(customizer: lodash.SetWithCustomizer<T>, path: lodash.PropertyPath, value: any): T;
interface LodashSetWith1x9<T> {
(path: lodash.PropertyPath): LodashSetWith1x11<T>;
(path: lodash.__, value: any): LodashSetWith1x13<T>;
(path: lodash.PropertyPath, value: any): T;
interface LodashSetWith1x10<T> {
(customizer: lodash.SetWithCustomizer<T>): LodashSetWith1x11<T>;
(customizer: lodash.__, value: any): LodashSetWith1x14<T>;
(customizer: lodash.SetWithCustomizer<T>, value: any): T;
type LodashSetWith1x11<T> = (value: any) => T;
interface LodashSetWith1x12<T> {
(customizer: lodash.SetWithCustomizer<T>): LodashSetWith1x13<T>;
(customizer: lodash.__, path: lodash.PropertyPath): LodashSetWith1x14<T>;
(customizer: lodash.SetWithCustomizer<T>, path: lodash.PropertyPath): T;
type LodashSetWith1x13<T> = (path: lodash.PropertyPath) => T;
type LodashSetWith1x14<T> = (customizer: lodash.SetWithCustomizer<T>) => T;
interface LodashShuffle {
<T>(collection: lodash.List<T> | null | undefined): T[];
<T extends object>(collection: T | null | undefined): Array<T[keyof T]>;
type LodashSize = (collection: object | string | null | undefined) => number;
interface LodashSlice {
(start: number): LodashSlice1x1;
(start: lodash.__, end: number): LodashSlice1x2;
(start: number, end: number): LodashSlice1x3;
<T>(start: lodash.__, end: lodash.__, array: lodash.List<T> | null | undefined): LodashSlice1x4<T>;
<T>(start: number, end: lodash.__, array: lodash.List<T> | null | undefined): LodashSlice1x5<T>;
<T>(start: lodash.__, end: number, array: lodash.List<T> | null | undefined): LodashSlice1x6<T>;
<T>(start: number, end: number, array: lodash.List<T> | null | undefined): T[];
interface LodashSlice1x1 {
(end: number): LodashSlice1x3;
<T>(end: lodash.__, array: lodash.List<T> | null | undefined): LodashSlice1x5<T>;
<T>(end: number, array: lodash.List<T> | null | undefined): T[];
interface LodashSlice1x2 {
(start: number): LodashSlice1x3;
<T>(start: lodash.__, array: lodash.List<T> | null | undefined): LodashSlice1x6<T>;
<T>(start: number, array: lodash.List<T> | null | undefined): T[];
type LodashSlice1x3 = <T>(array: lodash.List<T> | null | undefined) => T[];
interface LodashSlice1x4<T> {
(start: number): LodashSlice1x5<T>;
(start: lodash.__, end: number): LodashSlice1x6<T>;
(start: number, end: number): T[];
type LodashSlice1x5<T> = (end: number) => T[];
type LodashSlice1x6<T> = (start: number) => T[];
type LodashSnakeCase = (string: string) => string;
interface LodashSortBy {
<T>(iteratees: lodash.Many<lodash.ValueIteratee<T>>): LodashSortBy1x1<T>;
<T>(iteratees: lodash.__, collection: lodash.List<T> | null | undefined): LodashSortBy1x2<T>;
<T>(iteratees: lodash.Many<lodash.ValueIteratee<T>>, collection: lodash.List<T> | null | undefined): T[];
<T extends object>(iteratees: lodash.__, collection: T | null | undefined): LodashSortBy2x2<T>;
<T extends object>(iteratees: lodash.Many<lodash.ValueIteratee<T[keyof T]>>, collection: T | null | undefined): Array<T[keyof T]>;
type LodashSortBy1x1<T> = (collection: lodash.List<T> | object | null | undefined) => T[];
type LodashSortBy1x2<T> = (iteratees: lodash.Many<lodash.ValueIteratee<T>>) => T[];
type LodashSortBy2x2<T> = (iteratees: lodash.Many<lodash.ValueIteratee<T[keyof T]>>) => Array<T[keyof T]>;
interface LodashSortedIndex {
<T>(value: T): LodashSortedIndex1x1<T>;
<T>(value: lodash.__, array: lodash.List<T> | null | undefined): LodashSortedIndex1x2<T>;
<T>(value: T, array: lodash.List<T> | null | undefined): number;
type LodashSortedIndex1x1<T> = (array: lodash.List<T> | null | undefined) => number;
type LodashSortedIndex1x2<T> = (value: T) => number;
interface LodashSortedIndexBy {
<T>(iteratee: lodash.ValueIteratee<T>): LodashSortedIndexBy1x1<T>;
<T>(iteratee: lodash.__, value: T): LodashSortedIndexBy1x2<T>;
<T>(iteratee: lodash.ValueIteratee<T>, value: T): LodashSortedIndexBy1x3<T>;
<T>(iteratee: lodash.__, value: lodash.__, array: lodash.List<T> | null | undefined): LodashSortedIndexBy1x4<T>;
<T>(iteratee: lodash.ValueIteratee<T>, value: lodash.__, array: lodash.List<T> | null | undefined): LodashSortedIndexBy1x5<T>;
<T>(iteratee: lodash.__, value: T, array: lodash.List<T> | null | undefined): LodashSortedIndexBy1x6<T>;
<T>(iteratee: lodash.ValueIteratee<T>, value: T, array: lodash.List<T> | null | undefined): number;
interface LodashSortedIndexBy1x1<T> {
(value: T): LodashSortedIndexBy1x3<T>;
(value: lodash.__, array: lodash.List<T> | null | undefined): LodashSortedIndexBy1x5<T>;
(value: T, array: lodash.List<T> | null | undefined): number;
interface LodashSortedIndexBy1x2<T> {
(iteratee: lodash.ValueIteratee<T>): LodashSortedIndexBy1x3<T>;
(iteratee: lodash.__, array: lodash.List<T> | null | undefined): LodashSortedIndexBy1x6<T>;
(iteratee: lodash.ValueIteratee<T>, array: lodash.List<T> | null | undefined): number;
type LodashSortedIndexBy1x3<T> = (array: lodash.List<T> | null | undefined) => number;
interface LodashSortedIndexBy1x4<T> {
(iteratee: lodash.ValueIteratee<T>): LodashSortedIndexBy1x5<T>;
(iteratee: lodash.__, value: T): LodashSortedIndexBy1x6<T>;
(iteratee: lodash.ValueIteratee<T>, value: T): number;
type LodashSortedIndexBy1x5<T> = (value: T) => number;
type LodashSortedIndexBy1x6<T> = (iteratee: lodash.ValueIteratee<T>) => number;
interface LodashSortedIndexOf {
<T>(value: T): LodashSortedIndexOf1x1<T>;
<T>(value: lodash.__, array: lodash.List<T> | null | undefined): LodashSortedIndexOf1x2<T>;
<T>(value: T, array: lodash.List<T> | null | undefined): number;
type LodashSortedIndexOf1x1<T> = (array: lodash.List<T> | null | undefined) => number;
type LodashSortedIndexOf1x2<T> = (value: T) => number;
interface LodashSortedLastIndex {
<T>(value: T): LodashSortedLastIndex1x1<T>;
<T>(value: lodash.__, array: lodash.List<T> | null | undefined): LodashSortedLastIndex1x2<T>;
<T>(value: T, array: lodash.List<T> | null | undefined): number;
type LodashSortedLastIndex1x1<T> = (array: lodash.List<T> | null | undefined) => number;
type LodashSortedLastIndex1x2<T> = (value: T) => number;
interface LodashSortedLastIndexBy {
<T>(iteratee: lodash.ValueIteratee<T>): LodashSortedLastIndexBy1x1<T>;
<T>(iteratee: lodash.__, value: T): LodashSortedLastIndexBy1x2<T>;
<T>(iteratee: lodash.ValueIteratee<T>, value: T): LodashSortedLastIndexBy1x3<T>;
<T>(iteratee: lodash.__, value: lodash.__, array: lodash.List<T> | null | undefined): LodashSortedLastIndexBy1x4<T>;
<T>(iteratee: lodash.ValueIteratee<T>, value: lodash.__, array: lodash.List<T> | null | undefined): LodashSortedLastIndexBy1x5<T>;
<T>(iteratee: lodash.__, value: T, array: lodash.List<T> | null | undefined): LodashSortedLastIndexBy1x6<T>;
<T>(iteratee: lodash.ValueIteratee<T>, value: T, array: lodash.List<T> | null | undefined): number;
interface LodashSortedLastIndexBy1x1<T> {
(value: T): LodashSortedLastIndexBy1x3<T>;
(value: lodash.__, array: lodash.List<T> | null | undefined): LodashSortedLastIndexBy1x5<T>;
(value: T, array: lodash.List<T> | null | undefined): number;
interface LodashSortedLastIndexBy1x2<T> {
(iteratee: lodash.ValueIteratee<T>): LodashSortedLastIndexBy1x3<T>;
(iteratee: lodash.__, array: lodash.List<T> | null | undefined): LodashSortedLastIndexBy1x6<T>;
(iteratee: lodash.ValueIteratee<T>, array: lodash.List<T> | null | undefined): number;
type LodashSortedLastIndexBy1x3<T> = (array: lodash.List<T> | null | undefined) => number;
interface LodashSortedLastIndexBy1x4<T> {
(iteratee: lodash.ValueIteratee<T>): LodashSortedLastIndexBy1x5<T>;
(iteratee: lodash.__, value: T): LodashSortedLastIndexBy1x6<T>;
(iteratee: lodash.ValueIteratee<T>, value: T): number;
type LodashSortedLastIndexBy1x5<T> = (value: T) => number;
type LodashSortedLastIndexBy1x6<T> = (iteratee: lodash.ValueIteratee<T>) => number;
interface LodashSortedLastIndexOf {
<T>(value: T): LodashSortedLastIndexOf1x1<T>;
<T>(value: lodash.__, array: lodash.List<T> | null | undefined): LodashSortedLastIndexOf1x2<T>;
<T>(value: T, array: lodash.List<T> | null | undefined): number;
type LodashSortedLastIndexOf1x1<T> = (array: lodash.List<T> | null | undefined) => number;
type LodashSortedLastIndexOf1x2<T> = (value: T) => number;
type LodashSortedUniq = <T>(array: lodash.List<T> | null | undefined) => T[];
interface LodashSortedUniqBy {
<T>(iteratee: lodash.ValueIteratee<T>): LodashSortedUniqBy1x1<T>;
<T>(iteratee: lodash.__, array: lodash.List<T> | null | undefined): LodashSortedUniqBy1x2<T>;
<T>(iteratee: lodash.ValueIteratee<T>, array: lodash.List<T> | null | undefined): T[];
type LodashSortedUniqBy1x1<T> = (array: lodash.List<T> | null | undefined) => T[];
type LodashSortedUniqBy1x2<T> = (iteratee: lodash.ValueIteratee<T>) => T[];
interface LodashSplit {
(separator: RegExp | string): LodashSplit1x1;
(separator: lodash.__, string: string | null | undefined): LodashSplit1x2;
(separator: RegExp | string, string: string | null | undefined): string[];
type LodashSplit1x1 = (string: string | null | undefined) => string[];
type LodashSplit1x2 = (separator: RegExp | string) => string[];
type LodashSpread = <TResult>(func: (...args: any[]) => TResult) => (...args: any[]) => TResult;
interface LodashSpreadFrom {
(start: number): LodashSpreadFrom1x1;
<TResult>(start: lodash.__, func: (...args: any[]) => TResult): LodashSpreadFrom1x2<TResult>;
<TResult>(start: number, func: (...args: any[]) => TResult): (...args: any[]) => TResult;
type LodashSpreadFrom1x1 = <TResult>(func: (...args: any[]) => TResult) => (...args: any[]) => TResult;
type LodashSpreadFrom1x2<TResult> = (start: number) => (...args: any[]) => TResult;
type LodashStartCase = (string: string) => string;
interface LodashStartsWith {
(target: string): LodashStartsWith1x1;
(target: lodash.__, string: string): LodashStartsWith1x2;
(target: string, string: string): boolean;
type LodashStartsWith1x1 = (string: string) => boolean;
type LodashStartsWith1x2 = (target: string) => boolean;
type LodashStubArray = () => any[];
type LodashStubObject = () => any;
type LodashStubString = () => string;
type LodashStubTrue = () => true;
interface LodashSubtract {
(minuend: number): LodashSubtract1x1;
(minuend: lodash.__, subtrahend: number): LodashSubtract1x2;
(minuend: number, subtrahend: number): number;
type LodashSubtract1x1 = (subtrahend: number) => number;
type LodashSubtract1x2 = (minuend: number) => number;
type LodashSum = (collection: lodash.List<any> | null | undefined) => number;
interface LodashSumBy {
<T>(iteratee: ((value: T) => number) | string): LodashSumBy1x1<T>;
<T>(iteratee: lodash.__, collection: lodash.List<T> | null | undefined): LodashSumBy1x2<T>;
<T>(iteratee: ((value: T) => number) | string, collection: lodash.List<T> | null | undefined): number;
type LodashSumBy1x1<T> = (collection: lodash.List<T> | null | undefined) => number;
type LodashSumBy1x2<T> = (iteratee: ((value: T) => number) | string) => number;
interface LodashXor {
<T>(arrays2: lodash.List<T> | null | undefined): LodashXor1x1<T>;
<T>(arrays2: lodash.__, arrays: lodash.List<T> | null | undefined): LodashXor1x2<T>;
<T>(arrays2: lodash.List<T> | null | undefined, arrays: lodash.List<T> | null | undefined): T[];
type LodashXor1x1<T> = (arrays: lodash.List<T> | null | undefined) => T[];
type LodashXor1x2<T> = (arrays2: lodash.List<T> | null | undefined) => T[];
interface LodashXorBy {
<T>(iteratee: lodash.ValueIteratee<T>): LodashXorBy1x1<T>;
<T>(iteratee: lodash.__, arrays: lodash.List<T> | null | undefined): LodashXorBy1x2<T>;
<T>(iteratee: lodash.ValueIteratee<T>, arrays: lodash.List<T> | null | undefined): LodashXorBy1x3<T>;
<T>(iteratee: lodash.__, arrays: lodash.__, arrays2: lodash.List<T> | null | undefined): LodashXorBy1x4<T>;
<T>(iteratee: lodash.ValueIteratee<T>, arrays: lodash.__, arrays2: lodash.List<T> | null | undefined): LodashXorBy1x5<T>;
<T>(iteratee: lodash.__, arrays: lodash.List<T> | null | undefined, arrays2: lodash.List<T> | null | undefined): LodashXorBy1x6<T>;
<T>(iteratee: lodash.ValueIteratee<T>, arrays: lodash.List<T> | null | undefined, arrays2: lodash.List<T> | null | undefined): T[];
interface LodashXorBy1x1<T> {
(arrays: lodash.List<T> | null | undefined): LodashXorBy1x3<T>;
(arrays: lodash.__, arrays2: lodash.List<T> | null | undefined): LodashXorBy1x5<T>;
(arrays: lodash.List<T> | null | undefined, arrays2: lodash.List<T> | null | undefined): T[];
interface LodashXorBy1x2<T> {
(iteratee: lodash.ValueIteratee<T>): LodashXorBy1x3<T>;
(iteratee: lodash.__, arrays2: lodash.List<T> | null | undefined): LodashXorBy1x6<T>;
(iteratee: lodash.ValueIteratee<T>, arrays2: lodash.List<T> | null | undefined): T[];
type LodashXorBy1x3<T> = (arrays2: lodash.List<T> | null | undefined) => T[];
interface LodashXorBy1x4<T> {
(iteratee: lodash.ValueIteratee<T>): LodashXorBy1x5<T>;
(iteratee: lodash.__, arrays: lodash.List<T> | null | undefined): LodashXorBy1x6<T>;
(iteratee: lodash.ValueIteratee<T>, arrays: lodash.List<T> | null | undefined): T[];
type LodashXorBy1x5<T> = (arrays: lodash.List<T> | null | undefined) => T[];
type LodashXorBy1x6<T> = (iteratee: lodash.ValueIteratee<T>) => T[];
interface LodashXorWith {
<T>(comparator: lodash.Comparator<T>): LodashXorWith1x1<T>;
<T>(comparator: lodash.__, arrays: lodash.List<T> | null | undefined): LodashXorWith1x2<T>;
<T>(comparator: lodash.Comparator<T>, arrays: lodash.List<T> | null | undefined): LodashXorWith1x3<T>;
<T>(comparator: lodash.__, arrays: lodash.__, arrays2: lodash.List<T> | null | undefined): LodashXorWith1x4<T>;
<T>(comparator: lodash.Comparator<T>, arrays: lodash.__, arrays2: lodash.List<T> | null | undefined): LodashXorWith1x5<T>;
<T>(comparator: lodash.__, arrays: lodash.List<T> | null | undefined, arrays2: lodash.List<T> | null | undefined): LodashXorWith1x6<T>;
<T>(comparator: lodash.Comparator<T>, arrays: lodash.List<T> | null | undefined, arrays2: lodash.List<T> | null | undefined): T[];
interface LodashXorWith1x1<T> {
(arrays: lodash.List<T> | null | undefined): LodashXorWith1x3<T>;
(arrays: lodash.__, arrays2: lodash.List<T> | null | undefined): LodashXorWith1x5<T>;
(arrays: lodash.List<T> | null | undefined, arrays2: lodash.List<T> | null | undefined): T[];
interface LodashXorWith1x2<T> {
(comparator: lodash.Comparator<T>): LodashXorWith1x3<T>;
(comparator: lodash.__, arrays2: lodash.List<T> | null | undefined): LodashXorWith1x6<T>;
(comparator: lodash.Comparator<T>, arrays2: lodash.List<T> | null | undefined): T[];
type LodashXorWith1x3<T> = (arrays2: lodash.List<T> | null | undefined) => T[];
interface LodashXorWith1x4<T> {
(comparator: lodash.Comparator<T>): LodashXorWith1x5<T>;
(comparator: lodash.__, arrays: lodash.List<T> | null | undefined): LodashXorWith1x6<T>;
(comparator: lodash.Comparator<T>, arrays: lodash.List<T> | null | undefined): T[];
type LodashXorWith1x5<T> = (arrays: lodash.List<T> | null | undefined) => T[];
type LodashXorWith1x6<T> = (comparator: lodash.Comparator<T>) => T[];
type LodashTail = <T>(array: lodash.List<T> | null | undefined) => T[];
interface LodashTake {
(n: number): LodashTake1x1;
<T>(n: lodash.__, array: lodash.List<T> | null | undefined): LodashTake1x2<T>;
<T>(n: number, array: lodash.List<T> | null | undefined): T[];
type LodashTake1x1 = <T>(array: lodash.List<T> | null | undefined) => T[];
type LodashTake1x2<T> = (n: number) => T[];
interface LodashTakeRight {
(n: number): LodashTakeRight1x1;
<T>(n: lodash.__, array: lodash.List<T> | null | undefined): LodashTakeRight1x2<T>;
<T>(n: number, array: lodash.List<T> | null | undefined): T[];
type LodashTakeRight1x1 = <T>(array: lodash.List<T> | null | undefined) => T[];
type LodashTakeRight1x2<T> = (n: number) => T[];
interface LodashTakeRightWhile {
<T>(predicate: lodash.ValueIteratee<T>): LodashTakeRightWhile1x1<T>;
<T>(predicate: lodash.__, array: lodash.List<T> | null | undefined): LodashTakeRightWhile1x2<T>;
<T>(predicate: lodash.ValueIteratee<T>, array: lodash.List<T> | null | undefined): T[];
type LodashTakeRightWhile1x1<T> = (array: lodash.List<T> | null | undefined) => T[];
type LodashTakeRightWhile1x2<T> = (predicate: lodash.ValueIteratee<T>) => T[];
interface LodashTakeWhile {
<T>(predicate: lodash.ValueIteratee<T>): LodashTakeWhile1x1<T>;
<T>(predicate: lodash.__, array: lodash.List<T> | null | undefined): LodashTakeWhile1x2<T>;
<T>(predicate: lodash.ValueIteratee<T>, array: lodash.List<T> | null | undefined): T[];
type LodashTakeWhile1x1<T> = (array: lodash.List<T> | null | undefined) => T[];
type LodashTakeWhile1x2<T> = (predicate: lodash.ValueIteratee<T>) => T[];
interface LodashTap {
<T>(interceptor: (value: T) => void): LodashTap1x1<T>;
<T>(interceptor: lodash.__, value: T): LodashTap1x2<T>;
<T>(interceptor: (value: T) => void, value: T): T;
type LodashTap1x1<T> = (value: T) => T;
type LodashTap1x2<T> = (interceptor: (value: T) => void) => T;
type LodashTemplate = (string: string) => lodash.TemplateExecutor;
interface LodashThrottle {
(wait: number): LodashThrottle1x1;
<T extends (...args: any) => any>(wait: lodash.__, func: T): LodashThrottle1x2<T>;
<T extends (...args: any) => any>(wait: number, func: T): lodash.DebouncedFunc<T>;
type LodashThrottle1x1 = <T extends (...args: any) => any>(func: T) => lodash.DebouncedFunc<T>;
type LodashThrottle1x2<T extends (...args: any) => any> = (wait: number) => lodash.DebouncedFunc<T>;
interface LodashThru {
<T, TResult>(interceptor: (value: T) => TResult): LodashThru1x1<T, TResult>;
<T>(interceptor: lodash.__, value: T): LodashThru1x2<T>;
<T, TResult>(interceptor: (value: T) => TResult, value: T): TResult;
type LodashThru1x1<T, TResult> = (value: T) => TResult;
type LodashThru1x2<T> = <TResult>(interceptor: (value: T) => TResult) => TResult;
interface LodashTimes {
<TResult>(iteratee: (num: number) => TResult): LodashTimes1x1<TResult>;
(iteratee: lodash.__, n: number): LodashTimes1x2;
<TResult>(iteratee: (num: number) => TResult, n: number): TResult[];
type LodashTimes1x1<TResult> = (n: number) => TResult[];
type LodashTimes1x2 = <TResult>(iteratee: (num: number) => TResult) => TResult[];
interface LodashToArray {
<T>(value: lodash.Dictionary<T> | lodash.NumericDictionary<T> | null | undefined): T[];
<T>(value: T): Array<T[keyof T]>;
(): any[];
type LodashToFinite = (value: any) => number;
type LodashToInteger = (value: any) => number;
type LodashToLength = (value: any) => number;
type LodashToLower = (string: string) => string;
type LodashToNumber = (value: any) => number;
type LodashToPath = (value: any) => string[];
type LodashToPlainObject = (value: any) => any;
type LodashToSafeInteger = (value: any) => number;
type LodashToString = (value: any) => string;
type LodashToUpper = (string: string) => string;
interface LodashTransform {
<T, TResult>(iteratee: lodash.MemoVoidIteratorCapped<T, TResult>): LodashTransform1x1<T, TResult>;
<TResult>(iteratee: lodash.__, accumulator: TResult): LodashTransform1x2<TResult>;
<T, TResult>(iteratee: lodash.MemoVoidIteratorCapped<T, TResult>, accumulator: TResult): LodashTransform1x3<T, TResult>;
<T>(iteratee: lodash.__, accumulator: lodash.__, object: readonly T[]): LodashTransform1x4<T>;
<T, TResult>(iteratee: lodash.MemoVoidIteratorCapped<T, TResult>, accumulator: lodash.__, object: readonly T[]): LodashTransform1x5<TResult>;
<T, TResult>(iteratee: lodash.__, accumulator: TResult, object: readonly T[]): LodashTransform1x6<T, TResult>;
<T, TResult>(iteratee: lodash.MemoVoidIteratorCapped<T, TResult>, accumulator: TResult, object: readonly T[] | lodash.Dictionary<T>): TResult;
<T>(iteratee: lodash.__, accumulator: lodash.__, object: lodash.Dictionary<T>): LodashTransform2x4<T>;
<T, TResult>(iteratee: lodash.MemoVoidIteratorCapped<T, TResult>, accumulator: lodash.__, object: lodash.Dictionary<T>): LodashTransform2x5<TResult>;
<T, TResult>(iteratee: lodash.__, accumulator: TResult, object: lodash.Dictionary<T>): LodashTransform2x6<T, TResult>;
interface LodashTransform1x1<T, TResult> {
(accumulator: TResult): LodashTransform1x3<T, TResult>;
(accumulator: lodash.__, object: readonly T[]): LodashTransform1x5<TResult>;
(accumulator: TResult, object: readonly T[] | lodash.Dictionary<T>): TResult;
(accumulator: lodash.__, object: lodash.Dictionary<T>): LodashTransform2x5<TResult>;
interface LodashTransform1x2<TResult> {
<T>(iteratee: lodash.MemoVoidIteratorCapped<T, TResult>): LodashTransform1x3<T, TResult>;
<T>(iteratee: lodash.__, object: readonly T[]): LodashTransform1x6<T, TResult>;
<T>(iteratee: lodash.MemoVoidIteratorCapped<T, TResult>, object: readonly T[] | lodash.Dictionary<T>): TResult;
<T>(iteratee: lodash.__, object: lodash.Dictionary<T>): LodashTransform2x6<T, TResult>;
type LodashTransform1x3<T, TResult> = (object: readonly T[] | lodash.Dictionary<T>) => TResult;
interface LodashTransform1x4<T> {
<TResult>(iteratee: lodash.MemoVoidIteratorCapped<T, TResult>): LodashTransform1x5<TResult>;
<TResult>(iteratee: lodash.__, accumulator: TResult): LodashTransform1x6<T, TResult>;
<TResult>(iteratee: lodash.MemoVoidIteratorCapped<T, TResult>, accumulator: TResult): TResult;
type LodashTransform1x5<TResult> = (accumulator: TResult) => TResult;
type LodashTransform1x6<T, TResult> = (iteratee: lodash.MemoVoidIteratorCapped<T, TResult>) => TResult;
interface LodashTransform2x4<T> {
<TResult>(iteratee: lodash.MemoVoidIteratorCapped<T, TResult>): LodashTransform2x5<TResult>;
<TResult>(iteratee: lodash.__, accumulator: TResult): LodashTransform2x6<T, TResult>;
<TResult>(iteratee: lodash.MemoVoidIteratorCapped<T, TResult>, accumulator: TResult): TResult;
type LodashTransform2x5<TResult> = (accumulator: TResult) => TResult;
type LodashTransform2x6<T, TResult> = (iteratee: lodash.MemoVoidIteratorCapped<T, TResult>) => TResult;
type LodashTrim = (string: string) => string;
interface LodashTrimChars {
(chars: string): LodashTrimChars1x1;
(chars: lodash.__, string: string): LodashTrimChars1x2;
(chars: string, string: string): string;
type LodashTrimChars1x1 = (string: string) => string;
type LodashTrimChars1x2 = (chars: string) => string;
interface LodashTrimCharsEnd {
(chars: string): LodashTrimCharsEnd1x1;
(chars: lodash.__, string: string): LodashTrimCharsEnd1x2;
(chars: string, string: string): string;
type LodashTrimCharsEnd1x1 = (string: string) => string;
type LodashTrimCharsEnd1x2 = (chars: string) => string;
interface LodashTrimCharsStart {
(chars: string): LodashTrimCharsStart1x1;
(chars: lodash.__, string: string): LodashTrimCharsStart1x2;
(chars: string, string: string): string;
type LodashTrimCharsStart1x1 = (string: string) => string;
type LodashTrimCharsStart1x2 = (chars: string) => string;
type LodashTrimEnd = (string: string) => string;
type LodashTrimStart = (string: string) => string;
interface LodashTruncate {
(options: lodash.TruncateOptions): LodashTruncate1x1;
(options: lodash.__, string: string): LodashTruncate1x2;
(options: lodash.TruncateOptions, string: string): string;
type LodashTruncate1x1 = (string: string) => string;
type LodashTruncate1x2 = (options: lodash.TruncateOptions) => string;
type LodashUnapply = (func: (...args: any[]) => any) => (...args: any[]) => any;
type LodashUnary = <T, TResult>(func: (arg1: T, ...args: any[]) => TResult) => (arg1: T) => TResult;
type LodashUnescape = (string: string) => string;
interface LodashUnion {
<T>(arrays2: lodash.List<T> | null | undefined): LodashUnion1x1<T>;
<T>(arrays2: lodash.__, arrays: lodash.List<T> | null | undefined): LodashUnion1x2<T>;
<T>(arrays2: lodash.List<T> | null | undefined, arrays: lodash.List<T> | null | undefined): T[];
type LodashUnion1x1<T> = (arrays: lodash.List<T> | null | undefined) => T[];
type LodashUnion1x2<T> = (arrays2: lodash.List<T> | null | undefined) => T[];
interface LodashUnionBy {
<T>(iteratee: lodash.ValueIteratee<T>): LodashUnionBy1x1<T>;
<T>(iteratee: lodash.__, arrays1: lodash.List<T> | null | undefined): LodashUnionBy1x2<T>;
<T>(iteratee: lodash.ValueIteratee<T>, arrays1: lodash.List<T> | null | undefined): LodashUnionBy1x3<T>;
<T>(iteratee: lodash.__, arrays1: lodash.__, arrays2: lodash.List<T> | null | undefined): LodashUnionBy1x4<T>;
<T>(iteratee: lodash.ValueIteratee<T>, arrays1: lodash.__, arrays2: lodash.List<T> | null | undefined): LodashUnionBy1x5<T>;
<T>(iteratee: lodash.__, arrays1: lodash.List<T> | null | undefined, arrays2: lodash.List<T> | null | undefined): LodashUnionBy1x6<T>;
<T>(iteratee: lodash.ValueIteratee<T>, arrays1: lodash.List<T> | null | undefined, arrays2: lodash.List<T> | null | undefined): T[];
interface LodashUnionBy1x1<T> {
(arrays1: lodash.List<T> | null | undefined): LodashUnionBy1x3<T>;
(arrays1: lodash.__, arrays2: lodash.List<T> | null | undefined): LodashUnionBy1x5<T>;
(arrays1: lodash.List<T> | null | undefined, arrays2: lodash.List<T> | null | undefined): T[];
interface LodashUnionBy1x2<T> {
(iteratee: lodash.ValueIteratee<T>): LodashUnionBy1x3<T>;
(iteratee: lodash.__, arrays2: lodash.List<T> | null | undefined): LodashUnionBy1x6<T>;
(iteratee: lodash.ValueIteratee<T>, arrays2: lodash.List<T> | null | undefined): T[];
type LodashUnionBy1x3<T> = (arrays2: lodash.List<T> | null | undefined) => T[];
interface LodashUnionBy1x4<T> {
(iteratee: lodash.ValueIteratee<T>): LodashUnionBy1x5<T>;
(iteratee: lodash.__, arrays1: lodash.List<T> | null | undefined): LodashUnionBy1x6<T>;
(iteratee: lodash.ValueIteratee<T>, arrays1: lodash.List<T> | null | undefined): T[];
type LodashUnionBy1x5<T> = (arrays1: lodash.List<T> | null | undefined) => T[];
type LodashUnionBy1x6<T> = (iteratee: lodash.ValueIteratee<T>) => T[];
interface LodashUnionWith {
<T>(comparator: lodash.Comparator<T>): LodashUnionWith1x1<T>;
<T>(comparator: lodash.__, arrays: lodash.List<T> | null | undefined): LodashUnionWith1x2<T>;
<T>(comparator: lodash.Comparator<T>, arrays: lodash.List<T> | null | undefined): LodashUnionWith1x3<T>;
<T>(comparator: lodash.__, arrays: lodash.__, arrays2: lodash.List<T> | null | undefined): LodashUnionWith1x4<T>;
<T>(comparator: lodash.Comparator<T>, arrays: lodash.__, arrays2: lodash.List<T> | null | undefined): LodashUnionWith1x5<T>;
<T>(comparator: lodash.__, arrays: lodash.List<T> | null | undefined, arrays2: lodash.List<T> | null | undefined): LodashUnionWith1x6<T>;
<T>(comparator: lodash.Comparator<T>, arrays: lodash.List<T> | null | undefined, arrays2: lodash.List<T> | null | undefined): T[];
interface LodashUnionWith1x1<T> {
(arrays: lodash.List<T> | null | undefined): LodashUnionWith1x3<T>;
(arrays: lodash.__, arrays2: lodash.List<T> | null | undefined): LodashUnionWith1x5<T>;
(arrays: lodash.List<T> | null | undefined, arrays2: lodash.List<T> | null | undefined): T[];
interface LodashUnionWith1x2<T> {
(comparator: lodash.Comparator<T>): LodashUnionWith1x3<T>;
(comparator: lodash.__, arrays2: lodash.List<T> | null | undefined): LodashUnionWith1x6<T>;
(comparator: lodash.Comparator<T>, arrays2: lodash.List<T> | null | undefined): T[];
type LodashUnionWith1x3<T> = (arrays2: lodash.List<T> | null | undefined) => T[];
interface LodashUnionWith1x4<T> {
(comparator: lodash.Comparator<T>): LodashUnionWith1x5<T>;
(comparator: lodash.__, arrays: lodash.List<T> | null | undefined): LodashUnionWith1x6<T>;
(comparator: lodash.Comparator<T>, arrays: lodash.List<T> | null | undefined): T[];
type LodashUnionWith1x5<T> = (arrays: lodash.List<T> | null | undefined) => T[];
type LodashUnionWith1x6<T> = (comparator: lodash.Comparator<T>) => T[];
type LodashUniq = <T>(array: lodash.List<T> | null | undefined) => T[];
interface LodashUniqBy {
<T>(iteratee: lodash.ValueIteratee<T>): LodashUniqBy1x1<T>;
<T>(iteratee: lodash.__, array: lodash.List<T> | null | undefined): LodashUniqBy1x2<T>;
<T>(iteratee: lodash.ValueIteratee<T>, array: lodash.List<T> | null | undefined): T[];
type LodashUniqBy1x1<T> = (array: lodash.List<T> | null | undefined) => T[];
type LodashUniqBy1x2<T> = (iteratee: lodash.ValueIteratee<T>) => T[];
type LodashUniqueId = (prefix: string) => string;
interface LodashUniqWith {
<T>(comparator: lodash.Comparator<T>): LodashUniqWith1x1<T>;
<T>(comparator: lodash.__, array: lodash.List<T> | null | undefined): LodashUniqWith1x2<T>;
<T>(comparator: lodash.Comparator<T>, array: lodash.List<T> | null | undefined): T[];
type LodashUniqWith1x1<T> = (array: lodash.List<T> | null | undefined) => T[];
type LodashUniqWith1x2<T> = (comparator: lodash.Comparator<T>) => T[];
type LodashUnzip = <T>(array: T[][] | lodash.List<lodash.List<T>> | null | undefined) => T[][];
interface LodashUnzipWith {
<T, TResult>(iteratee: (...values: T[]) => TResult): LodashUnzipWith1x1<T, TResult>;
<T>(iteratee: lodash.__, array: lodash.List<lodash.List<T>> | null | undefined): LodashUnzipWith1x2<T>;
<T, TResult>(iteratee: (...values: T[]) => TResult, array: lodash.List<lodash.List<T>> | null | undefined): TResult[];
type LodashUnzipWith1x1<T, TResult> = (array: lodash.List<lodash.List<T>> | null | undefined) => TResult[];
type LodashUnzipWith1x2<T> = <TResult>(iteratee: (...values: T[]) => TResult) => TResult[];
interface LodashUpdate {
(path: lodash.PropertyPath): LodashUpdate1x1;
(path: lodash.__, updater: (value: any) => any): LodashUpdate1x2;
(path: lodash.PropertyPath, updater: (value: any) => any): LodashUpdate1x3;
(path: lodash.__, updater: lodash.__, object: object): LodashUpdate1x4;
(path: lodash.PropertyPath, updater: lodash.__, object: object): LodashUpdate1x5;
(path: lodash.__, updater: (value: any) => any, object: object): LodashUpdate1x6;
(path: lodash.PropertyPath, updater: (value: any) => any, object: object): any;
interface LodashUpdate1x1 {
(updater: (value: any) => any): LodashUpdate1x3;
(updater: lodash.__, object: object): LodashUpdate1x5;
(updater: (value: any) => any, object: object): any;
interface LodashUpdate1x2 {
(path: lodash.PropertyPath): LodashUpdate1x3;
(path: lodash.__, object: object): LodashUpdate1x6;
(path: lodash.PropertyPath, object: object): any;
type LodashUpdate1x3 = (object: object) => any;
interface LodashUpdate1x4 {
(path: lodash.PropertyPath): LodashUpdate1x5;
(path: lodash.__, updater: (value: any) => any): LodashUpdate1x6;
(path: lodash.PropertyPath, updater: (value: any) => any): any;
type LodashUpdate1x5 = (updater: (value: any) => any) => any;
type LodashUpdate1x6 = (path: lodash.PropertyPath) => any;
interface LodashUpdateWith {
<T extends object>(customizer: lodash.SetWithCustomizer<T>): LodashUpdateWith1x1<T>;
(customizer: lodash.__, path: lodash.PropertyPath): LodashUpdateWith1x2;
<T extends object>(customizer: lodash.SetWithCustomizer<T>, path: lodash.PropertyPath): LodashUpdateWith1x3<T>;
(customizer: lodash.__, path: lodash.__, updater: (oldValue: any) => any): LodashUpdateWith1x4;
<T extends object>(customizer: lodash.SetWithCustomizer<T>, path: lodash.__, updater: (oldValue: any) => any): LodashUpdateWith1x5<T>;
(customizer: lodash.__, path: lodash.PropertyPath, updater: (oldValue: any) => any): LodashUpdateWith1x6;
<T extends object>(customizer: lodash.SetWithCustomizer<T>, path: lodash.PropertyPath, updater: (oldValue: any) => any): LodashUpdateWith1x7<T>;
<T extends object>(customizer: lodash.__, path: lodash.__, updater: lodash.__, object: T): LodashUpdateWith1x8<T>;
<T extends object>(customizer: lodash.SetWithCustomizer<T>, path: lodash.__, updater: lodash.__, object: T): LodashUpdateWith1x9<T>;
<T extends object>(customizer: lodash.__, path: lodash.PropertyPath, updater: lodash.__, object: T): LodashUpdateWith1x10<T>;
<T extends object>(customizer: lodash.SetWithCustomizer<T>, path: lodash.PropertyPath, updater: lodash.__, object: T): LodashUpdateWith1x11<T>;
<T extends object>(customizer: lodash.__, path: lodash.__, updater: (oldValue: any) => any, object: T): LodashUpdateWith1x12<T>;
<T extends object>(customizer: lodash.SetWithCustomizer<T>, path: lodash.__, updater: (oldValue: any) => any, object: T): LodashUpdateWith1x13<T>;
<T extends object>(customizer: lodash.__, path: lodash.PropertyPath, updater: (oldValue: any) => any, object: T): LodashUpdateWith1x14<T>;
<T extends object>(customizer: lodash.SetWithCustomizer<T>, path: lodash.PropertyPath, updater: (oldValue: any) => any, object: T): T;
interface LodashUpdateWith1x1<T> {
(path: lodash.PropertyPath): LodashUpdateWith1x3<T>;
(path: lodash.__, updater: (oldValue: any) => any): LodashUpdateWith1x5<T>;
(path: lodash.PropertyPath, updater: (oldValue: any) => any): LodashUpdateWith1x7<T>;
(path: lodash.__, updater: lodash.__, object: T): LodashUpdateWith1x9<T>;
(path: lodash.PropertyPath, updater: lodash.__, object: T): LodashUpdateWith1x11<T>;
(path: lodash.__, updater: (oldValue: any) => any, object: T): LodashUpdateWith1x13<T>;
(path: lodash.PropertyPath, updater: (oldValue: any) => any, object: T): T;
interface LodashUpdateWith1x2 {
<T extends object>(customizer: lodash.SetWithCustomizer<T>): LodashUpdateWith1x3<T>;
(customizer: lodash.__, updater: (oldValue: any) => any): LodashUpdateWith1x6;
<T extends object>(customizer: lodash.SetWithCustomizer<T>, updater: (oldValue: any) => any): LodashUpdateWith1x7<T>;
<T extends object>(customizer: lodash.__, updater: lodash.__, object: T): LodashUpdateWith1x10<T>;
<T extends object>(customizer: lodash.SetWithCustomizer<T>, updater: lodash.__, object: T): LodashUpdateWith1x11<T>;
<T extends object>(customizer: lodash.__, updater: (oldValue: any) => any, object: T): LodashUpdateWith1x14<T>;
<T extends object>(customizer: lodash.SetWithCustomizer<T>, updater: (oldValue: any) => any, object: T): T;
interface LodashUpdateWith1x3<T> {
(updater: (oldValue: any) => any): LodashUpdateWith1x7<T>;
(updater: lodash.__, object: T): LodashUpdateWith1x11<T>;
(updater: (oldValue: any) => any, object: T): T;
interface LodashUpdateWith1x4 {
<T extends object>(customizer: lodash.SetWithCustomizer<T>): LodashUpdateWith1x5<T>;
(customizer: lodash.__, path: lodash.PropertyPath): LodashUpdateWith1x6;
<T extends object>(customizer: lodash.SetWithCustomizer<T>, path: lodash.PropertyPath): LodashUpdateWith1x7<T>;
<T extends object>(customizer: lodash.__, path: lodash.__, object: T): LodashUpdateWith1x12<T>;
<T extends object>(customizer: lodash.SetWithCustomizer<T>, path: lodash.__, object: T): LodashUpdateWith1x13<T>;
<T extends object>(customizer: lodash.__, path: lodash.PropertyPath, object: T): LodashUpdateWith1x14<T>;
<T extends object>(customizer: lodash.SetWithCustomizer<T>, path: lodash.PropertyPath, object: T): T;
interface LodashUpdateWith1x5<T> {
(path: lodash.PropertyPath): LodashUpdateWith1x7<T>;
(path: lodash.__, object: T): LodashUpdateWith1x13<T>;
(path: lodash.PropertyPath, object: T): T;
interface LodashUpdateWith1x6 {
<T extends object>(customizer: lodash.SetWithCustomizer<T>): LodashUpdateWith1x7<T>;
<T extends object>(customizer: lodash.__, object: T): LodashUpdateWith1x14<T>;
<T extends object>(customizer: lodash.SetWithCustomizer<T>, object: T): T;
type LodashUpdateWith1x7<T> = (object: T) => T;
interface LodashUpdateWith1x8<T> {
(customizer: lodash.SetWithCustomizer<T>): LodashUpdateWith1x9<T>;
(customizer: lodash.__, path: lodash.PropertyPath): LodashUpdateWith1x10<T>;
(customizer: lodash.SetWithCustomizer<T>, path: lodash.PropertyPath): LodashUpdateWith1x11<T>;
(customizer: lodash.__, path: lodash.__, updater: (oldValue: any) => any): LodashUpdateWith1x12<T>;
(customizer: lodash.SetWithCustomizer<T>, path: lodash.__, updater: (oldValue: any) => any): LodashUpdateWith1x13<T>;
(customizer: lodash.__, path: lodash.PropertyPath, updater: (oldValue: any) => any): LodashUpdateWith1x14<T>;
(customizer: lodash.SetWithCustomizer<T>, path: lodash.PropertyPath, updater: (oldValue: any) => any): T;
interface LodashUpdateWith1x9<T> {
(path: lodash.PropertyPath): LodashUpdateWith1x11<T>;
(path: lodash.__, updater: (oldValue: any) => any): LodashUpdateWith1x13<T>;
(path: lodash.PropertyPath, updater: (oldValue: any) => any): T;
interface LodashUpdateWith1x10<T> {
(customizer: lodash.SetWithCustomizer<T>): LodashUpdateWith1x11<T>;
(customizer: lodash.__, updater: (oldValue: any) => any): LodashUpdateWith1x14<T>;
(customizer: lodash.SetWithCustomizer<T>, updater: (oldValue: any) => any): T;
type LodashUpdateWith1x11<T> = (updater: (oldValue: any) => any) => T;
interface LodashUpdateWith1x12<T> {
(customizer: lodash.SetWithCustomizer<T>): LodashUpdateWith1x13<T>;
(customizer: lodash.__, path: lodash.PropertyPath): LodashUpdateWith1x14<T>;
(customizer: lodash.SetWithCustomizer<T>, path: lodash.PropertyPath): T;
type LodashUpdateWith1x13<T> = (path: lodash.PropertyPath) => T;
type LodashUpdateWith1x14<T> = (customizer: lodash.SetWithCustomizer<T>) => T;
type LodashUpperCase = (string: string) => string;
type LodashUpperFirst = (string: string) => string;
interface LodashValues {
<T>(object: lodash.Dictionary<T> | lodash.NumericDictionary<T> | lodash.List<T> | null | undefined): T[];
<T extends object>(object: T | null | undefined): Array<T[keyof T]>;
(object: any): any[];
interface LodashValuesIn {
<T>(object: lodash.Dictionary<T> | lodash.NumericDictionary<T> | lodash.List<T> | null | undefined): T[];
<T extends object>(object: T | null | undefined): Array<T[keyof T]>;
interface LodashWithout {
<T>(values: readonly T[]): LodashWithout1x1<T>;
<T>(values: lodash.__, array: lodash.List<T> | null | undefined): LodashWithout1x2<T>;
<T>(values: readonly T[], array: lodash.List<T> | null | undefined): T[];
type LodashWithout1x1<T> = (array: lodash.List<T> | null | undefined) => T[];
type LodashWithout1x2<T> = (values: readonly T[]) => T[];
type LodashWords = (string: string) => string[];
interface LodashWrap {
<T, TArgs, TResult>(wrapper: (value: T, ...args: TArgs[]) => TResult): LodashWrap1x1<T, TArgs, TResult>;
<T>(wrapper: lodash.__, value: T): LodashWrap1x2<T>;
<T, TArgs, TResult>(wrapper: (value: T, ...args: TArgs[]) => TResult, value: T): (...args: TArgs[]) => TResult;
type LodashWrap1x1<T, TArgs, TResult> = (value: T) => (...args: TArgs[]) => TResult;
type LodashWrap1x2<T> = <TArgs, TResult>(wrapper: (value: T, ...args: TArgs[]) => TResult) => (...args: TArgs[]) => TResult;
interface LodashZip {
<T1>(arrays1: lodash.List<T1>): LodashZip1x1<T1>;
<T2>(arrays1: lodash.__, arrays2: lodash.List<T2>): LodashZip1x2<T2>;
<T1, T2>(arrays1: lodash.List<T1>, arrays2: lodash.List<T2>): Array<[T1 | undefined, T2 | undefined]>;
type LodashZip1x1<T1> = <T2>(arrays2: lodash.List<T2>) => Array<[T1 | undefined, T2 | undefined]>;
type LodashZip1x2<T2> = <T1>(arrays1: lodash.List<T1>) => Array<[T1 | undefined, T2 | undefined]>;
interface LodashZipAll {
<T1, T2>(arrays1: [lodash.List<T1>, lodash.List<T2>]): Array<[T1 | undefined, T2 | undefined]>;
<T1, T2, T3>(arrays1: [lodash.List<T1>, lodash.List<T2>, lodash.List<T3>]): Array<[T1 | undefined, T2 | undefined, T3 | undefined]>;
<T1, T2, T3, T4>(arrays1: [lodash.List<T1>, lodash.List<T2>, lodash.List<T3>, lodash.List<T4>]): Array<[T1 | undefined, T2 | undefined, T3 | undefined, T4 | undefined]>;
<T1, T2, T3, T4, T5>(arrays1: [lodash.List<T1>, lodash.List<T2>, lodash.List<T3>, lodash.List<T4>, lodash.List<T5>]): Array<[T1 | undefined, T2 | undefined, T3 | undefined, T4 | undefined, T5 | undefined]>;
<T>(arrays: ReadonlyArray<lodash.List<T> | null | undefined>): Array<Array<T | undefined>>;
interface LodashZipObject {
(props: lodash.List<lodash.PropertyName>): LodashZipObject1x1;
<T>(props: lodash.__, values: lodash.List<T>): LodashZipObject1x2<T>;
<T>(props: lodash.List<lodash.PropertyName>, values: lodash.List<T>): lodash.Dictionary<T>;
type LodashZipObject1x1 = <T>(values: lodash.List<T>) => lodash.Dictionary<T>;
type LodashZipObject1x2<T> = (props: lodash.List<lodash.PropertyName>) => lodash.Dictionary<T>;
interface LodashZipObjectDeep {
(paths: lodash.List<lodash.PropertyPath>): LodashZipObjectDeep1x1;
(paths: lodash.__, values: lodash.List<any>): LodashZipObjectDeep1x2;
(paths: lodash.List<lodash.PropertyPath>, values: lodash.List<any>): object;
type LodashZipObjectDeep1x1 = (values: lodash.List<any>) => object;
type LodashZipObjectDeep1x2 = (paths: lodash.List<lodash.PropertyPath>) => object;
interface LodashZipWith {
<T1, T2, TResult>(iteratee: (value1: T1, value2: T2) => TResult): LodashZipWith1x1<T1, T2, TResult>;
<T1>(iteratee: lodash.__, arrays1: lodash.List<T1>): LodashZipWith1x2<T1>;
<T1, T2, TResult>(iteratee: (value1: T1, value2: T2) => TResult, arrays1: lodash.List<T1>): LodashZipWith1x3<T2, TResult>;
<T2>(iteratee: lodash.__, arrays1: lodash.__, arrays2: lodash.List<T2>): LodashZipWith1x4<T2>;
<T1, T2, TResult>(iteratee: (value1: T1, value2: T2) => TResult, arrays1: lodash.__, arrays2: lodash.List<T2>): LodashZipWith1x5<T1, TResult>;
<T1, T2>(iteratee: lodash.__, arrays1: lodash.List<T1>, arrays2: lodash.List<T2>): LodashZipWith1x6<T1, T2>;
<T1, T2, TResult>(iteratee: (value1: T1, value2: T2) => TResult, arrays1: lodash.List<T1>, arrays2: lodash.List<T2>): TResult[];
interface LodashZipWith1x1<T1, T2, TResult> {
(arrays1: lodash.List<T1>): LodashZipWith1x3<T2, TResult>;
(arrays1: lodash.__, arrays2: lodash.List<T2>): LodashZipWith1x5<T1, TResult>;
(arrays1: lodash.List<T1>, arrays2: lodash.List<T2>): TResult[];
interface LodashZipWith1x2<T1> {
<T2, TResult>(iteratee: (value1: T1, value2: T2) => TResult): LodashZipWith1x3<T2, TResult>;
<T2>(iteratee: lodash.__, arrays2: lodash.List<T2>): LodashZipWith1x6<T1, T2>;
<T2, TResult>(iteratee: (value1: T1, value2: T2) => TResult, arrays2: lodash.List<T2>): TResult[];
type LodashZipWith1x3<T2, TResult> = (arrays2: lodash.List<T2>) => TResult[];
interface LodashZipWith1x4<T2> {
<T1, TResult>(iteratee: (value1: T1, value2: T2) => TResult): LodashZipWith1x5<T1, TResult>;
<T1>(iteratee: lodash.__, arrays1: lodash.List<T1>): LodashZipWith1x6<T1, T2>;
<T1, TResult>(iteratee: (value1: T1, value2: T2) => TResult, arrays1: lodash.List<T1>): TResult[];
type LodashZipWith1x5<T1, TResult> = (arrays1: lodash.List<T1>) => TResult[];
type LodashZipWith1x6<T1, T2> = <TResult>(iteratee: (value1: T1, value2: T2) => TResult) => TResult[];
interface LoDashFp {
add: LodashAdd;
after: LodashAfter;
all: LodashEvery;
allPass: LodashOverEvery;
always: LodashConstant;
any: LodashSome;
anyPass: LodashOverSome;
apply: LodashApply;
ary: LodashAry;
assign: LodashAssign;
assignAll: LodashAssignAll;
assignAllWith: LodashAssignAllWith;
assignIn: LodashAssignIn;
assignInAll: LodashAssignInAll;
assignInAllWith: LodashAssignInAllWith;
assignInWith: LodashAssignInWith;
assignWith: LodashAssignWith;
assoc: LodashSet;
assocPath: LodashSet;
at: LodashAt;
attempt: LodashAttempt;
before: LodashBefore;
bind: LodashBind;
bindAll: LodashBindAll;
bindKey: LodashBindKey;
camelCase: LodashCamelCase;
capitalize: LodashCapitalize;
castArray: LodashCastArray;
ceil: LodashCeil;
chunk: LodashChunk;
clamp: LodashClamp;
clone: LodashClone;
cloneDeep: LodashCloneDeep;
cloneDeepWith: LodashCloneDeepWith;
cloneWith: LodashCloneWith;
compact: LodashCompact;
complement: LodashNegate;
compose: LodashFlowRight;
concat: LodashConcat;
cond: LodashCond;
conforms: LodashConformsTo;
conformsTo: LodashConformsTo;
constant: LodashConstant;
contains: LodashContains;
countBy: LodashCountBy;
create: LodashCreate;
curry: LodashCurry;
curryN: LodashCurryN;
curryRight: LodashCurryRight;
curryRightN: LodashCurryRightN;
debounce: LodashDebounce;
deburr: LodashDeburr;
defaults: LodashDefaults;
defaultsAll: LodashDefaultsAll;
defaultsDeep: LodashDefaultsDeep;
defaultsDeepAll: LodashDefaultsDeepAll;
defaultTo: LodashDefaultTo;
defer: LodashDefer;
delay: LodashDelay;
difference: LodashDifference;
differenceBy: LodashDifferenceBy;
differenceWith: LodashDifferenceWith;
dissoc: LodashUnset;
dissocPath: LodashUnset;
divide: LodashDivide;
drop: LodashDrop;
dropLast: LodashDropRight;
dropLastWhile: LodashDropRightWhile;
dropRight: LodashDropRight;
dropRightWhile: LodashDropRightWhile;
dropWhile: LodashDropWhile;
each: LodashForEach;
eachRight: LodashForEachRight;
endsWith: LodashEndsWith;
entries: LodashToPairs;
entriesIn: LodashToPairsIn;
eq: LodashEq;
equals: LodashIsEqual;
escape: LodashEscape;
escapeRegExp: LodashEscapeRegExp;
every: LodashEvery;
extend: LodashExtend;
extendAll: LodashExtendAll;
extendAllWith: LodashExtendAllWith;
extendWith: LodashExtendWith;
F: LodashStubFalse;
fill: LodashFill;
filter: LodashFilter;
find: LodashFind;
findFrom: LodashFindFrom;
findIndex: LodashFindIndex;
findIndexFrom: LodashFindIndexFrom;
findKey: LodashFindKey;
findLast: LodashFindLast;
findLastFrom: LodashFindLastFrom;
findLastIndex: LodashFindLastIndex;
findLastIndexFrom: LodashFindLastIndexFrom;
findLastKey: LodashFindLastKey;
first: LodashHead;
flatMap: LodashFlatMap;
flatMapDeep: LodashFlatMapDeep;
flatMapDepth: LodashFlatMapDepth;
flatten: LodashFlatten;
flattenDeep: LodashFlattenDeep;
flattenDepth: LodashFlattenDepth;
flip: LodashFlip;
floor: LodashFloor;
flow: LodashFlow;
flowRight: LodashFlowRight;
forEach: LodashForEach;
forEachRight: LodashForEachRight;
forIn: LodashForIn;
forInRight: LodashForInRight;
forOwn: LodashForOwn;
forOwnRight: LodashForOwnRight;
fromPairs: LodashFromPairs;
functions: LodashFunctions;
functionsIn: LodashFunctionsIn;
get: LodashGet;
getOr: LodashGetOr;
groupBy: LodashGroupBy;
gt: LodashGt;
gte: LodashGte;
has: LodashHas;
hasIn: LodashHasIn;
head: LodashHead;
identical: LodashEq;
identity: LodashIdentity;
includes: LodashIncludes;
includesFrom: LodashIncludesFrom;
indexBy: LodashKeyBy;
indexOf: LodashIndexOf;
indexOfFrom: LodashIndexOfFrom;
init: LodashInitial;
initial: LodashInitial;
inRange: LodashInRange;
intersection: LodashIntersection;
intersectionBy: LodashIntersectionBy;
intersectionWith: LodashIntersectionWith;
invert: LodashInvert;
invertBy: LodashInvertBy;
invertObj: LodashInvert;
invoke: LodashInvoke;
invokeArgs: LodashInvokeArgs;
invokeArgsMap: LodashInvokeArgsMap;
invokeMap: LodashInvokeMap;
isArguments: LodashIsArguments;
isArray: LodashIsArray;
isArrayBuffer: LodashIsArrayBuffer;
isArrayLike: LodashIsArrayLike;
isArrayLikeObject: LodashIsArrayLikeObject;
isBoolean: LodashIsBoolean;
isBuffer: LodashIsBuffer;
isDate: LodashIsDate;
isElement: LodashIsElement;
isEmpty: LodashIsEmpty;
isEqual: LodashIsEqual;
isEqualWith: LodashIsEqualWith;
isError: LodashIsError;
isFinite: LodashIsFinite;
isFunction: LodashIsFunction;
isInteger: LodashIsInteger;
isLength: LodashIsLength;
isMap: LodashIsMap;
isMatch: LodashIsMatch;
isMatchWith: LodashIsMatchWith;
isNaN: LodashIsNaN;
isNative: LodashIsNative;
isNil: LodashIsNil;
isNull: LodashIsNull;
isNumber: LodashIsNumber;
isObject: LodashIsObject;
isObjectLike: LodashIsObjectLike;
isPlainObject: LodashIsPlainObject;
isRegExp: LodashIsRegExp;
isSafeInteger: LodashIsSafeInteger;
isSet: LodashIsSet;
isString: LodashIsString;
isSymbol: LodashIsSymbol;
isTypedArray: LodashIsTypedArray;
isUndefined: LodashIsUndefined;
isWeakMap: LodashIsWeakMap;
isWeakSet: LodashIsWeakSet;
iteratee: LodashIteratee;
join: LodashJoin;
juxt: LodashOver;
kebabCase: LodashKebabCase;
keyBy: LodashKeyBy;
keys: LodashKeys;
keysIn: LodashKeysIn;
last: LodashLast;
lastIndexOf: LodashLastIndexOf;
lastIndexOfFrom: LodashLastIndexOfFrom;
lowerCase: LodashLowerCase;
lowerFirst: LodashLowerFirst;
lt: LodashLt;
lte: LodashLte;
map: LodashMap;
mapKeys: LodashMapKeys;
mapValues: LodashMapValues;
matches: LodashIsMatch;
matchesProperty: LodashMatchesProperty;
max: LodashMax;
maxBy: LodashMaxBy;
mean: LodashMean;
meanBy: LodashMeanBy;
memoize: LodashMemoize;
merge: LodashMerge;
mergeAll: LodashMergeAll;
mergeAllWith: LodashMergeAllWith;
mergeWith: LodashMergeWith;
method: LodashMethod;
methodOf: LodashMethodOf;
min: LodashMin;
minBy: LodashMinBy;
multiply: LodashMultiply;
nAry: LodashAry;
negate: LodashNegate;
noConflict: LodashNoConflict;
noop: LodashNoop;
now: LodashNow;
nth: LodashNth;
nthArg: LodashNthArg;
omit: LodashOmit;
omitAll: LodashOmit;
omitBy: LodashOmitBy;
once: LodashOnce;
orderBy: LodashOrderBy;
over: LodashOver;
overArgs: LodashOverArgs;
overEvery: LodashOverEvery;
overSome: LodashOverSome;
pad: LodashPad;
padChars: LodashPadChars;
padCharsEnd: LodashPadCharsEnd;
padCharsStart: LodashPadCharsStart;
padEnd: LodashPadEnd;
padStart: LodashPadStart;
parseInt: LodashParseInt;
partial: LodashPartial;
partialRight: LodashPartialRight;
partition: LodashPartition;
path: LodashPath;
pathEq: LodashMatchesProperty;
pathOr: LodashPathOr;
paths: LodashAt;
pick: LodashPick;
pickAll: LodashPick;
pickBy: LodashPickBy;
pipe: LodashFlow;
pluck: LodashMap;
prop: LodashProp;
propEq: LodashMatchesProperty;
property: LodashProperty;
propertyOf: LodashPropertyOf;
propOr: LodashPropOr;
props: LodashAt;
pull: LodashPull;
pullAll: LodashPullAll;
pullAllBy: LodashPullAllBy;
pullAllWith: LodashPullAllWith;
pullAt: LodashPullAt;
random: LodashRandom;
range: LodashRange;
rangeRight: LodashRangeRight;
rangeStep: LodashRangeStep;
rangeStepRight: LodashRangeStepRight;
rearg: LodashRearg;
reduce: LodashReduce;
reduceRight: LodashReduceRight;
reject: LodashReject;
remove: LodashRemove;
repeat: LodashRepeat;
replace: LodashReplace;
rest: LodashRest;
restFrom: LodashRestFrom;
result: LodashResult;
reverse: LodashReverse;
round: LodashRound;
runInContext: LodashRunInContext;
sample: LodashSample;
sampleSize: LodashSampleSize;
set: LodashSet;
setWith: LodashSetWith;
shuffle: LodashShuffle;
size: LodashSize;
slice: LodashSlice;
snakeCase: LodashSnakeCase;
some: LodashSome;
sortBy: LodashSortBy;
sortedIndex: LodashSortedIndex;
sortedIndexBy: LodashSortedIndexBy;
sortedIndexOf: LodashSortedIndexOf;
sortedLastIndex: LodashSortedLastIndex;
sortedLastIndexBy: LodashSortedLastIndexBy;
sortedLastIndexOf: LodashSortedLastIndexOf;
sortedUniq: LodashSortedUniq;
sortedUniqBy: LodashSortedUniqBy;
split: LodashSplit;
spread: LodashSpread;
spreadFrom: LodashSpreadFrom;
startCase: LodashStartCase;
startsWith: LodashStartsWith;
stubArray: LodashStubArray;
stubFalse: LodashStubFalse;
stubObject: LodashStubObject;
stubString: LodashStubString;
stubTrue: LodashStubTrue;
subtract: LodashSubtract;
sum: LodashSum;
sumBy: LodashSumBy;
symmetricDifference: LodashXor;
symmetricDifferenceBy: LodashXorBy;
symmetricDifferenceWith: LodashXorWith;
T: LodashStubTrue;
tail: LodashTail;
take: LodashTake;
takeLast: LodashTakeRight;
takeLastWhile: LodashTakeRightWhile;
takeRight: LodashTakeRight;
takeRightWhile: LodashTakeRightWhile;
takeWhile: LodashTakeWhile;
tap: LodashTap;
template: LodashTemplate;
throttle: LodashThrottle;
thru: LodashThru;
times: LodashTimes;
toArray: LodashToArray;
toFinite: LodashToFinite;
toInteger: LodashToInteger;
toLength: LodashToLength;
toLower: LodashToLower;
toNumber: LodashToNumber;
toPairs: LodashToPairs;
toPairsIn: LodashToPairsIn;
toPath: LodashToPath;
toPlainObject: LodashToPlainObject;
toSafeInteger: LodashToSafeInteger;
toString: LodashToString;
toUpper: LodashToUpper;
transform: LodashTransform;
trim: LodashTrim;
trimChars: LodashTrimChars;
trimCharsEnd: LodashTrimCharsEnd;
trimCharsStart: LodashTrimCharsStart;
trimEnd: LodashTrimEnd;
trimStart: LodashTrimStart;
truncate: LodashTruncate;
unapply: LodashUnapply;
unary: LodashUnary;
unescape: LodashUnescape;
union: LodashUnion;
unionBy: LodashUnionBy;
unionWith: LodashUnionWith;
uniq: LodashUniq;
uniqBy: LodashUniqBy;
uniqueId: LodashUniqueId;
uniqWith: LodashUniqWith;
unnest: LodashFlatten;
unset: LodashUnset;
unzip: LodashUnzip;
unzipWith: LodashUnzipWith;
update: LodashUpdate;
updateWith: LodashUpdateWith;
upperCase: LodashUpperCase;
upperFirst: LodashUpperFirst;
useWith: LodashOverArgs;
values: LodashValues;
valuesIn: LodashValuesIn;
where: LodashConformsTo;
whereEq: LodashIsMatch;
without: LodashWithout;
words: LodashWords;
wrap: LodashWrap;
xor: LodashXor;
xorBy: LodashXorBy;
xorWith: LodashXorWith;
zip: LodashZip;
zipAll: LodashZipAll;
zipObj: LodashZipObject;
zipObject: LodashZipObject;
zipObjectDeep: LodashZipObjectDeep;
zipWith: LodashZipWith;
__: lodash.__;
placeholder: lodash.__;